


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1                      Finally, we propose and discuss the implications of a framework for how NSyL wil
2                                     Here, we discuss the implications of a lower-than-expected mutati
3                                           We discuss the implications of a possible underlying BRCA1-
4 s for regulation of coronavirus fidelity and discuss the implications of altered fidelity for RNA vir
5                            In particular, we discuss the implications of analytical solutions of a se
6 rent applications of preclinical imaging and discuss the implications of applying functional imaging
7                                           We discuss the implications of assortment and assortment-sp
8                                           We discuss the implications of body size variation for inse
9                                      We also discuss the implications of cellular plasticity for rege
10 tures of clonally transmissible cancers, and discuss the implications of clonally transmissible cance
11                                  This review discusses the implications of collagen remodeling and it
12                                           We discuss the implications of considering the conformation
13                                           We discuss the implications of cooperative quadrupolar and
14                                     Here, we discuss the implications of coregulators as versatile re
15                                  Finally, we discuss the implications of demographic compensation for
16                           In this review, we discuss the implications of dependence receptors in limi
17                                           We discuss the implications of deriving genotypic informati
18                                           We discuss the implications of discovering endogenous, smal
19                                  The authors discussed the implications of each pathway for disease p
20 ults of current clinical trials and finally, discuss the implications of evidence suggesting a declin
21                                  Finally, we discuss the implications of GPCR conformational plastici
22                              Furthermore, we discuss the implication of HDAC3 in cancer, focusing on
23 the structure of host-parasite networks, and discuss the implications of host extinction on our perce
24 us forms and sources of communication; (iii) discuss the implications of how individuals mentally pro
25                             We summarize and discuss the implications of IL-17 in the induction of ne
26                                      We also discuss the implications of increased clonal plasticity
27 summarize recent findings on this topic, and discuss the implications of increasing mutagenesis rates
28                                           We discuss the implications of Kurzban et al.'s proposal an
29 quired knowledge, identify research gaps and discuss the implication of learning in disease vector in
30                                           We discuss the implications of LT structure damage for the
31 spectrum robustness can be evaluated, and we discuss the implications of mechanistic robustness and p
32                                  Finally, we discuss the implications of memory modifications during
33 ations of primary mitochondrial diseases and discusses the implications of mitochondrial dysfunction,
34          In this Perspective, Lynne Mofenson discusses the implications of Mugwanya and colleagues' f
35                                      We also discuss the implications of new proposals to finance pre
36                                      We also discuss the implication of NK cells in neurotoxicity and
37 ocus of SZ studies in animal models, we also discuss the implications of NMDAR hypofunction in other
38                                      We also discuss the implications of nongenetic mechanisms of dru
39                                      We also discuss the implications of oncogenic activation of exte
40                                           We discuss the implication of our finding for the gradient
41                                           We discuss the implication of our finding in the fast skele
42                                           We discuss the implication of our findings, which suggest t
43                                           We discuss the implication of our results for de novo desig
44                                           We discuss the implication of our results with regard to li
45                                           We discuss the implications of our data for the export of q
46                                           We discuss the implications of our experiments for the poss
47                                           We discuss the implications of our finding--that spin-entro
48 ithelial HbetaD expression and secretion and discuss the implications of our findings for intestinal
49                                           We discuss the implications of our findings for intracellul
50                                           We discuss the implications of our findings for mechanisms
51                                           We discuss the implications of our findings for natural res
52 ons) constitute coadapted gene complexes and discuss the implications of our findings for sympatric s
53                                           We discuss the implications of our findings for the debate
54                                           We discuss the implications of our findings for the develop
55                                  Finally, we discuss the implications of our findings for the energy
56  linked equilibrium proton binding model and discuss the implications of our findings for the mechani
57 ntaining the analogous lesion propano-dG and discuss the implications of our findings for the mutagen
58                                           We discuss the implications of our findings for the reverse
59 okaryotic and eukaryotic DNA polymerases and discuss the implications of our findings for the role of
60                                     Here, we discuss the implications of our findings in analyses of
61                                           We discuss the implications of our findings in relation to
62 context of the core eudicot duplication, and discuss the implications of our findings in terms of the
63 a(2+) homeostasis are all seen in ALS and we discuss the implications of our findings in this context
64                                           We discuss the implications of our findings on the function
65                                           We discuss the implications of our findings with regards to
66                                      We also discuss the implications of our findings with respect to
67                                           We discuss the implications of our five-component quasicrys
68                                           We discuss the implications of our model for EcoP15I action
69 tion to making testable predictions, we also discuss the implications of our model in explaining the
70                                           We discuss the implications of our models on neuroprotectio
71                                           We discuss the implications of our observations for the mec
72                               We extensively discuss the implications of our results for possible hom
73 t with our experiments and observations, and discuss the implications of our results for the control
74                                      We also discuss the implications of our results for the design o
75 in inbreeding depression in M. annua, and we discuss the implications of our results for the maintena
76                                           We discuss the implications of our results for the mechanis
77                                           We discuss the implications of our results for the study of
