


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1  the crater that appear and disappear with a diurnal rhythm.
2 vity to high-fat diet-induced disruptions of diurnal rhythm.
3 ation and maltose metabolism showed a strong diurnal rhythm.
4 euroendocrine dopaminergic neurons exhibit a diurnal rhythm.
5 tration of 5-HT in the hemolymph expressed a diurnal rhythm.
6 factors, including hormones, bile acids, and diurnal rhythm.
7 t and intact synchrony between circadian and diurnal rhythms.
8 ated to the estimated plastochron length and diurnal rhythms.
9 ive to circulating factors with circadian or diurnal rhythms.
10             Telemetry showed disturbances in diurnal rhythms a few days before death and, later, elec
11 onducted and showed age-related reduction of diurnal rhythm amplitude selectively in the hippocampal
12 n conclusion, RORalpha is a key regulator of diurnal rhythm and fasting induction of CYP8B1, which re
13  first evidence that hGH synthesis follows a diurnal rhythm and of dynamic associations of the circad
14 g without caloric reduction, sustains robust diurnal rhythms and can alleviate metabolic diseases.
15              Synchrony between environmental diurnal rhythms and intracellular circadian rhythms is e
16 s source of energy and information to detect diurnal rhythms and seasonal changes.
17                It is hypothesized that these diurnal rhythms are entrained by the cyclic production o
18 e temperature (at 12 h) and the activity and diurnal rhythm (at day 4) of the 25G-treated CLP group r
19 nes is regulated developmentally and follows diurnal rhythms controlled by a circadian clock.
20                                              Diurnal rhythm disruption immediately after MI impaired
21                                   Short-term diurnal rhythm disruption immediately after MI impairs r
22 less sensitive to pathological disruption of diurnal rhythms during obesity than metabolic tissues an
23               Rats used for cyclic light and diurnal rhythm experiments were removed from their light
24  recently shown that CART peptides exhibit a diurnal rhythm in blood that is affected by food intake
25          PINA expression exhibits a dramatic diurnal rhythm in both pineal gland and retina with 100-
26 that NPAS2 knockdown in the NAc disrupts its diurnal rhythm in expression.
27    Herein, we demonstrate the existence of a diurnal rhythm in GLP-1 secretory responses to an oral g
28                          In mice, there is a diurnal rhythm in hepatic AADA mRNA concentration, with
29 lating ZAG levels exhibited a characteristic diurnal rhythm in humans, with a major nocturnal rise oc
30         Numerous studies have demonstrated a diurnal rhythm in indices of pulmonary function in both
31                                  There was a diurnal rhythm in IOP in the marmosets: IOP was higher d
32                        There was a loss of a diurnal rhythm in micturition patterns and a large incre
33  rats, thereby suggesting the existence of a diurnal rhythm in MPOA cGMP/NO efflux which may particip
34 not elicit changes in p-ERK, nor was there a diurnal rhythm in p-ERK levels, nor could rapid changes
35  protein abundance of cry2 and phyA showed a diurnal rhythm in plants grown in short-day but not in p
36 o a behavioral stressor without altering the diurnal rhythm in plasma corticosterone.
37               Reward response may follow the diurnal rhythm in self-reported positive affect, peaking
38 onstrating that CART peptides also exhibit a diurnal rhythm in several brain regions, notably the nuc
39                                            A diurnal rhythm in the dark-adapted ERG responses was obs
40 ng sodium depletion, and as a consequence of diurnal rhythm in the suprachiasmatic nucleus.
41 tion of estrogen deprivation-induced loss of diurnal rhythm in TST.
42 ults show that cAMP concentrations exhibit a diurnal rhythm in young rats, and that this rhythm is to
43                     To determine whether the diurnal rhythms in axial length and choroidal thickness
44 ndent hormone module is critical to maintain diurnal rhythms in circulating lipids.
45                                              Diurnal rhythms in IOP, axial length, and choroidal thic
46            In control flies, 72 genes showed diurnal rhythms in light-dark cycles; 22 of these also o
47 a critical role for BMAL1 in controlling the diurnal rhythms in Ly6C(hi) monocyte numbers.
