


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1  after capture on fractalkine, cells did not dislodge.
2 tion of small-scale patterns if mussels were dislodged.
3 umber, where indications are that the vortex dislodges.
4 The same resolving activity is sufficient to dislodge a stably bound GQ ligand, including BRACO-19, N
5  particular, we find that the probability of dislodging a domain wall, confined to a pinning site in
6 in which the virus evades innate immunity by dislodging a pivotal antiviral protein from the mitochon
7 ble MapZ to disrupt the CheR1 active site by dislodging a structural domain.
8             Of the 20 leads without a COI, 5 dislodged acutely and 15 had high pacing thresholds at 1
9 tion of explanted hip and knee prostheses to dislodge adherent bacteria from the prosthesis with conv
10                    The vacuum degassing step dislodges air bubbles from the microwells, which in turn
11                 Third, deoxygenation of RBCs dislodges all GEs from the membrane, consistent with the
12            Upon addition of Ca2+, calmodulin dislodges alpha-actinin.
13 plated at downstream sites (i + 2 and i + 3) dislodge an active site (i + 1) NTP, which was otherwise
14 s Pro509, rather than Y506/Y507, to directly dislodge and release tetracycline from the ribosome.
15 tes of microbubbles that periodically became dislodged and moved downstream.
16 e 16 catheters placed initially, five became dislodged and required an additional access procedure to
17           Four of the pulmonary artery leads dislodged and three demonstrated sensor drift, whereas t
18 om abrasive cautery-tip cleaning pads can be dislodged and transferred to breast tissue during surger
19                           This pinpoints the dislodging and tethering of the VPS34 catalytic domain,
20 -off method, in which mitotic (M) cells were dislodged, and cells at G(1), S, and G(2) phases were ha
21 wnward movement of the p97 N-terminal domain dislodges ataxin3 by inducing a steric clash between the
22 t disrupt the Mg(+2) coordination sphere and dislodge bound Mg(+2).
23 on when they load onto chromatin and must be dislodged by DNA replication before they can be exported
24                   Tyr 319 is not necessarily dislodged by SH2 engagement, which activates ZAP-70 only
25 hannels, indicating that Gbetagamma does not dislodge Ca(v)beta from the inhibited channel.
26                                              Dislodging cells from the growth surface enhances the ab
27 ther plerixafor, an antagonist of CXCR4, may dislodge chronic myeloid leukemia (CML) cells from the n
28 complexin for SNARE-complex binding, thereby dislodging complexin from SNARE complexes in a Ca(2+)-de
29                         Thus, PDI may simply dislodge CTA1 from the CT holotoxin without unfolding th
30 g capability, allowing geckos to efficiently dislodge dirt during their locomotion.
31               Two Viatorrs were accidentally dislodged during TIPS procedure.
32 ti-CD44 together with anti-CD49d efficiently dislodged EL4-CD49d/Jurkat-CD44 in bone marrow and splee
33              The dysfunction of misplaced or dislodged endovascular endoprostheses, may be a serious
34 ace adhesion (in the presence and absence of dislodging forces) to the concentration of the soluble c
35 ratory supports a model in which tumor cells dislodge from the primary tumor and intravasate into the
36 on, or even the ability of the substrates to dislodge from the reported binding sites, are yet to be
37                            Although PLB gets dislodged from Ca(2+)-bound SERCA, SLN continues to bind
38 nd thiols in Hb, through which NO is readily dislodged from storage on the heme to form bioactive SNO
39 crometer-sized particles were simultaneously dislodged from tablets and introduced to the SPAMS, wher
40 g one in which the VPS34 catalytic domain is dislodged from the complex but remains tethered by an in
41 ess, the elongating RNA polymerase (RNAP) is dislodged from the DNA template either at specific DNA s
42 sion attempts when the male disengages or is dislodged from the hermaphrodite genitalia.
43 nal forces push the state forward once it is dislodged from the initial stable point.
44  experiment, suggests that any porcine cells dislodged from the kidney became rapidly sequestered fro
45 AP-70 activity even when the SH2 domains are dislodged from the kinase domain, providing stringent co
46                Cells were rounded and easily dislodged from the substratum at 12-24 h.
47 have assessed the utility of PCR on biofilms dislodged from the surface of explanted arthroplasties u
48 id comprised of biofilms and other materials dislodged from the surfaces of explanted prosthetic join
49 rane and that the rod-capping protein, FlgJ, dislodges from the tip of the distal rod and is replaced
50  cells into differentiation and apoptosis by dislodging from the osteogenic niche.
51  Exposure of the cells to a PPARgamma ligand dislodges HDAC1 from the proximal promoter of the C/ebp
52 ich then activates C/EBP alpha expression by dislodging HDAC1 from the promoter for degradation in th
53 encing of viral DNA, achieving the latter by dislodging HDAC1 or -2 from the lysine-specific demethyl
54 s suggest that Smad1 interaction with Hoxc-8 dislodges Hoxc-8 from its DNA binding element, resulting
55 ontin and osteoprotegerin gene expression by dislodging Hoxc-8 from its DNA binding sites.
