


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1  was selected as fruit size increased during domestication.
2  allele spread at the early stage of soybean domestication.
3 s and leptin signaling as highly relevant in domestication.
4 ct low-intensity management by humans before domestication.
5 d ecotype not directly contributing to apple domestication.
6  prior to domestication and the other during domestication.
7 ameness but not active tameness during their domestication.
8 ons bearing the signature of selection under domestication.
9 aption, represent the common concerns on pig domestication.
10 atterns of development and growth during dog domestication.
11 on and distinct to those selected for during domestication.
12 ress fundamental questions regarding soybean domestication.
13 were involved in artificial selection during domestication.
14 ze are traits resulting from Capsicum annuum domestication.
15 ing colonization, subsequent expansions, and domestication.
16  key agronomic traits during black raspberry domestication.
17       The third mystery concerns the cost of domestication.
18 multiregional and protracted nature of plant domestication.
19  bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) in its centres of domestication.
20 goat breeds for environmental adaptation and domestication.
21 ato (Solanum lycopersicum) has slowed during domestication.
22 eck when hermaphrodites were selected during domestication.
23 ies and changes that have taken place during domestication.
24 t, and has been considered as the reverse of domestication.
25 rating that this polymorphism predates horse domestication.
26 ve been selected in crop plants during their domestication.
27 s that may have been undermined during plant domestication.
28 udies of fertility, reproductive ageing, and domestication.
29 mutation in CLV3 increased fruit size during domestication.
30 ject to selection processes during and after domestication.
31  nitrate-use divergence occurred during rice domestication.
32 (+646) mutation occurred during common wheat domestication.
33 y for unraveling the genetic history of crop domestication.
34 t secondary metabolite contents decreased on domestication.
35 ed size and must have been increased through domestication.
36  possibly representing a footprint of barley domestication.
37 t hermaphrodite papaya is a product of human domestication.
38 ild-type declines coinciding with widespread domestication.
39 al communities, and played a pivotal role in domestication.
40 volutionary juvenilisation) played a role in domestication.
41 ge seeds has been a main target during plant domestication.
42 ent hypothesis proposing dual origins of dog domestication.
43 c techniques to identify genomic regions for domestication.
44 story, was made possible by plant and animal domestication.
45  originated and the implications for de novo domestication.
46 ets regulations underlying the double flower domestication.
47  address three ongoing mysteries about plant domestication.
48 ore complexity inherent to the process of de-domestication.
49  population structure, genetic diversity and domestication.
50 pikes and free-threshing grains during wheat domestication.
51  loss of seed shattering during African rice domestication.
52 issect the molecular processes underlying de-domestication.
53 c and phenotypic changes in pig (Sus scrofa) domestication.
54  photoperiod response was critical for their domestication.
55             Focusing on the adaptation after domestication, a nested association mapping (NAM) panel
56  alterations likely due to hybridization and domestication affect gene expression.
57  comprehensive model of apple speciation and domestication along the Silk Road is proposed based on e
58 ility to follow causal cues, suggesting that domestication altered specific skills relating to this d
59 dissection of the characters involved in the domestication and adaptation of the crop, and their furt
60  variation and an association study of major domestication and agronomic traits in soybean.
61                 SFT and SP influenced cotton domestication and are ideal targets for further agricult
62 ntitative differences likely associated with domestication and artificial selection.
63 rains (n = 5) that varied in their extent of domestication and assessed rhizosphere and root endosphe
64 selection due to bottlenecks associated with domestication and breed formation, rather than recent in
65                                         From domestication and breeding to the genetic engineering of
66                           Intense selection (domestication and breeding) had a stronger effect on the
67  genomic regions that were likely targets of domestication and breeding.
68 er, peach size and variety increased through domestication and breeding.
69 ls subjected to anthropogenic forces such as domestication and captivity, in which diets and natural
70             However, the molecular basis for domestication and divergence among the different horticu
71 tative selective sweeps that occurred during domestication and divergence, respectively.
72 rehistory of wild potato use, leading to its domestication and diversification, has been well-documen
73 s of artificial selection that drove soybean domestication and diversification.
74  production, these data may relate to potato domestication and early cultivation.
