


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 nt grain boundary reconstruction in tungsten disulphide.
2 ed sites in tungsten diselenide and tungsten disulphide.
3 -methyldithiofuran, and bis(2-methyl-3-furyl)disulphide.
4 aphene and few-layer semiconducting tungsten disulphide.
5 performance of vertically aligned molybdenum disulphide.
6 on of the opto-electronic gain in molybdenum disulphide.
7 methyldithio)furan and bis(2-methyl-3-furyl) disulphide.
8 isulphide bonds or protein-glutathione mixed disulphides.
9  Zeeman effect in monolayer transition-metal disulphides.
10 that Ero1alpha is regulated by non-catalytic disulphides.
11 olecules on graphene ( 0.15 eV) and tungsten disulphide ( 0.24 eV).
12 large-area synthesis of monolayer molybdenum disulphide, a new two-dimensional direct-bandgap semicon
13 RIalpha knock-in mice fully resistant to PKA disulphide-activation have deficient angiogenesis in mod
14                                              Disulphide-activation of PKA represents a new therapeuti
15 reacts with substrate proteins to form mixed disulphide adducts.
16 stinosin is responsible for transporting the disulphide amino acid cystine from the lysosomal compart
17 hione) and oxidized (cystine and glutathione disulphide) aminothiols were quantified by high performa
18 roducers of sulphur compounds where dimethyl disulphide and dimethyl trisulfide were the most promine
19 amily are able to directly reduce this PrxIV disulphide and in the process become oxidized.
20  both I241C and I287C can spontaneously form disulphide and metal bridges with R362C, the position of
21 to maintain optimal redox ratios for CoA/CoA-disulphide and NAD(+) /NADH during periods of rapid repl
22 h of ultra-high-quality monolayer molybdenum disulphide appears a primary task for the community purs
23 he molybdenum-terminated edges of molybdenum disulphide are mainly responsible for its catalytic perf
24                  Here we identify molybdenum disulphide as a promising cost-effective substitute for
25                In particular, using titanium disulphide as an encapsulation material, we demonstrate
26 E(m) = -290 mV) indicate that reduction of a disulphide at the CXXCH site of apocytochrome c (E(m) =
27       Two mutant CA proteins with engineered disulphides at different positions (P17C/T19C and N21C/A
28 trolled vapour phase synthesis of molybdenum disulphide atomic layers and elucidate a fundamental mec
29 boundaries in the polycrystalline molybdenum disulphide atomic layers are examined, and the primary m
30 ity and scalable synthesis of the molybdenum disulphide atomic layers.
31  support of this hypothesis, we demonstrated disulphide band formation between cysteines substituted
32 s that catalyse an activating intermolecular-disulphide between regulatory-RIalpha subunits of protei
33 hicker crystals such as monolayer molybdenum disulphide, bilayer graphene or multilayer hBN.
34 es that provide it with stability: a vicinal disulphide bond and a Ca(2+)-binding site (CBS).
35 ovided by its 2 structural elements (vicinal disulphide bond and CBS) is a key protective determinant
36 sis of residues involved in both the vicinal disulphide bond and the CBS to demonstrate that both of
37 , a combined mutant, T53C-T142C/T46P, with a disulphide bond at 53-142 and a proline substitution at
38 icating receptor function was inhibited by a disulphide bond between an A+ and an A- interface in bot
39 aracterized by the formation of an incorrect disulphide bond between C185 and C187, as opposed to the
40 crystallography structure of hBCATc showed a disulphide bond between C335 and C338.
41 onfirmed by the formation of a site-specific disulphide bond between TatC M205C and TatB L9C variants
42  Spx requires formation of an intramolecular disulphide bond between two cysteine residues that resid
43 m.), and the second elongating the substrate disulphide bond by 0.17 +/- 0.02 A (+/- s.e.m.).
44  be improved by reducing the intra and inter-disulphide bond by using appropriate reducing agents.
45 thiol-disulphide exchange, thus facilitating disulphide bond formation and rearrangement reactions.
46 eering cysteine residues into OtpA and using disulphide bond formation as a reporter of periplasmic l
47                                        While disulphide bond formation between the Cys residues of th
48 o acids of the protein and is dependent upon disulphide bond formation between two conserved cysteine
49 Deleting either dsbA or dsbB or both reduces disulphide bond formation but does not entirely eliminat
50 xidoreductases, which are involved in native disulphide bond formation in the endoplasmic reticulum o
51 cts of overexpressing endogenous proteins on disulphide bond formation in the periplasm.
