


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 hat ALAN is associated with higher levels of diurnal abundance along the boundaries and within the in
2 ying the events through which alterations in diurnal activities impinge on peripheral circadian clock
3                 In summary, miR-124 controls diurnal activity and determines the phase of circadian l
4 rosophila miR-124 as a critical regulator of diurnal activity.
5 iasmatic nucleus (SCN) not only controls the diurnal alternance of the active phase (the light period
6 rnal, and crown Reptilia, which is primarily diurnal, although molecular evidence for this is lacking
7  mass, and porosity allows the mounds to use diurnal ambient temperature oscillations for ventilation
8 ctivity allows a clear distinction between a diurnal and a nocturnal group of fishes.
9  PPD locus also has a role in maintenance of diurnal and circadian gene expression rhythms and identi
10 en experienced an increased amplitude of the diurnal and circadian variation of alertness, mainly due
11                              We compared the diurnal and circadian variation of sleep and alertness o
12 This study quantifies sex differences in the diurnal and circadian variation of sleep and waking whil
13 atonin rhythms, as well as an advance in the diurnal and circadian variation of sleep measures and su
14   All analyzed measures showed a significant diurnal and circadian variation throughout the USW proce
15                                              Diurnal and nocturnal African dung beetles use celestial
16 lar perfusion pressure were compared for the diurnal and nocturnal periods.
17 composition in a heterogeneous coma that has diurnal and possibly seasonal variations in the major ou
18 , and they can vary substantially throughout diurnal and seasonal cycles.
19         These data suggest that interrelated diurnal and seasonal epigenetic and transcriptional rhyt
20 and a sheep feedlot were chosen for repeated diurnal and seasonal measurements.
21 ns led to more uniform spatial gradients and diurnal and seasonal patterns and caused seasonal peaks
22 t widespread, site-specific and interrelated diurnal and seasonal rhythms of gene expression in the h
23                              We describe the diurnal and seasonal variation in isoprene, monoterpene,
24                                          The diurnal and seasonal water cycles in the Amazon remain p
25  adrenal atrophy as well as decreased basal, diurnal and stressor-stimulated plasma corticosterone se
26 extra confidence including the comparison of diurnal and/or weekly concentration trends of the metabo
27                      They are highly visual, diurnal animals with a cone-dominated retina and a genic
28 longed, constant, other); (6) frequency; (7) diurnal appearance (day, night, both); (8) stimuli (turn
29    Compass neurons in the central complex of diurnal beetles are tuned only to the sun, whereas the s
30 cue preference differs between nocturnal and diurnal beetles in a manner that reflects their contrast
31                                              Diurnal beetles, however, persist in using a celestial b
32 d neural microRNA as a critical regulator of diurnal behavior.
33                 We found that miR-124 shapes diurnal behavioral activity and has a striking impact on
34  here that N2O exchange exhibits contrasting diurnal behaviour depending upon soil nitrogen availabil
35                                           In diurnal birds, the nocturnal production of melatonin, co
36 ning System (GPS)-based measurements of semi-diurnal body tide deformation.
37 ular complex (MGC) in the antennal lobe of a diurnal butterfly.
38 osynthesis, resulting in a decrease in total diurnal carbon assimilated of at least 20%.
39  storage tissues, which subsequently impacts diurnal changes in circulating lipid levels.
40 trate storage tissues in order to adapt with diurnal changes in energy supply and demand.
41 or question is how the liver adapts to these diurnal changes in physiology.
42 elations were used to evaluate degeneration, diurnal changes, repeatability, and age effects, respect
43 CAA catabolism genes in stress, development, diurnal/circadian, and light data sets.
44  demonstrating the influence of seasonal and diurnal climate variation, and highlight the potential o
45                                          Our diurnal coexpression data capture functional relationshi
46  of all-cone retinas, such as those found in diurnal colubrid snakes, remain a mystery.
47 es revealed a faster dissipation of the semi-diurnal component with respect to the diurnal components
48 e semi-diurnal component with respect to the diurnal components.
49 revious evidence shows that elongation under diurnal conditions (as well as in shade) is also subject
50 atory, and data on metabolic processes under diurnal conditions are lacking.
51 IPU and structurally similar compounds under diurnal conditions.
52 that evolved in phototrophic organisms under diurnal conditions.