75 s trend is further enhanced in the course of domestication and evolution of polyploid wheats.
76                     Importantly, the ongoing domestication and evolution of TEs appears to provide a
77 is study outlines the genetic basis of apple domestication and evolution, and provides valuable infor
78 f the first farm animals that have undergone domestication and extensive natural and artificial selec
79 stinct evolutionary paths and outcomes of de-domestication and ferality.
80 eleterious variants directly associated with domestication and have important implications for select
81 hotoperiodic flowering regulation in soybean domestication and highlight the evolutionary dynamics of
82 eles of circadian clock genes have played in domestication and improvement of crop plants.
83 onary trends of genomic repeats during maize domestication and improvement.
84 ise in elucidating important issues in plant domestication and in agricultural origin and dispersal r
85  Our findings add to an understanding of yak domestication and its importance in the early human occu
86  a few ancestors through complex patterns of domestication and local divergence.
87 for PHS susceptibility was involved in wheat domestication and might arise independently between T. m
88  as physical cognition of animals throughout domestication and ontogeny.
89 cial cognition of dogs have been affected by domestication and ontogeny.
90  beginning with general findings about early domestication and problems in documenting selection at t
91 y offers insights into spinach evolution and domestication and provides resources for spinach researc
92 ding population size changes associated with domestication and range expansion, and gene flow with wi
93 e ZmWAK locus appears to have occurred after domestication and spread among maize germplasm, and the
94 in informing research into the origin, early domestication and subsequent migration of crop species.
95 he genetic bottlenecks associated with plant domestication and subsequent selection in man-made agroe
96  example of convergent evolution during rice domestication and suggests that aus may have a domestica
97 rovides a comprehensive understanding of the domestication and the accumulation of anthocyanins in le
98 one in the quest to unravel the processes of domestication and the following adaptation of domesticat
99            However, the history of dromedary domestication and the influence of ancient trading netwo
100 two major events with one occurring prior to domestication and the other during domestication.
101  Upland cotton is a model for polyploid crop domestication and transgenic improvement.
102                                          The domestication and transmission of cereals is one of the
103    Tameness is a major behavioral factor for domestication, and can be divided into two potential com
104 ehensive models of apple origin, speciation, domestication, and fruit size evolution as well as candi
105 n genetic and archaeological studies of rice domestication, and guide utilization of genetic resource
106 f developmental plasticity in the process of domestication, and the creation and maintenance of diver
107                 The first is the duration of domestication; archaeological evidence suggests that dom
108          Genomic signatures of selection and domestication are associated with positively selected ge
109                      Simple scenarios of dog domestication are confounded by admixture, and studies t
110 sms of evolution, speciation, hybridization, domestication, as well as about the molecular machinerie
111 es (PCGs) and 100 long non-coding RNAs with domestication-associated haplotypes.
112                                        Plant domestication began 12,000-10,000 y ago in a number of m
113            We discuss pattern and process in domestication, beginning with general findings about ear
114 ive population size due to both a protracted domestication bottleneck and serial founder effects duri
115                                          The domestication bottleneck and subsequent spread led to an
116 icial amino acid substitutions, and that the domestication bottleneck led to a decline in the efficie
117  are not fully sex-linked, consistent with a domestication bottleneck.
118 s, such as reproductive isolation and strong domestication bottlenecks, are incompatible with the gen
119  deleterious variants, in part due to strong domestication bottlenecks.
120 ng of the dispersal of crops from centres of domestication but also to determine modes of food proces
121 ies were affected by the extent of sunflower domestication, but domestication did affect the composit
122  a critical step in mediating the effects of domestication by tb1.
123       There is increasing evidence that crop domestication can profoundly alter interactions among pl
124 nt set of cultivated plants of the Near East domestication center and remains an important crop today
125 ed by maize as it was migrated away from its domestication center.
126                                  In general, domestication consistently has reduced chemical resistan
127 y the extent of sunflower domestication, but domestication did affect the composition of rhizosphere
128     This analysis documents patterns of post-domestication diversification and provides a genomic res
129 t may have played important roles in soybean domestication, diversification and improvement.
