


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 can move within plants cell to cell and long distance.
2 he radius of gyration or maximum interatomic distance.
3 ty metrics such as correlation and Euclidean distance.
4 videnced by their increased running time and distance.
5  into the host, extending fibers over a long distance.
6 e and decreases with the generator-collector distance.
7 eral target, as a function of target-flanker distance.
8  at the same level shows a 1.634 A C-H...H-C distance.
9 increased steeply up to 5 cm inter-electrode distance.
10 crog due to the increased reactive sites and distance.
11 on energy and decreasing equilibrium binding distance.
12 as confirmed the best choice for all working distances.
13  spark propagation in relation to inter-dyad distances.
14 nsiderably shorter than normal van der Waals distances.
15 nneling medium at short biological tunneling distances.
16 al attenuation introduced to simulate longer distances.
17 viations of up to 4 A from the real interdye distances.
18 far, 0.12 for intermediate and 0.02 for near distances.
19 istributed networks communicate across large distances.
20 say and do, and how they function at various distances.
21 irs of Darwin's finches at different genetic distances.
22 to the deflationary effects of psychological distancing.
23  increase in E12 was predicted by increasing distance (0.07 per mm; 95% confidence interval 0.07-0.08
24   Trabecular-iris angle (TIA), angle opening distance 500 mum from the scleral spur (AOD500), and iri
25  and physical performance) and 6-minute walk distance (6MWD), London Chest Activity of Daily Living Q
26          We likewise show that anther-stigma distance, a floral trait associated with self-fertilisat
27 ith experimentally determined intermolecular distances, a comprehensive set of protein-ligand distanc
28 ng populations was decoupled from geographic distance across the global ocean and instead, correlated
29          The unweighted and weighted UniFrac distances also revealed considerable segregations of GM
30 nal-scale genetic structure and isolation by distance among 18 populations, and contemporary gene flo
31 an correlation between genetic and antigenic distances (among antigenic clusters) is 0.83, demonstrat
32 ta-sheets with an increased inter-beta-sheet distance and a higher solvent exposure than WT-alphaS fi
33 nding sites have been evaluated using both a distance and a volumetric overlap approach.
34 4 and deltaD-CH4 is observed with increasing distance and decreasing methane concentrations.
35                                  By applying distance and energy cutoffs, the protein system to be de
36 ociation between catheter type or tunnelling distance and ERI.
37 fera was best explained by both isolation by distance and isolation by resistance (main rivers).
38 es have the same helical symmetry and repeat distance and nearly identical folds of corresponding dom
39 ation to targeted CpG sites as a function of distance and orientation from the protospacer adjacent m
40 ncentrations were negatively associated with distance and positively associated with wind speed, both
41 (4 m), intermediate (60 cm) and near (33 cm) distances and binocular contrast sensitivity.
42 srupted in cells with increased interspindle distances and cellular constrictions between spindle com
43 taxon sampling to overcome long evolutionary distances and identify putative hidden orthologs in larg
44 ith slightly different C-X...NR3 (X = I, Br) distances and packing interactions.
45  likely detected for greater inter-electrode distances and their amplitude increased steeply up to 5
46 sidence, treatment facility location, travel distance), and comorbid (Charlson-Deyo score) factors an
47 l features (e.g., very large/small inter-eye distance), and reduction of the gain of feature tuning f
48 sed according to walking exposure (duration, distance, and intensity) and participant demographic cha
49 el high resolution, high speed, long working distance, and large field of view confocal fluorescence
50 c distances between samples to their spatial distances, and can be used for visually discerning popul
51     Multiple molecular approaches, including distance- and evolutionary model-based methods, were use
52                              We report a new distance- and orientation-dependent, all-atom statistica
53 s, in most tree species, for which transport distances are largest, loading seems, counterintuitively
54  tend to overexploit species whose dispersal distances as larvae exceed the home ranges of adults, de
55 es are separated by substantial phylogenetic distances-as much as 105 million years.
