


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 al migration modes, termed 'Continuous' and 'Discontinuous'.
2 itions between them are either continuous or discontinuous.
3 ata sets to show that tree cover is globally discontinuous.
4 ions, with the goal of making the model less discontinuous.
5 gic emissions solely where the permafrost is discontinuous.
6 ontaminated site in The Netherlands, via the discontinuous addition of methanol as electron donor.
7 llower cells via peripheral actin cables and discontinuous adherens junctions, and lead migrating clu
8 termined low-pH desensitized state, TM2 is a discontinuous alpha helix in which the Gly-Ala-Ser selec
9                                          The discontinuous anatomical structure of this area allows u
10 leration are reconciled in the occurrence of discontinuous and complete desolvation as the endpoint o
11   The epitope of monoclonal antibody 830A is discontinuous and composed of three segments: (i) Thr175
12  rich behaviors of these models that include discontinuous and continuous phase transitions.
13                          The Korean data are discontinuous and derived from 24 separate speleothems,
14 ithelial basement membrane was irregular and discontinuous and lacking typical morphology in all corn
15 rior colliculus (CNIC), whereas patterns are discontinuous and modular in the lateral cortex of the I
16 nificantly greater (P </= 0.01) when STL was discontinuous and SM tendon was ruptured.
17                                        Thus, discontinuous and sometime opposing elements in Girk1 un
18                  GWD deposits are inherently discontinuous and stratigraphically complex, which has l
19 x is noisy, alternating between asynchronous/discontinuous and synchronous/continuous states.
20 ions that require thermal activation or are "discontinuous" and transitions that occur without therma
21 ing suggest that the Z ring comprises short, discontinuous, and loosely bundled FtsZ polymers, some o
22                     The motif included three discontinuous approximately 18 nucleotide (nt) fragments
23                            It indicates that discontinuous arrangement of myocytes and extracellular
24   This thickening changes from continuous to discontinuous as the concentration is increased.
25 mab (1.25 mg) in continuous (every month) or discontinuous (as needed) regimens, with monthly review.
26 s proposed as an alternative to the standard discontinuous assay.
27 , requiring fastidious colorimetric tests in discontinuous assays.
28                 The system was fitted with a discontinuous atmospheric pressure interface to allow ex
29 eloped for hand-held mass spectrometers with discontinuous atmospheric pressure interfaces (DAPI).
30 eloped for hand-held mass spectrometers with discontinuous atmospheric pressure interfaces.
31 vely explain negative bulk polarization in a discontinuous bidomain model.
32 body retards deuteration not only across its discontinuous binding epitope but also around the S2 sit
33      Although most thin-film syntheses yield discontinuous BiVO4 layers, back reduction of photo-oxid
34 d additive phenotypes more prominently under discontinuous blue light conditions.
35 of acutely dividing NG2(+) cells, displaying discontinuous borders and significantly reduced GFAP den
36 iversion, and 6 patients were evacuated with discontinuous bowel.
37  blot assay (muWestern) using a Tris tricine discontinuous buffer system suitable for analyses of a w
38 ption is episodic, consisting of a series of discontinuous bursts.
39 Endothelial cells of initial lymphatics have discontinuous button-like junctions (buttons), unlike co
40 al care is a time-limited service to prevent discontinuous care and adverse outcomes, including rehos
41 ermal activation or are "continuous." In the discontinuous case, we find that sufficiently large shap
42 al nanoscale features, such as continuous or discontinuous cavities and channels.
43 hronic neuroinflammatory response, and (3) a discontinuous cellular change of state involving most, i
44 ntinuous changes in membrane conductances, a discontinuous change in axonal excitability can occur an
45 ed, and the temperature corresponding to the discontinuous change in Rct was identified as Tg.
46 nt structural transition is accompanied by a discontinuous change in the quadrupolar splitting of Fe(
47 all-resistance GaSb sample and explained the discontinuous change of resistivity after metallization.