78 pse are similar to those for aggregation, we discuss the implications of our results for the thermody
79 al description of this double transition and discuss the implications of our results in the context o
80 e scale-invariant community size spectra and discuss the implications of our results on allometric sc
81                               In addition we discuss the implications of our results to a number of s
82                                      We also discuss the implications of our results to the interpret
83 ong-range electron transfer processes and we discuss the implications of our results with a range of
84                                  Finally, we discuss the implications of our study for the prediction
85                                           We discuss the implications of our work for future fundamen
86                                           We discuss the implications of our work in the design of ex
87                                 This article discusses the implications of our findings for the mecha
88 and genomic processes shaping variation, and discuss the implications of population structure for the
89                                     Last, we discuss the implications of population-specific microbia
90                                      Here we discuss the implications of preglomerular/pallial electr
91                      Based on this model, we discuss the implications of protein-induced phosphatidyl
92                                       I then discuss the implications of reassortment for influenza A
93                                      Here we discuss the implications of recent advances in genomics,
94 in, we compare and contrast PD and AR-JP and discuss the implications of recent data about parkin's g
95                                  Finally, we discuss the implications of recent imaging findings and
96 ctive, Alberto Ascherio and Kassandra Munger discuss the implications of Richards and colleagues' stu
97                                           We discuss the implications of secondary contact and differ
98                        Using our results, we discuss the implications of site-level model calibration
99                                           We discuss the implications of slab geometry for the future
100                                  Finally, we discuss the implications of spatially structured models
101  issue of the American Journal of Pathology, discussing the implications of stromal expression of cav
102                                           We discuss the implications of such a mechanism for mitocho
103                                           We discuss the implications of such an organization on the
104 stone proteins may drive cancer, and we will discuss the implications of such changes on how patients
105                                           We discuss the implications of such coupled communication b
106                                           We discuss the implications of such effects and the role of
107                             We, in addition, discuss the implications of such nonuniformity on the st
108                                           We discuss the implications of such plasticity in a long-li
109                                      We also discuss the implication of surface topology studies and
110                                           We discuss the implications of Tbx6-Mesp interactions for t
111 erspective, Ruanne Barnabas and Connie Celum discuss the implications of the accompanying Link4Health
112                                           We discuss the implications of the alpha arrestin functions
113                                     Here, we discuss the implications of the converged pathways in NM
114                                           We discuss the implications of the correlation between stab
115                                           We discuss the implications of the differences between thes
116                                           We discuss the implications of the dissociation/association
117                                           We discuss the implications of the functionality of this QS
118                                           We discuss the implications of the model we have derived fo
119                                           We discuss the implications of the molecular composition an
120                                      Here, I discuss the implications of the new observation that an
121                                      We also discuss the implications of the new reprogramming paradi
122                                           We discuss the implications of the observed results on the
123                                           We discuss the implications of the packing of molecules wit
124                                           We discuss the implications of the present findings.
125 cations that occur to Wnt proteins, and then discuss the implications of the recently reported crysta
126 into this collection of papers from COGS and discuss the implications of the results and future direc
127                                           We discuss the implications of the results for converting l
128                                  Finally, we discuss the implications of the rising use of spatial bi
129                                           We discuss the implications of the Selfish Goal model for m
130                                           We discuss the implications of the structural ensembles and
131                                           We discuss the implications of the structural properties of
132                                           We discuss the implications of the structure of the gp55-P
133                                           We discuss the implications of the target article's memory
134 ifferent studies yield different answers and discuss the implications of the two alternative hypothes
135                            This short review discusses the implications of the cellular changes of tu
136                                 Salman Rawaf discusses the implications of the most recent estimate o
137  dehydroxylation to treatment conditions and discusses the implications of the observations for scien
138                                  We close by discussing the implications of the detection of EWS in h
139                                      Here we discuss the implications of their findings and the const
140                                     Here, we discuss the implications of their important findings in
141                                           We discuss the implications of their research in behavioral
142                                           We discuss the implication of these findings for (1) unders
143                                           We discuss the implication of these findings for protein ev
144              We also use this opportunity to discuss the implication of these relations to the mainte
145                                  Finally, we discuss the implication of these structural data and pro
146                                           We discuss the implications of these and other observations
147                                           We discuss the implications of these and other results for
148                                      We also discuss the implications of these concepts in our unders
149                                           We discuss the implications of these considerations in rega
150                                           We discuss the implications of these data for current model
151                                           We discuss the implications of these data for future popula
152                                           We discuss the implications of these data with respect to t
153 cators across countries and over time and we discuss the implications of these differences for covera