56 r spatial biases when judging visual targets distanced at 2 m, but not in directions that indicate re
57 lizations, and percent changes in 6-min walk distance) at 6 months.
58  are greater than those associated with long-distance atmospheric pollutant transport.
59 io galaxy jet/lobe, located at a significant distance away from the center of the Bullet cluster of g
60 longer surface plasmon polariton propagation distance based on crystalline crystal silver at low temp
61                                              Distance based unsupervised clustering of gene expressio
62 lly, using a combination of phylogenetic and distance-based approaches, we showed that the genetic di
63                                 In addition, distance-based detection where the concentration is read
64 tials of mean force along a root-mean-square-distance-based reaction coordinate obtained in the prese
65 n West Antarctica need to retreat only short distances before they reach extensive retrograde slopes.
66 or the interrogation of regions at specified distances below the surface of conducting objects with a
67  dataset, there was no difference in driving distance between beneficiaries who received a laser caps
68 llel veins running from base to tip, but the distance between each pair of veins, and the cell-types
69 dTomato reporter mice, we observed increased distance between Gli1(+) pericytes and endothelial cells
70 e to estimate in the photoinduced isomer the distance between hydrogen atom and carbon atom to which
71                                          The distance between peak cell membrane and peak glycocalyx
72   These stresses decrease as the stream-wise distance between plastron stagnation points increases.
73 ly influenced by only four types of factors: distance between segments, Rad21 or SMC3 (cohesin compon
74      The first step involves a change in the distance between the benzene units, which is common for
75 he alternative "parallel" loop, the expected distance between the dyes is outside the range accessibl
76 hosphine derivatives depends strongly on the distance between the electrophilic and nucleophilic carb
77  to harvest the FHL tendon, due to the large distance between the FHL tendon and the medial and later
78 he light guiding in optical fibers and small distance between the fiber tips and trapped particle.
79 ion is inversely correlated with the spatial distance between the region of interest and region damag
80                    Moreover, we quantify the distance between them using the entanglement spectrum.
81 ries of cyclophanes in which the interplanar distance between two phenyl-extended viologen (ExV(2+))
82 a linear function of spatial wavelength (the distance between wavefronts) of the arrhythmia.
83 well observed with broadband seismometers at distances between 1000 and 2000 kilometers from the sour
84  but are modulated by the real-time physical distances between body parts.
85 ociation times from data for various genomic distances between loci, and we show that the looping tim
86 the edge lengths are given by the end-to-end distances between nodes.
87 he immobilization solution results in larger distances between probes on the sensor, determined here
88 stry Positioning (GAP) relates local genetic distances between samples to their spatial distances, an
89  reduced level of connectivity despite short distances between some of the islands.
90 t frequency is distinct from average spatial distance, both in polymer simulations and in experimenta
91 ests implausible predictions about emotional distancing caused by art schemata (e.g., misunderstandin
92 fficient to demonstrate an efficient Hamming distance comparator for two strings of analog states rep
93  and approximately doubling the transmission distance compared to the recently standardized access te
94 py with >/=75-m improvement in 6-minute walk distance compared with patients assigned to optimal medi
95 ed treadmill exercise improves 6-minute walk distance, compared with exercise alone and compared with
96                           Our atomic overlap distance complements computed partial charges by measuri
97                               Intramolecular distances computed from the LRET signals define a geomet
98 ns via proton driven spin diffusion provided distance constraints to characterize protein-lipid inter
99 ated by fitting the collection efficiency vs distance curve.
100                                   Peak force distance curves also exhibited a more permeable membrane
101 cteria adhering to glass and their AFM force-distance curves and include the following observations:
102 nclude the following observations: (1) force-distance curves showed detachment events indicative of m
103 he dominant reactive hydrogen donor-acceptor distance (DAD) is typically ca. 2.7 A, considerably shor
104 ervable vegetation patterning (i.e., spacing distance, density) often controlled by limiting resource
105 averaged indoor HOx levels due to the strong distance dependence of the fluxes from compact bulbs.