48          In contrast, the same LCs exhibited discontinuous changes in orientation on surfaces present
49 s discrete levels of extension, representing discontinuous changes in the size of the melting bubble,
50 eate an environment favoring a directionally discontinuous channel hydrogen-bonded water chain and a
51 eory further predicts a phase transition and discontinuous charge regulation of the confined copolyme
52 optimised device as a biosupercapacitor in a discontinuous charge/discharge mode led to a generated p
53                                        Three discontinuous chromogenic substrate initial rate assays
54                  Despite the more narrow and discontinuous circumferential drainage elements in the p
55 gival overgrowth tissues is accompanied by a discontinuous collagen type IV expression pattern and de
56  dependent on whether there is continuous or discontinuous complementarity to the target mRNA.
57          The results indicate that both slow discontinuous conduction and steep dispersion of repolar
58 onduction delay are expected to be caused by discontinuous conduction in the same area with abnormal
59 d fractionated electrograms, suggesting slow discontinuous conduction; (4) prolonged recovery time (3
60  inhibitory responses in continuous, but not discontinuous connections.
61             Interestingly, CO molecules with discontinuous conversion tracts are commonly observed, c
62 ed defects relative to cvp1 mutants, such as discontinuous cotyledon vein pattern, and produce novel
63 er by measuring the luminescence output in a discontinuous coupled assay system.
64  evidence that seizures self-terminate via a discontinuous critical transition or bifurcation.
65                                          The discontinuous cross-linked gels reduce the required elec
66                                   Additional discontinuous data analysis revealed that high NuMA leve
67 mers is compatible with MMR and protects the discontinuous daughter strand from unnecessary degradati
68 phases indicated that organisms travelled in discontinuous deep-sea undular vortices consisting of ch
69                   In doing so, we describe a discontinuous developmental program governed by dynamic
70 guous injury on both sides of the diaphragm, discontinuous diaphragm sign, and transdiaphragmatic tra
71                                              Discontinuous diaphragm, herniation, collar, and depende
72                                           In discontinuous distillation, the use of the heart fractio
73 igase, supporting the textbook model of semi-discontinuous DNA replication.
74 respond to the transition from continuous to discontinuous DNA synthesis.
75 eaDomEx, for both continuous domain (CD) and discontinuous domain (DCD) structure predictions.
76  for Free Modeling, Hard multiple-domain and discontinuous domain proteins, respectively, which are s
77             This approach can be extended to discontinuous domains (i.e. domains with 'inserted' doma
78 ified topological fold in which these widely discontinuous domains are intimately associated.
79  There is no efficient method for predicting discontinuous domains that consist of segments from sepa
80        In a second test on 486 proteins with discontinuous domains, ThreaDom achieves an average prec
81  structures exist on the basis of beta-sheet discontinuous domains.
82                We further demonstrate that a discontinuous dosing strategy, which exploits the fitnes
83 h = 4.2 x 10(11) A.m(-2)) for the DW motion, discontinuous DW depinning and motion have been observed
84                           In both structures discontinuous electron density for the 99-loop indicates
85                       Associating temporally discontinuous elements is crucial for the formation of e
86 nse molecules designed to hybridize with the discontinuous elements that flank the structure and ther
87 segments of Abeta, although many recognize a discontinuous epitope consisting of an N-terminal domain
88                            CR4354 binds to a discontinuous epitope formed by protein segments from tw
89                                          The discontinuous epitope of glycosylation-dependent mAb PRC
90   In particular, the mAb AR4A, recognizing a discontinuous epitope outside the CD81bs on the E1E2 com
91                            Recently, several discontinuous epitope prediction servers became availabl
92                         MAb4B12 recognized a discontinuous epitope probably located in the region of
93          We found that mAb IGH526 bound to a discontinuous epitope, but with a major component corres
94 s away were changed, suggesting binding to a discontinuous epitope.
95 ng that they recognized a conformational and discontinuous epitope.
96                We affirm that continuous and discontinuous epitopes of well-characterized bNAbs are c
97 apping tool was updated to enable mapping of discontinuous epitopes onto 3D structures.
98  to a number of neutralizing antibodies with discontinuous epitopes.
99                            This implies that discontinuous evolution, with rapid changes in phenotype
100 ression in vitro and in vivo while aberrant, discontinuous expression of claudin-5 in the brains of s
101 hanges from one state to another in a highly discontinuous fashion.
