


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 late and one fewer carboxylate ligand to the divalent metal ion.
2 ow if these effects themselves depend on the divalent metal ion.
3  reaction using a catalytic nucleobase and a divalent metal ion.
4 ectron and a solvent-separated monovalent or divalent metal ion.
5  into insoluble spherical nanoparticles with divalent metal ions.
6 e activity as well as a reduced affinity for divalent metal ions.
7 ivity of aqueous silver nanoparticles toward divalent metal ions.
8 led on a membrane surface in the presence of divalent metal ions.
9 ities and high selectivity compared to other divalent metal ions.
10 a catalyst without explicit participation by divalent metal ions.
11  ions, owing to increased charge transfer to divalent metal ions.
12 catalytic activity is strongly stimulated by divalent metal ions.
13 iates resistance to toxic levels of selected divalent metal ions.
14 even side chains for the coordination of two divalent metal ions.
15 ans and responsible for transport of various divalent metal ions.
16 e terminal carboxylates of each subunit with divalent metal ions.
17           Both sites can bind monovalent and divalent metal ions.
18 three acidic amino acids that coordinate two divalent metal ions.
19 l formation within 30 min in the presence of divalent metal ions.
20 s less than that observed in the presence of divalent metal ions.
21 uble-stranded DNA and RNA in the presence of divalent metal ions.
22 has been examined in the presence of various divalent metal ions.
23 a compact conformation in the absence of any divalent metal ions.
24 e N-hydroxyimide with two closely positioned divalent metal ions.
25 a single oxygen atom bridges between the two divalent metal ions.
26      Both enzyme-catalyzed reactions require divalent metal ions.
27 hymena group I ribozyme in monovalent and in divalent metal ions.
28 vage of a 12 nt RNA target in the absence of divalent metal ions.
29  on how isoforms other than syt I respond to divalent metal ions.
30 r Mg2+, Mn2+, Co2+ or a combination of these divalent metal ions.
31 on negative supercoiling and the presence of divalent metal ions.
32  designing fluorescent sensors or probes for divalent metal ions.
33 roposal that the active site coordinates two divalent metal ions.
34 most effectively achieved in the presence of divalent metal ions.
35 eriophages fd and M13 induced by a number of divalent metal ions.
36 e ribozyme can fold and cleave without using divalent metal ions.
37  by a cytosine side chain and involvement of divalent metal ions.
38 d in the presence of Cu(II) but not by other divalent metal ions.
39  reaction without catalytic participation of divalent metal ions.
40 he scissile phosphate diester on active site divalent metal ions.
41 ssile phosphate diester to contact catalytic divalent metal ions.
42 denatured form of DNA and in the presence of divalent metal ions.
43 cal conformation of conRl-B is stabilized by divalent metal ions.
44 ly with the tRNA structure and with specific divalent metal ions.
45 used as colorimetric sensors for a series of divalent metal ions.
46  associated noncovalently in the presence of divalent metal ions.
47 MOSCs), are constructed from the assembly of divalent metal ions, 1,4-benzenedicarboxylate (BDC) link
48 /- 0.1 x 10(6) M(-1).s(-1) in the absence of divalent metal ions, 14.7 +/- 2.2 s(-1) and 25.1 +/- 7.4
49  in the active site required the presence of divalent metal ions, a free 5'-flap (if present), a Wats
50 iously been developed to assess transport of divalent metal ions across the small-intestinal brush bo
51 HNH nuclease domain, and identifying how the divalent metal ions affect the HNH domain conformational
52 change that leads to a decrease in the local divalent metal ion affinity and release of a catalytic m
53                   The use of Sr(2)(+) as the divalent metal ion allowed the formation of catalyticall
54  (Kd approximately 960 nm) in the absence of divalent metal ions allowed the free energy for the cont
55 The enzyme has an absolute requirement for a divalent metal ion and a monovalent cation.
56 1 is observed to directly chelate a hydrated divalent metal ion and Arg124, on the putative substrate
57  substrate via a direct interaction with the divalent metal ion and His-143.
