


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 al activity that propagates both locally and distally.
2 orresponding failure to assemble presynapses distally.
3 percentage shows ectopic AVE gene expression distally.
4 without, although this was not the case more distally.
5 testine, with absorptive capacity decreasing distally.
6 al flanked by D19S928 proximally and D19S425 distally.
7 ding cells of the immune system, locally and distally.
8  41% of the obstructed airways reopened more distally.
9  after injection and the response progressed distally.
10  normal leaves and displace proximal tissues distally.
11 eginning in the proximal tip and progressing distally.
12  protrudes from its distal vertex and points distally.
13 and a stretch of C-rich repeats were present distally.
14 ed an increasing number of narrower conduits distally.
15 anked between D3Mit187 proximally and S100a4 distally.
16  colon) and the most advanced lesion removed distally.
17 sions are equally distributed proximally and distally.
18 mbrane-proximal domain but differ completely distally.
19 produced by each cell, which normally points distally.
20  esophageal verge and declined markedly more distally.
21 , whereas in oral epithelium it is expressed distally.
22 between markers D6S186 proximally and D6S227 distally.
23 ain and then diverge in their tail structure distally.
24 , homeologous chromosomes pair and recombine distally.
25   There was minimal damage to the colon more distally.
26 bin instillation in the presence of stenosis distally.
27 erpolarization can shift the initiation site distally.
28 type and T-type VGCCs preferentially located distally.
29  glomerulotubular junction and then extended distally.
30 ed at the anastomosis, within a bend/kink or distally.
31  initiates at the proximal ends, and spreads distally.
32 interval (CI) = -0.22 to 0.30 mm, P = 0.40]; distally 0.21 mm [95% CI = -0.10 to 0.51 mm, P = 0.58]).
33                                              Distally, [11C]-HED retention was decreased in severe DA
34 athway, mice with a targeted deletion in the distally acting FA gene Fancd2 were created.
35 vel and rational methodology for identifying distally acting factors that would be attractive targets
36  ZPA expressing Shh forms, but it is located distally adjacent to the Fgf8 expression domain in the A
37  as a result of a heterozygous microdeletion distally adjacent to the Williams-Beuren syndrome region
38 es running close to their cell of origin, or distally after delivery in the circulation.
39  OB dopaminergic AISs were short and located distally along the axon but, in response to chronic 24 h
40 r and posterior stripes of cells that extend distally along the proximal-distal axis.
41                                              Distally along the same axon, EGFP-labeled NFL was much
42 onal area of fiber tract disruption situated distally along the thalamocortical segment of the pathwa
43 p patients, each variceal column was ligated distally and 1 mL of ethanolamine was injected proximal
44         Reflection led to functional reentry distally and bigeminal and trigeminal rhythms proximally
45 s constructed, bounded by the marker D3S3691 distally and by the gene ATP2B2 proximally.
46 ex, the two copies of the HDACs are situated distally and dynamically because of a natively unstructu
47 d death (bax), and E1B 19K and Bcl-2 may act distally and function through interaction with and antag
48 inate fasciculus (reduced radial diffusivity distally and increased longitudinal diffusivity centrall
49  that the earliest structural defects appear distally and involve the neuromuscular synapse.
50  genes involved in bladder neoplasia located distally and proximally to the MTS locus within p22-23 a
51 nerve terminal-based mechanism for directing distally and slowly generated resources quickly to activ
52 ial denervation FPs are more likely to arise distally and that FPs in benign fasciculation syndrome m
53 s in cellular communication both locally and distally and that the exosomal process is abnormal in ca
54 o that encapsulates the pluripotent epiblast distally and the extraembryonic ectoderm proximally.
55 s, placing the earliest arriving inputs most distally and the latest arriving closest to the soma.
56 he SPM tendon was consistently attached more distally and to the lateral side of the tuberosity, blen
57 tiation between the forms was virtually zero distally and very high proximally.