53 grate mechanisms potentially involved in the diurnal control of the pathway.
54  (IL-10) cytokines, and collected saliva for diurnal cortisol.
55 ccus DNA replication, indicating coordinated diurnal coupling of virus and host reproduction.
56 erns in wood cell wall biosynthesis, suggest diurnal cycle as a possible cue in the regulation of car
57 iency is differentially regulated during the diurnal cycle for genes with 5'-Terminal Oligo Pyrimidin
58 rays to measure mRNA accumulation during the diurnal cycle in the livers of (1) wild-type mice, (2) a
59       Thus, Pol III transcription during the diurnal cycle is regulated both in response to nutrients
60 trial radiation is strongly modulated by the diurnal cycle of clouds (DCC).
61                   HO2 was observed to have a diurnal cycle with morning concentrations suppressed by
62 d that LD abundance was modulated during the diurnal cycle, and characterization of LDAP misexpressio
63 r in guard cells of intact leaves during the diurnal cycle.
64 outheastern United States, with the expected diurnal cycle.
65 electron donor, with lifetimes exceeding the diurnal cycle.
66 bidopsis leaves at different points during a diurnal cycle.
67  prediction of growth properties over a full diurnal cycle.
68  notion that ecological features such as the diurnal cycles of light and day, sunlight exposure, seas
69 llations in peripheral tissues are driven by diurnal cycles of rest-activity and food intake or are a
70 ted is indicated by correlations between the diurnal cycles of the OVOC measurements and solar radiat
71 synchronization of biological processes with diurnal cycles such as activity and rest.
72  probably connected to the interplay between diurnal cycles that drive photosynthetic cell growth and
73  to 4 hours after onset of the nocturnal and diurnal cycles.
74 res within 500 m of their home had a steeper diurnal decline in cortisol levels during the day (beta
75 to -0.9]; 15 trials, 1190 participants), and diurnal diastolic blood pressure (WMD, -1.3 points [95%
76 fields, avoiding low natural vegetation; (3) Diurnal dynamics of foraging: LLBs are uniformly active
77 pendent on exact canopy architecture and the diurnal dynamics of photoinhibition.
78       The circadian clock interacts with the diurnal environment that also drives transcription and m
79 anism that entrains the circadian clock to a diurnal environment.
80  thereby synchronize biological processes to diurnal environmental fluctuations.
81                    We trace the seasonal and diurnal evolution of the colors of the 67P nucleus, find
82  nitrate assimilation pathways show opposite diurnal expression patterns, with ferritin being maximal
83 ed and degraded in the nucleus in a robustly diurnal fashion with a phase opposite to that of ribosom
84 y biological processes in mammals cycle in a diurnal fashion.
85        Here, we deciphered how switching the diurnal feeding from the active to the rest phase, i.e.,
86               These changes may underlie the diurnal fluctuations in interstitial and cerebrospinal f
87 y have replaced auditory in these colourful, diurnal frogs.
88 igate the evolutionary fate of the rods in a diurnal garter snake and test two competing hypotheses:
89 emporal sampling to characterize genome-wide diurnal gene expression in Chlamydomonas.
90 edlings to low temperature in the context of diurnal gene expression.
91 ugh which transits of one of the moon's semi-diurnal gravimetric tides might have driven the patients
92 at modulate the amplitude of the moon's semi-diurnal gravimetric tides: the 14.8-day spring-neap cycl
93  resource allocation problem of phototrophic diurnal growth and may serve as a general framework to a
94  and energetic constraints of cyanobacterial diurnal growth is limited.
95 urther connect the clock to metabolism under diurnal growth, and indicate that RpaA likely has import
96 7942, a functional clock is not required for diurnal growth, but mutants defective for the response r
97 ator influences rhythms of metabolism during diurnal growth, even though light-dark cycles can drive
98 optimality of metabolite partitioning during diurnal growth.