58           Second, an interaction between one divalent metal ion and the 3'-bridging atom of the sciss
59 t, is formed by the spatial convergence of a divalent metal ion and two conserved sequence motifs tha
60 ive at near neutral pH, and that it requires divalent metal ions and an intact Nudix motif for enzyma
61 n" is highly selective for zinc versus other divalent metal ions and is relatively pH-insensitive wit
62  Thus, a consistent picture emerges in which divalent metal ions and RNA functional groups are intima
63 ombinant hTPSTs are active in the absence of divalent metal ions and that optimal activity is at pH 6
64 zyme activity was observed in the absence of divalent metal ions and the presence of high concentrati
65                      Its activity required a divalent metal ion, and Co(II), Ni(II), Mn(II), and Fe(I
66 ET requires an appropriate 12/23 RSS pair, a divalent metal ion, and high-mobility-group protein HMGB
67  pH 7.0 and 25 degrees C in the absence of a divalent metal ion, and it is 40 in the presence of 1 mM
68 in vitro only in the presence of appropriate divalent metal ions, and repression of IRP6 by DtxR in a
69 also exhibits high selectivity against other divalent metal ions, and the application of the sensor f
70         Tartrate dehydrogenase catalyzes the divalent metal ion- and NAD-dependent oxidative decarbox
71                                          Two divalent metal ions are commonly seen in the active-site
72                                              Divalent metal ions are components of numerous icosahedr
73 nomeric I-SceI indicate that three catalytic divalent metal ions are distributed across a pair of ove
74                                              Divalent metal ions are essential components of DNA poly
75                            Interactions with divalent metal ions are essential for the folding and fu
76 ents with noncognate sequences indicate that divalent metal ions are not important to nonspecific DNA
77                                     However, divalent metal ions are not required for its base-flippi
78 rs, groove widths, hydration, and binding of divalent metal ions are observed.
79                                          Two divalent metal ions are required for nucleotide incorpor
80                                              Divalent metal ions are required for splicing of group I
81                                    Moreover, divalent metal ions are required for the formation of te
82                                              Divalent metal ions are required, with a slight preferen
83                              LuxS utilizes a divalent metal ion as a Lewis acid during catalysis.
84 ral enzyme of phosphorus metabolism and uses divalent metal ion as a necessary cofactor.
85 cterial or archeal MIPS enzymes that require divalent metal ions as cofactors.
86 ryl-transfer reactions in the absence of the divalent metal ions associated with such reactions.
87 hrough simultaneous binding of more than one divalent metal ion at intermediate Mn2+ and Co2+ concent
88 ta reveal two major groove binding sites for divalent metal ions at the EBS1-dIBS1 helix, and surface
89 392S/C394S, and C392H/C394H could bind other divalent metal ions at the transmembrane site and retain
90 assay-the inability to examine the effect of divalent metal ions (at high concentrations) on MIPS act
91                            The effects of 11 divalent metal ions (Be(2+), Ca(2+), Cd(2+), Co(2+), Cu(
92    It also shows some kinetic differences in divalent metal ion binding as well as structural variati
93  proximal to a previously identified site of divalent metal ion binding in the P1-P4 element.
94  on the amide chemical shifts, implying that divalent metal ion binding is important for stabilizing
95 imetry, we directly quantified the effect of divalent metal ion binding on the mechanical unfolding f
96 romonas proteolytica (AAP), and the observed divalent metal ion binding properties are discussed with
97                      RdRps with mutations at divalent metal ion binding residues did not activate RIG
98 subset of interactions that involve specific divalent metal ion-binding sites.
99  hepatitis delta virus (HDV) ribozyme show a divalent metal ion bound in the active site that is rele
100 DO8PS) is active with a variety of different divalent metal ions bound in the active site.
101 ity and energetic contributions of mono- and divalent metal ions bound in the RNA.
102  NucA inhibition by NuiA involves an unusual divalent metal ion bridge that connects the nuclease wit
103  show an active site containing two adjacent divalent metal ions bridged by a water molecule or hydro
104 cleavage by RNase H requires the presence of divalent metal ions, but the role of metal ions in the m
105 rate revealed bidentate interaction with the divalent metal ion by C1-carboxyl and C2-carbonyl oxygen
106 e propose the following model for the use of divalent metal ions by human type II topoisomerases.
