


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 nfluenced by local environment (an adjoining double helix).
2  structural and dynamic perturbations in the double helix.
3 equence specificity and strongly distort the double helix.
4 -bending protein can do when it binds to the double helix.
5 ention has been paid to proteins leaving the double helix.
6           When it binds to DNA, it bends the double helix.
7 ize how Twist and Rise generate the familiar double helix.
8 ed DNA sequences interact to assemble into a double helix.
9 s overlap and occur on opposite faces of the double helix.
10 t orientations--stretching/distortion of the double helix.
11  undergo Watson-Crick base pairing to form a double helix.
12 perative over more than two turns of the DNA double helix.
13 complementary oligonucleotides together in a double helix.
14 DNA within the nucleus or the opening of the double helix.
15 he probe and target first collided to form a double helix.
16 equence of the interwound strands of the DNA double helix.
17 he two damaged base pairs to flip out of the double helix.
18 ) positions of the deoxyribose sugars in the double helix.
19 a single chain of bases at the center of the double helix.
20 ylic acid (poly(rA)) parallel and continuous double helix.
21 ng is the main stabilizing factor in the DNA double helix.
22 lding the nucleobases from damage within the double helix.
23 amino acid residues near one face of the DNA double helix.
24 dence of the stacking free energy of the DNA double helix.
25  the interstrand hydrogen bonding in the DNA double helix.
26 n part, by being bonded to the sugars of the double helix.
27  even led to a stabilization of the parallel double helix.
28 r strand separation and unwinding of the DNA double helix.
29 nd generally lie on the same face of the DNA double helix.
30  fundamental gap in our knowledge of the DNA double helix.
31 ve to be located in the same side of the DNA double helix.
32 ns between adjacent base-pairs in intact DNA double helix.
33 en the RFC spiral and the grooves of the DNA double helix.
34 ures of a variety of adduct molecules in DNA double helix.
35 pair of electrons to the minor groove of the double helix.
36 e been shown to produce curvature in the DNA double helix.
37 two ligands occupy opposite faces of the DNA double helix.
38  half-century following the discovery of the double helix.
39 that an A-tract imparts curvature to the DNA double helix.
40 contributed directly to the discovery of the double helix.
41  binding to the major or minor groove of the double helix.
42 pective of those times and the impact of the double helix.
43  with DNA, using its arm to clamp around the double helix.
44 of the four-letter nucleobase code to form a double helix.
45 ed to unwind and separate the strands of the double helix.
46 lation complexes via the major groove of the double helix.
47  the removal of DNA adducts that distort the double helix.
48 ly collected for the atoms in a few turns of double helix.
49 ted by flipping of a DNA base out of the DNA double helix.
50 esion sites, with the local unwinding of the double helix.
51 quadruplex structure is joined to a standard double helix.
52  is greatly slowed relative to that in a DNA double helix.
53 le, with concomitant transport along the DNA double helix.
54 y noncovalent binding of the compound to the double helix.
55 the major groove, and local unwinding of the double helix.
56 ing a transition in the chirality of the DNA double helix.
57 he intrinsic conformational mechanics of the double helix.
58 d array of E1 molecules that wrap around the double helix.
59 n fork requires an unwinding of the parental double helix.
60 ate charges along the inner face of the bent double helix.
61 tuations in local DNA shape occur within the double helix.
62 h minimal distortion of the structure of the double helix.
63 on of the N6-amino group of adenine in a DNA double helix.
64 zation of triple helix or destabilization of double helix.
65 s owing to its ability to locally unwind the double helix.
66  of all thermodynamic characteristics of the double helix.
67  to U when paired with A, G, U or C inside a double helix.
68 nks have to facilitate strong bending of the double helix.
69 sive mode of action of Aga50D on the agarose double helix.
70 NA depend on the nanoscale properties of the double helix.
71 nario is realized in the alpha-helix and DNA double helix.
72  stabilizing influence of base-stacking in a double helix.
73 ngle site, inducing little distortion in the double helix.
74 ate between successive base pairs of the DNA double helix.
75  in a conformation similar to the B-form DNA double helix.
76  diversity of DNA well beyond the ubiquitous double helix.
77 he flanking base pairs and straightening the double helix.
78 thread back and forth repeatedly through the double helix.
79 s often corresponding to the turn of the DNA double-helix.
80 nds differing in modes of binding to the DNA double-helix.
81 NA structure that differs from the canonical double-helix.
82 n years elapsed between the discovery of the double helix (1953) and the first DNA sequencing (1968).
