


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1  which retrogradely labeled SON neurons were double labeled.
2 rage of 98% of descending brain neurons were double labeled.
3 including many unidentified RS neurons, were double labeled.
4 owever fewer than 3% of labeled neurons were double labeled.
5 n VLM and NTS, 74% and 42% respectively were double labeled.
6   Significantly, very few neurons (<2%) were double-labeled.
7 n is deuterated and the C-terminal domain is double-labeled.
8  were fed single-labeled [14C]AGE-ovalbumin, double-labeled [14C-125I]AGE-ovalbumin, or control 125I-
9                                              Double-labeled 25 microns tissue sections were examined
10                                              Double-labeled 5-HT3A/CB1 neurons were found in the ante
11 in conjunction with GAD immunohistochemistry double labeled a high percentage of neurons in both the
12 A-cal is used to measure binding events, and double-labeled AEDANS,DDP-T34C/T110/C-calmodulin (DA-cal
13         Comparable proportions of cells were double-labeled after sucrose or quinine, consistent with
14 e Fos-like immunoreactive (FLI) neurons were double-labeled; after RF injections the proportion was 9
15                                Cultures were double-labeled against GABA and the neuronal marker MAP2
16 assay was performed with a primary antibody, double-labeled amplicons, and fluorophore-labeled strept
17 mparison of SP and SPR immunoreactivities in double-labeled and adjacent single-labeled sections reve
18                                         Some double-labeled BDA/VGAT varicosities were seen apposed t
19  content and the numbers of insulin and BrdU double-labeled beta cells in the islets.
20         To prove this hypothesis, we tracked double-labeled BMSCs in implantation sites created in nu
21            Some BrdU-labeled cells were also double labeled by antibodies to glial-specific (antikera
22                       From adjacent sections double labeled by fluorescent immunohistochemical stains
23                                         When double labeled by in situ hybridization, these neurons c
24      These recoverin-positive cells were not double-labeled by cell-specific markers expressed by pho
25 ptide induced 75% of plasmatocytes that were double-labeled by the monoclonal antibodies 49G3A3 and 4
26                        Efferent neurons were double-labeled by the unilateral injections of separate
27 esonance energy transfer experiments using a double-labeled CaM molecule were performed and indicated
28    For L4 and L5, respectively, estimates of double-labeled CaMKII alpha neurons showed 34% +/- 2% an
29 istochemistry, and percentages of single and double-labeled CaMKIIalpha neurons were determined.
30                                              Double-labeled cancer cells were imaged at the cellular
31 d the dorsal and linear raphe nuclei, but no double labeled cells were seen in the amygdaloid nuclei
32 neurons, with the percentage of LHRH+/c-Fos+ double-labeled cells approximately fivefold higher on th
33                                   ER-beta/PV double-labeled cells are also observed within the latera
34                                              Double-labeled cells are injected by various methods.
35                        The location of these double-labeled cells around the locus coeruleus correspo
36                            The percentage of double-labeled cells as a proportion of either LA-projec
37                                          The double-labeled cells constituted fewer than 2% of the ce
38                  These findings suggest that double-labeled cells contribute substantially to many of
39 t commonly observed in the PIN (43.7% of all double-labeled cells following injections into LA and th
40                                              Double-labeled cells for ERalpha and calbindin-D(28k) we
41                                          The double-labeled cells form a small percentage of the cort
42              The topographic distribution of double-labeled cells in the thalamic nuclei resembled th
43                                              Double-labeled cells providing inputs to both rectus and
44                                   ER-beta/PV double-labeled cells represent 23.3% +/- 1.6% (intact) a
45 ed with females having slightly more (10.5%) double-labeled cells than males overall.
46                                              Double-labeled cells were concentrated at the border bet
47 ns revealed that significantly more (18-33%) double-labeled cells were detected in the horizontal lim
48 hat, for all three primary sensory cortices, double-labeled cells were extremely rare, indicating tha
49                                              Double-labeled cells were found in all the thalamic regi
50                                     FG/c-Fos double-labeled cells were found in forebrain regions inc
51               Substantial numbers of FG/cFos double-labeled cells were found in forebrain regions, in
52                          Substantial FG/cFos double-labeled cells were found in forebrain regions, in
53 -b injections were centered in the PVH, many double-labeled cells were found within the caudal DMH.