102 10(3) microstrains in response to slip along discontinuous faults cutting crystalline bedrock of the
103                                              Discontinuous fibre composites represent a class of mate
104 rtially explain the abundance and variety of discontinuous fibre composites that have evolved in the
105 ng a high level of possible customization in discontinuous fibre composites with arbitrary geometries
106 g technologies to create highly programmable discontinuous fibre composites.
107 continuous phase with wheat starch being the discontinuous filler, an outcome that is explored in the
108  (ToF-SIMS) surface analysis revealed a thin discontinuous film of polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) surfactant
109  M1 layer of the M(NLS-88R) virion exhibited discontinuous fingerprint-like patterns with average thi
110 ally been monitored by a modification of the discontinuous Fiske-SubbaRow assay, which is relatively
111 at, then use the exponentially-converging hp-discontinuous Galerkin discretization in time to reduce
112 nel of this algorithm is the subdomain level discontinuous Galerkin time domain (DGTD) method, which
113 s that the probe must traverse through (i) a discontinuous gel interface central to the transient iso
114 he green alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii, two discontinuous group II introns, psaA-i1 and psaA-i2, spl
115                                  Due to this discontinuous growth of the tracheal system, insect larv
116                    We show both HSFs bind to discontinuous heat shock element (HSE) sequences we iden
117  the conserved 'crossover' region, where two discontinuous helices cross each other, alternating acce
118 i-Moriya (DM) interactions and experiences a discontinuous hysteretic magnetic-field-induced switchin
119 tinuous with BF-ST tendon in 12 patients and discontinuous in 12 patients.
120 menon, undergoing a phase transition that is discontinuous in the scaling limit.
121 umber and often from single sites [7] and/or discontinuous in time [10, 11].
122 bital tuning or ice-core timescales, or were discontinuous in time.
123          Mucosal lining may be continuous or discontinuous in XGC.
124 uous phase whilst whey protein aggregated in discontinuous inclusions within the pressurised mixed sy
125 , where an increase in deformation induces a discontinuous increase in response force.
126 onditions may provide an explanation for the discontinuous increase in shear wave velocity found in s
127 t anticipated, but is probably caused by the discontinuous infalling motion at the centrifugal barrie
128       However, available activity assays are discontinuous, involving either radioactivity detection
129 ion from stationary to growing asters with a discontinuous jump of the aster velocity to a nonzero va
130                                              Discontinuous layer 2 modules are positive for AChE, NAD
131 ix to a continuous LC linear mesh separating discontinuous LE domains.
132           These results support the model of discontinuous leading strand synthesis in E. coli.
133 d deletion of Gata4 caused transformation of discontinuous liver sinusoids into continuous capillarie
134 vored at high adhesion/full contraction) and Discontinuous (low adhesion/inhibited contraction) modes
135                              The switch from discontinuous LSECs to continuous ECs during embryogenes
136  chimeras of internal retrocopies flanked by discontinuous LTR retrotransposons.
137 evealed crevice negotiation to be a complex, discontinuous maneuver.
138 s whether evolution proceeds in a gradual or discontinuous manner, and whether convergent evolution i
139 omal replication, instead supporting a fully discontinuous mechanism in which synthesis of both leadi
140 ment was equivalent to continuous treatment (discontinuous minus continuous -0.35 letters; 95% CI, -2
141 Concomitant nucleosome assembly protects the discontinuous mismatch-containing strands from excessive
142 ssay may be used in either a continuous or a discontinuous mode.
143 his analysis provides support for a strongly discontinuous model for how human genetic variability is
144 Our data challenges the widely-accepted semi-discontinuous model of chromosomal replication, instead
145                            In addition, in a discontinuous model the OVA-specific CD8(+) T cells coul
146                 Here, we test the ability of discontinuous molecular dynamics (DMD) simulations based
147 bic crowders on protein aggregation by using discontinuous molecular dynamics (DMD) simulations in co
148                                In this work, discontinuous molecular dynamics combined with the PRIME
149                                 Using 12 mus discontinuous molecular dynamics simulations combined wi
150                                  By applying discontinuous molecular dynamics simulations to PRIME20,
151  of multimodal recognition for continuous or discontinuous monitoring of human activity, biological s
152  region (DEP-C) in binding a three-segmented discontinuous motif in Fz.