56                       In 1 animal, the stent dislodged immediately after release obstructing the mitr
57 These structurally abnormal hairs are easily dislodged in catagen implying a precocious exogen.
58                    The fistula needle became dislodged in one patient, but safety mechanisms prevente
59 cycle, even when Cse4 and H4 are temporarily dislodged in S phase.
60 tudies suggest a model in which reductase is dislodged into the cytosol from an ER subdomain closely
61                            Two valved stents dislodged into the left ventricle, one because of size m
62     Coil embolization was tried but the coil dislodged into the right branch of hepatic artery distal
63                   The key to successful self-dislodging is that the freezing at the droplet free surf
64  (MAVS; also known as IPS-1/Cardif/VISA) and dislodges it from mitochondria, thereby disrupting its f
65 10-1 excludes Cse4p from centromeres without dislodging it from STB.
66  suggest a molecular mechanism by which xTsg dislodges latent BMPs bound to Chordin BMP-binding fragm
67        In 17 patients, the custom-made wires dislodged less frequently than did commercially availabl
68 hind nipples were groomed more frequently or dislodged less frequently than were young on other nippl
69 ie vole young on hind nipples, however, were dislodged less frequently than were young on other nippl
70  hydrogen ions to ionize the protein without dislodging metals.
71                                              Dislodging MMPs by treatment with compounds such as hepa
72  DprA binds to ssDNA and facilitates partial dislodging of both single-stranded binding (SSB) protein
73 aneously with freezing, driving gradual self-dislodging of droplets cooled via evaporation and sublim
74 nditions, we find that this can lead to full dislodging of the ice droplet from a variety of engineer
75                             This spontaneous dislodging of the substrate-loaded transport domain is a
76     GAL4 binding alone did not independently dislodge or move the underlying histones, which remained
77  encounter DNA-bound proteins, which must be dislodged or bypassed to allow continued translocation.
78                When soil around the roots is dislodged or when seedling roots are touched, an odor is
79 l of how stress-induced MDMX phosphorylation dislodges p53 from the inhibitory complex and activates
80 these multiple pathways disable, degrade and dislodge parasites, leading to their destruction or expu
81 licases may greatly enhance their ability to dislodge proteins bound to duplex DNA, an activity that
82                                  First, Srs2 dislodges Rad51 from ssDNA preventing promiscuous strand
83                    We show that Srs2 acts by dislodging Rad51 from ssDNA.
84 r the GreA and Mfd proteins, which revive or dislodge stalled transcription complexes, and especially
85  pneumothorax (n = 2), pericarditis (n = 2), dislodged sternal bar (n = 3), and mildly hypertrophic s
86   The fact that each helicase was capable of dislodging streptavidin from the 3'-biotin label suggest
87   A model is presented whereby TetM directly dislodges tetracycline to confer resistance.
88 hRev1 can promote fork progression by either dislodging tetrad guanines to unfold the G4 DNA, which c
89 tubes were less likely to be unintentionally dislodged than unbridled tubes (18% vs. 63%, p < .0001)
90 ational changes in ARF1 required for Sec7 to dislodge the GDP molecule.
91  occurs within the 3-10 helix of p27 and may dislodge the helix from cdk4's active site to allow ATP
92 stall force as well as the force required to dislodge the motor head from the MT, to show that nearly
93 tinuous transcription through a PRE fails to dislodge the PcG proteins, nor does it remove repressive
94 in, the fluorescence recovery protein (FRP), dislodges the active OCP(r) from the PBSs and accelerate
95 d to keep it in place, while phosphorylation dislodges the C1-C2 linker and domain C2.
96  proceeds after a conformational change that dislodges the PH from the KD.
97 to translocate along the mRNA and eventually dislodges the RNAP via an unknown mechanism.
98 alosin-containing protein (VCP) subsequently dislodges the ubiquitinated proteins from the ER and cha
99 nsistent with the idea that antibody binding dislodges the V3 loop from its location in the Env spike
100 n the interfacial catalytic turnover without dislodging the bound enzyme.
101 ibitor, in facilitating dephosphorylation by dislodging the buried covalent phosphate through binding
102 ormed with care or not at all due to risk of dislodging the device.
103 3 is tightly bound in the active-site cleft, dislodging the equatorial coordinated calcium water (W5)
104 at the poliovirus polymerase was not able to dislodge translating ribosomes from viral RNA templates
105 the preribosome, and Utp14 activates Dhr1 to dislodge U3.
106 e showed that the DEAH/RHA RNA helicase Dhr1 dislodges U3 from the pre-rRNA.
107                    Removal of a misplaced or dislodged Viatorr endoprosthesis is possible using inter
108                                              Dislodging was accompanied by increased apoptosis suscep
109 cted to the poly(C)-rich 3' UTR motif and is dislodged when ribosomes are allowed to enter this regio
110              A "leashed" construct prevented dislodging without interfering with the other conformati

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