


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 function, chronic pancreatitis, and pancreas divisum.
2 CS workstations enable depiction of pancreas divisum.
3 nicele is not always accompanied by pancreas divisum.
4 tis', particularly in patients with pancreas divisum (2) Pancreas divisum may be incidental finding i
5 tis (0% vs. 21%, P < 0.05), to have pancreas divisum (38% vs. 10%, P < 0.01), and to be managed with
6                       Patients with pancreas divisum and a dilated pancreatic duct may be ideally sui
7 gs include the relationship between pancreas divisum and CFTR mutations, the role of trypsin in acute
8         Eight patients had complete pancreas divisum and two had incomplete variants.
9 ound to have anatomical variants of pancreas divisum associated with recurrent or chronic pancreatiti
10  (chronic pancreatitis secondary to pancreas divisum [CPPD]) and intractable pain.
11 ry of pancreatitis in children with pancreas divisum has not been well elucidated.
12 ining 73 patients, ERP demonstrated pancreas divisum in 10 (14%); both observers made the correct dia
13     The etiology of the disease was pancreas divisum in 6 patients, alcohol in 5, and idiopathic in 3
14 aphy was the method of diagnosis of pancreas divisum in all patients.
15                         The role of pancreas divisum in causing acute and relapsing pancreatitis and
16 ciation between choledochoceles and pancreas divisum is a new observation.
17                                     Pancreas divisum is an important cause of recurrent pancreatitis
18                                     Pancreas divisum is an uncommon congenital anomaly that may resul
19  patients with pancreas divisum (2) Pancreas divisum may be incidental finding in recurrent acute pan
20  = 6), idiopathic pancreatitis with pancreas divisum (n = 3), and alcohol abuse (n = 2).
21  duct was observed unaccompanied by pancreas divisum or dominant dorsal duct.
22 tic drainage postulated to exist in pancreas divisum, or of traumatic, obstructive, hemodynamic, meta
23 y one case of santorinicele without pancreas divisum pathophysiology (SWOPP) was previously reported.
24  for pancreatic pain at 1 year were pancreas divisum, previous body mass index >30, and a high number
25  gold standard for the diagnosis of pancreas divisum remains ERCP and sphincterotomy is highly effect
26 nce of SWOPP and santorinicele with pancreas divisum (SWPD) in community and patient populations, and
27                                     Pancreas divisum was diagnosed at CT if what the authors termed t
28                                     Pancreas divisum was identified in 7.4% of all children with panc

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