107 than in monovalent cations, and a variety of divalent metal ions can act as catalysts in supporting t
108 by themselves but in the presence of various divalent metal ions can significantly reduce the total p
109   Synthetic supercontainers constructed from divalent metal ions, carboxylate linkers, and sulfonylca
110                           Two closely spaced divalent metal ions (catalytic and nucleotide-binding me
111                      Treatment of PALcc with divalent metal ion chelators inactivated the enzyme and
112  including the scissile phosphate bound by a divalent metal ion cofactor (Cd(2)(+)) that supports DNA
113   The catalytic and structural properties of divalent metal ion cofactor binding sites in the dapE-en
114 ut not all of these deoxyribozymes require a divalent metal ion cofactor such as Mg2+ to catalyze att
115 rmore, taking advantage of its dependence on divalent metal ion cofactors, we were able to freeze tra
116 tants occurred at lower, near-physiological, divalent metal ion concentrations (1-2 mM).
117 ption is driven by the cooperative effect of divalent metal ion condensation along polynucleotides an
118 ent microenvironment under monovalent versus divalent metal ion conditions.
119 t of the structural changes induced in OT by divalent metal ion coodination is discussed.
120 ses, telomerase is believed to use a pair of divalent metal ions (coordinated by a triad of aspartic
121 ded cupped structure, with the potential for divalent metal ion coordination at 5'-OH, 8'-OH, and the
122 xperiment provides evidence for inner-sphere divalent metal ion coordination with a nucleobase.
123                                        Other divalent metal ions could not substitute for nickel in y
124 regulation of the citM gene, which encodes a divalent metal ion-coupled citrate transporter, was show
125 s) DNA molecules in the absence of proteins, divalent metal ions, crowding agents, or free DNA ends.
126 global fold is preserved and suggests that a divalent metal ion crucial to catalysis is destabilized
127                    They exhibit very similar divalent metal ion dependency and inhibitor sensitivity.
128 -1,7-dioate aldolase (HpcH), a member of the divalent metal ion dependent class II aldolase enzymes t
129                                   A two-step divalent metal ion dependent folding pathway was observe
130 hat is often within approximately 10-fold of divalent metal ion-dependent activity, these results sug
131                     Recombinant ADAMTS13 was divalent metal ion-dependent and was inhibited by IgG fr
132 te of the reaction is limited in part by the divalent metal ion-dependent assembly of a complex betwe
133 P), the ribonucleoprotein that catalyzes the divalent metal ion-dependent maturation of the 5' end of
134          In contrast to previously described divalent metal-ion-dependent cleavage of RNA, U4 cleavag
135                  We previously reported that divalent metal ions dictate the conformation of the extr
136 ions and the presence of other monovalent or divalent metal ions do not affect its detection ability.
137 nt beta-elimination step, all catalyzed by a divalent metal ion (e.g., Fe(2+) or Co(2+)) and two gene
138 mes that are triggered by binding to certain divalent metal ion effectors.
139 tudies permit direct comparison of different divalent metal-ion effects (Mg(2+), Mn(2+), Co(2+)) on m
140 nd enzyme activity was found among mono- and divalent metal ions except Pb(2+); higher charge density
141 rease sensitivity to paraquat, sodium azide, divalent metal ions (Fe(II) or Cu(II)), or etoposide com
142                   The enzyme also requires a divalent metal ion for activity, which is the first exam
143                  E.coli RNase III requires a divalent metal ion for activity, with Mg2+ as the prefer
144 ependent isocitrate dehydrogenase requires a divalent metal ion for catalysis, and metal-isocitrate i
145 ydrolase superfamily that does not require a divalent metal ion for catalytic activity.
146 efine the role of the newly discovered third divalent metal ion for DNA polymerase-catalyzed nucleoti
147 st substrate, and Mg2+ is the most efficient divalent metal ion for helicase activity.
148                      The enzyme requires two divalent metal ions for activity.
149 enzymes has previously been shown to require divalent metal ions for catalysis.
150 hree-dimensional structures that require two divalent metal ions for catalysis.
151 tant of 1.0 mum and a strict requirement for divalent metal ions for consensus (DQNAT) sequon binding
152  is a HNH superfamily endonuclease requiring divalent metal ions for DNA cleavage but not for binding
153                    The HDV ribozyme requires divalent metal ions for formation of its tertiary struct
154 alyte, a peptide, and/or an amino acid and a divalent metal ion (for 16 different monosaccharide isom
155 r cleavage and that a catalytically critical divalent metal ion from the active site is ejected.
156 acterized in mammals, yeast, and bacteria as divalent metal ion/H(+) symporters.