106         Our findings show that incorporating distance-dependent connectivity improves the extent to w
107  including clustered networks, networks with distance-dependent connectivity, and those with broad de
108 TS bursts and tonic firing and, as a result, distance-dependent dendritic attenuation remains consist
109 h photostability, large signal-to-noise, and distance-dependent spectral features but presenting chal
110 ellae in plants, similarly sustained by long-distance diffusion of electron carriers.
111 dentity discrimination properties as well as distance-discriminant neurons are revealed in the avian
112 such as 'Ug99' (5,6) pose a threat from long-distance dispersal out of East Africa to the large wheat
113                        Data demonstrate that distance distributions can be significantly improved wit
114  time, accurately determining the tip-sample distance during an SICM experiment.
115 hy, revealing the importance of isolation-by-distance dynamics in the area.
116 revious research shows evidence of numerical distance effects in the intraparietal sulcus of the deve
117 ent years, polar bears covered greater daily distances either by increasing their time spent active (
118   Despite denials in the target article, the Distancing-Embracing model appeals to compensatory ideas
119                                          The Distancing-Embracing model proposes that negative emotio
120                          With respect to the Distancing-Embracing model, we discuss whether experts w
121  a relatively well confined sky position and distance estimate.
122 e cosmology appeals to the direct luminosity distance estimation through the waveform signals from in
123 We present ALFRED-G, a greedy alignment-free distance estimator for phylogenetic tree reconstruction
124 escribed by black body radiation, at shorter distances evanescent modes start to contribute, and at s
125 ) A each-the shortest such an intermolecular distance ever reported between any two d(10) centers so
126 m by tuning the metal-film thickness, spacer distance, excitation angle and polarization, and achieve
127                                  During long-distance fall migrations, nocturnally migrating Swainson
128 aluate visual outcomes for different working distances (far, 60 cm and 33 cm) and impact on vision qu
129 ced-choice judgments of which of two tactile distances felt bigger, one oriented with the proximal-di
130  second/third interdigit cortical separation distance following verum acupuncture predicted sustained
131 hich enables researchers to design single or distance-free paired-gRNA sequences.
132 ific aptamers are attracted to AFB1, getting distance from AuNPs which result in fluorescence recover
133 s that included two measures of AGD (AGD-AC: distance from center of anus to clitoris; AGD-AF: distan
134 nce from center of anus to clitoris; AGD-AF: distance from center of anus to fourchette).
135 contrast diversity patterns according to the distance from genes in all great ape taxa.
136 lation is greater than 0.6 between effective distance from Mexico and the proportions of influenza B
137 rioritised 245 candidate genes with a median distance from peak signal to prioritised gene of 153 kb.
138 d islands), across elevation gradients, with distance from shore and among habitat and vegetation typ
139 tributions accurately must vary according to distance from the calving front.
140 ve hypotheses for why a system decreases the distance from the critical point.
141 on depends on ATM kinase activity and on the distance from the DSB.
142 uation of cooperative movements with varying distance from the hinge center, whereas locking the SD3-
143  bone changes were observed with a mean DIB (distance from the implant shoulder to the first bone-to-
144 ged from 10(-5) to 10(-2) and decreased with distance from the source.
145 vory decreased exponentially with increasing distance from tree holes.
146     Crane vigilance declined with increasing distance from wildlife tourists in the two habitats, wit
147 ance, was used to calculate the endovascular distances from both femoral arteries at the level of the
148 fested area, suggesting that MPB spread long distances from infestation boundaries via spots followin
149       We measured beetle abundances at three distances from the shared edge of paired units, with uni
150 ion of N-linked glycans situated at variable distances from the site of misfold.
151 ich could have triggered activity at greater distances from the Sun.
