


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 um and one a right atrium to right ventricle diverticulum.
2 ures were associated with symptomatic Meckel diverticulum.
3  commonly associated with symptomatic Meckel diverticulum.
4  for the patient with a symptomatic calyceal diverticulum.
5 t approach based on location and size of the diverticulum.
6 ns exist primarily for an anteriorly located diverticulum.
7 onally, stones have been detected within the diverticulum.
8  separately and in association with urethral diverticulum.
9 re coexpressed in the pancreatic and hepatic diverticulum.
10 bladder level are the cause of vesicourachal diverticulum.
11  stomach (4%), duodenum (1.3%), and Meckel's diverticulum (1.3%).
12                     Among 84 cases of Meckel diverticulum, 18 (21%) were found at surgery to be inver
13 estigation and management of female urethral diverticulum, a condition often overlooked and frequentl
14 ear to represent murine examples of Meckel's Diverticulum, a congenital abnormality in human developm
15 colonic wall thickening, and for an inflamed diverticulum, a rounded, paracolic outpouching centered
16            Two patients had a coronary sinus diverticulum and one a right atrium to right ventricle d
17  include particularly: simple cyst, calyceal diverticulum and the first demonstration of ADPKD.
18 ur as an isolated AUV or in association with diverticulum and VATER anomalies.
19 rvention that included repair of a meningeal diverticulum and venous cauterization resulted in overal
20 the pharyngeal endoderm, in the anterior gut diverticulum, and, like AmphiPax2/5/8, in the rudiment o
21 th, and ratio of length to base width of the diverticulum; and the presence of ectopic tissue or abno
22 raperitoneal abscesses; one, a giant sigmoid diverticulum; and two, sterile fluid collections.
23        Patients presenting with a perforated diverticulum are 6 times more likely to die than the gen
24           The arrowhead sign and an inflamed diverticulum are occasional, specific CT signs of coloni
25       No patient with an endoluminal flap or diverticulum at CT had dehiscence at bronchoscopy.
26 her evaluation demonstrated a mid-esophageal diverticulum at the level of the carina.
27 ptor family that is expressed in the hepatic diverticulum at the onset of liver development.
28 arly as embryonic day 9.5, when the tracheal diverticulum begins to outgrow.
29  One hundred seven patients without a Zenker diverticulum but with pharyngeal dysphagia underwent a d
30 es, which raised the suspicion that duodenal diverticulum could be a predisposing factor for duodenit
31 ewed of 1476 patients found to have a Meckel diverticulum during surgery from 1950 to 2002.
32                 Surgical techniques included diverticulum excision in all patients.
33              Deletion of Hhex in the hepatic diverticulum (Foxa3-Cre;Hhex(d2,3/-)) led to embryonic l
34                   The management of calyceal diverticulum has evolved from an open surgical approach
35 aluate gastrointestinal bleeding, and Meckel diverticulum imaging.
36                 CS angiography revealed a CS diverticulum in 36 (21%) and fusiform or bulbous enlarge
37 ein markers expressed by the embryonic liver diverticulum, indicating that HBC-3 cells retain an undi
38                                    The liver diverticulum is formed but migration of hepatocytes into
39 oscopic approach is recommended while if the diverticulum is in a middle or lower pole calyx, a lapar
40                    In this situation, if the diverticulum is in a superior anterior calyx, a ureteros
41          A direct puncture into the calyceal diverticulum is recommended.
42                              When a Meckel's diverticulum is suspected, we suggest SPECT be performed
43        Percutaneous ablation of the calyceal diverticulum is the most established minimally invasive
44 e sex (OR, 1.8; 95% CI, 1.3-2.4; P < 0.001); diverticulum length greater than 2 cm (OR, 2.2; 95% CI,
45 nographic examination in our clinic revealed diverticulum-like images with thickened walls adjacent t
46                       Presence of a duodenal diverticulum may predispose to acute duodenitis followin
47   Surgical management of incidental Meckel's diverticulum(MD) is a highly debated controversial issue
48  anomalies, such as patent urachus, Meckel's diverticulum, mesenteric cyst, and accessory pancreas.
49 m outcome of patients suffering from biliary diverticulum, namely Todani type II congenital bile duct
50                              Inverted Meckel diverticulum occurs more commonly than previously recogn
51 l line 3 (HBC-3), was derived from the liver diverticulum of the mouse on day 9.5 of gestation by cul
52 ribed in whom a large congenital aneurysm or diverticulum of the right atrium caused repeated attacks
53 hout reflux) had a pelvic kidney, a calyceal diverticulum, or a renal stone.
54                        Diagnosis of calyceal diverticulum should be confirmed by contrast studies.
55     Among patients with a symptomatic Meckel diverticulum, the male-female ratio was approximately 3:
56                                   A duodenal diverticulum was also found on CT images, which raised t
57  At barium examination in 15 cases, inverted diverticulum was depicted in 10 (67%) as a solitary, elo
58                                  The biliary diverticulum was located at the upper, middle, and lower
59                                  An inflamed diverticulum was noted in 21 patients (33%) at CT, with
60 inic experience with patients who had Meckel diverticulum, we sought to determine which diverticula s
61         We present a case of a vesicourachal diverticulum with calculus diagnosed by multidetector co
62 nt a case of pediatric patient with calyceal diverticulum, with initial ultrasonographic diagnosis of

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