99 ark stimulus patterns simulating those that (diurnal) humans would experience while working dayshift
100  its receptor STRA6 are potent regulators of diurnal insulin responses and suggest that the holo-RBP/
101         However, the mechanisms that dictate diurnal insulin sensitivity in metabolic tissues are not
102            Together, these findings reveal a diurnal inter-tissue signaling network between muscle an
103   The primary efficacy endpoint was the mean diurnal IOP across subjects within the treatment group a
104 th BBFC added to TRAV resulted in lower mean diurnal IOP after 6 weeks of treatment compared with veh
105                                         Mean diurnal IOP at week 6 (least squares mean +/- standard e
106                                         Mean diurnal IOP averaged over 8 AM, 10 AM, 3 PM, and 5 PM ti
107                             Mean and percent diurnal IOP change from baseline were significantly grea
108                                              Diurnal IOP measurements (at 0, 2, and 8 hours) were obt
109                    Secondary end points were diurnal IOP measurements at months 4, 5, and 6 and adver
110         Acupuncture has no overall effect on diurnal IOP or BCVA but may temporally increase the IOP
111                              On day 28, mean diurnal IOP was 20.1, 20.0, and 18.7 mmHg in the AR-1332
112                                          HR, diurnal IOP, and BCVA showed no statistically significan
113                                              Diurnal leaf-level measurements revealed a negative feed
114 s in six nocturnal, three cathemeral and two diurnal lemur species and quantified different parameter
115  as adaptations to nocturnal/crepuscular and diurnal light environments.
116  a spherical terminal shell, is paced by the diurnal light/dark cycle.
117 ing their biomass composition in response to diurnal light/dark cycles and nutrient availability.
118  known on the signaling components mediating diurnal, light, and temperature controls on plant develo
119  a seed pattern, doubling the copies in each diurnal-like cycle of temperature and ultraviolet illumi
120 abundance dynamics of five common species of diurnal lizards over 25 years in a Sonoran Desert transi
121 ctivity periods but very similar ecology-the diurnal Macroglossum stellatarum, the nocturnal Deilephi
122           Circadian rhythms in nocturnal and diurnal mammals are primarily synchronized to local time
123 ess lipids and carbohydrates accumulate in a diurnal manner and are dependent on the clock proteins P
124  at finer temporal resolutions than based on diurnal mean temperature.
125                                              Diurnal measurements of methane and carbon dioxide mole
126 ver, the influence of the circadian clock on diurnal metabolism has been investigated only briefly.
127 lcification in N. dutertrei and suggest that diurnal Mg-banding is an intrinsic component of biominer
128 d physiology, and specifically contribute to diurnal modulation of drug metabolism.
129  sensory investment intermediate between the diurnal monarch butterfly (Danaus plexippus), which inve
130                         We conclude that the diurnal neural activation pattern may reflect a predicti
131                                Marmosets are diurnal New World monkeys that show sex-linked cone phot
132                   We use weekly estimates of diurnal occurrence and relative abundance for 40 nocturn
133           This study tests the capacity of a diurnal Octodon degus and nocturnal Rattus norvegicus to
134 ctors or nutrients depending on the animal's diurnal or nocturnal lifestyle.
135 ured in the tunnel does not have significant diurnal or seasonal variations, which indicate that a si
136  AND CLOCK-REGULATED genes (LNK) shaping the diurnal oscillation of the anthocyanin metabolic pathway
137 ore, transcript analysis suggested that this diurnal oscillation was not only dependent on phyB but w
138                    Circadian rhythm involves diurnal oscillations in biological processes.
139                     Remarkably, we uncovered diurnal oscillations in lipid accumulation in the nucleu
140                                              Diurnal oscillations of gene expression are a hallmark o
141                                              Diurnal oscillations of tetrapyrrole levels in the chlor
142 rophospholipids, and sphingolipids exhibited diurnal oscillations, suggesting a widespread circadian
143 on may reflect a physiological adaptation to diurnal osmotic loading of the intervertebral disc.
144  We identified four patterns of variation: a diurnal pattern (thrombolysis, brain scan within 12 h, b
145 phyB is enhanced by red light and displays a diurnal pattern in plants grown under light/dark cycles.
146 eat, hourly estimates were consistent with a diurnal pattern in the heat-mortality response, with str
147                                 A consistent diurnal pattern in the NH3 to CH4 enhancement ratio is c
148                                         This diurnal pattern is similar, with slight variations in ma
149 atment did not demonstrate any effect on the diurnal pattern of IOP.