130                                        After domestication, during a process of widespread range exte
131 rom a litter decomposition assay showed that domestication effects on litter chemistry affected the a
132 tively related to temperature) modulated the domestication effects on P (+), C (-), N : P (-) and C :
133 c modeling indicates that there was a single domestication event for lettuce.
134 sed in frequency) differed among independent domestication events but was correlated with specific pl
135              The existence of one or several domestication events in the Mediterranean Basin (MB) is
136 haped olive germplasm and perhaps also local domestication events.
137                                          Its domestication eventually led to its adoption as a model
138                                          For domestication/evolution of crop plants, the selective pr
139  100 genome sequences and tested whether pig domestication followed a traditional linear model or a m
140 g from the wild" hypothesis, with an initial domestication followed by introgression from individuals
141 enabled us to differentiate selection during domestication for adaptation to the climatic and cultura
142 rovide evidence showing asymmetric subgenome domestication for directional selection of long fibers.
143                              Here we examine domestication from a population genetics perspective, wi
144                              We find that de-domestication from cultivated ancestors has had a major
145                                        Wheat domestication from wild species involved mutations in th
146 of selective sweeps in previously identified domestication genes, as well as evidence of recent selec
147                       A new study finds that domestication gradually slowed down the circadian clock
148 progenitor of cultivated spinach and spinach domestication has a weak bottleneck.
149                    Thus, it is possible that domestication has differentially impacted stochastic met
150   Natural and artificial selection following domestication has led to the existence of more than a hu
151                   We found that (i) although domestication has modified starch and ketone metabolism
152 evis et al concluded that pre-Columbian tree domestication has shaped present-day Amazonian forest co
153 with the earliest stages of plant and animal domestication have remained elusive.
154 ar bases of flowering time evolution in crop domestication, here we investigate the evolutionary fate
155  today is greater than at any point in their domestication history and represents an opportunity for
156 mestication and suggests that aus may have a domestication history independent of japonica and indica
157  comprehensive analysis of the evolution and domestication history of allotetraploid cottons based on
158                                          The domestication history of rice remains controversial, wit
159 inated in China, although the details of its domestication history remain obscure.
160 nt colonized by humans, the site of multiple domestication hotspots, and the location of the largest
161 redict what factors influence the success of domestication, how many genes contributed to the process
162                                  A number of domestication hypotheses suggest that dogs have acquired
163                           Results call those domestication hypotheses that suggest dogs evolved great
164 eview of the first a priori test of the self-domestication hypothesis as well as predictions for futu
165                               The human self-domestication hypothesis proposes that these early-emerg
166 ework and solid empirical data to understand domestication impacts on plant chemistry.
167 oximately 4000 yr ago, well after crop plant domestication in Mesoamerica >6200 yr ago but coinciding
168 e also located putative areas of common bean domestication in Mesoamerica, in the Oaxaca Valley, and
169 about how these interactions are affected by domestication in the geographical ranges where these cro
170                                  Since their domestication in the Mediterranean zone of Southwest Asi
171 esized effects of capital punishment on self-domestication in the Pleistocene.
172 s, we show that there were three independent domestications in different parts of Asia.
173 flow from wild boars and created 'islands of domestication' in the genome.
174                         We hypothesised that domestication increased leaf N and P to support high pla
175                                              Domestication increased leaf N and/or P for 57% of the c
176 ment and admixture of barley landraces since domestication, individual landrace genomes indicate a pa
177  on three issues: genetic bottlenecks during domestication, introgression as a source of local adapta
178 d by a recent, strong selective sweep before domestication, involving either the spread of a recessiv
179 processes are likely new discoveries because domestication is a dynamic process of genetic selection,
180                                        Plant domestication is a process which started approximately 1
181                                           De-domestication is a unique evolutionary process by which
182                Traditionally, the process of domestication is assumed to be initiated by humans, invo
183                                              Domestication is at its heart an evolutionary process, a
184                        The precise timing of domestication is debated and little is known about the u
185                                              Domestication is defined as a distinctive coevolutionary
186 ting the details of the trajectory of potato domestication is necessary for an overall understanding
187                                         Crop domestication is the process of artificially selecting p
188 st species, but it remains unknown how plant domestication itself impacts pest contemporary evolution
189 gs draw attention to evolutionary effects of domestication legacies on plant and soil stoichiometry a
190 otypes while retaining a single haplotype at domestication loci linked to these centromeres.
