


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 eminated cancer cells (DCCs) that can remain dormant.
2 echnically more challenging and has remained dormant.
3 grows out to give a lateral shoot or remains dormant.
4 enesce, and the below-ground rhizomes become dormant.
5 ection, HIV can actively replicate or remain dormant.
6          The role of adenosine in uncovering dormant accessory pathway (AP) conduction after AP ablat
7 stasis, why breast cancer cells often become dormant after homing to bone is not well understood.
8 ctron microscopy (EM) reveals an ensemble of dormant AKAP79-PP2B configurations varying in particle l
9 n interscales, which contain both mature and dormant amelanotic melanocytes.
10     Here, we report on a systematic study in dormant and 4-day germinating bean seeds from cultivars
11  the cidal activity of bSi on growing cells, dormant and germinated spores of B. subtilis, and dorman
12 lly phosphorylated phaseolin polypeptides in dormant and germinating seeds from cultivars S and T.
13 d set environment and therefore frequency of dormant and non-dormant seed states.
14 s an excellent experimental system producing dormant and non-dormant seeds of the same maternal origi
15 some-associated transcripts differed between dormant and nondormant seeds and revealed actors in seed
16  transcripts were differentially abundant in dormant and nondormant seeds in the transcriptome and th
17 ed the transcriptome with the translatome in dormant and nondormant seeds of Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis
18 of magnitude in seed size and including both dormant and nondormant seeds.
19 tment of messenger RNAs to polysomes in both dormant and nondormant seeds.
20 exposed to aerobic conditions did not become dormant and progressed through several developmental sta
21 ores of Bacillus species can remain in their dormant and resistant states for years, but exposure to
22 inding factor 2, cells survived but remained dormant and showed all the hallmarks of cellular senesce
23 cause the biofilms contain subpopulations of dormant antibiotic-tolerant cells.
24                         Adenosine can unmask dormant AP conduction after catheter ablation.
25                                              Dormant AP conduction is associated with higher rates of
26 ia phase of adenosine effect and resulted in dormant AP conduction times shorter than atrioventricula
27                              The presence of dormant AP conduction was a significant predictor of chr
28                                              Dormant AP conduction was defined as adenosine-induced r
29                                              Dormant AP conduction was identified in 13 (12%) patient
30 basis of analysis of timing of occurrence of dormant AP conduction, the mechanism of adenosine-induce
31        By allowing EFA6 to sustain a pool of dormant Arf6-GTP, such a circuit would fulfill the absol
32 cy of lung mesenchymal cells that can remain dormant as epithelial cysts or progress to high-grade sa
33 ble intracellular pathogen, existing in both dormant as well as active disease-causing states.
34 ficient for TF remain viable but permanently dormant at the injection site for nearly a year, whereas
35 cy of DC immunotherapy that aims to awaken a dormant, autologous, HIV-1-specific CD8+ T cell response
36 sters have been assumed to be nonreplicating dormant bacteria, but the growth status of these recalci
37                                              Dormant bacterial spores are encased in a thick protein
38 7 and prevents the proliferative outbreak of dormant BC cells and metastatic lesion formation; howeve
39 ng planktonic bacteria but not metabolically dormant biofilm cells.
40 h-density regions of the early Universe; yet dormant black holes of this high mass have not yet been
41                 This novel in vivo model for dormant blasts will facilitate the dissection of the nic
42 ion-specific BRAF inhibitors can sequester a dormant BRAF-MEK1 complex resulting in pathway inhibitio
43 vel, nontoxic therapeutic strategy to target dormant breast cancer cells based on systemic administra
44         In an immunodeficient mouse model of dormant breast cancer, this therapy sensitized breast ca
45                                              Dormant breast cancers resurge as metastatic disease aft
46        Consistently, sorbitol accumulates in dormant buds showing higher PpeS6PDH expression.
47 addition, we found that these cells were not dormant but were generating unspliced RNA transcripts be
48 Spores are usually regarded as biochemically dormant, but our findings demonstrate that rather than b
49 tise, seeds are rarely either dormant or non-dormant, but seeds whose dormancy-inducing pathways are
50 channels, where apoCaM has been considered a dormant Ca(2+) sensor, associated with channels but awai
51 ponse to the ablation of the oncogene, a few dormant cancer cells remained present, and it was demons
52 rulent lifestyle, (systemic infection), to a dormant carrier state.