154                                      Here we discuss the implications of these exciting new studies.
155                                           We discuss the implications of these experiments for models
156                                           We discuss the implications of these findings and make reco
157                                           We discuss the implications of these findings and present m
158                                           We discuss the implications of these findings and propose a
159                                  Finally, we discuss the implications of these findings and suggest a
160                                           We discuss the implications of these findings and the poten
161                                           We discuss the implications of these findings for A-EJ in n
162                                           We discuss the implications of these findings for anticance
163                                     Here, we discuss the implications of these findings for cancer pr
164 urons, although there are exceptions, and we discuss the implications of these findings for Cbln2 fun
165                                           We discuss the implications of these findings for comparati
166 ing of the fundamental biology of Tregs, and discuss the implications of these findings for current m
167 of lysosome cargos to late endosomes, and we discuss the implications of these findings for developin
168                                           We discuss the implications of these findings for harnessin
169                                           We discuss the implications of these findings for human can
170                                           We discuss the implications of these findings for large-sca
171                                           We discuss the implications of these findings for mechanist
172                                           We discuss the implications of these findings for mitigatio
173 ently stimulate homologous recombination and discuss the implications of these findings for oncogenic
174                                           We discuss the implications of these findings for other mor
175                                           We discuss the implications of these findings for our under
176                                           We discuss the implications of these findings for our under
177                                           We discuss the implications of these findings for policy de
178                                           We discuss the implications of these findings for proposed
179                                  Finally, we discuss the implications of these findings for regenerat
180                                           We discuss the implications of these findings for research
181                                           We discuss the implications of these findings for rRNA matu
182                                           We discuss the implications of these findings for the devel
183                             This review will discuss the implications of these findings for the diagn
184 to detect less abundant TP53 transcripts and discuss the implications of these findings for the gener
185                                           We discuss the implications of these findings for the mecha
186                                           We discuss the implications of these findings for the mecha
187                                           We discuss the implications of these findings for the mecha
188                                           We discuss the implications of these findings for the organ
189                                           We discuss the implications of these findings for the poten
190                                           We discuss the implications of these findings for understan
191                                           We discuss the implications of these findings for understan
192                                           We discuss the implications of these findings for understan
193                                     Here, we discuss the implications of these findings in cancer bio
194                                           We discuss the implications of these findings in relation t
195 usively on the contralateral hemisphere, and discuss the implications of these findings in relationsh
196                                           We discuss the implications of these findings in terms of B
197                                           We discuss the implications of these findings in the contex
198 es may be traceable in peripheral blood, and discuss the implications of these findings in the contex
199                                 We will also discuss the implications of these findings on the way me
200                                           We discuss the implications of these findings to the potent
201                                           We discuss the implications of these findings with regard t
202                                           We discuss the implications of these findings with respect
203                                           We discuss the implications of these findings with respect
204                                      We also discuss the implications of these findings with respect
205                                           We discuss the implications of these findings with respect
206 ped the MP1 binding sites on p14 by NMR, and discuss the implications of these important findings on
207 nce of HN to receptor-binding inhibition and discuss the implications of these mechanisms for the dis
208                                      We will discuss the implications of these new discoveries for ub
209                                           We discuss the implications of these observations and sugge
210                                           We discuss the implications of these observations for Hfq b
211                                           We discuss the implications of these observations for other
212                                           We discuss the implications of these observations for the a
213                                           We discuss the implications of these observations for the c
214                                           We discuss the implications of these observations for the m
215                                           We discuss the implications of these observations for TLS m
216                                           We discuss the implications of these results for attempts t
217                                           We discuss the implications of these results for both the r
218                                           We discuss the implications of these results for DNA bindin
219                                           We discuss the implications of these results for further im
220                                           We discuss the implications of these results for intracellu
221                                           We discuss the implications of these results for memory sto
222                                           We discuss the implications of these results for modulating
223                                           We discuss the implications of these results for our unders
224                                            I discuss the implications of these results for our unders
225 oposed joint tests in a simulation study and discuss the implications of these results for the conduc
226                                           We discuss the implications of these results for the design
227                                           We discuss the implications of these results for the design
228                                           We discuss the implications of these results for the develo
229                                           We discuss the implications of these results for the evolut
230                                           We discuss the implications of these results for the mechan
231                                           We discuss the implications of these results for the role o
232                                           We discuss the implications of these results for understand
233                                           We discuss the implications of these results for understand
234                                      We then discuss the implications of these results in terms of ne
235                                           We discuss the implications of these results in the context
236                                           We discuss the implications of these results in the context
237                                           We discuss the implications of these results on microenviro
238                                           We discuss the implications of these results on the design
239                                           We discuss the implications of these results under the assu
240                                           We discuss the implications of these structural observation
241                                     Here, we discuss the implications of these studies for an improve
242                                  Finally, we discuss the implications of these studies for clinical t
243                                  Finally, we discuss the implications of these variables on therapeut
244 tic variations in iPSCs, trace their causes, discuss the implications of these variations for iPSC ap
245 cuses on recent discoveries in the field and discusses the implication of these results for a general
246 of IL-22, with an emphasis on the liver, and discusses the implications of these effects as they rela