83   The 0.74 A resolution structure of a B-DNA double helix, 5'-CCAGTACTGG-3', has been determined by X
84 to adjacent major grooves on one face of the double helix; a second dimer then binds to another face
85 bula having the morphology of an intertwined double helix about 100 parsecs from the Galaxy's dynamic
86  cholesterol concentration, the antiparallel double helix (ADH) conformation was observed to be most
87                          Both strands in the double helix adopt a global conformation close to the A-
88 he angles between adjacent base pairs of the double helix affects the cyclization efficiency.
89 a ring-shaped heterohexamer, unwinds the DNA double helix ahead of the other replication machinery.
90 he DNA is achieved by destabilization of the double helix along its length through multiple interacti
91 ions of the threading and translation of the double helix along multistation rods were monitored by (
92 motile elements which extrude loops from the double helix along which they translocate, while excludi
93 removal and renewal of proteins bound to the double helix, an effect that likely plays a major role i
94 o DNA was identifiable by the grooves of the double helix and exhibited sharp bends at points downstr
95  dimers clamp DNA from opposite faces of the double helix and form a topological trap of the bound DN
96 re sufficient to distort both strands of the double helix and generate an enzyme-mediated double-stra
97 tation of a DNA or RNA nucleotide out of the double helix and into a protein pocket ('base flipping')
98 lieved to induce or stabilize bending of the double helix and mediate nucleoid compaction in vivo.
99 pends both on the intrinsic curvature of the double helix and on the thermal fluctuations of the angl
100 ll bending, i.e., persistence length, of the double helix and shows how known discrepancies in the me
101 own that the interactions that stabilize the double helix and the elastic rigidity of single strands
102 model that accounts for the softening of the double helix and the presence of transient denaturation
103 e template residue is displaced from the DNA double helix and the side chain of Arg-324 forms hydroge
104 de, depending on the specific details of the double helix and the single nucleotide polymorphism.
105 en used to reveal physical properties of the double helix and to characterize structural dynamics and
106 translocate by three modes: unzipping of the double helix and--in two distinct orientations--stretchi
107 nontemplate strand are extruded from the DNA double-helix and captured by sigma.
108 ouble-stranded helixes, which resemble a DNA double helix, and the inner wall is a quadruple-stranded
109 zinc-fingers interact with the backbone of a double helix; and second, the zinc-fingers specifically
110                    Since both strands of the double helix are affected in cross-linked DNA, it is lik
111  of DNA lesions in which both strands of the double helix are covalently joined, precluding strand op
112    The obtained energy parameters of the DNA double helix are of paramount importance for understandi
113 tly link the Watson and Crick strands of the double helix, are repaired by a complex, replication-cou
114                We infer that segments of the double helix as large as 6 bp open in a cooperative proc
115 rs of N2-CEdG destabilized significantly the double helix as represented by a 4 kcal/mol increase in
116 sidue addresses the dynamic structure of the double helix at intermediate resolution, i.e., the mesos
117 a double cover of the graph and that the DNA double helix axes represent the designed graph.
118 nly responsible for the stability of the DNA double helix: base pairing between complementary strands
119  CRISPR RNA and target strands do not form a double helix but instead adopt an underwound ribbon-like
120  of two adjacently tethered cations into the double helix but not by a single cation: two adjacent am
121 nds to the minor groove of DNA and bends the double helix by 160 degrees.
122     We discovered that untwisting of the DNA double helix by bacterial non-specific DNA binding prote
123 into a potential precursor of a nucleic acid double helix by chemical synthesis and have demonstrated
124                       The extension of a DNA double helix by one or two additional A:T base pairs is
125 aged dsDNA correlated with disruption of the double helix by the damaged bases and required RPAs ssDN
126 ccessible for recognition.Significantly, the double helix can be stretched by a factor of two and com
127 nt of fixed charges near one face of the DNA double helix can induce DNA bending by a purely electros
128 eotides promoting strand invasion in the DNA double helix can significantly enhance gene repair frequ
129 -stable biological structures known, the DNA double helix, can be melted once inside the liquid dropl
130  protamine and mu appear to destabilize pDNA double helix character to similar extents, according to
131  does not induce any final transition in DNA double helix conformation, and eventually, DNA presents
132                      In each duplex, the RNA double helix consists of an annealed 12-mer and 14-mer t
133 mall decreases in relative crystallinity and double helix content.