53 cally establishing HT-driven self-renewal of dormant CD133(hi)/ER(lo) cells mediating metastatic prog
54 B biosynthesis precedes the formation of the dormant cell type called the spore (sporulation), the di
55 induced apoptosis in a large fraction of the dormant cells and delayed metastatic outgrowth, neither
56 aracteristics were reversible, as resistant, dormant cells became sensitive to treatment and started
57 fections and caused by a small population of dormant cells called persisters.
58                                          The dormant cells can repopulate the biofilms following alle
59 all number of infected but transcriptionally dormant cells currently thwarts a cure for the more than
60 wn to frequently recur in bone; however, how dormant cells switch its phenotype leading to recurrent
61 g Src prevents the proliferative response of dormant cells to external stimuli, but requires MEK1/2 i
62 intaining immune equilibrium with metastatic dormant cells, and MHC class I surface expression on tum
63 ' (Rpfs) - orchestrates the resuscitation of dormant cells.
64 g of DNA, which we verify in both active and dormant cells.
65 mation; however, SFK inhibition did not kill dormant cells.
66 e of cholestatic liver diseases, mitotically dormant cholangiocytes proliferate and subsequently acqu
67 Following Pulmonary Vein Isolation to Target Dormant Conduction Elimination) trial.
68               In group A, adenosine provoked dormant conduction in 31 (41%) patients with a mean of 1
69 allenged with adenosine to reveal and ablate dormant conduction.
70 ion with the adjunct of abolishing potential dormant conduction.
71 overed in this review are the development of dormant cyst cells and biofilm formation.
72 lar ancestors, which like most protists form dormant cysts when experiencing environmental stress.
73 properties that match the 3' end features of dormant cytoplasmic mRNAs.
74                    Two possible present-day 'dormant' descendants of this population of 'active' blac
75  DTCs from prostate cancer patients carrying dormant disease for 7-18 years.
76                                        These dormant disseminated tumor cells (DTCs) may reside in cl
77 ociated with dominant proximal enhancers and dormant distal enhancers, which we term seed enhancers.
78          Accumulating evidence suggests that dormant DNA replication origins play an important role i
79           However, we also identify >10,000 'dormant' DNA-binding events that cannot be linked direct
80 tions for research and the revitalisation of dormant drug-discovery programmes.
81 isms where a subpopulation of cells enters a dormant, drug-tolerant state.
82 locked in vivo, growth arrest or survival of dormant DTCs is interrupted in different organs.
83                                      ARF was dormant during development, in uninjured adult fins, and
84 , for example, may delay germination or stay dormant during stressful periods.
85            Although most astrocytes appeared dormant during time-lapse calcium imaging, a subgroup di
86 zooplankton grazer, Daphnia pulicaria, using dormant eggs extracted from sediments in two Minnesota l
87  as stimulating renewed interest in the long-dormant endosymbiont hypothesis of organelle origins.
88         This study revealed the existence of dormant ependymal NSCs throughout the ventricular surfac
89  protein, triggering the green emission of a dormant fluorophore present in the dye.
90                  Although the topic remained dormant for almost three decades, the last few years hav
91              Bacterial endospores can remain dormant for decades yet can respond to nutrients, germin
92 sseminated tumour cells (DTCs), which may be dormant for years before reactivation.
93 ronically infected with T. gondii cysts, the dormant form of the parasite.
94 of dioxygen, whereas the reduced state is a "dormant form." Finally, we propose that the redox-sensin
95 ithin tissue cysts are biologically inactive dormant forms that rarely replicate.
96 vironmental signal inhibiting germination in dormant grains of barley (Hordeum vulgare), wheat (Triti
97                                 We show that dormant growth-impaired tumours from autophagy-deficient
98 ved through the hierarchical organization of dormant hematopoietic stem cell (HSC) subsets that diffe
99                                              Dormant hematopoietic stem cells (dHSCs) are atop the he
100                                              Dormant HIV genomes readily produce infectious virus upo
101           The pharmaceutical reactivation of dormant HIV-1 proviruses by histone deacetylase inhibito
102      Next, we show that these endogenous but dormant homeostatic mechanisms can be harnessed to resto
103 Cs, suggesting that G-CSF does not stimulate dormant HSC proliferation.
104 vity, is highly expressed in label-retaining dormant HSCs (dHSCs).