52 -43 cross-linking via cysteine oxidation and disulphide bond formation leading to decreased TDP-43 so
53 ore, we tested the hypothesis that incorrect disulphide bond formation might be a factor that affects
54 ic rhodanese, partially restores substantial disulphide bond formation to a dsbA strain.
55 higher turbidity, surface hydrophobicity and disulphide bond formation were obtained in NAM added wit
56   The transfer of reducing equivalents, from disulphide bond formation, to oxygen involves the partic
57 tself gets oxidized and proceeds to catalyse disulphide bond formation.
58  is reversibly inactivated by oxygen through disulphide bond formation.
59 fold and fail to fluoresce due to non-native disulphide bond formation.
60 , suggesting a requirement for regulation of disulphide bond formation/reduction during rod opsin bio
61 rod opsin biogenesis and supports a role for disulphide bond formation/reduction in rod opsin biogene
62                      Whether such background disulphide bond forming activity is enzyme-catalysed is
63 system is not responsible for the background disulphide bond forming activity, we suggest that it mig
64 e show that ComEC contains an intramolecular disulphide bond in its N-terminal extracellular loop (be
65      Reduction of the seemingly inaccessible disulphide bond in the membrane-proximal alpha3 domain o
66 in-folding pathway is thought to introduce a disulphide bond into the haem-binding motif of apocytoch
67                                         This disulphide bond is believed to be reduced through a thio
68                        An extracellular NCX1 disulphide bond is rapidly reduced by tris(2-carboxyethy
69 This activity depends on DsbC, the bacterial disulphide bond isomerase, but not on DsbB.
70                            As formation of a disulphide bond most likely inactivates SpoVD activity,
71 e conformational switch upon cleavage of the disulphide bond of MtrC, but without concomitant increas
72                                          The disulphide bond pattern has been further altered by the
73       Thioredoxins are enzymes that catalyse disulphide bond reduction in all living organisms.
74 hanical force in the range of 25-600 pN to a disulphide bond substrate and monitored the reduction of
75 ver, its release also requires cleavage of a disulphide bond suggesting that its activity is mediated
76  hydroperoxides (OHPs) forms an intersubunit disulphide bond with residue C127'.
77 ovel helical fold, dependent on a structural disulphide bond, a structural feature consistent with th
78 slation of C127', formation of the C22-C127' disulphide bond, and alpha6-alpha6' helix-swapped reconf
79 t requiring a reorientation of the substrate disulphide bond, causing a shortening of the substrate p
80 uN2B ATD, by engineering of an inter-subunit disulphide bond, markedly decreases sensitivity to ifenp
81 translationally modified other than a single disulphide bond, raising the possibility that it might r
82 determined the structures of three different disulphide bond-trapped prepore intermediates.
83 onomer at a position that can be locked by a disulphide bond.
84 to a specific site on the receptor through a disulphide bond.
85 nger domain stalls due to the formation of a disulphide bond.
86 ription activation domain is stabilized by a disulphide bond.
87  between aromatic residues and by the single disulphide bond.
88 el fold, a new zinc-coordination motif and a disulphide bond.
89 o the correct and highly conserved C110-C187 disulphide bond.
90 h threonine that enables formation of stable disulphide-bond complexes with substrate proteins.
91                         By introducing a new disulphide-bond in the protein product and also disrupti
92 state analyses led to the discovery that the disulphide-bond plays an important role in receptor bind
93              Finally, activation of TRPA1 by disulphide-bond-forming MTSEA is blocked by the reducing
94                    Both reduced (active) and disulphide bonded (inactive) forms of IL-33 can be detec
95 this enzyme are mostly heavily glycosylated, disulphide bonded proteins.
96 at proteins that are flanked at both ends by disulphide-bonded caps that protect the hydrophobic core
97 hy allow us to distinguish between different disulphide-bonded species and to monitor the formation o
98 e partially restores secretion, showing that disulphide bonding contributes to the intracellular rete
99 ol oxidoreductases catalyse the formation of disulphide bonds (DSB) in extracytoplasmic proteins.
100 ysteine residues that were predicted to form disulphide bonds across the dimer interface.
101 gand-binding pocket and is stabilized by two disulphide bonds and a sodium ion.
