


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1                                     Next, we discuss how (18)F-FDG PET studies have advanced understa
2 ds that could be used for authentication and discuss how a combination of methods could be used in a
3 ght recent advances in our understanding and discuss how a consideration of the interfaces between th
4 icrobiota and the immune system, and we will discuss how a dietary-induced disruption of the intestin
5                                     Here, we discuss how a family of protein kinases that phosphoryla
6                                  Finally, we discuss how a greater knowledge of the genetics of droug
7                                           We discuss how a novel methodology that iteratively combine
8                           In this Review, we discuss how a recent increase in observational data for
9                                           We discuss how aberrant epigenetic pathways identified in b
10 ural circuits implicated in the disorder and discuss how abnormalities in circuitry relate to symptom
11 processes of learning and memory, the review discusses how aging affects the perception and integrati
12                                           We discuss how amyloid materials exemplify the emergence of
13                                           We discuss how and why relevant neuropsychological studies
14                                           We discuss how associated genetic variants can lead to unde
15 classification is considered and the authors discuss how atrial cardiomyopathic properties might guid
16                                      We also discuss how autophagy contributes to differentiation of
17                                      We also discuss how bacterial pathogens can alter host gene expr
18 seases, describe the challenges involved and discuss how basic developmental studies have contributed
19                                      We also discuss how biomarkers targeting these axes can be used
20 f obesity with cardiovascular disease (CVD), discussing how both the degree and the duration of obesi
21                             This review will discuss how CD4 T cell responses directed against an exo
22                  In this Minireview, we will discuss how cells adapt to mitochondrial stress through
23 e on the biology of scleractinian corals and discuss how cellular processes of the host and symbionts
24                                      We then discuss how central circuits integrate and transform mec
25                             Finally, we will discuss how changes in the expression of regulation of C
26                              In addition, it discusses how claims that statins commonly cause adverse
27                                      We also discuss how CLASH differs from other recently developed
28                            In this review we discuss how commensal or pathogenic properties of organi
29 tomy of explore/exploit decision making, and discuss how computational psychiatry can benefit from fo
30                                           We discuss how conflicting foraging rules could explain why
31                                   Lastly, we discuss how conformational changes under the presence of
32 underlying pathophysiological mechanisms, we discuss how congenital disorders of autophagy inform our
33 hods for measuring costs in health care, and discusses how cost management strategies can either impr
34                             This Perspective discusses how current physiological data could potential
35                                  Further, we discuss how DC functions empowered by specific delivery
36                                      Here we discuss how decision-making organizes experiences accord
37                           In this review, we discuss how DENV modulates the innate immune DNA-sensing
38                            In this review we discuss how derangements in these developmental pathways
39 pithelial transport and barrier function, we discuss how diarrhea can result from a decrease in lumin
40                                      Here we discuss how differences in susceptibility to infection r
41                                      We also discuss how different nitrophenol absorption profiles al
42                       In this minireview, we discuss how discovery of the role of the mammalian cytos
43                                      We also discuss how disruption of these PTP regulatory mechanism
44 systems approach to theory of mind (ToM) and discuss how drawing upon perspectives from bilingualism
45                                     Here, we discuss how drug delivery and therapeutic efficacy are g
46 etic interplay of astrocytes and neurons and discuss how dysregulation of these pathways may contribu
47                           In this review, we discuss how each of these aspects may contribute to the
48                                     Here, we discuss how each parasite species adapts to this tissue
49                                     Here, we discuss how early learning experiences are beyond the co
50 ross species with different brain sizes, and discuss how early regional specification of progenitor c
51                                 We will also discuss how early-life events can influence the subseque
52                                      We also discuss how eIF2 phosphorylation contributes to the main
53                                      We then discuss how engineered immune cells are being designed t
54                                           We discuss how evolutionary birth-death processes can provi
55                                      Here we discuss how EVs released by cancer or stromal cells impa
56                                           We discuss how exploiting these differences and taking adva
57 c roles of EGLN enzymes and HIF isoforms and discuss how feedback loops based on recently identified
58                              Furthermore, we discuss how FGLK motifs are required for efficient precu
59 tic control of mating in C. albicans We also discuss how fitness advantages could have driven the evo
60 herapeutic landmark for SMA therapeutics and discuss how future developments will need to address the
61  investigating various types of cannabis and discuss how future research can help to better understan
62                                   We further discuss how future research might solve the remaining op
63 n this review, we summarize new evidence and discuss how future studies may address the role of neura
64                                  Finally, we discuss how GABABR activation of mTORC1 helps resolve ke
65                                  Finally, we discuss how gaining a deeper understanding of GxEs may t
66                                     Then, we discuss how genome editing techniques enable a radically
67                           In this review, we discuss how genome-wide association studies (GWASs) and