48                   Groups of rats with strong diurnal rhythms in sleep-wake organization were killed a
49  in many brain regions, and included loss of diurnal rhythms in the hippocampal CA2 and CA3 subfields
50                            The influences of diurnal rhythms involving a variety of ocular parameters
51  to achieve the normal nadir in the cortisol diurnal rhythm, loss of sensitivity of ACTH-secreting tu
52                                 The dramatic diurnal rhythm of 3OST2 is regulated by central clock-co
53 s project preferentially to LC and express a diurnal rhythm of activation that correlates with LC neu
54      Our results demonstrate that there is a diurnal rhythm of beta-endorphinergic neuronal activity
55 of 10 mmHg (P < 0.0001), reversed the normal diurnal rhythm of blood glucose (P < 0.03), doubled cort
56 stoperative day 4 am through day 7, a robust diurnal rhythm of corticosterone (p < .001) with a modes
57 ticosterone to the amygdala had no effect on diurnal rhythm of corticosterone secretion.
58 ed rapidly when compared with changes in the diurnal rhythm of cortisol, suggesting that leptin level
59                       The short-day-specific diurnal rhythm of cry2 is determined primarily by blue l
60 riation and to investigate the presence of a diurnal rhythm of cTnT.
61  with both intermittent fasting and adjusted diurnal rhythm of feeding improving health and function,
62 sults in obesity in mice with a shift in the diurnal rhythm of food intake, a result that is not seen
63 are consistent with the possibility that the diurnal rhythm of GA levels plays a role in floral initi
64              These findings suggest that the diurnal rhythm of histamine release entrains striatal fu
65  of cyanobacteria are inherently tied to the diurnal rhythm of light availability.
66 ransferase is the enzyme responsible for the diurnal rhythm of melatonin production in the pineal gla
67 eptors, is involved in the regulation of the diurnal rhythm of ocular growth.
68 es were drawn at 07:00 and 19:00 h to assess diurnal rhythm of plasma corticosterone.
69                         We conclude that the diurnal rhythm of plasma leptin in young males is entrai
70 y the physiologic factor(s) that entrain the diurnal rhythm of plasma leptin, leptin levels were meas
71   Moreover, our results demonstrate that the diurnal rhythm of PS demarcation of POS tips is not intr
72 ed-measures imaging procedure to explore the diurnal rhythm of reward activation.
73 fasting and feeding had little effect on the diurnal rhythm of RORalpha mRNA expression, but fasting
74    The normal, meal-related fluctuations and diurnal rhythm of the ghrelin level were absent after ga
75 hybridizations showed strong induction and a diurnal rhythm of transcript abundance with a maximum ea
76        Mice lacking PGC-1alpha show abnormal diurnal rhythms of activity, body temperature and metabo
77 egnancy, all four experimental groups showed diurnal rhythms of beta-endorphinergic neurons.
78             Following infection, we measured diurnal rhythms of clock gene expression in the lung, lo
79                              The presence of diurnal rhythms of entry into and arousal from torpor in
80                                  Oscillating diurnal rhythms of gene transcription, metabolic activit
81 these tissues and they demonstrated distinct diurnal rhythms of protein expression in the retina-RPE-
82                                   Concurrent diurnal rhythms of these secretions could potentiate the
83 heat and cold signal transduction, sleep and diurnal rhythm regulation, effects of immunophilin ligan
84 lic and autonomic dysregulation with blunted diurnal rhythms, specific sleep pattern pathologies and
85  preclinical findings suggest that disrupted diurnal rhythms such as found in modern intensive care u
86         The level of O2 transcript follows a diurnal rhythm that appears controlled by the circadian
87 yed rectifier (FDR) potassium currents has a diurnal rhythm that peaks during the day.
88         Intermeal ghrelin levels displayed a diurnal rhythm that was exactly in phase with that of le
89 1C) expression, and its own expression has a diurnal rhythm, thereby explaining the rhythmic nature o
90                                 The cortisol diurnal rhythm was preserved in all groups of patients.
91 er adults, day-to-day variations in cortisol diurnal rhythms were predicted from both prior-day and s
92 vels, gut microflora, time of year, and even diurnal rhythm, which had a direct impact on innate immu
93 ine day, plasma leptin demonstrated a strong diurnal rhythm with an amplitude of 21%, zenith at 2400
94 in the hypothalamus which exhibit a distinct diurnal rhythm with high activity during wakefulness, an
95  were arrhythmic, whereas others expressed a diurnal rhythm with low amplitude and significant activi
96 l gland, ptc1 expression exhibits a dramatic diurnal rhythm with peak expression at midnight.

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