


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 impair performance while driving, flying, or diving.
2       Hypoxia and chemical repellents impair diving.
3 ly-mediated increase in vascular tone during diving.
4 n after sting from an unknown creature while diving.
5 a cost of transport of ~1.6-1.9 J/kg/m while diving.
6 Pacific south of the Aleutians and nocturnal diving.
7 ovides a basis for assessment of fitness for diving.
8 a closure procedure (to permit resumption of diving after decompression illness in 29, after stroke w
9 diving candidates seek medical clearance for diving, and healthcare providers must be knowledgeable o
10                                     Aging in diving animals is interesting because their characterist
11 ility of hyperbaric O2 usage in clinical and diving applications.
12 rring Mbs from two terrestrial and four deep-diving aquatic mammals and three distal histidine mutant
13 lation toward the cortical surface along the diving arterioles and "downstream" propagation into loca
14             The principal eye E2 of sunburst diving beetle (Thermonectus marmoratus) larvae clearly f
15                                          The diving beetle Cybister japonicus Sharp shows a remarkabl
16 the evolutionary history of the cosmopolitan diving beetle subfamily Colymbetinae, the majority of wh
17                   The larvae of the sunburst diving beetle, Thermonectus marmoratus (Coleoptera: Dyti
18                                 The sunburst diving beetle, Thermonectus marmoratus, ejects a milky f
19  these two OBPs in the male foreleg tarsi of diving beetles in chemical communication.
20  have undergone extensive diversification in diving beetles, with remodeling of size and shape of sev
21 molecular phylogeny for Melanesian Exocelina diving beetles.
22 ompression avoidance therefore may constrain diving behavior.
23 ing strategies based on individual movement, diving behaviour and diet (inferred from stable isotopes
24 arkov models (HMM) to characterize states of diving behaviour and the transitions between states in s
25 e hypothesis that the probability of seabird diving behaviour at a given location is a function of th
26 t a major factor determining the location of diving behaviour during the study period.
27 species, we postulate that the unique phocid diving behaviour has produced this selection pressure.
28                     While the probability of diving behaviour increases sharply with prey abundance a
29 oth species, we show that the probability of diving behaviour is mostly explained by the distribution
30                                              Diving behaviour of short-finned pilot whales is often d
31                       The acoustic scene and diving behaviour of tagged individuals were recorded alo
32 a four-state model as the best descriptor of diving behaviour.
33 tion between states, indicative of different diving behaviours.
34                        In fish, evasion of a diving bird that breaks the water surface depends on int
35 ll higher than for flightless wing-propelled diving birds (penguins).
36  hypothesis that function constrains form in diving birds, and that optimizing wing shape and form fo
37 ove twice and then ate lunch at 12:30 on the diving boat (no nattou at lunch).
38                                  Back on the diving boat, urticarial was noticed.
39 er, even though they have exercise-modulated diving bradycardia [2] and full voluntary control of the
40  can be learned in this respect from nature: Diving, burrowing, and hibernating animals living in div
41 e stability of the bird's neck during plunge-diving by understanding the interaction between the flui
42                            Many recreational diving candidates seek medical clearance for diving, and
43 ey for two species of seabird with different diving capabilities.
44 esulting naivety has made this cryptic, deep-diving cetacean highly susceptible to disturbance, altho
45                           The examination of diving computer analysis reveals no sign of increased re
46 , whereas larger bodies are advantageous for diving deeper.
47 pe ratios for differences in habitat use and diving depth.
48 of H7N8 turkey isolates was recovered from a diving duck sampled in Kentucky, USA.
49 f redhead Aythya americana (a North American diving duck), we investigated the population response to
50 the mtDNA control region in seven species of diving ducks (tribe Aythyini).
51  viral gene constellations circulating among diving ducks can contribute to the emergence of IAVs tha
52  viral gene constellations circulating among diving ducks can contribute to the emergence of IAVs tha
53 H7N8 LPAI virus most likely circulated among diving ducks in the Mississippi flyway during autumn 201
54 H7N8 LPAI virus most likely circulated among diving ducks in the Mississippi flyway during autumn 201
55                                   Therefore, diving ducks may play an important and understudied role
56                                   Therefore, diving ducks may serve an important and understudied rol
57                         H4N8 IAVs from other diving ducks possessed five H7N8-like gene segments (PB2
58                       Beaked whales are deep diving elusive animals, difficult to census with convent
59 l seals realized a 9.2 to 59.6% reduction in diving energetic costs.