191                                 Whereas some domestication loci, such as teosinte branched1 (tb1) and
192  earliest detectable changes associated with domestication may first manifest as heritable changes to
193                           This suggests that domestication may have affected protein sequence to a la
194 indings suggest much of the evolution during domestication may have been gradual and encourage furthe
195 nts shape the rhizosphere microbiome and how domestication may have impacted rhizosphere microbiome a
196 ealth, but it remains undetermined how plant domestication may influence these bacterial and fungal c
197 y and resistance-related traits arising from domestication may interact with environmental variation
198 findings suggest that the earliest stages of domestication may involve adaptation to highly crowded c
199          The key to our understanding of dog domestication may lie in a closer comparative examinatio
200                                        Plant domestication modifies a wild species genetically for hu
201 onspecific can help to better understand how domestication modifies the genetic background of populat
202 h of Eurasia during prehistory following its domestication, most likely in northern China.
203 menting archaeological findings that suggest domestication occurred between 10,000 and 6,250 years ag
204 teps toward maize (Zea mays subspecies mays) domestication occurred in the Balsas region of Mexico by
205          Genomic analyses indicate date palm domestication occurred in the eastern portion of the Ara
206 contradicts previous predictions that legume domestication occurred through selection of pre-adapted
207 ation; archaeological evidence suggests that domestication occurs over millennia, but genetic evidenc
208 n in the DNA-binding domain gave rise to the domestication of 'Miracle-Wheat.' mRNA in situ hybridiza
209 arily derived leafcutter ants following full domestication of a coevolving cultivar 30-35 Mya after t
210 th a non-brittle rachis were made during the domestication of barley by farmers in the southern and n
211 logical processes have been important in the domestication of cattle.
212  of phenotypic diversification after initial domestication of cultivated chickpea.
213                                      Whereas domestication of livestock, pets, and crops is well docu
214  time is one of the major adaptive traits in domestication of maize and an important selection criter
215 eed-coat impermeability was essential in the domestication of many leguminous crops to promote the pr
216                                          The domestication of perennial crops differs from that of an
217                                          The domestication of perennials is expected to follow differ
218        The dietary change resulting from the domestication of plant and animal species and developmen
219                                              Domestication of plant species has substantially contrib
220 lth disparities generally increased with the domestication of plants and animals and with increased s
221                                          The domestication of plants and animals is a key transition
222 ject to substantially greater selection with domestication of plants and animals, and are part of rep
223 o leading explanatory frameworks for initial domestication of plants and animals, one grounded in opt
224 ation that facilitated these changes was the domestication of plants and animals.
225 e for this specialization and the associated domestication of plants are intensely debated.
226                                          The domestication of plants is underscored by the selection
227                     However, evidence of the domestication of sugar translocation and the identities
228                            We argue that the domestication of TE proteins may often be the only evolu
229 ermentative glucose metabolism has motivated domestication of the budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevis
230 investigation of the mutation leading to the domestication of the hermaphrodite Y(h) chromosome.
231 chip and harvesting grown material; and (vi) domestication of the ichip-derived colonies for growth i
232                                              Domestication of the now-extinct wild aurochs, Bos primi
233 hromosome lineages split much later than the domestication of the species.
234 g subgenome parallel selection linked to the domestication of the tuberous morphotypes, turnip (B. ra
235 enomic insights into the divergence and dual domestication of these two important cultivated tetraplo
236                                              Domestication of upland cotton (Gossypium hirsutum) conv
237 erness phenotypes associated with convergent domestication of wild cucurbits.
238 equence homology, amplification or mutation (domestication) of fragments in order to work properly.
239 ne transcription, demonstrate the effects of domestication on cis-regulatory divergence.
240 thin tuber-bearing Solanum and the impact of domestication on genome diversity and identify key loci
241 on for centromere-linked genes affecting key domestication or agricultural traits, drives replacement
242                     Moreover, we showed that domestication or improvement has significantly affected
243 sequilibrium consistent with a Central Asian domestication origin.