105 le of PIAS1 in maintaining the quiescence of dormant HSCs and in the epigenetic repression of the mye
106 s required for maintaining the quiescence of dormant HSCs and the long-term repopulating capacity of
107                        Our results show that dormant HSCs are preferentially mobilized to the PB on G
108                 Previous work has shown that dormant HSCs contain all the long-term repopulation pote
109       Together, our results demonstrate that dormant HSCs mobilize in response to G-CSF treatment wit
110 , interferon-alpha exposure, which activates dormant HSCs, strongly induces c-Myc expression at the p
111  does not result in H2BGFP label dilution of dormant HSCs, suggesting that G-CSF does not stimulate d
112 c dataset of replicating liver schizonts and dormant hypnozoites of the relapsing parasite Plasmodium
113 to manage because of their ability to remain dormant in soil for many years.
114          Hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) are dormant in the bone marrow and can be activated in respo
115 ondition of chickenpox, the virus can remain dormant in the nervous system and may reactivate later i
116               In contrast, qNSCs are largely dormant in vivo, generate olfactory bulb interneurons wi
117  food are present (although possibly dead or dormant) in the caterpillar gut, but host-specific, resi
118 165Ala decreased E. coli invasion and led to dormant intracellular persistence, intracellular E. coli
119 rentiation by constraining the activation of dormant lineage-specific enhancers and promoters.
120 e single "dormant" (lipid rich, LR) and "non-dormant" (lipid poor, LP) cells with high sensitivity an
121    This approach could differentiate single "dormant" (lipid rich, LR) and "non-dormant" (lipid poor,
122 rly invasion of reticulocytes, occurrence of dormant liver forms of the parasite, and the potential f
123 infections likely initiated by activation of dormant liver stage parasites-hypnozoites.
124                          Its ability to form dormant liver stages confounds control and elimination e
125 ations for P. vivax and P. ovale, which have dormant liver stages requiring primaquine.
126 t efficacy is confounded by relapse from the dormant liver stages.
127 ed LTRs is even higher, because we show that dormant LTR promoter activity can rescue loss of an esse
128 ons for therapeutically targeting ClpP1P2 in dormant M. tuberculosis, and our reconstituted systems s
129 ic inflammation is a key factor in awakening dormant malignant cells at the primary site, leading to
130 cancer-free individuals because of harboring dormant malignant cells in our organs.
131                          Persisters are in a dormant metabolic state, even while remaining geneticall
132                   The mechanisms involved in dormant metastases are poorly understood due to the lack
133 nd the canonical NFkappaB pathway promotes a dormant, metastatic phenotype in ER(+) breast cancer and
134 tes expansion of stem/basal-like cells and a dormant, metastatic phenotype in ER(+) breast cancer cel
135 ive community shift causes the proportion of dormant microbial taxa to double, from 45 to 90%, and in
136                                              Dormant myeloma cells are resistant to chemotherapy that
137 Disease relapse is thought to originate from dormant myeloma cells, localized in specialized niches,
138 sociation of the ynoate from a catalytically dormant nickelacyclopentadiene intermediate prior to tur
139 Cs, and these cells trigger the awakening of dormant oocytes and complete the process of follicular a
140 cells and causes premature activation of all dormant oocytes and primordial follicles.
141 s into granulosa cells, and this arrests the dormant oocytes in their quiescent states, leading to oo
142 jority of oocytes in the mammalian ovary are dormant oocytes that are enclosed in primordial follicle
143 her show that pfGCs trigger the awakening of dormant oocytes through KIT ligand (KITL), and we presen
144 es and govern the quiescence or awakening of dormant oocytes.
145 ial follicles and the developmental fates of dormant oocytes.