134 cated that the B15D fibril was composed of a double helix defined by the selection rule l = n + 7m (w
135                       SNP detection in large double-helix DNA strands (e.g., 47 nt) minimize false-po
136 one of the diimine ligands intercalated into double-helix DNA.
137 hromosome (SMC)1-SMC3 heterodimer with naked double-helix DNA.
138                    Aside from the well-known double helix, DNA can also adopt an alternative four-str
139                 In addition to the canonical double helix, DNA can fold into various other inter- and
140              It contains one long, imperfect double helix (domain I), one branched domain (domain II)
141  free DNA is often crystallized as an A-form double helix, Dsx(A) was crystallized as B-DNA and thus
142                  The iconic image of the DNA double helix embodies the central role that three-dimens
143 energy to one strand at a time in the B-form double helix, enabling repair using the undamaged strand
144 ity maps now accounting for nicks in the DNA double helix, entropic elasticity of single-stranded DNA
145  in DNA minicircles and small DNA loops, the double helix experiences local disruptions of its regula
146 , although some of the bonds do break as the double helix extends at room temperature.
147                 Lowering pH destabilizes the double helix, facilitating DNA translocation at lower fi
148 ends and other structural distortions of the double helix find in currently available X-ray structure
149 mage due to local destabilisation of the DNA double helix, followed by recruitment of specific repair
150 rovides a mechanism for smoothly bending the double helix, for controlling the widths of the major an
151                 Single mismatches in the DNA double helix form nucleation sites for bubbles.
152                                The canonical double-helix form of DNA is thought to predominate both
153                 Urea m-values determined for double helix formation by DNA dodecamers near 25 degrees
154 o the zipping mechanism of the non-enzymatic double helix formation.
155          The second structure is the hairpin double helix formed by the DNA 20-mer 5'-AGAGAGAACCCCTTC
156 uest molecules bound at the extremities of a double helix formed by the host, as shown by NMR and CD
157 amics of self-assembly of a 14 base pair DNA double helix from complementary strands have been invest
158 in the A-form, fullerenes penetrate into the double helix from the end, form stable hybrids, and frus
159 ciated with the disruption in the unstressed double helix, G(d).
160 o more intricate secondary structures (e.g., double helix, G-quadruplex), a transition from planar to
161 rved to reduce the persistence length of the double helix, generating sharp DNA bends with an average
162 2) or more single-stranded template bases to double helix geometry in the polymerization site during
163                         The discovery of the double helix half a century ago has so far been slow to
164  evidence that any anomalous behavior of the double helix happens when DNA fragments in the range of
165 t decade, the issue of strong bending of the double helix has attracted a lot of attention.
166 eriod close to the helical period of the DNA double helix has been associated with intrinsic DNA bend
167                                      The DNA double helix has been called one of life's most elegant
168 bases, but the fate of excited states in the double helix has been intensely debated.
169           The molecular structure of the DNA double helix has been known for 60 years, but we remain
170 tranded DNA surface exposed upon melting the double helix has been quantified for DNA samples of diff
171                            Unfortunately the double helix has not, so far, revealed as much as one wo
172  pairing and induce little distortion in the double helix have modest effects on topoisomerase II-med
173 between the two complementary strands of the double helix, have an important role in chemotherapy reg
174    Type I hydrogel is formed via the PNA/DNA double-helix hybridization.
175                                       Type I double-helix hydrogel exhibits larger pore sizes than ty
176 ermodynamically destabilize the Watson-Crick double helix in a manner that facilitates the flipping-o
177 /oligomer alters the conformation of the DNA double helix in an ATP-dependent manner, as revealed by
178 dimers bind to opposite faces of the mec DNA double helix in an up-and-down arrangement, whereas MecI
179 the decay of excess electronic energy in the double helix in poorly understood ways.
180 with Hfq, but the RNAs are not released as a double helix in the absence of rim arginines.
181 f mutations in the H4 ARS that stabilize the double helix in the DUE region and impair replication.
182 air segment of the distorted nucleosomal DNA double helix, in a position predicted to exclude chromat
183 cluding plectoneme formation, melting of the double helix induced by torque, a highly overwound state
184 of the DNA replication machinery through the double helix induces acute positive supercoiling ahead o
185 ortions from the normal structure of the DNA double helix (initial recognition) and the second specif
186              The aesthetic appeal of the DNA double helix initially hindered notions of DNA mutation
187 3 heterodimer is able to restructure the DNA double helix into a series of loops, with a preference f
188         DNA unzipping, the separation of its double helix into single strands, is crucial in modulati
189 t the dimer lesion is flipped out of the DNA double helix into the substrate binding pocket.
