


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 ontractions of a space-filling system of gut diverticula.
2 process with fascial thickening and inflamed diverticula.
3 y was performed in one patient with multiple diverticula.
4 d of 21 consecutive patients with epiphrenic diverticula.
5                    Four patients had bladder diverticula.
6 region is an uncommon location of esophageal diverticula, a condition usually diagnosed in elderly in
7                             Resection of the diverticula and a surgical myotomy of the manometrically
8 invasive surgical methods of managing Zenker diverticula and achalasia, important disorders associate
9                    Combination of absence of diverticula and presence of shouldering showed a high di
10 eal tumors, varices, lower esophageal rings, diverticula, and esophageal motility disorders, all of w
11 hageal cancers, six were tracheal-esophageal diverticula, and six were other masses.
12 tility disorders in patients with epiphrenic diverticula, and this condition is associated with the p
13                  The concept that epiphrenic diverticula are complications of esophageal motility dis
14                                     Calyceal diverticula are rarely diagnosed in children.
15                         The character of the diverticula can be accurately determined with appropriat
16                                      AUV and diverticula can cause severe obstruction, whose repercus
17  were unrecognized, such as noncommunicating diverticula, can now be more easily detected.
18  as follows; normal findings n = 58 (78.4%), diverticula disease n = 5 (6.8%), diminutive polyps n =
19 rmal interactions could explain how Meckel's diverticula express diverse non-intestinal, endoderm-der
20 or reject the recommendation that all Meckel diverticula found incidentally should be removed, althou
21              Standard management of calyceal diverticula in children includes ultrasonographic follow
22 slike diverticular disease by the absence of diverticula in the affected segment and the presence of
23                                   Absence of diverticula in the affected segment showed high NPV and
24 ty abnormalities in patients with epiphrenic diverticula is a major obstacle to the general acceptanc
25                                       Meckel diverticula occur so infrequently that most articles hav
26  Smooth, spherical air collections caused by diverticula of redundant mucosa were seen at the inferio
27                                          The diverticula ranged in size from 3 to 10 cm and were pred
28 l diverticulum, we sought to determine which diverticula should be removed when discovered incidental
29  without clearly indicating which incidental diverticula should be removed.
30 ts, persistence of the primordial vestibular diverticula, significant loss in the three cristae and t
31  we recommend removing all incidental Meckel diverticula that have any of the 4 features most commonl
32 maging are now widely available and urethral diverticula that previously were unrecognized, such as n
33 bdominal computed tomography showed multiple diverticula, thickened walls with showing contrast enhan
34                                    Flaps and diverticula were more common at right anastomoses than a
35  commonly associated with symptomatic Meckel diverticula were patient age younger than 50 years (odds
36   Among the 1476 patients, 16% of the Meckel diverticula were symptomatic.

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