


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 at best fit the data changed from single- to double-exponential as the eIF4E concentration was increa
2 atistics of this drift are well modeled by a double-exponential autocorrelation function, with time c
3 f the short term unfolded protein displays a double exponential behavior consistent with the presence
4  The kinetic model successfully predicts the double exponential behavior seen in the experiment and a
5                                              Double-exponential behavior of the time-dependent escape
6 ion kinetics for porous structure M follow a double exponential (DE) model, which is consistent with
7  pause on mannosylated surfaces and report a double exponential decay in the duration of the pauses.
8                                         This double exponential decay is unlike previous single molec
9           The frequency of PMGF was fit to a double exponential decay model selected by information-t
10 , directions, and years was estimated with a double exponential decay model using Generalized Nonline
11 restimulus levels was well approximated by a double exponential decay with time constants of 6-17 s a
12 xplains these characteristics of the data: a double exponential decay, an increase in both the likeli
13 rograms measured over 250 ms can be fit to a double exponential decay, with the intensity of the fast
14 than those in acutely dissociated terminals (double exponential decay; tau(fast) approximately 1-2 s;
15 nisotropy decay at 25 degrees C was fit to a double-exponential decay for both the wild type and S18C
16 n be adequately fit with either a single- or double-exponential decay function.
17                   Relaxation was fitted by a double-exponential decay, and the rate constants were fo
18                                 By fitting a double-exponential decaying-function model, we show that
19 ated using sequential growth (DP=2(n) -1) or double exponential dendrimer growth approaches (DP=22n -
20                  The observation of temporal double-exponential dependence enables direct measurement
21  of the mobility are discussed in terms of a double exponential distribution of trap states and a mod
22 entifies protein interactions and fitting to double exponential donor decay models provides estimates
23                              The result is a double exponential elimination of amplifiable sequences
24  preferable to least absolute deviations for double-exponential errors.
25 side but decays with kinetics that require a double-exponential fit having lifetimes of 280 and 2700
26 s-linked acto-S1 and the fast component of a double-exponential fit to force recovery by approximatel
27 ental values of rate constants in all of our double-exponential fits, and the absence of a spectrosco
28 ted by AT bridges of various lengths has the double exponential form.
29 O(2)) kinetics were also well described by a double exponential function (tau(1,on) = 34 +/- 11 s and
30                                            A double exponential function with time constants 39 and 4
31 r decreases with time and in general obeys a double-exponential function characterized by a fast (tau
32 e for each of these mutants is best fit by a double-exponential function indicating two processes.
33 ime after a patent is granted fits well to a double-exponential function that can be interpreted as t
34              Closed times were best fit by a double-exponential function, suggesting that the inactiv
35 ultiphasic but can be approximated well by a double-exponential function.
36  the onset kinetics were best described by a double-exponential function.
37        To overcome the difficulty of fitting double-exponential functions, a novel global analysis me
38          These were fit to either single- or double-exponential functions, and a multistep model, wit
39               By fitting the kinetic data to double-exponential functions, the dissociation rate cons
40 cays analysis reveals that these probes have double exponential intensity decays at intermediate pH v
41       Excess retrieval usually occurred with double exponential kinetics that had an extremely fast f
42 d eIF4E.m(7)GpppG complex suggested that the double-exponential kinetics were caused by dissociation
43        Block by external PhTX developed with double-exponential kinetics.
44                           Either a single or double exponential model was fitted to the PCr kinetics.
45             The adsorption kinetics follow a double exponential model, corresponding to diffusion alo
46 oEL/GroES, fit our results with the aid of a double-exponential model of folding kinetics, and charac
47      While many studies suggest exponential, double exponential or power laws as empirical forms, we
48 the force was reduced to near zero, showed a double-exponential recovery with time constants of 42 do
49  during a fixed voltage step and indicated a double exponential shift (tau(0) = 51.6 ms, tau(1) = 8.5
50                              The recovery is double exponential, suggesting recovery from two inactiv
51 induced currents desensitized rapidly with a double exponential time course (tau 1 = 0.13 +/- 0.015 s
52 y desensitizing current that declined with a double exponential time course (tau 1 = 7.1 +/- 2.0 s; t
53                      Deactivation followed a double exponential time course (tau(slow) = 113.8 +/- 6.
54 fter longer depolarizations occurred along a double exponential time course indicating the existence
55  from developing rats evoked currents with a double exponential time course reminiscent of that of IP
56 t could be described by either a single or a double exponential time course with the fastest time con
57 n EPSC the falling phase of which followed a double exponential time course with time constants of ap
58  channel deactivation is well described by a double exponential time course.
59 a+ currents recover from inactivation with a double-exponential time course (tau(fast) of 1.2-1.6 ms;
60  by mutagenesis of Pro29, as revealed by the double-exponential time course of association.
61               Recovery from depression had a double-exponential time course with a fast component tha
62   Post-stimulus recovery of [K+]o followed a double-exponential time course with an initial, fast tim
63 onsistent with a one-step binding model, the double-exponential transients of eRF3 binding to mant-GT
64 del testing (i.e., single-exponential versus double-exponential) using the log-likelihood ratio techn
65                                              Double exponentials were required to describe the time-d
66 ries of Mg(2+) concentrations, fit well to a double exponential, which indicates that the RNA conform
67 xed with oxygenated buffer was best fit to a double exponential with no observed formation of the C4a
68             The decay of averaged mEPSCs was double exponential with time constants of about 1 and 4
69   Transient photovoltage decays are strongly double exponential with two time constants that differ b
70  well described empirically by a single or a double exponential, with both apparent rate constants co
71                                   However, a double exponential, with no delay, was required to chara

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