


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1  lymphocytes were proliferating (assessed by double staining).
2 sed in flow cytometry and immunofluorescence double staining.
3 l apoptosis was assessed by MUC5AC and TUNEL double staining.
4               Apoptosis was quantified using double staining.
5                                     Finally, double-staining analyses showed that the majority of p53
6                                              Double staining and confocal microscopic analysis reveal
7 ta of ERG and IL-6 using immunohistochemical double staining and correlated the read-out with clinico
8                                         In a double staining approach, we simultaneously measured OSN
9                                              Double staining confirmed that both the conformation-spe
10                     Immunohistochemistry and double staining confirmed the expression of FcRn recepto
11                           Immunofluorescence double staining demonstrates that the Na(+)-K(+)-Cl(-) c
12                                       Immuno-double-staining experiments in Saccharomyces cerevisiae
13                      Histochemical analysis (double staining for alkaline phosphatase and dipeptidyl
14                                              Double staining for cardiomyocytes with alpha sarcomeric
15                                              Double staining for CAS and Ki-67 revealed co-expression
16                                              Double staining for Dmp1 and Ki67 revealed that these tw
17 s confirmed by using confocal microscopy and double staining for glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFA
18                                              Double staining for host macrophages and SPIO particles
19                                              Double staining for Luxol fast blue and Bielshowsky was
20                                              Double staining for oxytocin or vasopressin neurons reve
21 pression in synaptic terminals was tested by double staining for palladin and gamma-aminobutyric acid
22 characteristically is punctate, we performed double staining for palladin and the presynaptic marker
23 irect evidence for apoptosis was obtained by double staining for terminal deoxynucleotide transferase
24 ting capability of Combo NP was evaluated by double staining for TUNEL and alpha-SMA at various time
25                                              Double-staining for CD83 and CD4 revealed that mDCs asso
26 ormation of daughter cells was visible after double-staining for Ki67 and ZO-1.
27  excised, and immunofluorescence single- and double-staining for multiple markers was performed for e
28 e renal sympathetic pathways were located by double-staining for the neuronal isoform of nitric oxide
29                                      We used double staining histochemistry to investigate the relati
30                                              Double staining IHC showed that axonal terminals of both
31                                              Double staining immunoassays that used anti-MERS-CoV ant
32 rons in the area of the AH are identified by double-staining immunocytochemistry and laser scanning c
33                                              Double staining immunofluorescence was used to label uPA
34                                           By double staining immunofluorescence we showed that IL-6 i
35                                              Double-staining immunofluorescence studies showed coloca
36  intracellular localization of ICP0, we used double-staining immunofluorescence tests to examine the
37                                              Double staining immunohistochemistry was also used to in
38                                              Double staining immunohistochemistry was employed to eva
39                                              Double-staining immunohistochemistry showed CXCL9 co-loc
40 le blood and lesional morphea skin, and used double-staining immunohistochemistry to determine the cu
41                                          The double staining in the flatmounted retinas demonstrated
42 idian Otx (Hroth) and a Hox gene (HrHox1) by double-staining in situ hybridizations indicate that the
43 TUNEL), hematoxylin, and immunohistochemical double staining methods.
44 y bromodeoxyuridine (BrdU) incorporation and double staining of BrdU with nestin, Tuj1, or the neuron
45 ophages were evaluated by immunofluorescence double staining of CD68 and H1R on human skin sections.
46  colocalized with ganglioside GM1 as seen by double staining of fixed cells.
47                                              Double staining of insulin and non-beta cell hormones in
48 abeled cones in the retina were confirmed by double staining of mouse retina sections with the anti-R
49                                              Double staining of native eve protein and transgene mRNA
50                                     CD71/RNA double staining of reticulocytes enriched from adult per
51                                              Double staining of transgenic mouse brain sections with
52 y fundus fluorescein angiography, histology, double-staining of FITC-dextran perfusion and elastin im
53                                              Double-staining of neurons in the PVN for AVP and OT sho
54 artifacts and interferences, and developed a double-staining procedure that allows visualization and
55                                        Using double-staining protocols, we detected activated NF-kapp
56                                              Double staining revealed that these cells were distinct
57                      BrdU-beta-galactosidase double-staining revealed an inverse correlation between
58                                              Double staining showed co-localization of Gal-3 with OX-
59 ted from the leading half of the cell, where double staining showed myosin II was present.
60                                              Double staining showed that activated macrophages/microg
61    In situ hybridization and immunochemistry double staining showed that miR-365 was expressed in neu
62                         Immunohistochemistry double staining showed that proteasome 20S-alpha4 and -a
63                                              Double staining showed that suppression of c-fos express
64 ile n847 immunofluorescence and Thioflavin-S double-staining showed that a subset of n847-labeled neu
65 udies of intracellular Zn2+ accumulation and double staining studies (using SMI-32 and anti-glutamate
66                                              Double staining studies using the neuronal marker NeuN i
67 leus caudalis (Vc), exhibited FluoroGold/Fos double staining, suggesting the activation of the trigem
68 bral arteries of the pig was investigated by double-staining techniques using combined immunofluoresc
69  clonal epithelial cells was investigated by double staining to K12 and K10 keratins.
70 P antibody IP-positive sera was confirmed by double staining using antifibrillarin monoclonal antibod
71 and ecmB genes of Dictyostelium by enzymatic double staining using beta-galactosidase and beta-glucur
72                                              Double staining using in situ hybridization and immunocy
73                                 Virtually no double staining was found for NR1 and calcitonin gene-re
74                                        Using double staining, we were able to show that a great major
75 under standard fixation conditions, allowing double staining when used in conjunction with other repo
76  confocal and widefield microscopy using the double staining with alpha-tubulin and centrin antibodie
77 aspect of the inner nuclear layer, which, by double staining with anti-beta-galactosidase and anti-ca
78                                              Double staining with anti-Cre antibody and anti-M- or an
79 ir sites of incorporation were visualized by double staining with anti-MYC, antibodies to myofibrilla
80                                              Double staining with antibodies directed against the neu
81                                              Double staining with antibodies specific for the neural
82 -RNAP antibody-positive sera was examined by double staining with antifibrillarin antibodies to evalu
83                                              Double staining with cell-specific markers revealed that
84                                              Double staining with cytochrome c immunohistochemistry a
85                                              Double staining with phospho-ERK1/2 and neuron-specific
86 gmentation was also observed after CIBT, and double staining with XRCC1 immunohistochemistry and term
87 n of graft derived cells was demonstrated by double-staining with neuron-specific beta-tubulin antibo

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