58 HC, neo-MyHC, and 2A-MyHC were more abundant distally and were excluded from the innervational zone,
59 advanced neoplasms (55 percent) were located distally and were potentially within reach of a sigmoido
60  signaling gradient (high proximally and low distally) and its functional correlates are restored aft
61  the rat, with maximal denervation occurring distally, and is associated with a proximal-to-distal gr
62 hich grow together in bundles as they extend distally, and the motoneuron axons they encounter expres
63  myogenesis is delayed, MPCs fail to migrate distally, and ventral paw muscles fail to form.
64 yelination began near the retina, progressed distally, and was confirmed by electron microscopy.
65 s, starting within mucosa and extended mesio-distally, arching more coronally to terminate apical to
66 muscle contraction such that each propagated distally as overlapping segments of contraction at a vel
67 cts on inflammation within the intestine and distally at sites as anatomically remote as the brain.
68 e middle above the head of the pancreas, and distally at the head of the pancreas.
69 Femoral translation increased anteriorly and distally at the heel strike and 50% of the stance phase.
70                  The splenic vein was opened distally at the tail of the pancreas and the superior me
71               Biogenesis events are enriched distally; autophagosomes form infrequently in dendrites,
72 ting from the stimulation wire or propagated distally away from the incision.
73  the cytokine response elements were located distally between -501 and -1000 bp upstream of the TSS.
74         They also serve as a cage around the distally bound anion that tightens when substrate binds
75 ost likely brings about interactions between distally bound DnaA and RepA by bending the intervening
76 iates coincident with MCM, and even the most distally bound MCM is associated with sites of replicati
77 hich the weakened His ligand, as well as the distally bound NO, is displaced by a second NO molecule
78  as a general mechanism for the reduction of distally bound stacked redox-active species covalently t
79                               As they travel distally, bundles of axons projecting along one cutaneou
80  (associative activation) extended the waves distally but failed to extend waves into the cell body.
81 x5 and Dlx6, linked homeobox genes expressed distally but not proximally within the arches.
82  polarity; on the wing, hairs normally point distally but their polarity is altered by these mutation
83 isintegrated slowly post-induction, starting distally, but rhodopsin and cone pigments trafficked nor
84 E is activated directly by Dll and repressed distally by a combination of factors, including the home
85 r both locally, to regulate Pax6, as well as distally by binding and regulating genes on multiple chr
86 tely 20 cM flanked proximally by D15S983 and distally by D15S127 on human chromosome 15.
87 fined a consensus region of deletion flanked distally by D1S2713 and proximally by D1S2134, which spa
88 ion of 1q41 flanked proximally by D1S217 and distally by D1S439.
89  interval bordered proximally by D4S1625 and distally by D4S2417.
90 t deletion flanked proximally by LCR22-4 and distally by either LCR22-5 or LCR22-6, respectively.
91                 Shox expression is inhibited distally by signals from the apical ectodermal ridge, bo
92  from connecting cilia (CC) and phagocytized distally by the retinal pigmented epithelium.
93 y (N-terminal), whereas it is largely acidic distally (C-terminal).
94 ar dynamics also showed that K(+) ions bound distally can coexist with other K(+) or Mg(2+) in the ca
95 eft lingual nerve was either ligated and cut distally, chronically constricted, or sectioned and allo
96 letal elements: Shh(-/-) Gli3(-/-) limbs are distally complete and polydactylous, but completely lack
97 arge molars that become progressively larger distally, complex occlusal morphology of the upper third
98                                              Distally, compressive deformation of intramyocardial blo
99 sticity that regulates antibody binding to a distally conserved blockade epitope.
100 ts showing 20 mm EGTA preferentially blocked distally coupled SVs.
101       Subsequently it spreads proximally and distally, covering the entire afferent surface.
102                                      Thus, a distally cycling Golgi protein mediates exit from endoso
103  was deposited in target airway regions in a distally decreasing pattern.