68                                       I also discuss how genomic and functional approaches such as BH
69                                     We first discuss how, given plants' high levels of morphological
70                                           We discuss how growing understanding of key anatomic sanctu
71                                           We discuss how host specialization can enable aphids to co-
72                                  Finally, we discuss how human noninvasive neuroimaging can benefit f
73                                      We then discuss how, if and when organismal responses (acclimate
74 ells in the intestine, airways, and skin and discuss how immune communications with hematopoietic cel
75                                   Herein, we discuss how implementation of NIH guidelines will help i
76 ped by the aging T cell system fail and also discuss how, in some settings, the programs associated w
77                                           We discuss how incorporating biological knowledge from mode
78                                      We also discuss how increasing our understanding of intestinal m
79                         Using this model, we discuss how individual or group variations in parental i
80             In this Perspective, Jose Florez discusses how information from genetics and genomics may
81 izes key components of NASH pathogenesis and discusses how inherent and acquired variations in regula
82                                      Here we discuss how integrating physical approaches and engineer
83 e goal-directedness of voluntary action, and discuss how internal generation of action can be linked
84            We outline each ethical issue and discuss how it can be conceptualized and managed so that
85  approach toward treating these data, and we discuss how it can be fruitfully employed to infer physi
86                                           We discuss how LINEs and SINEs have expanded in eukaryotic
87                                     Here, we discuss how lipid oxidation creates important chemical a
88                                 We will also discuss how mechanistic analysis of these pathways has l
89                                           We discuss how meta-atoms can be assembled into unique plas
90                                           We discuss how metabolic workload can modulate immunologica
91  Symposium 'Metabolism in Time and Space' to discuss how metabolism influences cellular and developme
92                  In this Tutorial Review, we discuss how metal oxides with designed defects can be sy
93                                           We discuss how MFNs could be applied to diverse migratory t
94                                  Finally, we discuss how microtubule-based engineered systems can ser
95                                   Lastly, we discuss how miRNAs may challenge and extend current theo
96                            In particular, we discuss how mitochondria contribute to specific aspects
97                                  Finally, we discuss how modern detection and diagnostic technologies
98 es that have reached clinical evaluation and discuss how molecular vaccine approaches can make AIT mo
99                                     Here, we discuss how multiplex assays of variant effect (MAVEs) c
100                      Overall, we present and discuss how mycorrhizal fungi can affect the feeding beh
101                            In this review we discuss how native antigen is presented to B cells and i
102                                           We discuss how ncRNAs inhibit spurious recombination among
103                           In this review, we discuss how networks can be used to help understand pati
104                                           We discuss how networks regulating apoptotic cell clearance
105                                 Giza et al., discuss how neuroscience can provide balance between phy
106                           In this Update, we discuss how new advancements in genomic and genetic tool
107                              Furthermore, we discuss how new genetic study designs are starting to ex
108 tudies of somatic and germline variants, and discuss how non-coding variants can be interpreted on a
109                                           We discuss how nutritional and current therapeutic approach
110                            Here, however, we discuss how object and spatial information are in fact c
111                                      We also discuss how oncogenes and tumour suppressors promote nut
112                                           We discuss how optical mapping can be used as a validation
113                                  Finally, we discuss how optogenetic functional magnetic resonance im
114                           In this Review, we discuss how organoids have been used to identify and cha
115             We cover these topics herein and discuss how other properties of the lymphatic vasculatur
116  analyses of real transmission histories and discuss how our findings should aid in interpreting phyl
117 ent 4 patient cases from our institution and discuss how our management reflects what we have learned
118                                           We discuss how our methods can be used for the rapid determ
119 riming, consider alternative approaches, and discuss how our specific account can be extended to new
120                           In this Review, we discuss how over a century of study of the readily cultu
121                              In addition, we discuss how patient selection from differing phases of H
122 ch phagocytes sense apoptotic cell death and discuss how phagocytosis is integrated with environmenta
123                                     Here, we discuss how phase separation, in which a component of on
124 r data sets from The Cancer Genome Atlas and discuss how predictions from these algorithms can be int
125                                      We also discuss how progress in human genetics has led to the ge
126                                      We also discuss how progress in stem cell biology and cellular r
127                           In this review, we discuss how prominent stratification theories might be e
128 erience at NeuroMorpho.Org as an example, we discuss how publicly available repositories may benefit
129                                           We discuss how quantum computers can augment classical comp
130 ew the epigenetic basis of human disease and discuss how recent discoveries in this field could be tr
131                           In this review, we discuss how recent efforts delineating rewired metabolic
132                                      We also discuss how recent insights into the pathogenesis of ALD
133 e review proposed roles for facilitation and discuss how recent progress in uncovering the underlying
134 riments performed in UHV environments and to discuss how recent reports will guide future endeavors.