247                                  This review discusses the implications of these findings on the advo
248                                 This article discusses the implications of these points and explores
249                               We conclude by discussing the implications of these findings.
250                               We conclude by discussing the implications of these results for social
251                                           We discuss the implication of this cross talk via the cytos
252                                           We discuss the implication of this degradation in mediating
253 lished in select journals 'journal bias' and discuss the implication of this form of bias as it perta
254                                           We discuss the implications of this adaptive approach to mo
255 d measurements of key mediating domains, and discuss the implications of this approach for randomized
256                                           We discuss the implications of this dilemma and argue for a
257 for NPC1 targeting to late endosomes, and we discuss the implications of this finding along with the
258                                           We discuss the implications of this finding and the potenti
259 pended on normal genomic methylation, and we discuss the implications of this finding for epigenetic
260                                     Here, we discuss the implications of this finding for our underst
261                                           We discuss the implications of this finding for tuberculosi
262 s of anti-CD20-opsonized CLL B cells, and we discuss the implications of this finding in patients wit
263 the donor but not the host NK population and discuss the implications of this finding in the context
264 cell homeostasis and lineage commitment, and discuss the implications of this for reprogramming and s
265                                           We discuss the implications of this for the widespread dist
266                                           We discuss the implications of this framework for the evolu
267                                           We discuss the implications of this hypothesis for other pu
268                                   We further discuss the implications of this hypothesis in polarized
269                                  Finally, we discuss the implications of this interpretation for rese
270 et and juvenile-onset HD pathogenesis and we discuss the implications of this interpretation of the d
271 s, and what is being observed intersect, and discuss the implications of this intersection on measure
272                                           We discuss the implications of this layered model of B cell
273                                           We discuss the implications of this load-dependent processi
274                                           We discuss the implications of this maternal-paternal confl
275                                           We discuss the implications of this mechanism in controllin
276                                           We discuss the implications of this model for lupus and for
277                                           We discuss the implications of this model for our understan
278                                           We discuss the implications of this new information for int
279 pse of the expanded polyglutamine domain and discuss the implications of this observation for our und
280                                           We discuss the implications of this osmotically driven type
281 e review what is known about these sRNAs and discuss the implications of this regulation.
282                                           We discuss the implications of this remarkable finding.
283                                      We also discuss the implications of this revised definition for
284 characterization of the recovered phases and discuss the implications of this shock synthesis for the
285                                           We discuss the implications of this unusual splicing patter
286 erformed within 15 minutes of each other and discuss the implications of this variability in a clinic
287 iellipsoid body and insect mushroom body and discuss the implications of this with respect to the phy
288 g visual processing in Drosophila larvae and discuss the implications of this work for furthering und
289                          In this article, we discuss the implications of this work for our understand
290 ent a broad-approach economic evaluation and discuss the implications of this work for research, poli
291 o address multiple unexplained observations; discuss the implications of this work in clinical practi
292                                           We discuss the implications of this work on the development
293                             We highlight and discuss the implications of three such connections, link
294                                      We also discuss the implication of timing in the overall managem
295 rtant that health care providers continue to discuss the implications of uninformative results on lif
296                                           We discuss the implications of using our method to discover
297                                      Then we discuss the implications of using ST(2) token mechanisms
298                              This commentary discusses the implications of using administrative codes
299 n negotiation processes and outcomes, and we discuss the implications of various processes and outcom
300                                  Finally, we discuss the implications of virobiota-immune system inte

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