104 the synaptic input site, both proximally and distally, dendritic calcium transients are in tight temp
105 enomena, "distally directed dendrotoxicity." Distally directed beading was induced regardless of the
106                     Subsequent to induction, distally directed beading would reverse in most cells; i
107              We have termed this phenomena, "distally directed dendrotoxicity." Distally directed bea
108  principal cells together with SOM-mediated, distally directed inhibition, thalamocortical bursts cou
109                        Rather, it replaces a distally distributed and disynaptic excitatory feedback
110 right coronary arteries were evenly and more distally distributed.
111 ket, allowing it to adopt either a planar or distally domed conformation.
112 but also substantially increases the gain of distally-driven responses.
113 olution of two BmprIB promoters: one located distally, driving expression in the developing limb skel
114    The matrix and keratogenous zone expanded distally due to the increase in cell numbers.
115  at all levels of the aorta, most pronounced distally (e.g., distal descending aorta 5.1 +/- 1.8 mm H
116 ement in temporal summation during trains of distally evoked EPSPs.
117 oupled with ATP hydrolysis, translocate them distally, exerting mechanical force that mediates unfold
118  by the loss of spatial information from the distally expressed four-jointed (fj) gene, which encodes
119 deed, our focused study of GLT-3, one of the distally expressed GluTs, shows that despite this distan
120 r regions, which by virtue of their position distally flank the GH-V gene, was reduced in placenta ch
121 56 +/- 0.39 mm mesially and 0.74 +/- 0.51 mm distally for the immediate placement group and 0.51 +/-
122  from the soma, they may also originate more distally from a dendrite, the implications of which are
123 ology and suggest that PNH in SJS originates distally from synergistic actions of peripheral nerve an
124 ormed with inverse bevel incisions extending distally from teeth #5 and #12 to the maxillary tuberosi
125 pulses of GABA prohibited AP backpropagation distally from the application site, even in neurons with
126              Most grafted cells translocated distally from the base; however, basal donor allantoic c
127 protein subunits with their receptors occurs distally from the BFA-imposed block of intracellular mem
128                           RHEB binds to mTOR distally from the kinase active site, yet causes a globa
129  a Kdo residue in LPS, removed four residues distally from the lipid A moiety.
130 signal was functional when it was positioned distally from the membrane.
131 rtebral discs and the thigh (midthigh, 10 cm distally from the midthigh, and 10 cm proximally from th
132 edirected into the TVN, where it accumulates distally from the parasite's replicative centre.
133 ino-acid side chains to position the charges distally from the polypeptide backbone.
134      Studying ion channel currents generated distally from the recording site is difficult because of
135 ulted in a 350-kb cosmid contig that extends distally from the t(3;8) translocation breakpoint.
136 mutant cells are unable to contribute to the distally growing limb mesenchyme.
137              Autophagosome biogenesis occurs distally in a constitutive process at the neurite tip.
138 ization of the cytoskeleton both locally and distally in a manner that alters receptor mobility and c
139 left ventricle that delivers pulsatile blood distally in either a compliant or stiffened vessel to or
140                                          Out distally in field CA3, the long transverse fibers became
141  a fibrous extracellular structure that ends distally in flattened adhesive plaques.
142 s, the ssrA sequence in GFP-ssrA crosslinked distally in the channel to a segment of the distal ATPas
143 el negative regulator of apoptosis that acts distally in the conserved cell death machinery by inhibi
144  we show that Dkk1, -2, and -3 are expressed distally in the epithelium, while Kremen1, the needed co
145 to attach proximally to the tibia and insert distally in the fibula.
146  being larger proximally in the jejunum than distally in the ileum.
147 ess by assessing adaptive changes that occur distally in the microcirculation.
148 lit into smaller bundles as the axons course distally in the spinal nerves; more distally, some bundl
149               Although reentry occurred more distally in the vein, focal activity seemed to occur mor
150 oding genes by interacting locally in cis or distally in trans.
151 phagus and proximal stomach by E12 and, more distally, in the small bowel at E14-E16.