102 has a globular structure stabilized by eight disulphide bonds and contains a deep open folate-binding
103  involves the formation and isomerisation of disulphide bonds and is catalysed by foldases in the lum
104 in structure on ATP binding, and introducing disulphide bonds between adjacent subunits to restrict i
105 hat reduction of intramolecular cbEGF domain disulphide bonds by homocysteine and the resulting disru
106 sis that homocysteine attacks intramolecular disulphide bonds causing reduction of cystine and domain
107                                 Reduction of disulphide bonds enhanced both the EAI and ESI compared
108             VKOR and its homologues generate disulphide bonds in organisms ranging from bacteria to h
109 for ERp57 in the isomerisation of non-native disulphide bonds in specific glycoprotein substrates.
110 ption factor TcpP by inducing intermolecular disulphide bonds in the TcpP periplasmic domain.
111 li uses the DsbA/DsbB system for introducing disulphide bonds into proteins in the cell envelope.
112 ions that prevent the formation of incorrect disulphide bonds involving C185.
113 nt forms aberrant inter- and intra-molecular disulphide bonds involving the acquired Cys39 and the on
114 (Grxs) are small oxidoreductases that reduce disulphide bonds or protein-glutathione mixed disulphide
115 ealed a 63 amino acid residue peptide with 4 disulphide bonds that belongs to the three-finger toxin
116 ctases catalyse the formation or breakage of disulphide bonds to control the red-ox status of a varie
117  data demonstrate the importance of zinc and disulphide bonds to MCR-1 activity, suggest that assays
118 teine residues readily formed intermolecular disulphide bonds upon binding to the receptor complex, r
119               The SH groups were oxidized to disulphide bonds when higher chopping temperature was ap
120  of them (at 584, 585, 588 and 589) can form disulphide bonds with counterparts from neighbouring sub
121                                 Formation of disulphide bonds within the mammalian endoplasmic reticu
122 597 of the S5-P linker can form intersubunit disulphide bonds, and at least four of them (at 584, 585
123 at Mpg1 hydrophobin variants, lacking intact disulphide bonds, retain the capacity to self-assemble,
124 f unstructured intermediates with one or two disulphide bonds, the majority of which then fold to for
125  a small, globular protein stabilized by two disulphide bonds, which is structurally related to aller
126 hannel TRPA1 via formation of amino-terminal disulphide bonds, which results in sustained calcium inf
127 ogether by an extensive hydrophobic core and disulphide bonds.
128  long extracellular loops stabilized by four disulphide bonds.
129 ight chain polypeptides covalently linked by disulphide bonds.
130  products that help cells reduce cytoplasmic disulphide bonds.
131 the oxidation-reduction state of cytoplasmic disulphide bonds.
132 a CXXC motif that catalyses the reduction of disulphide bonds.
133 cleases evolved from a progenitor with three disulphide bonds.
134 l responses to protein antigens that contain disulphide bonds.
135  some, but not all, substrates with multiple disulphide bonds.
136 sent in hydrophobins and form intramolecular disulphide bonds.
137 more, the polymerization occurs only through disulphide bonds.
138 ully oxidised native protein containing four disulphide bonds.
139 phosphatase/sulphatase fold containing three disulphide bonds.
140  the formation of inter- and intra-molecular disulphide bonds.
141  reveals that Sdp1 employs an intramolecular disulphide bridge and an invariant histidine side chain
142 ns and a dimeric form with an intermolecular disulphide bridge between Cys67 and Cys187.
143             When oxidized, leptin contains a disulphide bridge creating a covalent-loop through which
144  vitro reconstitution of vitamin K-dependent disulphide bridge formation.
145     With AZD1283 bound, the highly conserved disulphide bridge in GPCRs between helix III and extrace
146 its use of a [4Fe-4S] cluster and a proximal disulphide bridge in the conversion of a light signal in
147 al complexity within this motif created by a disulphide bridge in the long-chain helical bundle cytok
148 educed thioredoxin, which acts by breaking a disulphide bridge in the predicted extracellular loop ad
149 m of the FTR active site is free to attack a disulphide bridge in Trx and the other sulphur atom form
150         Cytochrome cL is unusual in having a disulphide bridge that tethers the long C-terminal exten
151 f the cysteine residues that probably form a disulphide bridge within Rpf impaired but did not comple
152     Optimal activity critically requires the disulphide bridge, and thus, to the best of our knowledg
153 resence of a solvent-exposed redox-sensitive disulphide bridge, unique among the subtilisin family, t
154 nd primes the protein for the formation of a disulphide bridge, which could be at the origin of the l
155  critically linked by a conserved but labile disulphide bridge.