157                       (1) Addition of ATP or divalent metal ions has no effect on its aminomutase act
158                   These results suggest that divalent metal ions have substantial effects on PIP2 lat
159 an organic solid, is highly amenable to host divalent metal ions, i.e., Mg(2+) and Ca(2+), in aqueous
160  with the unique dependence of each phase on divalent metal ion identity and pH, support the hypothes
161 s also support an electrostatic role for the divalent metal ion in catalysis.
162                   Although the presence of a divalent metal ion in Class II KDO8P synthases is essent
163 een known that the type II enzyme requires a divalent metal ion in order to cleave DNA, the role of t
164 ucture also reveals a binding pocket for the divalent metal ion in the active site and a binding site
165 esent carboxylate groups that coordinate the divalent metal ion in the active site.
166 pretation of the specific role played by the divalent metal ion in the catalytic mechanism.
167 e, contributes to the proper coordination of divalent metal ion in the presence of isocitrate, and ma
168 C8) is catalytically active with a number of divalent metal ions in a 1:1 stoichiometry with the foll
169 and catalytic triplex jointly coordinate two divalent metal ions in a configuration that is consisten
170 esence of bestatin revealed that both of the divalent metal ions in AAP are involved in binding besta
171                  Consistent with the role of divalent metal ions in hairpin ribozyme folding, we obse
172 ypothesis that RNase H can accommodate three divalent metal ions in its catalytic pocket and provide
173 rst direct evidence for the specific role of divalent metal ions in mediating protein-membrane intera
174 en known that type II topoisomerases require divalent metal ions in order to cleave DNA.
175 osing before chemical reaction requires both divalent metal ions in the active site while opening aft
176 rial sources is found with either one or two divalent metal ions in the active site.
177 sufficient to destabilize binding of crucial divalent metal ions in the active site.
178 lyze phosphoryl transfer reactions using two divalent metal ions in the active site.
179 ovalent cations can partially substitute for divalent metal ions in the HDV ribozymes, although a div
180        These molecules can coordinate to two divalent metal ions in the RNase H active site.
181  entails chemotypes capable of chelating two divalent metal ions in the RNase H active site.
182 del is presented for functional roles of two divalent metal ions in the RNase III catalytic mechanism
183 ions that are analogous to those occupied by divalent metal ions in the structures of a number of pal
184 n inhibitor of ribonucleases that employ two divalent metal ions in their catalytic sites--inhibits E
185 ngle-molecule junctions (M=Co, Ni, Cu, or Zn divalent metal ions), in which the current flows perpend
186 ism from the monovalent metal ions and other divalent metal ions; in the presence of latter metal ion
187 dependent on the pK(a) value of the hydrated divalent metal ion included in the reaction, providing e
188                                        Other divalent metal ions including Ca(2+), Cd(2+), Zn(2+), Ni
189 n, we first investigated the effect of eight divalent metal ions, including Ca(2+), Co(2+), Cu(2+), F
190   DFsc stoichiometrically binds a variety of divalent metal ions, including Zn(II), Co(II), Fe(II), a
191 ndicates that water molecule W2 bound to the divalent metal ion initiates C3-C4 bond cleavage.
192 s, it has been proposed that the active site divalent metal ions interact with type II topoisomerases
193                             Incorporation of divalent metal ions into an active site is a fundamental
194  metal ions in the HDV ribozymes, although a divalent metal ion is more effective in supporting catal
195 ty as the Zn-substituted enzyme and thus the divalent metal ion is not required for enzymatic activit
196 178A EcMetAP-I indicate that the active site divalent metal ion is pentacoordinate, identical to the
197                       When a large excess of divalent metal ions is absent, the charge is largely bal
198                       When a large excess of divalent metal ions is present, the charge is predominan
199 t conformational change in which the role of divalent metal ions is to stabilize the sharply bent DNA
200 ell-defined subsites for the binding of four divalent metal ions (M1--M4) and two phosphates (P1, P2)
201 e correlation spectroscopy (FCS) also reveal divalent metal ion (Me(2+))-induced cluster formation or
202                  The phosphorylation-induced divalent metal ion-mediated 265% enhancement in fluoresc
203 EC-MALLS) in the presence and absence of the divalent metal ion Mg(2+), which suggests that Spd1 exis
204 n calorimetry studies revealed that a single divalent metal ion (Mg(2+) or Mn(2+)), coordinated by a
205 Nase III are expected to be coordinated to a divalent metal ion (Mg(2+) or Mn(2+)).
206 phosphate (Km = 13 +/- 2 microm) and certain divalent metal ions (Mg(II) Km = 82 +/- 8 microm; Mn(II)
207                                              Divalent metal ions, Mg(2+) or Mn(2+), are required for
208 e and offers mechanistic insight for how the divalent metal ions modulate catalysis through effects o
209 d the importance of structural and catalytic divalent metal ions observed in the crystal structures.