152 m) were collected from nine sites at varying distances from two major municipal wastewater treatment
153                                              Distance-, fuel- and work-based PNEFs were calculated fo
154 of selection pressures from herbivores, long distance gene flow, genome properties, and lack of resea
155 outbreaks (three cases) dropped below 50% at distances greater than 26 km for severe neurological dis
156 26 km for severe neurological disease and at distances greater than 7 km for fatal respiratory diseas
157  with pre-LVAD ryanodine receptor-sarcolemma distances >1 microm did not improve after mechanical unl
158 d with distance, some were detected at large distances (>100 km) in snow and surface lake sediments,
159 s between regions separated by large genomic distances (>50 Mb) have yet to be characterized.
160  accessible schemata that lend themselves to distancing have initial affective reactions similar to t
161  exhibited stronger patterns of isolation-by-distance (IBD) than females and males in historic popula
162  host species and subsequently by geographic distances.IMPORTANCE Understanding the driving forces of
163  larvae were less active and covered shorter distance in a light and dark behavioral test compared to
164 ere developed for predicting growth from the distance in climate space (MINDD0(1/2) ) populations had
165 trol the cellular-level damage and cell-cell distance in individual tissues to establish the role of
166                 Additionally, by decomposing distance in the PhILR transformed space, we identified n
167              We find that the lowest genetic distance in this dataset is between modern Armenians and
168 found that local structure and large network distances in spatially embedded networks, lead to meso-s
169                              However the WTW distance indicated a statistically significant differenc
170 nal space (e.g., IPS) refers to the physical distance individuals maintain from others during social
171 ion neurons play a key role in carrying long-distance information between spatially distant areas of
172 ribosome-binding kl-TSS that provides a long-distance interaction with the 5' end is unique.
173             For the first time, neurons with distance-invariant identity discrimination properties as
174 roved understanding of the mechanism of long-distance iron signaling will allow improved strategies f
175 s non-monotonic dependence of correlation on distance is revealed in a new analysis of recordings fro
176 ances, a comprehensive set of protein-ligand distances is generated which then drives the docking pro
177 sensitive detection and analysis at standoff distances is impor-tant for remote sensing applications
178 erojunction band realignment proceeds over a distance less than 1 nm, leading to extremely large effe
179 carboxylic moieties in proper geometries, at distances less than the diameter of water, leads to enzy
180 ial mapping point pairs, 547 (8%) pairs with distance &lt;10 mm and fat thickness <1.0 mm were analyzed
181 ution concentrations vary sharply over short distances (&lt;<1 km) owing to unevenly distributed emissio
182 d for conformational analysis, and NOE-based distance mapping between sugar and protein revealed that
183 indNeighbour) or sparse (for FindNeighbour2) distance matrices given a set of sequences.
184 pplication which generates one-off in-memory distance matrices.
185 onant with structural characteristics, using distance matrix comparisons.
186  strengths and weaknesses, are available for distance-matrix based analysis of large bacterial collec
187                                      Namely, distancing may not be a binary, continuously on/off proc
188 ocation problem by its use of an alternative distance measure: "multihitting time," the expected leng
189 le of an MRI-based ruler for nanometre-scale distance measurement and the successful detection of bot
190 s in the search for new spin labels for DEER distance measurement at room temperature.
191 d novices' responses are apparent only after distancing mechanisms have had a chance to do their work
192 f novices, who lack access to well-developed distancing mechanisms, and whether differences between e
193 le significantly increased the 6-minute-walk distance (median change = +26 m) compared with placebo (
194 il and likely play an important role in long-distance microbial interactions.
195 hows significant but modest changes to total distance migrated.
196 speed and wind direction, data on geographic distance, mountains, and PM 2.5 concentrations.
197 ductivity, recruitment, and patterns of long-distance movement.
198 ce for the centroid of the aromatic ring and distances near the sum of the van der Waals and ionic ra
199 copying demonstrators moving balls over long distances, observers solved the task more efficiently, u
200 nclear whether the requisite close tunneling distance occurs through an unusual ground state active s
201 de for a waveguide pair with an edge-to-edge distance of lambda/3 at the telecommunication wavelengt
202 th individual complexes traveling an average distance of >/=10 kilobases at a velocity of 60 base pa
203 re analysis shows a Ru horizontal lineO bond distance of 1.75 +/- 0.02 A, consistent with computation
204 in the USA would have had to travel a median distance of 10.79 miles (17.36 km) to reach the nearest
205 s Se(0) with a first shell Se-Se interatomic distance of 2.339 +/- 0.003 A.