54 ge marker OX-42 on postnatal day 10 in vivo, double-labeled cells were identified in the cerebral cor
55                                   Generally, double-labeled cells were in expected high-frequency ton
56                                   Most other double-labeled cells were located in peribrachial region
57                                  Half of the double-labeled cells were located in the locus coeruleus
58                                     Although double-labeled cells were never observed, afferents to t
59                               Relatively few double-labeled cells were observed in both the A4 and th
60 abeled cells in LH co-expressed SS, while no double-labeled cells were observed in IC.
61 entered in the subparaventricular zone, many double-labeled cells were observed in the dorsomedial su
62                                     Numerous double-labeled cells were observed throughout the same a
63                                              Double-labeled cells were present in almost all perioliv
64                                   Elsewhere, double-labeled cells were very scarce, making up approxi
65 cells, there is a considerable population of double-labeled cells with approximately 30% of each popu
66 ant regional difference in the percentage of double-labeled cells with the highest percentage (74.2%)
67                                       Of the double-labeled cells, 41% also were immunoreactive for 5
68 sterior VTA were both effective in producing double-labeled cells, and an anterior-posterior topograp
69    The inferior colliculi contained very few double-labeled cells, indicating that the projections to
70 OA and MePD contained the greatest number of double-labeled cells.
71 thymidine 24 hr after the BrdU and seeing no double-labeled cells.
72 Rb mRNA was found; thus, there were very few double-labeled cells.
73 ess can be observed to emanate from BrdU/DCX double-labeled cells.
74             Following ovx, the percentage of double labeled cholinergic basal forebrain neurons also
75 ppearance and to investigate the presence of double-labeled cones in sections and wholemounts of huma
76 g to bones through the use of differentially double-labeled derivatives.
77       Conventional molecular beacons require double-labeled DNA sequences, which are costly and time-
78 lowing the principle of proportionality, and double-labeled duplex DNA was synthesized.
79 Hz 19F NMR spectrum of the microcrystalline, double-labeled enzyme complex has five resolved lines un
80                                          The double-labeled enzyme retained essentially full catalyti
81 avenous injection of rats with 51Cr and 125I double-labeled Escherichia coli, hepatic 51Cr levels can
82 then determining the relative proportions of double-labeled FF and FB neurons in an area intermediate
83                However, the density of these double-labeled fiber segments varied considerably depend
84                                              Double-labeled fiber segments were also present, but spa
85                                              Double-labeled fiber segments, typically of fine caliber
86 onfocal analysis demonstrated that NPY/PHA-L double-labeled fibers came in close apposition to CRH pe
87            In the median eminence, NPY/PHA-L double-labeled fibers were found both in the inner and t
88  the lateral septum (LS), whereas only a few double-labeled fibers were found in other brain areas in
89                            However, very few double-labeled fibers were found in the proximity of CRH
90                        In PVH, NPY and PHA-L double-labeled fibers were found mainly in the parvocell
91                                    Scattered double-labeled fibers were present in the lateral septal
92                                        Thus, double-labeled fibers were unequivocally identified as s
93                Third, using the technique of double-labeled fluorescent immunocytochemistry, the rela
94                                            A double-labeled fluorescent probe was designed and evalua
95                                              Double-labeled fluorescent staining was used to examine
96 tion of distance from the center of plaques (double labeled for A beta peptide and microglia) reveale
97 rase (ChAT) in the geniculate A-laminae were double labeled for BNOS.
98 s, but not other CRF-containing nuclei, were double labeled for CRF and PRV.