146         In practise, seeds are rarely either dormant or non-dormant, but seeds whose dormancy-inducin
147 tituberculosis drugs that are active against dormant or persister populations of Mycobacterium tuberc
148 A20ox4 is mutated, axillary meristems remain dormant or produce secondary shoots terminated by inflor
149 umor cells (DTCs) may resist therapy and lay dormant or progress to cause overt bone and visceral met
150 p that determines whether microtumors remain dormant or progresses further.
151 a exposed to an anaerobic environment became dormant, or remained unembryonated throughout their resi
152 ydroxyurea treatment, suggesting it may be a dormant origin activated in response to replicative stre
153 he AT-rich fragility core of CFS, leading to dormant origin activation.
154 al a unique role for FANCI as a modulator of dormant origin firing and link timely genome replication
155  repair pathway, FANCI, as a key effector of dormant origin firing in response to replication stress.
156 icating cells must coordinate DNA repair and dormant origin firing to ensure complete and timely repl
157  ATR-mediated FANCI phosphorylation inhibits dormant origin firing while promoting replication fork r
158 d reduced replication tract length, elevated dormant origin firing, and increased double-strand break
159                     Interestingly, a loss of dormant origins also increased the number of sites in wh
160 ifying important functional overlaps between dormant origins and the FA pathway in maintaining fork p
161                     Although both active and dormant origins bind T530-pSIRT1, active origins are dis
162                                       Excess dormant origins bound by the minichromosome maintenance
163 SIRT1, active origins are distinguished from dormant origins by their unique association with an open
164 these findings uncover a specialized role of dormant origins in replication completion while also ide
165 abilizing compounds led to the activation of dormant origins of DNA replication, with preferential bi
166 mologues, rather than with the activation of dormant origins.
167  ORC or replication foci and can function as dormant origins.
168  mouse model (Mcm4chaos3) with a 60% loss of dormant origins.
169                                       These 'dormant' origins provide a backup in the presence of sta
170 heir viability by day 16 compared to 65% for dormant ova.
171 ity is critical for survival and regrowth of dormant parasites and that RH staining provides a means
172  biological characterization and dynamics of dormant parasites are not well understood.
173 , a mitochondrial inhibitor, the recovery of dormant parasites was delayed or stopped.
174  in vitro, a small subset of morphologically dormant parasites was stained with rhodamine 123 (RH), a
175              Importantly, after treatment of dormant parasites with different concentrations of atova
176 ial enzymes was detected only in RH-positive dormant parasites.
177                                          The dormant pathogen accumulates lipid droplets containing t
178 containing a long cytosolic N terminus and a dormant peptidase domain of unknown function.
179                            After a >100 year dormant period during which few useful reactions of thes
180 50 years with intervals ranging from a long, dormant period of over 2,000 years, to multiple tsunamis
181 iable recurrence intervals suggest that long dormant periods may follow Sunda megathrust ruptures as
182 yo remains under-developed at maturity and a dormant phase exists as the embryo continues its growth
183 ast some residual tumor cells pass through a dormant phase prior to relapse.
184    We found that indolent cells retained the dormant phenotype, whereas aggressive cells grew rapidly
185                               Persisters are dormant phenotypic variants of bacterial cells that are
186 el" where cells comprising a fraction of the dormant population reinitiate growth stochastically, ind
187 (HT)-naive cells or HT-treated metabolically dormant populations with CAF-derived mtDNA(hi) EVs promo
188 hly purified mitochondria were isolated from dormant potato tubers (Solanum tuberosum 'Folva') and th
189 ns and inhibits replication from a group of 'dormant' potential replication origins, which initiate r
190 icipated insults breach epithelial barriers, dormant programmes of tissue repair are immediately acti
191 evades eradication because transcriptionally dormant proviral genomes persist in long-lived reservoir
192 l from those dominated by purely virulent or dormant (purely lysogenic) strategies.
193 9.5 +/- 6.8 min; p < 0.001), and lower acute dormant PV reconduction (0 of 35 vs. 5 of 35; p = 0.024)
194 al stem cells are maintained in a relatively dormant rather than proliferative state.