156                                    Thus, the disulphide-bridge appears to function as a point of tens
157                            Here we have used disulphide-bridge crosslinking to show that the loop at
158 le of the knotted topology introduced by the disulphide-bridge on leptin folding and function.
159 the C-terminal alpha-helix is shortened, the disulphide-bridge pattern altered and N and C termini se
160 amily, but with a unique modification of its disulphide-bridge scaffold.
161 receptor-binding sites, far removed from the disulphide-bridge.
162 the predicted protein structure, a series of disulphide bridges and proline substitutions were create
163 nt, the former being characterized mainly by disulphide bridges and the latter by additional covalent
164 his provides the first genetic evidence that disulphide bridges in a hydrophobin are dispensable for
165 leaved into four subunits linked together by disulphide bridges in tube foot adhesive cells.
166  chain is pinned to the "Kunitz head" by two disulphide bridges not found in classical Kunitz/BPTI pr
167 Recombinant VEGF-A165-HBD that contains four disulphide bridges was expressed in specialised E. coli
168  concerning beta-structures, conformation of disulphide bridges, and aromatic amino acid environment,
169  of the protein fold, presence or absence of disulphide bridges, and secondary structure composition,
170 which crosslink the cysteines with metal and disulphide bridges, respectively.
171 cellular environment by the formation of two disulphide bridges, resulting in an extensive conformati
172 oured, although these do not form intrasheet disulphide bridges.
173     We apply varying stretching force to the disulphide by incorporating it into a series of increasi
174 ationally that the reduction rate of organic disulphides by phosphines in water, which in the absence
175 membrane-anchored MICA form transitory mixed disulphide complexes from which soluble MICA is released
176 to thiocholine, which was oxidised to give a disulphide compound by dimerisation at 0.60V versus satu
177 o their oxidation to other compounds such as disulphide compounds which showed significant increase i
178 furcation involving NADH, Fdox and the thiol/disulphide-containing DsrC.
179 four-disulphide structural domain [whey four disulphide core domain (WFDC)], WAP proteins are increas
180 ic activity, such as pyrite structure cobalt disulphide (CoS2), and substituting non-metal elements t
181 , whereas K8 G62C/R341C animals had aberrant disulphide cross-linked keratins.
182 isation and not hydrophobic interactions nor disulphide cross-links.
183 r conformation with a high-affinity toxin or disulphide crossbridge impedes the return of this voltag
184 lasmic cap but abolished a substrate-induced disulphide crosslink in transmembrane helix 5 of TatC.
185 me quaternary structure, indicating that the disulphide-crosslinked proteins recapitulate the structu
186                         We previously used a disulphide crosslinking strategy to enable isolation and
187              The substitutions did not alter disulphide crosslinking to neighbouring TatC molecules f
188 se the effects of homocysteine on the native disulphide (cystine) bonds of these domains.
189             The target analytes were diallyl disulphide (DADS), diallyl sulphide (DAS), diallyl trisu
190 n (2-VD), diallyl sulphide (DAS) and diallyl disulphide (DADS).
191                  Dimethyl sulphide, dimethyl disulphide, dimethyl trisulphide 2-propylthiazole and 2-
192 nds present in onion essential oil; dipropyl disulphide, dipropyl sulphide and their mixture.
193 ve forms of OhrR can be reactivated by thiol-disulphide exchange reactions allowing restoration of re
194 may be higher levels of initiators for thiol-disulphide exchange reactions, resulting in an increase
195 ss, S-glutathionylation occurs through thiol-disulphide exchange with oxidized glutathione or reactio
196                          PDI catalyses thiol-disulphide exchange, thus facilitating disulphide bond f
197 olymerisation of hydrated gluten proteins by disulphide exchange.
198 ential for normal peroxide-induced Tpx1-Sty1 disulphide formation and Tpx1-dependent regulation of pe
199                             In vivo rates of disulphide formation between diagnostic cysteine pairs s
200 ng helix in chemoreceptor Trg using rates of disulphide formation between introduced cysteines.
201 y PrxIV may therefore increase efficiency of disulphide formation by Ero1 and also allows disulphide
202                                              Disulphide formation in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) i
203 disulphide formation by Ero1 and also allows disulphide formation via alternative sources of H(2)O(2)
204 ein ER oxidoreductin 1 (Ero1), which couples disulphide formation with reduction of oxygen to form hy
205  how oxidation by H(2)O(2) can be coupled to disulphide formation.