60 eview provides a basis for understanding the diving environment and its accompanying disorders and pr
61 tion to opposing cardiovascular signals-from diving, exercise, and neurocognitive fear responses-that
62 cks or sunken vessels that provided a themed diving experience.
63                            On ascent after a diving exposure, the dissolved gas can achieve a supersa
64                                        These diving flies are protected by an air bubble that forms a
65  and Weddell seals (Leptonychotes weddellii) diving from the surface to >200 m.
66 ity-appropriate targets such as bistratified diving ganglion cells (bsdGCs).
67 nsitive ganglion cells, and (3) bistratified diving ganglion cells.
68                  At 15:30, while washing his diving gear at the diving shop near the harbor, he faint
69 ment the rats were randomly separated into a Diving group that repetitively dived underwater, a Swimm
70 g Peruvian Booby (Sula variegata) and deeper diving Guanay Cormorant (Phalacrocorax bougainvilliorum)
71                          Costs of flying and diving have been measured in free-living animals that us
72                         Disorders related to diving have unique presentations, and an understanding o
73 hese neurons are activated during underwater diving in rats, but at present their function is unknown
74 ve duration, depth, bottom time, and benthic diving increased over the first 40 days.
75                  They often forage at night, diving into streams and ponds in search of food.
76 and lead to the design of better vaccines by diving into the world of T cell immunity.
77 izing wing shape and form for wing-propelled diving leads to such high flight costs that flying cease
78      We analysed contemporaneous data on the diving locations of two seabird species, the shallow-div
79 olerate acute or chronic hypoxemia like deep-diving mammals and high-altitude inhabitants, as well as
80 Our results confirm quantitatively that deep diving mammals have highly stable Mbs that express to hi
81                  This suggests why some deep-diving mammals show periodic shallow-depth activity and
82                           Apomyoglobins from diving mammals, particularly from sperm whales, are the
83 ommon view of a stereotypic 'dive reflex' in diving mammals.
84 cs approaches to explore differences between diving marine mammals and terrestrial mammals.
85 thing reflex [1], numerous studies on freely diving marine mammals have revealed substantial dynamics
86                        Locomotor activity by diving marine mammals is accomplished while breath-holdi
87  explain the unique sensitivity of some deep-diving marine mammals to anthropogenic disturbances.
88                                              Diving mosasaurs, plesiosaurs, and humans develop dysbar
89 s gap in our knowledge, as the elusive, deep-diving nature of beaked whales has made it hard to study
90 edema (SIPE) occurs during swimming or scuba diving, often in young individuals with no predisposing
91                                  Motives for diving on artificial reefs were varied, but were dominat
92          Flipper strokes were detected while diving or surface transiting using dynamic acceleration.
93 aric air or gas mixtures, for example during diving or when working underwater is known to alter the
94 rts identification of a new volant, possibly diving, ornithurine species (Tingmiatornis arctica).
95 iiforms, stem and crown clade wing-propelled diving Pan-Alcidae displayed compressed semicircular can
96    The state-dependent distributions for the diving parameters showed variation between states, indic
97 havioural contexts of these calls, including diving patterns, group association events, and foraging
98 ing suggest that a wing designed for optimal diving performance should lead to enormous energy costs
99 ocations of two seabird species, the shallow-diving Peruvian Booby (Sula variegata) and deeper diving
100 chanism; even for the two sibling species of diving petrel, which spent the non-breeding period in ov
101 t, we use a salvaged bird to identify plunge-diving phases.
102              The specific areas examined are diving physiology, the thermal physiology of large endot
103  principles associated with the swimming and diving processes.
104 s were good predictors of energy spent while diving (R(2) = 0.76) and to a lesser extent while transi
105                                           In Diving rats there was increased Fos+TH labeling in A1, C
106  of trigeminal neurons occurs in voluntarily diving rats.