152 inding errors by altering their trajectories distally, indicating the dynamic nature of this process
153                                          The distally initiated activation wave front blocks near the
154                                        These distally initiated APs are mediated by a spatial gradien
155 t regrow beyond the lesion scar but extended distally into closer proximity to the injury site in AAV
156 an are organized in a linear array extending distally into the tibia, with only a few exceptions of c
157       A proportion of TCAs do extend further distally into ventral thalamus, but many of these stall
158 ter sequences in MHC class II genes and more distally involving the canonical CIITA enhanceosome.
159 ssayed by the elimination of Pax6(-/-) cells distally), is disrupted in the presence of a high propor
160                                              Distally, it has a firm anterior insertion at the femora
161                                              Distally, it preferentially targets active promoters and
162                                Peptides were distally labeled with either a fluorescent dye that quen
163 uaternary structure studies indicate that in distally liganded Hb, the T-state is compatible with pro
164                             In addition, the distally localised core polarity protein Frizzled positi
165 ndent on other potential elements, such as a distally localized CCAAT box, a CF1, a HIP1 binding moti
166 F block combinatorially regulate a subset of distally located androgen-responsive genes involved in p
167                                Inverting the distally located araO2 half-site eliminated the looping
168 urbations on two unstructured loops that are distally located beyond the epitope.
169                                          Two distally located CRMs support expression at different ti
170 he primary question we addressed was whether distally located DA-IPC varicosities, identified by tyro
171 mic inputs in turtles occupy mainly the more distally located dendrites, similar to the position of t
172 r sigma54, regulatory proteins bound at more distally located enhancer sites can activate transcripti
173 -mediated DNA demethylation mainly occurs at distally located enhancers and fine-tunes the transcript
174 eby shunting the effects of NMDA acting at a distally located generator of rhythmic burst firing.
175         These findings strongly suggest that distally located I(T) may function to amplify afferent i
176 NA in the peptidyl transferase center to the distally located nascent chain tunnel exit.
177                            However, residues distally located on the primary L1 sequence also were sh
178 m proximally located intermediate targets to distally located ones.
179                                          The distally located P2 subdomain of P shows the most promin
180  a more pronounced suppression than the more distally located PEM.
181 echanisms that control the expression of its distally located promoter(s).
182 hereby spatial chromatin organization allows distally located provirus, with its own enhancer element
183                                         This distally located region accounts for 4% of the physical
184                                     The most distally located SCRs (SCR1-2) mediate the interaction o
185                                     The most distally located SCRs, SCR1-2, mediate the interaction o
186 inary findings indicate that axons supplying distally located sensilla increase their diameters at le
187 nding sites, designated F1, F2, and F3 and a distally located site, F4.
188              How tumors promote apoptosis in distally located skeletal muscles has not been explored.
189 leotide polymorphisms (SNPs) by coamplifying distally located targets on a single chromosomal fragmen
190 he eps operon is required for readthrough of distally located termination signals.
191 dual disease was observed more frequently in distally located tumors (distance from anal verge <5 cm)
192 rative CMT was more likely in the setting of distally located tumors, occult tumor beneath the mucosa
193 putative cis active elements only within two distally located upstream segments which when deleted cu
194                                          The distally located VP8* domain of the rotavirus spike prot
195 neither the FxNPxY motif nor the second more distally located YxxO sorting motif of LDLR.
196 on for rSTDP at top-down synapses, which are distally located, is supported by recent neurophysiologi
197  in both forms nucleotide diversity was high distally, lower proximally, and very low nearest the cen
198 and 0.51 +/- 0.43 mesially and 0.54 +/- 0.45 distally mm for the delayed placement group, respectivel
199                    Canine NF1 and CRYBA1 lie distally, near the lower border of the Giemsa band adjac
200 e partially obstructed kidney, proximally or distally obstructed, with mild to severe obstruction and
201 ed; instead, dendritic beading occurred more distally, often encompassing all branches distal to the
202 long to the 14-33 epsilon gene residing more distally on 17p13.3.
203 hether IL-23 acts locally at the enthesis or distally on circulating cell populations.