99 he BSTL as a retrograde tracer, neurons were double labeled for CTB and PACAP or VIP immunohistochemi
100                                        Cells double labeled for GABA and MOR1 were common in the peri
101                               In rats, cells double labeled for GABA and MOR1 were observed in layers
102                               They were also double labeled for GFP and RPE65 or MITF.
103      The majority of these syncytia could be double labeled for HIV-1 RNA and a dendritic cell marker
104                    Tissue sections were also double labeled for Melan-A and CD34.
105    These findings were confirmed in sections double labeled for NGF and CGRP immunoreactivity.
106 trols and 1 year post-injection retinas were double labeled for protein kinase C and tyrosine hydroxy
107 elected cases, series of brain sections were double labeled for PRV-Ba and tyrosine hydroxylase to de
108 mall percentage of F4-80+ microglia are also double labeled for SHP-1 at early times post-MCAO.
109  maniculatus, and Peromyscus polionotus, and double labeled for the expression of ERalpha and AVP imm
110 number of cells in the SFO, OV and MePO were double-labeled for both FOS-ir and fluoro-gold.
111 riatopallidal and striatonigral neurons were double-labeled for both mGluR1a or mGluR5.
112 after a 3-wk survival time, there were cells double-labeled for BrdUrd and either TuJ1 or neuronal nu
113 and neocortex; some of the latter cells were double-labeled for BrdUrd and TuJ1.
114                 AII amacrine cells also were double-labeled for calretinin and parvalbumin; however,
115          The proportions of TH cell profiles double-labeled for ChAT or VIP significantly increased b
116                                  In sections double-labeled for CR and mGluR1alpha, the patterns of d
117 -estradiol, the number of perirhinal neurons double-labeled for ER-beta/GABA was reduced by 28% (P<0.
118 ctory organs were cryosectioned (10 microm), double-labeled for Galpha(olf), Galpha(q), or PLC140, an
119 cetyltransferase-immunoreactive neurons were double-labeled for mGluR1a-like immunoreactivity.
120 ion was confirmed by the presence of neurons double-labeled for NADPH-d and Fluoro-Gold.
121 than a third of the cholinergic neurons were double-labeled for NOS.
122 bunits, 56% of parvalbumin interneurons were double-labeled for NR2A/2B, and all identified cholinerg
123 ndin-containing striatal matrix neurons were double-labeled for NR2A/2B.
124 ) of mGluR1alpha-immunopositive neurons were double-labeled for somatostatin.
125 sections from developing rat cerebellum were double-labeled for TAG-1 and the Purkinje cell-specific
126  cells in the inner nuclear layer (INL) were double-labeled for TH immunoreactivity.
127              The majority of FG-filled cells double-labeled for TH were found in the dorsocaudal A10
128                    Hippocampal sections were double-labeled for the alpha1, alpha4, gamma2, and delta
129 imulus-induced neuronal activation, and were double-labeled for tyrosine hydroxylase to identify cate
130                   In response to hemorrhage, double-labeled Fos/5-HT neurons were located in the B3 r
131  samples that are generally different from a double-labeled FRET sample, or by the use of sophisticat
132 cumented using the characteristic pattern of double-labeled gene trees.
133 R in the VTA and all subdivisions of the SN; double-labeled GFRalpha-1/CR neurons were distributed in
134                           Targets exposed to double-labeled granzyme B-serglycin complexes show solel
135                                              Double-labeled (i.e., CTb(+), Fos(+)) neurons were found
136                                        Using double-labeled immune-fluorescence confocal microscopy,
137                                              Double-labeled immunocytochemistry was performed to iden
138                   We carried out single- and double-labeled immunohistochemical and pathway tracing s
139                            These nerves were double-labeled immunohistochemically with an anti-idioty
140 rmal (n=2) rats were processed by single and double labeled immunohistochemistry for cellular identif
141                                              Double-labeled immunohistochemistry demonstrated co-loca
142 ion, Northern and Western blot analyses, and double-labeled immunohistochemistry; (3) determined casp
143                                              Double-labeled immunostaining for MCP-1 and neuron speci
144 scriptional activity were investigated using double-labeled in situ hybridization, Northern blot and
145            A subpopulation of these neurons (double labeled) in the interstitial and intermediate sub
146                   Less than 1% of cells were double-labeled, indicating that the populations of cells
147     Mouse LGs were processed for single- and double-labeled indirect immunofluorescence studies and e
148 crimal glands were processed for single- and double-labeled indirect immunofluorescence studies.