107 rent relay of diving response in voluntarily diving rats.
108 ion geophysical surveys and underwater SCUBA diving reconnaissance revealed meandering shaped morphol
109  the heart: (1) trigeminal reflex (simulated diving reflex) and (2) arterial baroreflex with phenylep
110 hing, carotid massage, Valsalva maneuver and diving reflex, were performed before tilt testing to det
111 ow the EEG as part of the oxygen-conserving (diving) reflex initiated in these neurons by hypoxia or
112  that are elements of the oxygen-conserving (diving) reflex.
113 and parasympathetic drivers for exercise and diving, respectively.
114 to activation of the peripheral chemoreflex, diving response and arterial baroreflex, allowing the di
115     Conversely, hypoxia or activation of the diving response from the nose evoked only cholinergic co
116 H is the initial brainstem afferent relay of diving response in voluntarily diving rats.
117 esponses: the 'cold shock response' and the 'diving response'.
118 cardiorespiratory response, often called the diving response, is usually initiated by nasal stimulati
119 and aquatic rodent with a brisk and reliable diving response, shows a remarkable bradycardia after na
120 ines the potential brainstem circuit for the diving response, the most powerful autonomic reflex know
121 ontribution that is capable of producing the diving response.
122 a nasopharyngeal response that resembles the diving response.
123  cardiorespiratory depression similar to the diving response.
124 xial defence mechanisms such as occur in the diving response.
125 sation of respiration similar to that of the diving response.
126 respiratory responses similar to that of the diving response.
127  the afferent limb of the nasopharyngeal and diving responses.
128                            Towed cameras and diving robots acquire high-resolution imagery that allow
129 plied to the design of bio-inspired swimming/diving robots.
130 n shags Phalacrocorax aristotelis, a pursuit-diving seabird in which males are c. 18% heavier.
131 ses to be an option in larger wing-propelled diving seabirds, including penguins.
132                    Video sequences of freely diving seals and whales wearing submersible cameras reve
133  15:30, while washing his diving gear at the diving shop near the harbor, he fainted.
134 ng long slender parasites transform into non-diving short stumpy forms, which differentiate into proc
135 ldwide as a method for managing recreational diving since they have the potential to satisfy both con
136 tribute towards the management of coral reef diving sites and highlight a number of important areas f
137  of elevated myoglobin net surface charge in diving species that is mechanistically linked with maxim
138    The Phocidae includes some of the deepest diving species, yet have the least modified lung structu
139 n previously demonstrated in any breath-hold diving species.
140 find that the neck length, neck muscles, and diving speed of the bird predominantly reduce the likeli
141 nally, we use our results to discuss maximum diving speeds for humans to avoid injury.
142  than a simple dichotomy of deep and shallow diving states, and labelling all subsurface behaviour as
143                       There appear to be two diving strategies used by animals that dive to depth.
144 cal models of energy costs during flying and diving suggest that a wing designed for optimal diving p
145  using unique experimental markers and scuba diving surveys.
146  aquatic athletes participating in swimming, diving, synchronized swimming, water polo, and open wate
147 al tests (novel approach test and novel tank diving test).
148 or the beetle to transition from swimming to diving, the legs must change the plane in which they bea
149 ines individual wintering strategies of deep diving thick-billed murres (Uria lomvia) breeding at thr
150 duced late-onset anaphylaxis following SCUBA diving to about 20 m in the ocean off a small remote Jap
151                        A hallmark of animals diving to depth is a substantial elevation of muscle myo
152                                              Diving to depth requires several adaptations to the effe
153 or a reptile), they generally restrict their diving to less than 250 metres, which increases the chan
154 comprehensive waterbird clade, including all diving, wading, and shorebirds; and (5) a comprehensive
155            Satisfaction with artificial reef diving was high amongst novices and declined with increa
156 duced late-onset anaphylaxis following SCUBA diving was suspected.
157 iments, dynamics models of both swimming and diving were developed.
158  the whirligig beetle's legs in swimming and diving were obtained.

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