204 e optic nerve; however, it was downregulated distally on RGC axons as they entered the SC.
205 he EST markers used in the study are located distally on the chromosomes in euchromatin.
206            However, large spurs were evident distally only in patients with chronic SpA (9 of 17 pati
207 form probably lacked a smooth margin and had distally open quilts.
208  short dispersed repeats located proximally, distally, or even on separate molecules relative to the
209 signaling cues to partition into the proximo-distally oriented subdomains that convey positional info
210 d a peristaltic wave which readily conducted distally over 13 cm, without the presence of fluid in th
211 ) cells at the base of sprouts normally move distally "over" existing sprout cells to form new tip-ce
212 l segments (P < 0.01 vs. ND rats) and by 82% distally (P < 0.01 vs. ND rats, P < 0.05 vs. proximal se
213  thus amputated skeletal elements regenerate distally patterned skeletal structures but does not form
214 rmal growth factor (EGF) signalling from the distally placed tip cell lineage, which sets up a distal
215  wing, where it is manifested by an array of distally pointing cuticular hairs.
216         Each wing epithelial cell produces a distally pointing hair under the control of the Frizzled
217  in turn leads to each cell forming a single distally pointing hair.
218 The simple cellular composition and array of distally pointing hairs has made the Drosophila wing a f
219 n an Early PCP Phase and both A-P ridges and distally pointing hairs in a Late PCP Phase.
220 re it controls the formation of the array of distally pointing hairs that cover the wing.
221 wing of Drosophila is covered by an array of distally pointing hairs that reveals the planar polarity
222 phila wing are polarised to produce a single distally pointing trichome.
223 e ratio of products was shifted to favor the distally polyadenylated form.
224 es an additional 7-8 residues, including the distally positioned Asn199, Arg200, and Asp204.
225 omplex the biggest change observed is at the distally positioned Tyr181 which is > 8 A from the mutat
226 nt target gene enhancers and to adjacent, or distally positioned, chromatin-bound T-cell factor (Tcf)
227 ins, can have clinical manifestations due to distally predominant axonal degeneration.
228          The chronic neuropathy patients had distally predominant fibre loss, with greater loss of ep
229 t the same participating centers--locally or distally procured--serve as the control group.
230          Perturbations evoked proximally and distally propagate along the loop, rendezvous in the str
231 tumor can mislead targeted therapies for the distally recurred tumor.
232 sm by which a common, non-coding variant can distally regulate a gene and contribute to the pathogene
233 hat oxygen affinity of lamprey hemoglobin is distally regulated.
234 hat ligand affinity in lamprey hemoglobin is distally regulated.
235 mplex circuits involving both proximally and distally regulating transcription factors (TFs) and also
236 se results provide a proof of concept that a distally related retroviral SIV Env protein boost can in
237 tion is often responsible for the ability of distally related species to synthesize the same volatile
238 cells established after initial priming with distally related viruses can be a vital component for pr
239  "wings" W1 and W2 positioned proximally and distally, respectively, to the transcription start site
240 gene expression in the cell body to regulate distally restricted axon degeneration.
241 s course distally in the spinal nerves; more distally, some bundles join to again form large bundles.
242 ar the ureteric bud tips and cadherin-6 more distally, suggesting that this primitive epithelium is a
243 tatin-containing interneurons are considered distally targeting.
244 s APC11-UBCH10 approximately Ub collide with distally tethered disordered substrates remains poorly u
245 totic spindle, with the spindle located more distally than normal.
246 adult-onset muscle weakness that was greater distally than proximally, as well as respiratory insuffi
247 akness, but in six, the weakness was greater distally than proximally.
248 ell as new evidence for additional loci more distally that account for unique features of the asthma
249 targets, acting both receptor proximally and distally, that can terminate or amplify the receptor's s
250 ontinuous with villous cytotrophoblast (CTB) distally, these cells differentiate into invasive extrav
251                                         More distally, these fascicles made divergent pathfinding dec
252  both proximally to the stimulation site and distally through orthodromic and antidromic mechanisms f
253 y following receptor activation but converge distally to activate eNOS.