149                                              Double-labeled interneurons were mainly located in the d
150                                           We double labeled Ipc axons and their presumptive postsynap
151 now applied single-molecule FRET to Cy3, Cy5 double-labeled LacI-DNA loops diffusing freely in soluti
152 econd label (5BrdU) was distributed from the double-labeled LREC to unlabeled mammary cells while 3HT
153                         Confocal analysis of double-labeled material indicated that AII dendrites spi
154 ne bipolar cells were immunolabeled, and the double-labeled material was analyzed.
155 of fine processes called telodendria and, in double-labeled material, Cx36 plaques were located preci
156  study femurs were isolated from genetically double-labeled mBSP9.0Luc/beta-ACT-EGFP transgenic mice
157 f these compounds was readily converted to a double-labeled mixed-chain phosphatidylcholine applicabl
158 abeled motoneurons and higher proportions of double-labeled motoneurons than untransected rats.
159 lexa 488 (donor) and Alexa 546 (acceptor) in double-labeled MT allows the monitoring of metal binding
160     The distance distributions between three double-labeled mutants, in the collapsed transient state
161 co-expressed enkephalin (Enk), and Ucn 3/Enk double-labeled nerve fibers and terminals were observed
162 erulear dendritic region, with an occasional double-labeled neuron in the LC.
163                                          The double labeled neurons are further identified by a large
164                               GFR alpha-1/PV double labeled neurons were also detected in the s. orie
165                               Red, green and double labeled neurons were found bilaterally in the PMC
166 othalamic nucleus showed only a few Nurr1/TH double labeled neurons, while TH-immunoreactive neurons
167 ope, and scored for the number of single and double labeled neurons.
168 ed with no laminar segregation, we found few double-labeled neurons ( approximately 5% of each singly
169                                     However, double-labeled neurons also exhibited a preferential dis
170 ded amygdala-like afferents but produced few double-labeled neurons and these only when paired with v
171 fferent tracers were injected in SII and MI, double-labeled neurons appeared above and below the laye
172          Similarly, the density of c-fos-NR1 double-labeled neurons during hypoxia progressively incr
173 tral PBN resulted in a greater percentage of double-labeled neurons in BNST and CeA compared to cauda
174 d in significant increases in the numbers of double-labeled neurons in both the NST and RF, suggestin
175          These differential distributions of double-labeled neurons in the NST and RF suggest a role
176                                              Double-labeled neurons in the NTS were located primarily
177                                 In contrast, double-labeled neurons in the PAG were almost never retr
178  although there were a significant number of double-labeled neurons in the RF, the major concentratio
179 sion as well as the number of FluoroGold/Fos double-labeled neurons in the ventral Vi/Vc (P<0.05).
180 d neurons as well as alpha4/TH and alpha7/TH double-labeled neurons increased in the A1, A2 and A6 br
181                    The number of single- and double-labeled neurons located in the right (ipsilateral
182 ei revealed a small, but constant, number of double-labeled neurons located predominantly ipsilateral
183                          The distribution of double-labeled neurons mirrored that of the projection n
184       Minor PACAP projections with scattered double-labeled neurons originated from the parabrachial
185                    A third, sparser group of double-labeled neurons projected to both areas; we terme
186 ime-lapse confocal microscopy of individual, double-labeled neurons revealed a coincident, activity-d
187                                     We found double-labeled neurons surrounding the median eminence a
188 sker representations of SII and MI to detect double-labeled neurons that would indicate that some SI
189                   However, the proportion of double-labeled neurons was consistently approximately 1%
190  of cortical GABA, ER-beta, and ER-beta/GABA double-labeled neurons was examined.