150 rosophila melanogaster, which shows a robust diurnal pattern of sleep/wake activity, caffeine reduces
151  site, sulfur partitioning exhibited a clear diurnal pattern, indicating photochemical oxidation of S
152                        Distinct seasonal and diurnal patterns are observed.
153         High-frequency measurements revealed diurnal patterns in the rate of tree-stem CH4 emissions.
154 ear magnetic resonance spectroscopy revealed diurnal patterns in wood cell wall biosynthesis.
155                                              Diurnal patterns of gene transcription are often conferr
156 a consequence of sex-specific differences in diurnal patterns of state occupancy and sex-specific dif
157                                These reverse diurnal patterns supported by isotopic analyses may indi
158 ome), peak expiratory flow (PEF) monitoring, diurnal peak flow variability (dPFV, an indicator of air
159 nted with respect to repeating geometries of diurnal peaks in sun-induced thermal stresses.
160 of the link between the circadian system and diurnal performance variation.
161 imicked natural fluctuations in light over a diurnal period to examine the effect on the photosynthet
162 he accumulation of starch in leaves during a diurnal period.
163  RPE supports neighboring photoreceptors via diurnal phagocytosis of spent photoreceptor outer segmen
164 ation, leaf and branch wood respiration, and diurnal photosynthetic measurements.
165 imal allocation of cellular resources during diurnal phototrophic growth using a genome-scale metabol
166                     The Clock gene regulates diurnal plasma triglyceride fluctuation through nuclear
167  difficult to estimate in individuals due to diurnal, postural, and measurement variation.
168                                              Diurnal preference (chronotype) is a useful instrument f
169 tide polymorphism (SNP), are associated with diurnal preference and higher Trait-Anxiety scores, supp
170 morphic variants/their combinations and both diurnal preference and the response to light.
171 sociated with behavioral phenotypes (extreme diurnal preference in arousal and activity) and sleep/mo
172 thern Italy donated buccal DNA and completed diurnal preference, sleep quality/timing and sleepiness/
173 observed between the length polymorphism and diurnal preference.
174  a less "diurnal" retina than found in other diurnal primates.
175 her surveillance radar stations and modelled diurnal probability of occurrence for 142 species of noc
176  thus sensitive to environmental cues, yet a diurnal profile of Pol III transcription activity is so
177                                 Furthermore, diurnal profiles and temperature analysis aid separating
178 but delayed phagosome clearance and reversed diurnal profiles of levels and activities of lysosomal e
179           The photoreceptor densities in the diurnal Propithecus verreauxi indicate a less "diurnal"
180  the eyes of all studied taxa, including the diurnal Propithecus, possessed a tapetum lucidum, a feat
181 re the ecological night-time counterparts to diurnal raptors (Accipitriformes).
182 ght-light vision and eye protection in other diurnal raptors (Accipitriformes).
183                     In addition, we observed diurnal regulation of FFA hepatic uptake in living mice.
184        Ablation of the liver clock perturbed diurnal regulation of lipid-associated genes in the live
185                                 Notably, the diurnal regulation of mitochondrial respiration was blun
186 ribution of clock and light signaling to the diurnal regulation of rosette expansion growth and leaf
187      Here we develop a mathematical model of diurnal regulation of the MEP pathway in Arabidopsis tha
188 an clock and feedback control of DXS for the diurnal regulation of the MEP pathway.
189                                    Here, the diurnal relationship between electron transport rate (ET
190 manner through the same environment as their diurnal relatives, they do so when light conditions are
191 or when curve fitting was used to model this diurnal response.
192                                              Diurnal responses were modified in clock mutants.
193 urnal Propithecus verreauxi indicate a less "diurnal" retina than found in other diurnal primates.
194  first evidence that hGH synthesis follows a diurnal rhythm and of dynamic associations of the circad
195 that NPAS2 knockdown in the NAc disrupts its diurnal rhythm in expression.
196 lating ZAG levels exhibited a characteristic diurnal rhythm in humans, with a major nocturnal rise oc
197               Reward response may follow the diurnal rhythm in self-reported positive affect, peaking
198 tion of estrogen deprivation-induced loss of diurnal rhythm in TST.
199  with both intermittent fasting and adjusted diurnal rhythm of feeding improving health and function,
200  of cyanobacteria are inherently tied to the diurnal rhythm of light availability.