206 uced nanoindentation of monolayer molybdenum disulphide from a tailored nanopattern, and demonstrate
207 nd device properties of monolayer molybdenum disulphide grown by chemical vapour deposition.
208 ies of nanostructured flower-like molybdenum disulphide grown by hydrothermal route has been studied.
209 er molybdenum disulphide (MoS2) and tungsten disulphide, grown directly on insulating SiO2 substrates
210 redox pair glutathione (GSH) and glutathione disulphide (GSSG) forms the most important redox buffer
211 oughout the enzootic cycle, to support thiol-disulphide homeostasis, and to indirectly protect the sp
212 ctive exfoliation of graphite and molybdenum disulphide in water mixtures with methanol, ethanol, iso
213 p the new prospect of using transition metal disulphides instead of conventional carbon-based materia
214                      Our results reveal that disulphide interactions enhance intracellular accumulati
215 hich then fold to form the native-like three-disulphide intermediate, des-[77-95].
216 enous substrates for ERp57 by trapping mixed disulphide intermediates between enzyme and substrate.
217 the two-dimensional semiconductor molybdenum disulphide introduced a new optically active material po
218                                   Molybdenum disulphide is a layered transition metal dichalcogenide
219                                Human protein disulphide isomerase (hPDI) is an endoplasmic reticulum
220  (ER) is catalysed by members of the protein disulphide isomerase (PDI) family.
221 on substance protein A (NusA), human protein disulphide isomerase (PDI), and the b'a' domain of PDI (
222 e response proteins GRP78 and GRP94, protein disulphide isomerase (PDI), homocysteine-inducible, endo
223  glucose-regulated protein (GRP) and protein-disulphide isomerase (PDI), which assist in the maturati
224 combined activities of Ero1alpha and protein disulphide isomerase (PDI).
225            In addition, we show that protein disulphide isomerase can catalyse the oxidative folding
226 amino acid 526 in close vicinity to a "CGLC" disulphide isomerase consensus sequence.
227           Conversely, over-expression of the disulphide isomerase DsbA increases the colistin MIC of
228             ERp57 is a member of the protein disulphide isomerase family of oxidoreductases, which ar
229  all forms of PCSK9 co-localize with protein disulphide isomerase in the ER whether or not they can b
230 lled PDIA6 or P5), which, similar to protein disulphide isomerase, usually assists in the folding of
231 doplasmic reticulum luminal protein, protein disulphide isomerase.
232 the central part of the molecule (N-terminal disulphide knot, NDSK) resulted in strong interactions w
233  technique, using atomically thin molybdenum disulphide layers as a model material.
234 le formation in WPBs and template N-terminal disulphide linkage between VWF dimers, to form ultralong
235                           Prevention of such disulphide linkage through the introduction of the Cys23
236            Less flexible spacers between the disulphide linkages and the helix will restrict each het
237 ies were undertaken to chemically modify the disulphide linkages present and to investigate the effec
238 ion under highly denaturing conditions of 5'-disulphide-linked conjugates of 3'-fluorescein labelled
239 ly cystatin to be synthesised as an inactive disulphide-linked dimeric precursor.
240      Upon oxidation of immature particles, a disulphide-linked Gag hexamer was formed, implying that
241  CD247 share high sequence homology and form disulphide-linked homodimers that contain a pair of acid
242                                The levels of disulphide-linked whey proteins were higher in SM-ME tha
243                                         FimD disulphide loop and F4 mutants were able to bind chapero
244                                         PapC disulphide loop mutants were able to bind PapDG chaperon
245 ects in two-dimensional monolayer molybdenum disulphide may be responsible for large variation of ele
246 vestigated in this study and show that these disulphide-modified oligonucleotide probes offer signifi
247 asured as a function of force applied on the disulphide moiety yields a usefully accurate estimate of
248 ng to grain boundary migration in a tungsten disulphide monolayer.
249 emitters in tungsten diselenide and tungsten disulphide monolayers, emitting across a range of wavele
250 n a free-standing single layer of molybdenum disulphide (MoS(2)) and a measured piezoelectric coeffic
251 , other layered materials such as molybdenum disulphide (MoS(2)) have been investigated to address th
252  2D materials including graphene, molybdenum disulphide (MoS2) and black phosphorus.
