コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)
1 rio of MF, there is no clear indication of a disease-modifying effect.
2 c markers, suggesting a potential pathogenic disease-modifying effect.
3 that inhibition of LRRK2 activity can have a disease-modifying effect.
4 AIT reduces symptoms, but has also a disease-modifying effect.
5 Huntington's disease, even in the absence of disease-modifying effects.
6 unlikely to provide both anticonvulsant and disease-modifying effects.
7 mouse models of human tauopathies could have disease-modifying effects.
8 support the hypothesis that pramipexole has disease-modifying effects.
9 over the past 30 years, with at best modest disease-modifying effects.
10 so evidence that cholinergic agents may have disease-modifying effects.
11 Methotrexate does have disease-modifying effects.
13 undermined by the absence of evidence for a disease-modifying effect and presence of arguably superi
14 in the discovery of new drugs with potential disease-modifying effects; and (4) implantation of fetal
15 enefits that were consistent with a possible disease-modifying effect, but early treatment with rasag
18 olinesterase inhibitor may reach the maximal disease-modifying effect for both amyloid pathology and
20 erous candidate genes for susceptibility and disease-modifying effect have also been studied in the l
21 the subthalamic nucleus (STN-DBS) may have a disease modifying effect in early Parkinson's disease (P
22 he potential to provide both symptomatic and disease modifying effects in Alzheimer's disease patient
24 p acutely after trauma may have a beneficial disease-modifying effect in subjects with acute TBI.
25 ese compounds have failed to have a reliable disease-modifying effect in subsequent clinical trials.
26 plotypes to determine their associated HIV-1 disease-modifying effects in a large well-characterized
35 ntitative measurements of muscle strength, a disease-modifying effect of creatine in older Duchenne m
36 ings do not provide support for a subsequent disease-modifying effect of inhaled corticosteroids afte
37 ata support the putative neuroprotective and disease-modifying effect of STN-DBS in a mechanistically
38 n humans may have implications for potential disease-modifying effects of BCHE-modulating agents in t
39 biomarkers are less powerful for quantifying disease-modifying effects of compounds that target AD pa
40 ically, there is increasing evidence for the disease-modifying effects of glucocorticoids, which make
41 s may have dual effects in RA, with a modest disease-modifying effect (requiring confirmation) and si
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