153  as PRC5, required alanine and asparagine at discontinuous mouse PrP residues 132 and 158, which acqu
154 hickening, intramural nodules, continuous or discontinuous mucosal lining and cholelithiasis may indi
155                                              Discontinuous mucosal lining is evident in xanthogranulo
156 athophysiological findings, we conclude that discontinuous mucosal lining is not an unusual finding i
157                                              Discontinuous mucosal lining was seen in all cases with
158  nodules were present in 87.5% of cases with discontinuous mucosal lining.
159         The majority of cases (22/30) showed discontinuous mucosal lining.
160                                   Due to the discontinuous nature of DNA replication, primase activit
161 p to a certain length-scale, below which the discontinuous nature of matter becomes manifest.
162                                          The discontinuous nature of the Fz-Dvl interface may allow f
163                                    Given the discontinuous nature of tissue-resident memory CD8(+) T
164              Electron microscopy indicated a discontinuous network for the niosome-loaded cross-linke
165 ong and balanced responses to the four major discontinuous neutralizing epitopes of gD2.
166                Transcription of genes can be discontinuous, occurring in pulses or bursts.
167 s mainly caused by passive entrapment in the discontinuous openings in the endothelium of the liver a
168  most PLD assays developed so far are either discontinuous or based on the indirect determination of
169 s either use radiolabeled substrates and are discontinuous or monitor pyrophosphate release and not f
170 r the resulting shape transformation will be discontinuous or smooth.
171  pseudo-template when the template strand is discontinuous or unavailable, whilst diffusing away if p
172  as strong shear thickening characterized by discontinuous, orders-of-magnitude increases in suspensi
173  neurons were larger and more often involved discontinuous parts of the hand compared with controls.
174 e compositionally distinct material occur as discontinuous patches along the margins of thermochemica
175 luorescence microscopy reveals an unexpected discontinuous, patchy synthesis pattern.
176 hese results demonstrate that continuous and discontinuous pathways are capable of diverse synaptic p
177 mulation was applied to either continuous or discontinuous pathways.
178 otential of brain mitochondria isolated by a discontinuous Percoll gradient method was calculated to
179    We conclude that the loss of sporadic and discontinuous permafrost by 2100 could result in a loss
180 multiyear study investigated thaw ponds in a discontinuous permafrost region in the Subarctic taiga (
181 st) OC that is preferentially mobilized from discontinuous permafrost regions, where hydrological con
182 four field sites within boreal forest in the discontinuous permafrost zone (NWT, Canada).
183                           Located within the discontinuous permafrost zone, this region has significa
184 yer, liver sinusoidal ECs (LSECs) constitute discontinuous, permeable microvessels.
185 etic variation was large in effect producing discontinuous phenotypes.
186 ditions, the lens boundary demarcated by the discontinuous plate edges actually resembles a smooth co
187 s electrophoretic immunoassays, we introduce discontinuous polyacrylamide gels that enable quantitati
188                        Association with this discontinuous polyQ domain did not prevent 103Q aggregat
189 nd continuous pore filling, irreversible and discontinuous pore filling through capillary condensatio
190  imidazolate framework ZIF-4(Zn) undergoes a discontinuous porous to dense phase transition on coolin
191  nanoscale two-phase microstructures through discontinuous precipitation followed by selective etchin
192 ynthesis technique is demonstrated using the discontinuous precipitation of a gamma' phase, (Ni, Co)3
193  be applied to any alloy system in which the discontinuous precipitation transformation goes to compl
194 onsidering extraction processes (traditional discontinuous press vs 3-phases centrifugal system) and
195 anonical model, DNA replication is a largely discontinuous process in vivo due to pervasive replicati
196 ly envisioned, progression to metaphase is a discontinuous process involving chromosome expansion as
197 us RNA synthesis, whereas transcription is a discontinuous process unique among RNA viruses.
198 200, suggesting that the binding encompasses discontinuous protein segments.
