


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 enes on cognition in patients receiving anti-dopaminergic drugs.
2 gery, cognitive dysfunction and influence of dopaminergic drugs.
3           Levodopa is the most potent of the dopaminergic drugs.
4 d as a template for assessing the effects of dopaminergic drugs.
5 ctory and need the introduction of novel non-dopaminergic drugs.
6 he locomotor activity stimulation typical of dopaminergic drugs.
7 n CST systems can be profoundly modulated by dopaminergic drugs.
8  under identical conditions, but received no dopaminergic drugs.
9 ts into the potential mechanism of action of dopaminergic drugs.
10 he nature of compulsive behaviors induced by dopaminergic drugs.
11                                              Dopaminergic drugs affect a variety of cognitive process
12                   Previous data suggest that dopaminergic drugs affect the speed of this internal sto
13 learning models and show that treatment with dopaminergic drugs alters choice behavior in a manner co
14  worsened by stress, acute administration of dopaminergic drugs, and by subtle deficits in motor coor
15                                              Dopaminergic drugs are known to increase risk-taking beh
16  PKA, whereas the acute locomotor effects of dopaminergic drugs are relatively unaffected by this PKA
17 h blunted sensitivity when patients were OFF dopaminergic drugs, both in pupillary response and sacca
18 ced sensitivity of Akt-mediated signaling to dopaminergic drugs but retain the action of these drugs
19 r in humans can be directly manipulated by a dopaminergic drug, but that the effectiveness of such a
20 s and after the induction of mild dry eye or dopaminergic drug challenges.
21                     PD patients treated with dopaminergic drugs demonstrated enhanced verbal and visu
22  dopaminergic signaling and effectiveness of dopaminergic drugs depend on the relative preponderance
23 clinical finding that in Parkinson's disease dopaminergic drugs especially impact on bradykinesia but
24 rexpressed in striatal neurons after chronic dopaminergic drug exposure, is suspected to mediate thes
25 ng long-term deleterious effects of repeated dopaminergic drug exposure.
26 ing in vivo and in vitro treatments with the dopaminergic drugs haloperidol, bromocriptine, and quinp
27 s identified using an acute challenge with a dopaminergic drug in healthy individuals can be used to
28   Gait and balance disorders unresponsive to dopaminergic drugs in Parkinson's disease (PD) are secon
29                                  The role of dopaminergic drugs in treating the various non-motor pro
30       Rather, levodopa or other short-acting dopaminergic drugs induce molecular changes and altered
31 vious single-cell experiments, the effect of dopaminergic drugs on imaging single vesicle exocytotic
32 ort of both clock and attentional effects of dopaminergic drugs on interval timing in the same experi
33                     We observed no effect of dopaminergic drugs on learning from negative outcomes.
34 gree of predictability of clinical effect of dopaminergic drugs on motor symptoms in humans.
35  prove useful in the study of the effects of dopaminergic drugs on neuronal function in primary cultu
36                 Additionally, the effects of dopaminergic drugs on the mRNA expression for the neurop
37                               The effects of dopaminergic drugs on the mRNA level of APN and NEP 24.1
38 ality account for the contrasting effects of dopaminergic drugs on working memory and associated fron
39 ase, long-acting or continuous infusion of a dopaminergic drug reduces the risk of motor complication
40                                              Dopaminergic drugs remain the mainstay of Parkinson's di
41             More specifically, we found that dopaminergic drugs selectively modulate learning from po
42 se receptors, our molecular understanding of dopaminergic drug selectivity and design remains clouded
43  motor neuron regeneration can be boosted by dopaminergic drugs, similar to adult regeneration.
44       Contrary to expectation, we found that dopaminergic drug state (ON or OFF) did not impact learn
45                         After treatment with dopaminergic drugs, the Piper mode of muscle discharge w
46  effects on cognition in the context of anti-dopaminergic drug therapy.
47 otor responses after acute administration of dopaminergic drugs, they display abnormalities in two ex
48 uropeptidase activity changes in response to dopaminergic drug treatment.
49             Given the clinical prevalence of dopaminergic drugs, understanding the relationship betwe
50               However, clinical responses to dopaminergic drugs vary substantially from person to per
51 ation proposes that continuous delivery of a dopaminergic drug will prevent pulsatile stimulation and
52 audate nucleus was modulated specifically by dopaminergic drugs, with opposing effects of sulpiride a

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