190 nd in damaged DNA sites implies that the DNA double helix intrinsically codes for excited state Hoogs
191 ction between the circumnuclear disk and the double helix is ambiguous, but the images show a possibl
192                                      The DNA double helix is among the stiffest of all biopolymers, b
193                                          The double helix is apparently very similar to the standard
194 currence of such a sharp bend within the DNA double helix is confirmed and exploited through efficien
195 lting temperature of the poly(dA) . poly(dT) double helix is exquisitely sensitive to salt concentrat
196                                          The double helix is idealized for its aesthetic elegant stru
197                                          The double helix is known to form as a result of hybridizati
198 l concentration of GB in the vicinity of the double helix is much less than its bulk concentration.
199                 Yet, as we know now, the DNA double helix is neither ideal nor rigid.
200  especially at jubilee celebrations, and the double helix is no exception.
201  confirm that the global conformation of the double helix is not altered by the presence of these pol
202             Charge transport through the DNA double helix is of fundamental interest in chemistry and
203 in DNA, forming a gate through which another double helix is passed, and acts as a DNA dependent ATPa
204  major contributions to the stability of the double helix: lateral pairing between the complementary
205 ntercalation of the bithiazole tail into the double helix likely brings the metal-bound complex close
206 scovery, 50 years ago, that RNA could form a double helix made possible a number of advances, includi
207 ering the perceived topological state of the double helix, making underwound DNA appear to be overwou
208 licase might trap a single DNA strand as the double helix melts, and before it is unwound.
209                   The key finding in the DNA double helix model is the specific pairing or binding be
210 hey bear an interesting semblance to the DNA double helix model.
211 ility to recognize and cleave a deviated DNA double-helix near a nick or a strand-crossing site.
212                                  We show how double helix non-ideality and fluctuations broaden the d
213    Simulations associate the former with the double helix occupying the constriction and the latter w
214 nimal structural repeat of thin filaments: a double helix of actin subunits with each strand approxim
215                       The stability of a DNA double helix of any particular sequence is conventionall
216 port remarkable chiral configurations with a double helix of disclination lines along the cylindrical
217 how non-symmetric protein motifs bind to the double helix of DNA through the formation of a pseudo-2-
218       RNA is a single strand rather than the double helix of DNA.
219 science has reached the iconic status of the double helix of DNA.
220 longated helical arrangement compared to the double helix of the porphyrin-DNA.
221          The resulting polymer consists of a double helix of two identical conjugated organic strands
222 re of the NsD7-PA complex reveals a striking double helix of two right-handed coiled oligomeric defen
223  dynamics (spontaneous local openings of the double helix) of double-stranded DNA, we simulated the d
224 e of wrapping around the major groove of the double helix, of displacing natural polyamines from thei
225  comprehensive structural description of the double helix on a genome-wide scale.
226 orm a heterodimer that binds to the bent DNA double helix on the underside of the preformed TBP-DNA c
227  exchange rates show that basepairs in a DNA double helix open on millisecond timescales.
228 at, in addition to the elastic moduli of the double helix, other factors contribute to loop formation
229 ls, H-DNA formation results in a kink in the double helix path.
230 dity, and an increased abundance of parallel double helix (PDH) and single-stranded head-to-head (SSH
231 trandedness and directional asymmetry of the double helix, play a defining role in CT efficiency.
232 r dual SECM/optical microscope, generating a double helix point spread function at the image plane, w
233 with a wide-field microscope that exhibits a double-helix point spread function (DH-PSF).
234 development of new techniques, including the double-helix point spread function (DHPSF), to accuratel
235 e used the dual-color three-dimensional (3D) double-helix point spread function microscope to study t
236 the bacterium Caulobacter crescentus using a double-helix point spread function microscope.
237 y inherent in the double-lobed nature of the Double-Helix Point Spread Function, we account for such
238 udding yeast cells using a microscope with a double-helix point spread function.
239  suggest that particular deformations of the double helix predicted by the V(step) algorithm can dist
240 AR2 flips the reactive nucleotide out of the double helix prior to deamination.
241 ntertwine between the two strands of the DNA double helix provides a massive challenge to the cellula
242 n mimicking that of a single strand within a double helix, providing insight into a mechanism for hai
243                  On one hand it disrupts the double helix, providing the necessary strand separation
244 isingly, some chain pairs form unanticipated double-helix regions that result from mutual twisting of
245 y the intrinsic mechanical properties of the double helix reported here.