135 e node to subcircuit to large-scale GRNs and discuss how regulatory design features such as network a
136                                           We discuss how relational values differ from moral values a
137                                           We discuss how repeat proteins may differ due to not just u
138                                           We discuss how ritual serves these social functions.
139 noma, and pancreatic and ovarian cancer, and discuss how scientific advances may help overcome these
140 ntext of constantly growing genomic data, we discuss how screening strategies must be improved when a
141                              This Minireview discusses how selected combinations of the MS, MS(2) , L
142 G or CWA/CAW motifs (where W is A or T), and discuss how self-reinforcing feedback loops between DNA
143                                           We discuss how sensory inputs may be combined with self-mot
144 tory inputs in healthy cortical circuits and discuss how shifts in excitation/inhibition balance may
145                                      We also discuss how single-molecule approaches have increased ou
146 eometric analysis of M2nLn complexes, and we discuss how size and geometry of the ligand is expected
147                                           We discuss how small-molecule inhibitors of the tryptophan
148                                           We discuss how some of these genetic alterations in brain t
149 derlying host defense in the very young, and discuss how specific developmental demands increase the
150                           In this review, we discuss how studies are beginning to address the nature
151                                      Here we discuss how studies of the human T cell response to micr
152                                            I discuss how successful (or not) we have been in addressi
153                                  Finally, we discuss how such approaches are providing important insi
154                                           We discuss how such findings from the neural field can prov
155                                      We also discuss how such intricate measurements of spatial and t
156 these particles within biological media, and discuss how surface chemistry presentation may affect th
157                               We conclude by discussing how systems biology approaches are a fruitful
158                           We also review and discuss how targeting TFEB and lysosomes may offer innov
159             In connection with this, we also discuss how technical advances facilitate a new roadmap
160                                      Here we discuss how technology can be applied effectively to bet
161                        Finally, we will also discuss how the advances in cancer genomics and cancer m
162  cancer disparities in the United States and discuss how the analysis of tumor biology can advance he
163                                           We discuss how the autophagy machinery controls the burden
164                                    Herein we discuss how the band edge positions in zeolitic imidazol
165                                           We discuss how the biochemical and mechanical properties of
166                           In this Primer, we discuss how the brain monitors the water content of the
167                                           We discuss how the CDW symmetry may be related to the '1/8-
168                                           We discuss how the chemical features of the high-energy pho
169                                           We discuss how the combined AEP-AOP construct helps to maxi
170                                           We discuss how the concept of "random" differences is conte
171                           In this review, we discuss how the concept of CSCs has been defined, what a
172                                           We discuss how the conditions required for the identificati
173                                           We discuss how the counter-regulatory and tolerogenic funct
174 e summarize recent progress in the field and discuss how the emerging knowledge in Arabidopsis may be
175                           In this Review, we discuss how the experience and data generated from that
176                                   At last we discuss how the formation of magnetite-based organic-ino
177                           In this Review, we discuss how the genomics of non-human organisms can prov
178                                   Herein, we discuss how the hematopoietic GATA factors (GATA-1-3) fu
179                         More importantly, we discuss how the higher resolution structures now attaina
180 le link between malaria and hypertension and discuss how the hypothesis could be confirmed or refuted
181                                           We discuss how the ideas proposed in the target article cou