206  obtained is 62% for the generator-collector distance of 3 mum, which is more than two times higher t
207 agrass seeds daily, with a maximum dispersal distance of approximately 650 km.
208 tourists in the two habitats, with a minimum distance of disturbance triggering a high degree of vigi
209 te the Grey Matter Proximity Index, i.e. the distance of each contact from the cerebral cortex, in or
210         Persons in California within driving distance of gun shows.
211                  The ability to estimate the distance of objects from one's self and from each other
212  at 20 K reveals an intermolecular C-H...H-C distance of only 1.566(5) A, which is the shortest repor
213 u-rich domains to the extent of the stopping distance of the helium ions.
214 chanism of this energy transfer process, the distance of the ytterbium(III) from the surface of the A
215  control in which the differential diffusion distance of unreacted cross-linker and monomer into a pr
216 sal by each type of sifter, and measured the distance of wheat allergen dispersal over 20 minutes usi
217 38 at depths of 22 to 38 mm, at out-of-plane distances of 1 to 15 mm, and at insertion angles of 33 t
218 lent bond with ligand-unassisted Cu(I)-Au(I) distances of 2.8750(8) A each-the shortest such an inter
219 st of an atomic hydrogen sublattice with H-H distances of about 1.1 A, which are close to predictions
220  correlation coefficients and differences in distances of anatomic landmarks on the generated and acq
221      Furthermore, ejection speeds and travel distances of Leidenfrost drops were derived using a scal
222    Opposite shifts in the subunit separation distances of neighboring residues at the C-termini of th
223 r below 0.02% for events at relatively large distances of over 1000 km.
224  indentation depth and viscoelastic response distance on a single particle basis at a given applied f
225 d 250-fold in RGC development, promotes long-distance optic nerve regeneration in adult rats of both
226 rn was the same regardless of the geographic distance or malaria transmission intensity.
227 ay experience autonomic reactions, with less distance, or may have to distance post-experiencing/embr
228 ruly a perceptual bias for changes in source distance, or only in sound intensity.
229  DNA macromolecules, we demonstrate that the distance over which molecular junctions are maintained i
230 dary end points were change in 6-minute walk distance, plasma N-terminal pro-B-type natriuretic pepti
231 e mortality, soil chemistry and geographical distance play in regulating the community composition of
232 es play a critical role in facilitating long-distance pollen-mediated gene flow.
233 eactions, with less distance, or may have to distance post-experiencing/embracing their emotions.
234 ow walkers who were able to improve the 6MWT distance presented with significantly better outcomes th
235 ch is based on quantifying differences among distance probability distributions extracted from the ne
236  to form a transport machine capable of long-distance processive movement along microtubules.
237 ore the capability of employing FMF for long distance quantum communication.
238 etworking, future quantum Internet, and long-distance quantum communications.
239 e network, pathogen can be transmitted great distances quickly-as far as people move.
240   In addition, the scaling of the end-to-end distance R N as a function of the chain length N must be
241 er the condition of a low teeth pitch to gap distance ratio.
242 e repulsions are negligible for the interdye distance regime considered here (>50 A).
243 sport such quantum states robustly over long distances remains challenging.
244  oligomers that are higher than dimer, these distance restraints all have two-fold directional ambigu
245                                        These distance restraints enable us to position Psb28 on the c
246 action or repulsion, accounting for pairwise distance restraints, construction of homo-multimers, con
247                           The white to white distance showed a statistically significant difference (
248 5 bp) and long ( approximately 1 kb) genomic distances, showing that mutation drives GC content lower
249 ctral region, making it interesting for long-distance signal transmission.