253       A nanocomposite formed from molybdenum disulphide (MoS2) and graphene quantum dots (GQDs) was p
254 tal dichalcogenide family such as molybdenum disulphide (MoS2) and tungsten diselenide (WSe2), as wel
255 ch wafer-scale films of monolayer molybdenum disulphide (MoS2) and tungsten disulphide, grown directl
256              Two-dimensional (2D) molybdenum disulphide (MoS2) atomic layers have a strong potential
257                         Ultrathin molybdenum disulphide (MoS2) has emerged as an interesting layered
258 lution reaction (HER; refs ,,,,), molybdenum disulphide (MoS2) is known to contain active edge sites
259 en demonstrated for the growth of molybdenum disulphide (MoS2) on insulating substrates, but to date,
260  the Fdx [2Fe-2S] cluster to the active-site disulphide of Trxs.
261 rmediate which reacts to form either a mixed-disulphide or a protein sulphenamide.
262 either prevents the formation of these mixed disulphides or resolves these adducts subsequently.
263                                        Thiol-disulphide oxidoreductases catalyse the formation or bre
264 mical characteristics typical of these flavo disulphide oxidoreductases.
265   We show that intrinsic defects in tungsten disulphide play an important role in this proximity effe
266 ion of point defects in monolayer molybdenum disulphide prepared by mechanical exfoliation, physical
267                 The glutathione: glutathione disulphide ratio was also lower, showing increased oxida
268 e effects of the biologically relevant thiol-disulphide redox molecule, glutathione, and Zn2+-binding
269                                         This disulphide reducing system is present in Cryptococcus ne
270 indicated that it functioned as a coenzyme A disulphide reductase (CoADR) (specific activity approxim
271            The cdr gene encodes a coenzyme A disulphide reductase (CoADR) that reduces CoA-disulphide
272 is a nuclear-cytoplasmic pyridine nucleotide-disulphide reductase (PNDR).
273  not act as an apocytochrome c or c(1) CXXCH disulphide reductase in vitro.
274  which we show encodes an EDEM2/3-associated disulphide reductase.
275 framework for understanding the mechanism of disulphide reduction by an iron-sulphur enzyme and descr
276 ia coli, we show that a conserved N-terminal disulphide region of the PapC and FimD ushers, as well a
277 his enzyme was specific for coenzyme A (CoA) disulphide, required NADH and had no significant activit
278  present a new member of the family, rhenium disulphide (ReS2), where such variation is absent and bu
279 c residues and the transmembrane pore lies a disulphide-rich 'thumb' domain poised to couple the bind
280 membrane helices, a bound chloride ion and a disulphide-rich, multidomain extracellular region enrich
281 g transistors where two-dimensional tungsten disulphide serves as an atomically thin barrier between
282 sulation, while the pyrazines, thiazoles and disulphides showed opposite trend.
283                   We uncover that molybdenum disulphide shows superior carbon dioxide reduction perfo
284 e family of bacteria and is regulated by the disulphide stress-response sigma factor, sigma(R), in St
285 able for survival of Bacillus subtilis under disulphide stress.
286 y an evolutionarily conserved canonical four-disulphide structural domain [whey four disulphide core
287 h exceptional strength, monolayer molybdenum disulphide subjected to biaxial strain can embed wide ba
288 nd had no significant activity against other disulphides, such as oxidized glutathione or thioredoxin
289 cine-rich repeat (LRR) domains, connected by disulphide-tethered linkers.
290                   The structure shows that a disulphide-tethered Rad4 flips out normal nucleotides an
291 ing two-dimensional layered transition metal disulphides that possess a combination of high conductiv
292 an electronic phase transition in molybdenum disulphide, there has been a lack of experimental eviden
293 isulphide reductase (CoADR) that reduces CoA-disulphides to CoA in an NADH-dependent manner.
294 lying that the redox potential for the thiol/disulphide transition in gamma(2) is substantially highe
295  crystalline islands of monolayer molybdenum disulphide up to 120 mum in size with optical and electr
296 ctural properties of multilayered molybdenum disulphide up to 35 GPa.
297 ion potential (E degrees') of the regulatory disulphides was calculated to be approximately -275 mV m
298                        The stable regulatory disulphides were only partially reduced by PDI (E degree
299                    Single-layered molybdenum disulphide with a direct bandgap is a promising two-dime
300  activity of PrxIV depends on reduction of a disulphide within the active site to form a free thiol,

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