199 oxylem, while overexpression of IAA30 causes discontinuous protoxylem and occasional ectopic metaxyle
200  Five of the eight mAbs exhibited binding to discontinuous PrP epitopes, all of which were disrupted
201 e, sisters separate end-to-end in sequential discontinuous pulses, each elongating the nucleoid by 5%
202   Typically, small-volume CFS is followed by discontinuous purification; however, a fully continuous
203 human antibody with its analogous epitope, a discontinuous quaternary structure located at the surfac
204                       European wolves have a discontinuous range, with large and connected population
205 nt tumors in vivo with the administration of discontinuous rather than continuous regimens of drug do
206 hesized as a single polypeptide chain from a discontinuous reading frame as a result of bypassing of
207 tivities, which are difficult to assess with discontinuous readout methods.
208  results, along with descriptions of random, discontinuous receptive fields in the central olfactory
209 ab in continuous regimen, 137 ranibizumab in discontinuous regimen, 127 bevacizumab in continuous reg
210 n continuous regimen, and 127 bevacizumab in discontinuous regimen.
211  domains is composed of amino acids in three discontinuous regions.
212 response, whereas Strain-SL and SPWMD showed discontinuous relationships characterized by data cluste
213 W) independently of the organism, suggesting discontinuous replication of both the leading and the la
214 e features imply a more dynamic, kinetically discontinuous replication process, wherein contacts with
215 cooperative tetramer, but how p53 recognizes discontinuous REs is not well understood.
216  is possible to transplant a large number of discontinuous residues between DENV serotypes and partia
217 ding site was identified for D18, comprising discontinuous residues in helix 1 of PrP, brought into c
218 te preference and sequence identity of 50-57 discontinuous residues surrounding the catalytic groove.
219               The D8 epitope is formed by 23 discontinuous residues that are spread across 80% of the
220 ts upward-looking portion is resolved into a discontinuous retina with 12 distinct groups, each servi
221                   Here, the positions of the discontinuous ribosomal transfer during shunting were ma
222 bacterial tubulin FtsZ polymerizes to form a discontinuous ring that drives bacterial cell division b
223 ial chromatin reorganization coinciding with discontinuous RNA production in both wild-type and mutan
224 ging strand-to be synthesised as a series of discontinuous, RNA-primed Okazaki fragments, which must
225 replace the conventional salt gradient by a (discontinuous) salt-free, pH gradient.
226 ther the known species of Fargesia represent discontinuous sampling of Thamnocalamus.
227 ta indicate that Fargesia is not a result of discontinuous sampling of Thamnocalamus; thus, Fargesia
228 ave demonstrated that P3 can bind to several discontinuous segments within the alphaIIb beta-propelle
229   The water structure around the ion becomes discontinuous, separated into two sections, above and be
230  need of high-voltage electric field, and/or discontinuous separation (particularly for devices witho
231                With the use of the optimized discontinuous separation gels, both assays were linear a
232 T-cell responses targeted ADH31-95 and other discontinuous sequences in the ADH peptide, whereas only
233 nds by anti-parallel beta-strand addition to discontinuous sets of N-terminal FN type I modules, (2-5
234                                  We identify discontinuous shear thickening with a marginally jammed
235                          We observe a nearly discontinuous shift of the peak frequencies and areas of
236 o pressures reaching 2.1 GPa, characteristic discontinuous shifts and broadenings of the absorption s
237 ct with PCSK9, notably the beta-strand and a discontinuous short alpha-helix, and it engaged in the s
238 division appears to be a secondary effect of discontinuous sieve element files and subsequent systemi
239                During embryonic development, discontinuous sinusoids also allow circulating hematopoi
240                   For example, in the liver, discontinuous sinusoids, which are fenestrated capillari
241 factor GATA4 in promoting the development of discontinuous sinusoids.
242 ght into the mechanism by which p53 binds to discontinuous sites with one base-pair spacer.
243                                 A pronounced discontinuous softening of the molecular vibron was foun
244                              Specifically, a discontinuous solid-solid transition in a 2D crystal of
245 , the same complex pattern of alterations in discontinuous spans of chain lengths was observed, which
246  existing PMDs cannot measure objects having discontinuous specular surfaces.
247 rons, however, communicate primarily through discontinuous spiking.
248 actor, MALAT1 small interfering RNAs induced discontinuous sprouts indicative of defective proliferat
249  respond to small perturbations with abrupt, discontinuous state shifts, or critical transitions.
