コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)
1 erent RF centers that lie within the RF of a dorsal horn cell.
3 primary afferent mechanoreceptive axons and dorsal horn cells are invariant over skin location and d
4 the postsynaptic activity evoked in neonatal dorsal horn cells by cutaneous afferents differs conside
5 , and form nonselective synapses with nearby dorsal horn cell dendrites, establishing the initial dor
7 bition takes place when the sensitization of dorsal horn cells develops, and PKC may play a significa
8 vo extracellular recordings were made of 171 dorsal horn cells in both superficial and deep laminae i
10 ing the spatial and modality organization of dorsal horn cell inhibitory receptive fields (RFs) in de
11 neous afferent ingrowth, suggesting that the dorsal horn cells might provide important cues guiding s
12 ields was used to simulate RFs of the entire dorsal horn cell population in order to estimate RF area
13 In contrast, following neonatal skin injury, dorsal horn cell receptive field sizes were significantl
14 d a quantitative model of the development of dorsal horn cell receptive fields (RFs) and somatotopic
18 nset neuropathic pain behavior and increased dorsal horn cell sensitivity to cutaneous mechanical and
19 previously proposed model of development of dorsal horn cell somatotopy and RF geometries must be re
21 ld properties and evoked activity of newborn dorsal horn cells to single repetitive and persistent in
22 us mechanism for altering the sensitivity of dorsal horn cells to substance P, potentially via the ac
24 First, although contralateral inhibition of dorsal horn cells was well established by postnatal day
26 ) in vivo extracellular recordings of single dorsal horn cells with plantar cutaneous receptive field
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