254  Angelman syndrome region, extending 3.95 Mb distally to BP5.
255 centromeric end of chromosome 2 and extended distally to D2Rat201.
256 lating factor (GM-CSF) that acts locally and distally to generate and recruit inflammatory and proteo
257 eats but extends both proximally (42 kb) and distally to include the telomere.
258 noreactivity was detected proximally but not distally to injury, whereas neurofilament staining confi
259  development of mucosal immunity locally and distally to intranasally introduced Ag.
260  and fluorescein isothiocyanate (FITC) bound distally to Lys(515) within the nucleotide-binding site.
261 cle atrophy, but via secretion of FGF21 acts distally to modulate whole-body metabolism.
262 njugal intramycelial spread are located more distally to P(opimp).
263                       3) Both agents may act distally to PI-3 kinase.
264                       As autophagosomes move distally to proximally, they undergo maturation and beco
265  secreted into the bloodstream where it acts distally to regulate reproduction and promote lactation.
266 ha-mediated apoptosis and that function more distally to suppress genotoxic agent-mediated apoptosis.
267                               BSSgamma binds distally to the active site, burying a hydrophobic regio
268        Although these interfaces are located distally to the catalytic/substrate-binding site, bindin
269                          The bursae extended distally to the DTML in the second and third spaces clos
270 induced, with corresponding loss of ruffling distally to the illuminated region.
271                            Progesterone acts distally to the initial steps of T cell receptor (TCR)-m
272 lpha and insulin-signaling cascades interact distally to the IR.
273  of the medial epicondyle of the humerus and distally to the medial aspect of the coronoid process of
274 notable that Tbx2 expression does not extend distally to the mesoderm underlying the AER.
275 Shaker-type Kv1.2 channels, normally located distally to the paranode, overlapped with the disrupted
276                              CD99 functioned distally to the point at which platelet-endothelial cell
277 olar cells stratify within and slightly more distally to the processes of the ON-starburst amacrine c
278 APKs contains a MAPK docking site positioned distally to the residue(s) phosphorylated by MAPKs.
279 s after burn injury, even in muscles located distally to the site of injury.
280 ardial contrast echocardiography that occurs distally to the stenosis without recourse to any form of
281 cleavable MutY substrate analogue is located distally to the trap.
282 ing from a superiorly placed ureteral hiatus distally to the trigone.
283  and proximal jejunum, with a blunted effect distally; topography matched the expression profile of s
284 mination, and the septum was often assembled distally toward the hyphal apex, whereas a control germl
285  subtype (DA-IPC), i.e., they send processes distally toward the outer retina, exhibiting numerous va
286 RPV4 protein is transported in sensory nerve distally toward the peripheral nerve endings.
287 escribe an example, other than bwD, in which distally translocated heterochromatin associates with ce
288  class of brominated flame retardant that is distally transported to the Arctic.
289  transcription factor Islet1, resulting in a distally truncated mandible via unbalanced cell apoptosi
290 he proteins nucleate at silencers and spread distally, utilizing the Sir2 NAD(+)-dependent histone de
291 ximally, diffuse and circumferential disease distally, was observed irrespective of the time from tra
292 d intestinal transit by displacing nutrients distally, we compared intestinal transit when the two fo
293                           The AIS also moved distally when we combined long-term LED (light-emitting
294 sory axon contribution increases when moving distally, whereas only 1,700 motor axons reach the hand
295  and decreased as events were generated more distally, whereas the somatic time course of IPSPs evoke
296 , and the molars become progressively larger distally with exceptionally large third molars.
297 ber (IENF) density was most severely reduced distally, with more normal IENF densities in skin from p
298 into the outflow and its spiraling migration distally, with the right side of the SHF contributing to
299  within bands 17q12-q21, while GCN5L2 mapped distally within band 17q21.
300 ion potentials (FPs) may arise proximally or distally within the peripheral nervous system.

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