182                                      We then discuss how the involvement of multiple cell types, each
183                                           We discuss how the issue of polymorphism needs to be incorp
184          From this perspective, we will also discuss how the knowledge discovered from FA research se
185                                           We discuss how the lability of the species that make up the
186                              In addition, we discuss how the life history of facultative pathogens li
187                                     Thus, we discuss how the long channel does not hinder catalysis u
188                       In particular, we will discuss how the low feasibility of conducting an adequat
189                                  Finally, we discuss how the model provides a means to establish natu
190                               Conversely, we discuss how the molecular similarities of DLBCL and FL h
191                                     Here, we discuss how the naive state is inherently linked to prei
192                           In this Review, we discuss how the nanoscale protein organization in the ki
193 ry, review recent findings in this area, and discuss how the pattern of connectivity between striatal
194 ssemblies generated by various pipelines and discuss how the platform associated data characteristics
195                          In this Feature, we discuss how the properties of paper determine the perfor
196 ert on mammalian developmental processes and discuss how the somatic activity of TEs can influence ge
197                                           We discuss how the speed changes we observe can lead to ste
198                                           We discuss how the sperm interacts with the female reproduc
199                                           We discuss how the statistical analysis can guide further d
200                                     Here, we discuss how the subunit structure, stoichiometry, and au
201                       This article will also discuss how the technique has been employed in cutaneous
202                                      Here we discuss how the tumor and its microenvironment influence
203                      Based on this study, we discuss how the unique features of trypanosomatid riboso
204 he entry into sporulation in B. subtilis and discuss how the use of regulated cell death pathways dur
205  linking hyperkalemia with poor outcomes and discusses how the efficacy of certain treatments might d
206                             This Perspective discusses how the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA),
207                                            I discuss how their approach can be used to help determine
208 ated to interrogate the role of DCs and will discuss how their use has progressively clarified our un
209  this pedagogical review and perspective, we discuss how thermodynamics determines both the overall p
210 iagnostic and therapeutic aspects of AD, and discuss how these achievements may improve patient progn
211 sp60, interact with folding proteins, and we discuss how these chaperones may guide the folding proce
212                                       Here I discuss how these complexes are recruited across the yea
213                                     Here, we discuss how these CRISPR-Cas inhibitors were discovered
214 uish coding from noncoding transcription and discuss how these differences might have important impli
215                                       Here I discuss how these discoveries, reported in Cell Host & M
216 he control of focal adhesion remodeling, and discuss how these emerging interconnections between inte
217                                           We discuss how these exciton and carrier dynamics are contr
218 eview evidence from different organisms, and discuss how these experiments have broadened our mechani
219                                           We discuss how these experiments provide a new understandin
220                             Finally, we will discuss how these findings can be applied to improve the
221                                            I discuss how these findings have important implications f
222                                           We discuss how these findings may explain the inconsistent
223                                  Finally, we discuss how these improvements may help direct future HM
224 abolites interact with the immune system and discuss how these interactions could impact acute GVHD.
225 connections between CheD, CheX, and MCPs and discuss how these interactions play critical roles durin
226                                           We discuss how these marked differences in the biology of v
227 erlie effective lung immunity in health, and discuss how these may be affected by external environmen
228 or reshaping the pancreatic tumor stroma and discuss how these might improve patient outcomes.