195  For several decades afterwards the idea lay dormant, regarded primarily as a mathematical curiosity.
196 ate Notch signaling in tumor recurrence from dormant residual tumor cells and provide evidence that d
197 h signaling remains activated in a subset of dormant residual tumor cells that persist following HER2
198             "Resurrection Ecology" (hatching dormant resting eggs deposited in the past) records evol
199  involved in complex equilibria with unusual dormant (reversibly inactivated) species.
200 P. falciparum ring stages and DHA-pretreated dormant rings (DP-rings) using a panel of antimalarial d
201 ring daytime and nighttime, growing (GS) and dormant season (DS), have not being well studied and doc
202  including canopy structure and increases in dormant season air temperature.
203 t and therefore frequency of dormant and non-dormant seed states.
204 ull phase-II water uptake of the encased non-dormant seed.
205 idopsis thaliana We planted freshly matured, dormant seeds (>180 000) representing >200 RILs at the n
206 hypothesized that the global distribution of dormant seeds derives from their adaptive value in predi
207 xperimental system producing dormant and non-dormant seeds of the same maternal origin, which differ
208 ess, a temperature preventing germination of dormant seeds only.
209 al environments, while plants bearing small, dormant seeds will be dominant under short growing seaso
210 nimals, plants can pause their life cycle as dormant seeds.
211  presence of a decision-making center within dormant seeds.
212  levels of pattern-recognition receptors and dormant signaling enzymes, transcription factor HsfB1 ac
213 sign, preparation, and characterization of a dormant singlet oxygen ((1)O2) photosensitizer that is a
214  beta-hydride elimination and formation of a dormant site via a methane-generating mechanism.
215                 Persisters are metabolically dormant, so they are highly tolerant to all traditional
216 n nutrient limitation by transforming into a dormant spore after approximately 5 cell cycles.
217 on of the bacterium Bacillus subtilis into a dormant spore is among the most well-characterized devel
218  and incubated under various conditions, and dormant spore metabolism was monitored by (31)P nuclear
219 stridium difficile must form a metabolically dormant spore to survive in oxygenic environments and be
220       The spore envelope, which protects the dormant spore's genome from environmental insults, uses
221 at faces starvation differentiates to form a dormant spore.
222 odependency for their incorporation into the dormant spore.
223 fectious and transmissible morphotype is the dormant spore.
224 elopmental pathway leading to formation of a dormant spore.
225 ermination proteins in the inner membrane of dormant spores and thus promotes the rapid and cooperati
226 ation protein, GerD, colocalize in the IM of dormant spores in a small focus termed the "germinosome,
227 ut nanopillars gave no killing or rupture of dormant spores of B. subtilis, Bacillus cereus or Bacill
228 btain information on levels of metabolism in dormant spores of Bacillus species incubated for weeks a
229 nt and germinated spores of B. subtilis, and dormant spores of several other Bacillus species by incu
230 tal evidence that such a mechanism exists in dormant spores produced by the ubiquitous soil bacterium
231 an kill only growing bacterial cells or also dormant spores that are harder to kill.
232 ng cells to differentiate into metabolically dormant spores that can survive extreme conditions.
233 during heat or acid treatments innocuous for dormant spores, resulting in DPA-less spores that are ra
234 spores at acid concentrations not lethal for dormant spores.
235 d spores' DPA at temperatures not lethal for dormant spores.
236 leton and energy metabolism decreased in the dormant stage.
237 ovel paths for studying and eradicating this dormant stage.
238 ls without cytotoxicity to normal cells with dormant STAT3.
239  Orb2 keeps target mRNA in a translationally dormant state and experience-dependent conversion to the
240 s they colonize the endosteal niche, enter a dormant state and subsequently become activated to form
241 cribe that some myeloma cells persisted in a dormant state and, eventually, formed expanding tumors.
242 te the misleading terminology of a so-called dormant state associated with latent infections, the bac
243             A DeltatoxS mutant enters into a dormant state associated with the proteolysis of ToxR at
244 ed association with muscles throughout their dormant state but also when they start to proliferate, s
245 he secreted BMP7 then kept cancer cells in a dormant state by inducing senescence, reducing "stemness
246                  In addition, induction of a dormant state by the inhibition of MYC, resembling diapa
247           The actively growing state and the dormant state each correspond to a stable state of this
248 t to toggle a catalyst between an active and dormant state has proven to be an effective approach for
249 ore large quantities of proteins and enter a dormant state in response to stressors.
