コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)
1 rays have been widely used to discover novel disease related genes.
2 within RefSeq genes, especially within known disease-related genes.
3 cused on studying G4s in promotor regions of disease-related genes.
4 ely used for medical studies to detect novel disease-related genes.
5 -DNA structures are abundant in promoters of disease-related genes.
6 ession analysis may improve the detection of disease-related genes.
7 tide microarray-based mutational analysis of disease-related genes.
8 determining sequence alteration in multiple disease-related genes.
9 d 2, apolipoprotein E, and other Alzheimer's disease-related genes.
10 cerning the identification of novel melanoma disease-related genes.
11 of known muscle class-specific and inherited disease-related genes.
12 identification of developmental, aging, and disease-related genes.
13 ion of newly discovered missense variants in disease-related genes.
14 profile complex diseases and discover novel disease-related genes.
15 GEMMs for the functional characterisation of disease-related genes.
19 d accumulation of our knowledge on diseases, disease-related genes and drug targets, network-based an
20 ted the predicted interactions for two human disease-related genes and identified 14 new modifiers.
21 nt, and further allows the identification of disease-related genes and pathways that play similar rol
23 s are liable to affect the functions of core disease-related genes and that most heritability can be
24 he new function of two previously identified disease-related genes and the potential of one developme
26 y, we show that Satb2 and Fezf2 regulate two disease-related genes, Auts2 (Autistic Susceptibility Ge
27 ng routinely identifies missense variants in disease-related genes, but functional characterization i
28 ion, identification, and characterization of disease-related genes by means of positional cloning.
29 ation that selects and prioritizes potential disease-related genes by using a highly curated and upda
31 s the first report of an association between disease-related gene CNV and variation in protein expres
32 f hereditary sequence variants identified in disease-related genes directly affects clinical manageme
34 tional clues of previously unknown genes and disease-related genes during early brain development.
36 dromes, as well as the identification of new disease-related genes for dilated cardiomyopathy, idiopa
37 same number of genes, and up to 75% of human disease-related genes have Drosophila homologues [1].
38 es a high degree of connectivity among these disease-related genes, highlighting RBFOX1 as a key fact
39 to dissect the epigenetics of silencing of a disease-related gene in its natural chromosomal context.
40 uce heritable, site-specific modification of disease-related genes in human cells without purine sequ
42 can be explained by segregation of Alzheimer disease-related genes in these families or shared enviro
43 gene product, are prevalent in a variety of disease-related genes, including APC (implicated in colo
44 ted with decreased expression of products of disease-related genes, including K16, iNOS, IFN-gamma, I
45 determine if STR replacements occurred near disease-related genes, including previously unstudied ST
46 rimental data suggest that BFDCA can cluster disease-related genes into functional DC subunits and es
50 s has documented the presence of at least 10 disease-related genes or loci linked to Parkinson's dise
51 were undiagnosed on a targeted neuromuscular disease-related gene panel did not improve our diagnosti
56 ine Mendelian Inheritance in Man database of disease-related genes, suggesting that exosome analysis
59 he identification of an increasing number of disease-related genes, the molecular defect in many case
63 ss to individual environmental antigens, and disease-related genes, which promote distinctive aspects
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