


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 nd PT rupture, releasing the sperm cells for double fertilization.
2 lation, and contributions of male gametes to double fertilization.
3 rm cells to the female gametophyte to effect double fertilization.
4 -siRNAs in controlling sperm function during double fertilization.
5  plants, two pairs of gametes participate in double fertilization.
6 he degenerating synergid cytoplasm to effect double fertilization.
7 ich generates the two sperm cells needed for double fertilization.
8    nfd1 is also affected in karyogamy during double fertilization.
9 and redundantly control gamete fusion during double fertilization.
10                     This process is known as double fertilization.
11 ametophyte is required for sperm release and double fertilization.
12  as it facilitates gametophyte formation and double fertilization, a developmental process of enormou
13                                           In double fertilization, a reproductive system unique to fl
14 I is expressed during pollen tube reception, double fertilization and early seed development.
15 ube reception, LORELEI also functions during double fertilization and early seed development.
16        Flowering plants might have coevolved double fertilization and imprinting to prevent parthenog
17 rinted gene that functions immediately after double fertilization and supported the model that a pass
18      Thus, each female cell type involved in double fertilization displays a characteristic [Ca2+]cyt
19 he endosperm is one of two products from the double fertilization event that occurs during sexual rep
20    A unique feature of flowering plants is a double-fertilization event in which the sperm fertilize
21 loid embryo-nourishing tissue resulting from double fertilization, existing QTL mapping models requir
22 ccumulate in angiosperm tissues derived from double fertilization (i.e. the embryo, suspensor, and en
23                                     Although double fertilization in angiosperm was discovered in 189
24 As one of two sexual products resulting from double fertilization in angiosperms, the endosperm nouri
25 ially in the organs and tissues derived from double fertilization in flowering plants (i.e. the embry
26 the glc mutant, suggesting that evolution of double fertilization in flowering plants involved acquis
27                   The endosperm, a result of double fertilization in flowering plants, is a triploid
28 ossible to study the genetic significance of double fertilization in the evolution of higher plants.
29                       Since the discovery of double fertilization, it has been recognized that flower
30                               The success of double fertilization largely depends on compatible commu
31                                          How double fertilization leads to the establishment of disti
32                              In angiosperms, double fertilization of the egg and central cell of the
33                                              Double fertilization of the egg cell and the central cel
34 , karyogamy occurs three times: twice during double fertilization of the egg cell and the central cel
35                                              Double fertilization of the embryo sac by the two sperm
36                              In angiosperms, double fertilization of the embryo sac initiates the dev
37 role of [Ca2+]cyto signals during the entire double fertilization process in Arabidopsis.
38 the angiosperm (flowering-plant) life cycle, double fertilization represents the hallmark between dip
39                                   In plants, double fertilization requires successful sperm cell deli
40                                Just prior to double fertilization, sperm nuclei within embryo sacs co
41 ryos formed during a rudimentary process of "double fertilization" that evolved in the ancestors of a
42 al reproduction in flowering plants involves double fertilization, the union of two sperm from pollen
43 may be transmitted through plasmogamy during double fertilization to effect immediate post-fertilizat
44 ube releases the two sperm cells, permitting double fertilization to take place.
45 tness by one of the two original products of double fertilization was the establishment of endosperm,
46 as "flower-like" reproductive structures and double fertilization, were independently derived, wherea

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