250 or rearrangement of the motor from a compact dormant state into a cargo binding primed state that is
251 m-line-specific mRNAs, switching them from a dormant state into a translationally active state.
252 become tolerant to antibiotics by entering a dormant state known as persistence.
253 tion of several other pathways, suggesting a dormant state of viable CTC.
254     Repeated activation of HSCs out of their dormant state provoked the attrition of normal HSCs and,
255 umor cells survive for extended periods in a dormant state that is refractory to conventional therapi
256                       Cells can enter into a dormant state when faced with unfavorable conditions.
257 nervous system can effectively switch from a dormant state with little axonal growth to robust axon r
258 ic variants of regular cells that exist in a dormant state with low metabolic activity, allowing them
259 ion under uranium stress to enter a cellular dormant state, thereby providing an adaptive response to
260  influences the entry of the pathogen into a dormant state.
261 l, B-cell types that contain this virus in a dormant state.
262 e and participate only when activated from a dormant state.
263 anisms in maintaining transformed cells in a dormant state.
264 idation and energy dissipation versus a more dormant state.
265 hus regulating their entry and exit from the dormant state.
266 ncentrations are less able to enter strongly dormant states after exposure to low temperatures during
267 l allele is required for entry into strongly dormant states and that awake1 mutants show seed phenoty
268                 We argue here that these two dormant states are closely related phenomena which are p
269 cells shift between metabolically active and dormant states in response to fluctuating environments.
270 s and the potential to preserve virulence in dormant states when cells are viable but non-culturable
271 cells in global soils exist in a spectrum of dormant states.
272 t these seemingly different but very similar dormant states.
273         Label-retaining cells (LRCs) include dormant stem cells in several tissues; in the intestine,
274 ersely, progressively more temperate or even dormant strategies are favored in the environments, that
275 ount for major metabolic pathways present in dormant switchgrass rhizomes.
276                                        While dormant, the bacteria must maintain cellular integrity,
277 jority of eDCCs were Twist1(hi)E-cad(lo) and dormant, they eventually initiated metastasis.
278 ion can trigger tumor cells to switch from a dormant to a proliferative state.
279 nals regulate the transit of stem cells from dormant to activated states.
280 levels of abscisic acid (ABA) decreased from dormant to active stage.
281 he axillary bud at node 7 varied from deeply dormant to rapidly growing.
282 sure to cool temperatures ('chilling') while dormant to readily initiate growth in the spring.
283 ombination treatment of cells undergoing the dormant-to-proliferative switch with the Src inhibitor (
284 f Src family kinase (SFK) in regulating this dormant-to-proliferative switch.
285 alignant regrowth of residual drug-resistant dormant tumor cells years after primary treatment, a pro
286 stant recurrence of cancer or by eliminating dormant tumor cells.
287 ular mechanisms that mediate the survival of dormant tumor cells.
288  therapeutic approaches are needed to target dormant tumors.
289       We demonstrate that a subpopulation of dormant tumour cells surviving oncogene ablation (surviv
290 wed that SarcIK, ATP in single hESC-VCMs was dormant under baseline conditions, but became markedly a
291  large proportion of patients already harbor dormant, undetectable micrometastases at the time of can
292  (HBCs) act as reserve stem cells and remain dormant unless activated by tissue injury.
293 ced excitatory-inhibitory ensembles that lie dormant unless latent inhibitory connections are unmaske
294     Chemical systems that remain kinetically dormant until activated have numerous applications in ma
295 y Corey in 1999, this chemistry has remained dormant until our report of an enantioselective catalyti
296        Symbiotic relationships with normally dormant vaginal anaerobes lead to increases in the latte
297  to reduce the viral reservoir by activating dormant viral gene expression and directing T lymphocyte
298 the normal state of magma storage underneath dormant volcanoes.
299 homeostasis of inflammatory responses, lying dormant when not needed but quick to act when called upo
300 ally breaks this paradigm-the sensors remain dormant with near-zero power consumption until awakened

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