250                 In this minireview, the long-distance signals implicated in systemic responses to var
251 elow the knee amputation (BKA) achieved jump distances similar to world-class athletes without amputa
252 these heterocyclic aromatics diminished with distance, some were detected at large distances (>100 km
253 otal depth, daily gas production and inverse distance-squared to patient residences.
254 opia as "sometimes," "often," or "always" in distance straight ahead or reading positions on the Dipl
255 reports a novel technique that analyses long-distance subionospheric very low frequency radiowave obs
256 udies find that individuals migrating longer distances tend to show later initiation of breeding atte
257 istic pair dispersion holds over much longer distances than expected.
258  PD values of groups with longer and shorter distances than median, and larger and smaller angles tha
259                                     At large distances the heat transfer can be described by black bo
260 connections and when integrated with spatial distance, the factor allowed predicting the existence of
261 hilic CHPs on the nanofiber surface at fixed distance, the nanofibers exhibit high water solubility,
262 tical shape analysis revealed greater radial distance (thickness) of the right amygdala and left thal
263 strands, thereby modulating dye-nanoparticle distance (three different positions are studied).
264 memory relate neuronal activity to position, distance, time point, and duration and compare these par
265 trumental variable was used-the differential distance to a high noninvasive ventilation use hospital.
266 culated each participant's residential-based distance to a major roadway and used a spatiotemporal mo
267 their tertiary or quaternary amine and their distance to an ester or related center.
268 f single, bound proteoglycans increases with distance to cell surface, indicating reduced confinement
269 ific variations (0-0.27%) were less than the distance to nearest neighbour (0.4-11.67%) with matK and
270                   We name this approach the 'distance to resistance'.
271                                   Increasing distance to the closest Veterans Administration center w
272 nflammation was not directly correlated with distance to the healthy plane, but there was some correl
273  to cataract surgery were older age, greater distance to the hospital, municipalities with fewer inha
274 tentials required for PSI was lower, and the distance to the MS orifice over which spray could be obt
275      We present experimental studies of long-distance transmission of ultrashort mid-infrared laser p
276 , cytoplasmic dynein-1 is essential for long-distance transport of many cargos, including organelles,
277 ge and chronology of historic trade and long-distance transport of natural resources is essential for
278 e roles in amino acid uptake from soil, long-distance transport, remobilization from vegetative tissu
279        Other outcome measures were corrected distance visual acuity (CDVA, logarithm of the minimum a
280 included uncorrected and spectacle corrected distance visual acuity (UCDVA/CDVA), automated kerato-re
281 MAR to 0.12 +/- 0.1 logMAR; mean uncorrected distance visual acuity (UDVA) also improved significantl
282 atient self-reported subjective estimates of distance walked.
283 distance were larger than a certain starting distance was fitted by single or multiple exponential fu
284 he relationship between genetic and physical distances was examined and the genome-wide recombination
285                           For both metabolic distances, we found that the probability of antagonism i
286 pproach based on centrality (eigenvector and distance-weighted fragmentation) of habitat patches can
287 hted LD between pairs of sites whose genetic distance were larger than a certain starting distance wa
288 hology results, and mean radiance and margin distance were measured.
289              Mean daily walking duration and distance were not associated with collision risk.
290 ongruent linkage groups and increased marker distances were also found.
291 trate-bound and -free state and the measured distances were compared to available crystal structures.
292 orting promotes rapid evolution of dispersal distance, which increases the speed and variability of r
293 tional networks composed of interacting long-distance white-matter tracts.
294 ) and patients in the top quartile of travel distance who underwent treatment at high-volume faciliti
295 s: patients in the bottom quartile of travel distance who underwent treatment at low-volume facilitie
296 ying the upper and lower quartiles of travel distance with institutional volume established short tra
297                 By combining normalized edit distance with Isomap and Laplacian Eigenmaps, synthetic
298                                              Distances within the carbohydrate were employed for conf
299 d its ability to spread locally or over long distances without a vector.
300     We show that the calculation of interdye distances, without taking into account solvent-induced s

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