244                                  Its initial domestication over 10 millennia ago and subsequent wide
245 dergone transport, cultivation, and eventual domestication over such a long period of time.
246 sted genetic improvement and unravelling the domestication pattern of flowering time in chickpea.
247 ve "jumped" into cattle during the livestock domestication period.
248 e identification of genes that contribute to domestication phenotypes.
249 se results provide new insights into diverse domestication practices in African rice, and also pave t
250              Still, many questions about the domestication process remain unanswered because modern s
251  relatives, suggesting a gradual, protracted domestication process.
252 may provide evidence for the beginnings of a domestication process.
253 present an under-recognized component of the domestication process.
254  rule out a simplistic genetic basis for the domestication process: neither a single pathway nor a un
255 irsutum and G. barbadense, suggesting a dual domestication processes in tetraploid cottons.
256 s of study currently little applied to plant domestication processes may be necessary to understand t
257 or comparable patterns of evolution in their domestication processes.
258                                         Crop domestication provided the calories that fueled the rise
259                                              Domestication provides an important model for the study
260                                  The initial domestication region was pinpointed to central China (de
261  an efficient approach to identify candidate domestication-related genes.
262   In this study, we identified a total of 48 domestication-related loci based on RAD-seq genotyping o
263                   However, identification of domestication-related loci/genes of controlling the trai
264  between DNA methylation and polyploid plant domestication remains elusive.
265 virus (ALV) has endogenized prior to chicken domestication, remains infectious, and threatens poultry
266                                          Yak domestication represents an important episode in the ear
267 regions that might be related to fundamental domestication requirements in pigs.
268 ing genetic modifications underlying wheat's domestication requires knowledge about the genome of its
269 y of evolution, and information learned from domestication research aids in the continued improvement
270  the context and physical processes of early domestication, researchers still do not understand the t
271 e-genome estimate of the demography of maize domestication, showing that maize was reduced to approxi
272                Moreover, the latitude of the domestication sites (negatively related to temperature)
273                                              Domestication slowed aphid evolution by 13.5%, maintaine
274 eneck and serial founder effects during post-domestication spread, while parviglumis in the Balsas Ri
275 on of their present and potential utility in domestication study shows that all three fields have con
276                               We identify 93 domestication sweeps in the spinach genome, some of whic
277                                We scanned 93 domestication sweeps occupying 74 Mb of the A subgenome
278                   Additionally, 159 putative domestication sweeps were identified, which includes 54.
279 an mentalizing abilities, tolerance, and the domestication syndrome in humans.
280 , humans are predicted to show traits of the domestication syndrome observed in other domestic animal
281                     Three central aspects of domestication that cut across and unify this diverse arr
282 ex nature of evolutionary changes during dog domestication: the cranial morphology of adult dogs cann
283  our oldest dog, we narrow the timing of dog domestication to 20,000-40,000 years ago.
284                                  We date yak domestication to 7,300 years before present (yr BP), mos
285 and rice, SWEET4 was likely recruited during domestication to enhance sugar import into the endosperm
286 e before it experienced rapid expansion post-domestication to population sizes much larger than its a
287 (TtBtr1) genes controlling shattering, a key domestication trait.
288          We uncover epigenomic signatures of domestication traits during cotton evolution.
289      However, many genes associated with key domestication traits existed in the ancestral state, sha
290 n factor, but the causal polymorphism of the domestication traits remained unclear.
291 uding oil and protein content, salinity, and domestication traits resulted in the discovery of novel
292 enetic data indicating that alleles for some domestication traits were not yet fixed by 5,300 cal B.P
293 d and cultivated cottons, some contribute to domestication traits, including flowering time and seed
294  suggesting gene duplications contributed to domestication traits.
295 iated with genes underlying the emergence of domestication traits.
296 on allopolyploidization, while evolution and domestication under allotetraploidy drive further homeol
297                              We analyzed pig domestication using over 100 genome sequences and tested
298                       For many crop species, domestication was accompanied by the evolution of weedy
299                    To address the effects of domestication, we compared captive wolves (n = 12) and d
300 n important trait underwent selection during domestication, we identified a new major-effect locus.

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