201 ed-measures imaging procedure to explore the diurnal rhythm of reward activation.
202  to achieve the normal nadir in the cortisol diurnal rhythm, loss of sensitivity of ACTH-secreting tu
203  the crater that appear and disappear with a diurnal rhythm.
204 on a large set of clinical data showing that diurnal rhythmicity (sleep, temperature, mood and hormon
205 and reveals the presence and coordination of diurnal rhythmicity in intracellular organelles.
206          Furthermore, STRA6 is necessary for diurnal rhythmicity of insulin action and JAK/STAT signa
207                            Here, we examined diurnal rhythmicity of the RBP4/STRA6 signaling axis and
208 nd respiratory exchange ratio with a loss of diurnal rhythmicity that showed a gradual but incomplete
209 g without caloric reduction, sustains robust diurnal rhythms and can alleviate metabolic diseases.
210 s source of energy and information to detect diurnal rhythms and seasonal changes.
211 ndent hormone module is critical to maintain diurnal rhythms in circulating lipids.
212             Following infection, we measured diurnal rhythms of clock gene expression in the lung, lo
213 t and intact synchrony between circadian and diurnal rhythms.
214                               Our study in a diurnal rodent, the Grass rat, indicates that sleep depr
215 ousal potentiate the photic entrainment in a diurnal rodent.
216 t resetting of the master circadian clock in diurnal rodents, and activation of calbindin-containing
217 g the most prevalent stressors in humans and diurnal rodents, exerting direct and indirect DNA damage
218                                           In diurnal rodents, the role of arousal or insufficient sle
219 Development Scale), neuroendocrine function (diurnal salivary cortisol, dexamethasone suppression), c
220 of horizontal heat impacts (Sh) changed on a diurnal scale between zero and the maximum, which fluctu
221                                         On a diurnal scale, similar fluctuating trends in T0 and T50
222 The treatments emulated patterns of observed diurnal, seasonal, and annual temperatures but with supe
223 nt therapy to closely resemble physiological diurnal secretion of cortisol.
224 as characterized by fluctuations of embedded diurnal, semidiurnal, terdiurnal and quarterdiurnal tida
225 miat in southern Greenland exhibited a clear diurnal signal and a gradual decline at the commencement
226                      Both treatments reduced diurnal sitting and supine IOP compared to baseline by 2
227 prostene bunod treatment resulted in greater diurnal sitting and supine ocular perfusion pressures co
228        Now, Sinturel et al. demonstrate that diurnal size changes in the liver require eating during
229                 Every year, billions of wild diurnal songbirds migrate at night.
230  effects on vocalization in nocturnal versus diurnal species at the circadian timescale but comparabl
231                     How these stimuli act in diurnal species remains to be established.
232 octurnal and crepuscular species than in the diurnal species, making these LMC types strong candidate
233                                           In diurnal species, sounds are mostly used to support visua
234  in the nocturnal than in the cathemeral and diurnal species.
235                        In the present study, diurnal Sudanian grass rats, Arvicanthis ansorgei, were
236 2.6 to -1.4]; 22 trials, 2721 participants), diurnal systolic blood pressure (WMD, -2.4 points [95% C
237           Our results suggest day length and diurnal temperature changes combine to modulate FT and f
238 t the same time being readily entrained by a diurnal temperature oscillation.
239 ng days) and intraday temperature variation (diurnal temperature range (DTR)) (referred to as median
240               Understanding the evolution of Diurnal Temperature Range (DTR), which has contradicting
241 nship with daily maximum temperature and the diurnal temperature range at most stations, whereas the
242  C and 33 degrees C) interact with realistic diurnal temperature ranges (DTR: +/- 0 degrees C, 3 degr
243 d that initial occupancy was associated with diurnal temperature ranges and colonization of sites was
244                  Exposure of G. pallida to a diurnal temperature stress for one week during female gr
245 omet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko, we found the diurnal temperature to vary between 90 and 130 K.
246 ation originated at depths comparable to the diurnal thermal skin depth.
