


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1  assembly into left-handed gold nanoparticle double helices.
2 pairs that connect neighboring layers of DNA double helices.
3  be replicated in the same way as simple DNA double helices.
4 dyad axis that relates two flanking parallel double helices.
5  stack with each other and with the flanking double helices.
6           Bulge loops introduce bends in RNA double helices.
7 nsible for the pronounced destabilization of double helices.
8                      How do helicases unwind double helices?
9 -correlation-mediated attraction between RNA double helices, a recently proposed model for early coll
10 e of hybridization events that yields nicked double helices analogous to alternating copolymers.
11 rmediate between canonical A-type and B-type double helices, and has mixed structural characteristics
12 DNA hybrids argued that the grooves of these double helices are also dehydrated relative to bulk solu
13                        The gold nanoparticle double helices are highly regular, spatially complex, an
14                        The expanded-diameter double helices are more thermodynamically stable than th
15         In the crystal, these oligomers form double helices around twofold symmetry axes.
16 custom-shaped bundle of tightly cross-linked double helices, arrayed in parallel to their helical axe
17  that accounts for the elastic energy of DNA double helices as well as for the chiral nature of the d
18 een neighboring bases; and (ii) formation of double helices by association (docking) of single helica
19 ducing 3D shapes formed as pleated layers of double helices constrained to a honeycomb lattice.
20  bonds are more transient throughout the DNA double helices containing an abasic site.
21  and Cu(I) fall into two classes; bimetallic double helices ([Cu(2)L(2)](2+)) and monometallic ([CuL]
22 at associate by base pairing to produce four double helices flanking a junction point.
23 association into long-lived partially paired double helices, followed by reversible association of th
24 ucture is that the two adjacent parallel DNA double helices form crossovers at every point possible.
25 plexes can associate spontaneously into long double helices; however, such self-assembly is much less
26 nucleoside triphosphate hydrolysis to unwind double helices in essentially every metabolic pathway in
27  this crystal is similar to the alignment of double helices in parallel Holliday junctions.
28 ces minimize electrostatic repulsion between double helices in several ways.
29 nce of end-to-end length for a series of DNA double helices in solution, using small-angle x-ray scat
30 s transition correlated with the assembly of double helices in the ribozyme core.
31 ms a dodecahedral structure in which the RNA double helices, interacting closely with the inner capsi
32 t arise from the stacking of short, separate double helices, not all of which are A-form, and in many
33                        Fifty-nine years ago, double helices of poly(rA) were first proposed to form a
34 s lack built-in support even for base pairs, double helices, or hairpin loops.
35 ity structures in which rigid bundles of DNA double helices resist compressive forces exerted by segm
36 t, 3DNA can handle antiparallel and parallel double helices, single-stranded structures, triplexes, q
37 ular poly(dG).poly(dC) and poly(dA).poly(dT) double helices, stretched from compressed states of 2.0
38 is of electrostatic interactions between DNA double helices suggests that in some situations these pr
39 a crossover and which are modeled to contain double helices that are exactly parallel or antiparallel
40 c assembly motif comprises adjacent parallel double helices that crossover at every possible point ov
41 s in all registers at pH 3.5 to form stacked double helices that span the crystal.
42 taposition of backbones between parallel DNA double helices, the molecules form a paranemic structure
43 the topoisomerases in passing DNA strands or double helices through one another and their importance
44 er, so the molecules form continuous 10-fold double helices throughout the crystal, with each strand
45      The sequence-dependent structure of DNA double helices was studied extensively during the past 1
46                Left-handed gold nanoparticle double helices were prepared using a new method that all
47 d pattern of crossovers between adjacent DNA double helices, whose conformation often deviates from t
48 ulate the global folding and interactions of double helices with hundreds of basepairs.
49 ons suggests strongly that only nucleic acid double helices with the A structure support efficient te

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