229 gnition by Rad51/RecA family members, and we discuss how these models and our results may relate to t
230                                           We discuss how these modern psychometric techniques may als
231                                           We discuss how these physiological results have motivated t
232 hways regulating dryland N2 O emissions, and discuss how these processes will respond to emerging glo
233  simple model organisms, mice, and humans we discuss how these proteins and pathways may potentially
234                                           We discuss how these results fit with previous studies that
235                                           We discuss how these results may have broad implications fo
236                                           We discuss how these signaling networks might be integrated
237                                           We discuss how these single-cell tools have uncovered novel
238                             Additionally, we discuss how these systems have been applied in therapeut
239                            In particular, we discuss how these systems work together and provide evid
240 n the ongoing single filament revolution and discuss how these techniques have greatly contributed to
241                                      We also discuss how these three basic elements of cognitive map
242                                           We discuss how these tools could be used to design the next
243                                           We discuss how these transporters may enhance or restrict d
244                                           We discuss how these two properties of the echo signatures
245 ies in dental MSC function and behaviour and discusses how these and other advances are paving the wa
246 ds on the actin cytoskeleton and conclude by discussing how these results relate to existing mechanic
247 anscriptional and epigenetic cell states, we discuss how they are applied to investigate immune cells
248 range of bioprinted neural tissue models and discuss how they can be used to observe how neurons beha
249  in the diagnostic and discovery process and discuss how they can inform (and misinform) expert revie
250 at integrates several of these responses and discuss how they collectively help to preserve cellular,
251 rticle, we review these recent developments, discuss how they have helped to illuminate PP-InsP struc
252         Here, I describe recent advances and discuss how they redefine our view of the way in which v
253 Here, we highlight these recent findings and discuss how they set the stage to interrogate developmen
254 nes, the guideline is reviewed and 2 experts discuss how they would apply it to a 57-year-old man con
255 ew the data on which the guideline is based, discuss how they would balance the benefits and harms of
256         Here, an oncologist and an internist discuss how they would balance these recommendations and
257  We review recent studies of mouse thalamus, discussing how they revealed general principles that may
258                                           We discuss how this approach could be developed and applied
259                                           We discuss how this disorder tuned SIT differs from the com
260                                      Here we discuss how this emphasis, and the corresponding lack of
261                              We also further discuss how this flood may be related to ancient account
262                                           We discuss how this functionality will be applicable to sch
263                                      We then discuss how this information can be leveraged to improve
264  to terminally differentiated myofibers, and discuss how this knowledge has been applied to different
265                                           We discuss how this limits their efficacy, uptake and the p
266                                      We also discuss how this link could potentially open up some use
267                                           We discuss how this method may establish a link between pho
268                                      We also discuss how this methodology is currently being used for
269                                           We discuss how this model has revealed unique insights into
270                                           We discuss how this multiscale design approach can be used
271                                           We discuss how this new understanding could improve the the
272                          In this context, we discuss how this plasticity, i.e. the capacity to adapt
273 noids from purified cellular components, and discuss how this technology can help to address fundamen
274 ner of a bistable toggle switch, and then we discuss how this toggle switch accounts for the abrupt a
275                                           We discuss how this unique property of increasing cell dama
276                                   Lastly, we discuss how this work may eventually lead to tangible th
277 r apicomplexans and related organisms, while discussing how this can be exploited for therapeutic int
278  that can identify such neural codes, and we discuss how to combine intersection-based analysis of ne
279                                           We discuss how to communicate the potential benefit derived
280                              In addition, we discuss how to conduct a power analysis for mediation mo
281 slational Medicine by Flesher et al. (2016), discuss how to design such a system given current techno
282                   Using 5 case vignettes, we discuss how to prevent and manage the most common nonhem
283 ewed at full resolution in different planes, discuss how to search the database for a phenotype, and
284 we report on the outcomes of a workshop that discussed how to integrate structural data from a range
285 viral evasion of the host immune system, and discusses how to harness the immune system effectively a
286 summarise the current available evidence and discusses how to integrate scientific knowledge into cli
287                                  Finally, we discuss how TP53 alterations should be described by usin
288                                      We also discuss how transcription-associated DNA damage might pr
289                                     Here, we discuss how transcriptional control is disrupted by gene
290                                      We also discuss how TSCM cell stemness could be leveraged therap
291                                      We will discuss how tumor microenvironment-driven transient comp
292                       In this perspective we discuss how understanding the cancer epigenome is provid
293 lignment" and "protocol misattribution," and discuss how understanding these concepts might help impr
294                                           We discuss how utilizing bioengineering approaches to manip
295 ontext of neuropsychiatric disorders, and we discuss how we can gain insight from studies in Drosophi
296  proposals to achieve quantum supremacy, and discuss how we can reliably compare the power of a class
297                                       Here I discuss how we discovered that integrins control mammary
298                          We will conclude by discussing how we can leverage the findings on molecular
299                                           We discuss how well-managed marine reserves may help marine
300  of different MLL-FP mouse model systems and discusses how well they have recapitulated aspects of th

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