247                Thus, stem cells rewire their diurnal timed functions to adapt to metabolic cues and t
248 atification and mixing, both on multiday and diurnal timescales, and respond over periods of hours to
249 ission and transport exhibits variability on diurnal to decadal timescales and is known to influence
250   In August the bear switched from primarily diurnal to nocturnal, coincident with the availability o
251                                              Diurnal transcriptome analysis in separated alpha and be
252 e age-associated rewiring of the oscillatory diurnal transcriptome is not recapitulated by a high-fat
253 nal that quenched AGPase activity during the diurnal transition from day to night, and also in an att
254                                              Diurnal triglyceride patterns were disrupted in human pl
255  a high anabolic demand, necessitated by the diurnal turnover of a specialized membrane-rich organell
256                  Subjects had POAG with mean diurnal unmedicated intraocular pressure (IOP) 21-33 mmH
257 oor asthma control typically presents with a diurnal variability in airflow and is a characteristic t
258                                              Diurnal variability in the absorption coefficient of BrC
259                                     Further, diurnal variability in the ratios of babs_405/babs_365 a
260 n and fossil fuel development, and the large diurnal variability is important for refining inventorie
261                               Using periodic diurnal variation in Arabidopsis thaliana hypocotyl grow
262      There does not appear to be significant diurnal variation in AS-OCT parameters in normal individ
263 eta2 eliminates inactivation, abolishing the diurnal variation in both BK current magnitude and SCN f
264               Mechanisms responsible for the diurnal variation in insulin sensitivity are unclear.
265 erasimenko have revealed that activity has a diurnal variation in intensity arising from changing ins
266 nventionally raised mice showed differential diurnal variation in microbial structure and function de
267 on gating as a biophysical switch to set the diurnal variation in suprachiasmatic nucleus excitabilit
268                              There is strong diurnal variation in the symptoms and severity of chroni
269 icted SOA reproduces observed day-to-day and diurnal variation of Oxygenated Organic Aerosol (OOA) de
270 First reported study to assess the effect of diurnal variation on anterior chamber angle measurements
271 mation of albuminuria is required because of diurnal variation or conditions affecting creatinine exc
272                                   A distinct diurnal variation pattern was observed in which the high
273 responding to environmental entrainment with diurnal variation, metabolism is also tightly controlled
274 0-12:00) in order to minimize the effects of diurnal variation.
275                             Comparably small diurnal variations and absolute nighttime values of Eabs
276                      Monitoring the periodic diurnal variations in cortisol from small volume samples
277 ping system that adapts tissue physiology to diurnal variations in external influences.
278                                 By measuring diurnal variations in flow through the surface conduits
279      The meganv2.1 model correctly predicted diurnal variations in fluxes driven mainly by light and
280  investigated whether STRA6 is necessary for diurnal variations in insulin sensitivity.
281 , this metric is evaluated globally based on diurnal variations in microwave vegetation optical depth
282 ircadian clock with local time and drive the diurnal variations in physiology and behavior [1-4].
283                                              Diurnal variations in the direction of the soil-air exch
284                             Relatively large diurnal variations in the Eabs at 405 nm were observed,
285                                          The diurnal variations of the nitrous oxide emissions did, h
286 a, accompanied by QT prolongation as well as diurnal variations, followed by normalization in mean HR
287  Subsurface temperatures showed seasonal and diurnal variations, which indicated that the submillimet
288 similarities in all of the 21 North American diurnal velvet ant genera, including 302 of the 361 name
289 lishes that in neurogenic niches of an adult diurnal vertebrate, the cell cycle progression displays
290 clude that, in neurogenic niches of an adult diurnal vertebrate, the circadian modulation of cell cyc
291                 Here we use the zebrafish, a diurnal vertebrate, to functionally and anatomically cha
292                              In zebrafish, a diurnal vertebrate, we found that both overexpression an
293                                         In a diurnal vertebrate, zebrafish, we studied circadian dist
294 F (NPVF) regulates sleep in the zebrafish, a diurnal vertebrate.
295 eceptors in regulating sleep in zebrafish, a diurnal vertebrate.
296   These findings are in contrast to those in diurnal vocalizers and provide a striking example of mel
297 als of pigweed (Amaranthus hybridus) exhibit diurnal volume changes with a gradual decrease during da
298 ting and supine positions during the 16-hour diurnal/wake period and in the supine position during th
299 LD fMRI protocol was used to investigate the diurnal waveform of activation in reward-related brain r
300  suggest that ancestral primates were mainly diurnal with some crepuscularity and support diurnality

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