246 ng mode when the oligonucleotide threads the double helix results in a DNA kink that tends to occupy
247 t increased GC content accompanies increased double helix rigidity.
248 sic sites and other lesions that distort the double helix stimulate topoisomerase II-mediated DNA cle
249  as well as determining the magnitude of the double helix structural deformations during the dynamic
250                      DNA is renowned for its double helix structure and the base pairing that enables
251  a banner year for biological chemistry: The double helix structure of DNA was published by Watson an
252 nce-directed variations in the canonical DNA double helix structure that retain Watson-Crick base-pai
253 quence-related and thermal variations in the double helix structure.
254 te wormlike chain that includes the explicit double-helix structure of DNA and where the linking numb
255 953, Watson and Crick not only described the double-helix structure of DNA, but also embraced the ide
256 efect lines that wind around each other in a double-helix structure.
257 forming sugar-like coats in the hairpin-like double helix structures of pre-miRNAs.
258 iscriminate between the end-to-end dimer and double-helix structures of gramicidin A.
259                           In addition to the double helix symmetry revealed by Watson and Crick, clas
260                         Chiral gratings with double helix symmetry were produced by twisting glass op
261     The two DX components are connected by a double helix that contains the binding site for MutS; wh
262 which the exons are arranged in a continuous double helix that facilitates the second reaction.
263 each other, giving rise to the assembly of a double helix that is stabilized by intermolecular [C-H..
264 ydrolysis of AE by inducing hydration of the double helix that spread approximately five base pairs o
265 tion to the intrinsic periodicity of the DNA double helix, the free energy has an oscillatory compone
266 l and local conformational properties of the double helix, the solvent environment, drug binding and
267              If sufficiently G + C rich, the double helix then propagated throughout the oligonucleot
268 e topological problems of DNA by passing one double helix through a transient break in another, in a
269 rusion of the target nucleobase from the DNA double helix to an extrahelical position is an essential
270 ively, allows a head-to-head or head-to-tail double helix to be generated.
271 lly derived conformational parameters of the double helix to evaluate the role of structural paramete
272 ws that the enzyme redirects the path of the double helix to expose the nick termini for the strand-j
273 atches near AE eliminated the ability of the double helix to strongly inhibit AE hydrolysis.
274 site of damage are translated across the DNA double helix to the active site of human topoisomerase I
275 ), which covalently link both strands of the double helix together resulting in cytotoxicity.
276                     The local bending of the double helix, typically mediated by architectural transc
277 lity of DNA and observed the buckling of the double helix under high loads.
278 promoter region, forms a stable Watson-Crick double helix under physiological conditions.
279 ay define the length of backtracked RNA; DNA double helix unwinding in advance of the polymerase acti
280 uanine residue on the opposing strand of the double helix was recently identified, but the chemical c
281                                 A single DNA double helix was unzipped in the presence of DNA-binding
282 nformation, and stability in DNA and DNA-RNA double helixes was studied.
283                        In describing the DNA double helix, Watson and Crick suggested that "spontaneo
284                         In the canonical DNA double helix, Watson-Crick (WC) base pairs (bps) exist i
285 of electrostatics on the rigidity of the DNA double helix, we define DNA*, the null isomer of DNA, as
286 helicase and DNA prior to the melting of the double helix, we determined the structure of an archaeal
287 s between major and minor grooves of the RNA double helix, we explain much of the asymmetry with a si
288 om modular hydrogen bonds in the core of the double helix, whereas in proteins, specificity arises la
289 zation leads only to local distortion of the double helix while the overall structure of aps and ps D
290 In the conventional view, the highly charged double helix will be pushed toward isolation by favorabl
291 ed to a decrease in the stability of the DNA double helix with decreasing salt concentration.
292 is revealed that DNA was ejected as a single double helix with ejection occurring at one vertex presu
293 ed to a decrease in the stability of the DNA double helix with increasing temperature.
294 uplex part of the molecule resembles a B-DNA double helix with the third strand bound in its major gr
295 equence crystallizes as a left-handed Z-form double helix with Watson-Crick base pairing.
296 NA scission by altering the structure of the double helix within the cleavage site of the enzyme.
297  of a base pair if each can fit into the DNA double helix without steric strain.
298 ompound 1, can spontaneously assemble into a double helix without the need for a covalently connected
299 of DNA conformations with one segment of the double helix wrapped around the enzyme were constructed.
300 lly make use of the two-fold symmetry of the double helix, zinc fingers can be linked linearly in tan

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