210 sium-dependent and exhibits a K(app) for the divalent metal ion of 0.21 +/- 0.03 mM.
211                                          The divalent metal ion of EaCoMT is proposed to play a key r
212                              Among the other divalent metal ions, only Hg(2+) can cleave the substrat
213 centrations, our results suggest that, among divalent metal ions, only Mg(2+) can directly modulate T
214                      The DNAzyme requires no divalent metal ions or other cofactors for catalysis, re
215                              The addition of divalent metal ions or substrate taurine to TauD, an alp
216 d folding into the kinked form is induced by divalent metal ions, or by binding of proteins of the L7
217 eeded without the need for free sialic acid, divalent metal ions, or energy.
218                      We investigated whether divalent metal ions other than Mg(2+) catalyze rho-depen
219                            Interactions with divalent metal ions, particularly Mg(II), at specific si
220 tion containing 1 M Na+ upon addition of one divalent metal ion per ribozyme.
221 ery high resolution of 1.25 A, ten mono- and divalent metal ions per asymmetric unit could be identif
222 ction that has an absolute requirement for a divalent metal ion, physiologically Mg(2+).
223                                              Divalent metal ions play a critical role in the catalysi
224                                              Divalent metal ions play a critical role in the removal
225 with an acid-base catalytic mechanism, and a divalent metal ion plays a role in this reaction probabl
226 depends on the relative amounts of mono- and divalent metal ions present in solution.
227 pete effectively for association relative to divalent metal ions, presumably because of its lower cha
228  study of how bacteria respond to and obtain divalent metal ions provides insight into the regulation
229  RAD51 DNA strand exchange in the absence of divalent metal ions required for ATP binding and offsets
230 ctions, has evolved to have a more stringent divalent metal ion requirement for high activity as comp
231 e montmorillonite lattice with trivalent and divalent metal ions, respectively.
232 its an exceptionally strong affinity for all divalent metal ions resulting in strong [OT + X](2+) pea
233                       This is an enzyme with divalent metal ion(s) (Mg(2+) or Mn(2+)) in its catalyti
234 is highly active at low pH in the absence of divalent metal ions, similar to eukaryotic DNase II.
235                       In this structure, two divalent metal ions simultaneously interact with the pho
236 tes: a structural Zn2+ site and a regulatory divalent metal ion site that preferentially binds Fe2+ o
237                              We also observe divalent metal ions stimulate protein cluster formation,
238 R signal can be enhanced and stabilized by a divalent metal ion such as Zn(2+), indicating the format
239                  Unlike the binding of other divalent metal ions such as Ca(2+) and Mg(2+) to PS, Cu(
240 on of factor VIII cofactor activity requires divalent metal ions such as Ca2+ or Mn2+.
241 asurements showed that N1-ZntA can bind both divalent metal ions such as Cd(II), Pb(II), and Zn(II) a
242                                        Other divalent metal ions such as Co(2+) and Mn(2+) also stimu
243  activity was dependent upon the presence of divalent metal ions such as Co(2+) or Mn(2+).
244 , Sma0114 has a conserved active site, binds divalent metal ions such as Mg(2+) and Ca(2+) that are r
245 ounterions are required for RNA folding, and divalent metal ions such as Mg(2+) are often critical.
246 y of GST-WbsJ was found to be independent of divalent metal ions such as Mn2+ or Mg2+.
247        The RNA-theophylline complex requires divalent metal ions, such as Mg2+, to form a high-affini
248 vironmental toxin that mimics the effects of divalent metal ions, such as zinc and calcium, in the co
249 t activity of urocanic acid is suppressed by divalent metal ions, suggesting a possible strategy for
250       In contrast, apo-transferrin and other divalent metal ions tested were not able to reverse the
251 hepatitis delta virus (HDV) cleave faster in divalent metal ions than in monovalent cations, and a va
252 rmed more stable duplexes in the presence of divalent metal ions than in the absence thereof, but wit
253  with the binding of at least one structural divalent metal ion that does not participate in catalysi
254 ions 9, 12, and 60 are involved with binding divalent metal ions that are important for aminoacylatio
255 deoxyadenosine to be close to one of the two divalent metal ions that are necessary for catalysis.