250 ative view: that fate transitions occur in a discontinuous, stochastic manner whereby signals modulat
251 ablished that unnecessary degradation of the discontinuous strand that takes place in both DNA polyme
252    Visual input often arrives in a noisy and discontinuous stream, owing to head and eye movements, o
253 s, the scaffold transforms into a physically discontinuous structure during the transition from infra
254 , otherwise there's no obvious treatment for discontinuous structures, or for verbatim recall.
255                                  Composed of discontinuous struts and continuous cables, such systems
256   One propeller is highly atypical, having a discontinuous subdomain unrelated to a WD40 motif in pla
257                                              Discontinuous sucrose density gradient fractionation and
258  in the light sucrose density fraction after discontinuous sucrose gradient ultracentrifugation, whic
259 appeared when spectral contrast changes were discontinuous, suggesting that perceived motion in dista
260 along the length of the cell and exhibited a discontinuous surface layer more consistent with a parti
261                                          The discontinuous surface structures that were earlier inter
262 e of specular objects having isolated and/or discontinuous surfaces accurately and effectively.
263 ncy are often coordinated across extended or discontinuous surfaces.
264 l is being developed by research pursuing a "Discontinuous Synthesis Model" (DSM) for the formation o
265 ntinuous synthesis of leading-strand DNA and discontinuous synthesis of lagging-strand DNA.
266 ct positioning of Loop1 and to juxtapose the discontinuous template strand during NHEJ of incompatibl
267 prefrontal-hippocampal activity couples with discontinuous theta oscillations and neuronal firing in
268    First, a previous theory that predicted a discontinuous, threshold response is shown to omit a dom
269 ication and specificity testing takes 6 d of discontinuous time.
270  also when cortical activity switches from a discontinuous to a continuous pattern.
271 data here provide some new insights into the discontinuous to continuous extension of PRRSV RNA synth
272                               Mendel studied discontinuous traits and subsequent Mendelians, led by B
273 y to velocity changes between continuous and discontinuous trajectories.
274 ey carry the genomic leader as the result of discontinuous transcription at intergenic donor signals
275 A (sgmRNA) synthesis occurs via a process of discontinuous transcription involving transcription regu
276  polymerase template-switching donor signal, discontinuous transcription occurs at this site, and a s
277 ransformation at RT, a relatively abrupt and discontinuous transformation around 5.5 GPa is observed
278  a century, this onset has been treated as a discontinuous transition at which hydrodynamic forces ov
279                                          The discontinuous transition between these states is a funda
280 own takes place through a first-order (i.e., discontinuous) transition in terms of the attack size; a
281  arises from increasingly frequent localized discontinuous transitions between distinct fluid phases
282       Conserved prolines located at loops of discontinuous transmembrane helices of NuoL, NuoM, and N
283                       Each repeat includes a discontinuous transmembrane helix and forms half of a ch
284  those given continuous (12 [4%] of 308) and discontinuous treatment (20 [7%] of 302; 0.56, 0.27-1.19
285  CI, 0.41 to 0.54; P<0.0001) and higher with discontinuous treatment (GMR, 1.23; 95% CI, 1.07 to 1.42
286     Mortality was lower with continuous than discontinuous treatment (OR 0.47, 95% CI 0.22-1.03; p=0.
287                               Continuous and discontinuous treatment costs were pound9656 and pound63
288                                              Discontinuous treatment was equivalent to continuous tre
289                  Allocation to continuous or discontinuous treatment was masked up to 3 months, at wh
290                                              Discontinuous treatment was neither non-inferior nor inf
291          Visual acuities with continuous and discontinuous treatment were equivalent.
292  days per week or less, over a median of 2.7 discontinuous treatment years per patient.
293 sting 2.2 intrinsic viral escapes/100 highly discontinuous treatment years.
294 ould be misinterpreted as flow and annealing discontinuous vessel segments seem to be major mechanism
295 ng, separated by expansive eye movements and discontinuous views of our spatial surroundings.
296  crossed from one representation to another (discontinuous) were stimulated differentially, allowing
297 ither every month (continuous) or as needed (discontinuous), with monthly review.
298 s between cells and (b) transcription can be discontinuous within a cell.
299 d storage (at -80 degrees C) is possible for discontinuous workflows.
300 ov. Glomeromycota) colonizes parenchyma in a discontinuous zone of the outer cortex of the aerial axe

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