256 lone-induced DNA cleavage and restricted the divalent metal ions that could support quinolone activit
257 the binding of vardenafil causes loss of the divalent metal ions that have been observed in all the p
258 gest that the outer membrane is a barrier to divalent metal ions that requires a selective channel to
259  purified enzyme can be activated by several divalent metal ions, the exact metal ion used by MetAP i
260                           In addition to the divalent metal ions, the side chain of this arginine res
261 the ratio of 2alpha:1beta:1gamma, requires a divalent metal ion to catalyze the oxidative decarboxyla
262               The SfiI endonuclease requires divalent metal ions to bind DNA but, in contrast to many
263           All type II topoisomerases require divalent metal ions to cleave and ligate DNA.
264                               The ability of divalent metal ions to participate in both structure for
265                 Inner-sphere coordination of divalent metal ions to PRNA is essential for catalytic a
266 ions, and the addition of metal chelators or divalent metal ions to the assay mixtures does not affec
267 n, which depend on the ability of juxtaposed divalent metal ions to unpair the end of duplex DNA, may
268                                  The role of divalent metal ion transport is even more compelling giv
269  reduction of dietary iron for uptake by the divalent metal ion transport system in the intestine.
270 amp1) levels after 6 hours, but no change in divalent metal ion transporter 1 (DMT1) levels.
271                      SLC39A8 encodes ZIP8, a divalent metal ion transporter best known for zinc trans
272                    Nramp2, also called DMT1 (divalent metal ion transporter), seems to be a major reg
273 ated macrophage protein 1), a proton-coupled divalent metal ion transporter, has been identified as a
274                                              Divalent metal-ion transporter 1 (DMT-1), ferroportin 1
275 jor iron transporters in the small intestine divalent metal-ion transporter 1 (DMT1) and ferroportin
276 cal membrane of the intestinal enterocyte by divalent metal-ion transporter 1 (DMT1) and is exported
277                                              Divalent metal-ion transporter 1 (DMT1) has been found t
278                                              Divalent metal-ion transporter-1 (DMT1) is a H(+)-couple
279                                              Divalent metal-ion transporter-1 (DMT1) is required for
280 ake pathways through relatively non-specific divalent metal ion transporters.
281 nation of the 5'-hydroxyl group, requiring a divalent metal ion under physiological conditions.
282                            The presence of a divalent metal ion was required for the release of proto
283 mation of tunicamycin complexes with various divalent metal ions was confirmed experimentally by MALD
284                                              Divalent metal ions were essential for unpairing.
285 en bonds and coordination to the active site divalent metal ion, whereas the C-terminal domain is com
286 ependent with either Mg(2+) or Mn(2+) as the divalent metal ion, whereas V/K(alpha-Kg) (with Mn(2+))
287 g2+ ion without participation of a catalytic divalent metal ion, while channel 3 involves both struct
288 14 in the catalytic center bind a variety of divalent metal ions with a clear preference for Cu(2+) (
289 , Ni, Zn), reveal distorted square-pyramidal divalent metal ions with four equatorial nitrogen donors
290 ty of MJ0936 had an absolute requirement for divalent metal ions with Ni(2+) and Mn(2+) being most ef
291 e insights into the nature of interaction of divalent metal ions with the ribosome.
292 ssue, the present study utilized a series of divalent metal ions with varying thiophilicities in conj
293                      We utilized a series of divalent metal ions with varying thiophilicities in conj
294                          This study utilized divalent metal ions with varying thiophilicities in conj
295 g RNA transesterification in the presence of divalent metal ions, with activity following the order P
296 aPP can be activated several-fold by various divalent metal ions, with Mn(2+) and Ni(2+) providing th
297  condensation is overcome in the presence of divalent metal ions, with the following order of prefere
298  motif and is fully active in the absence of divalent metal ions, yet is strikingly similar in struct
299 both aztR and aztA expression are induced by divalent metal ions Zn(II), Cd(II), and Pb(II) but not b
300 addition Mg(2+) and is not enhanced by other divalent metal ions (Zn(2+) and Mn(2+)), consistent with

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