191                    For SS, the percentage of double-labeled neurons was more forebrain site specific
192                               However, these double-labeled neurons were a modest percentage of the s
193                                           No double-labeled neurons were found in the dorsal Vi/Vc an
194                       A very small number of double-labeled neurons were found in the pontine micturi
195 al sphincter neurons and bladder neurons and double-labeled neurons were found in the reticular regio
196                                              Double-labeled neurons were found in the reticular, raph
197 ause it normally stains granule cells), many double-labeled neurons were located at the hilar/CA3 bor
198                                     Overall, double-labeled neurons were most numerous in the caudal
199                                  In the NST, double-labeled neurons were most numerous in the rostral
200                          Moderate numbers of double-labeled neurons were observed following combined
201                                              Double-labeled neurons were observed in all noradrenergi
202                                  Single- and double-labeled neurons were observed in the A2 and A1 NE
203 r, no NPY and MC4R (a melanocortin receptor) double-labeled neurons were observed.
204 double-labeled sections, in which few if any double-labeled neurons were observed.
205                          However, only a few double-labeled neurons were occasionally observed after
206 es were present in the injured cortex, while double-labeled neurons were present predominantly in inj
207            In the RVM of rats, many of those double-labeled neurons were retrogradely labeled from th
208 ric acid stimulation, there was a cluster of double-labeled neurons with distinctive large soma in th
209  response to quinine, there was a cluster of double-labeled neurons with much smaller soma in the int
210 ese animals was examined for the presence of double-labeled neurons, i.e., those whose axons had rege
211 d neurons in ipsilateral DEn, including many double-labeled neurons.
212 ed neurons in the claustrum, as well as many double-labeled neurons.
213 trogen-mediated differences in the number of double-labeled neurons.
214 NST and CeA exhibited significant numbers of double-labeled neurons.
215 colocalized and contained some percentage of double-labeled neurons.
216                                          The double-labeled NMJs were observed in vivo with video-enh
217 caspase-3 and 5-bromo-2'-deoxyuridine (BrdU) double-labeled nuclei were seen in the proliferative reg
218 pha-CreER(T2) : R26R-YFP transgenic mice, we double labeled OPCs and traced their fate in the postnat
219                                          The double-labeled peptides have amide I' IR spectra that sh
220                                           No double labeled perikarya were seen in the parabrachial n
221                                              Double-labeled perikarya for both CTb and proTRH in the
222    From triple-labeled tissue, we found that double-labeled PHA-L (+)/VGluT2 (+) axon terminals forme
223                   Fluorescence microscopy in double-labeled PMNs demonstrates that FcgammaRIIA coloca
224                                          The double-labeled polysaccharide product synthesized in vit
225                            These mGluR1alpha double-labeled populations are not likely to overlap sin
226                                           In double-labeled preparations using antisera to PHA-L and
227                             Both single- and double-labeled preparations were examined.
228                                 The powerful double-labeled probe technique was extended to study the
229                            A dense plexus of double-labeled prodynorphin/proNKB-ir fibers was found w
230 nation of methods allows for rapid access to double-labeled proteins with a minimum of unnecessary ch
231 m the extent of line shape broadening in the double-labeled proteins.
232  triple-labeled PV(+) /CR(+) /SMI32(+) ; (b) double-labeled PV(+) /CR(+) ; and (c) single-labeled CR(
233                In >250 Cx32/Cx43 single- and double-labeled replicas from 10 CNS regions, no neuronal
234 he lateral geniculate nucleus (LGN) revealed double-labeled retinal ganglion cells (DL RGCs) projecti
235 movement was quantified by image analysis of double-labeled retinas examined with confocal microscopy
236 n a wide system of conditions using the same double-labeled sample from which the FRET efficiency its
237 ing were obtained from natural abundance and double-labeled samples containing [2-(13)C, (15)N]Gly.
238 n in (15)N decoupled 1D or 2D MAS spectra of double-labeled samples.
239                     Quantitative analysis of double-labeled sections demonstrated that approximately
240                              Analysis of the double-labeled sections indicates that NTPDase2 immunore
241                                           In double-labeled sections, Glu-ir perikarya within the ter
242 also confirmed by fluorescence microscopy of double-labeled sections, in which few if any double-labe
243  3-7 days, the trigeminal ganglion contained double-labeled, small (11.8 x 8.0 microm), ellipsoid gan
244 mm apart labeled overlapping zones in Pp and double-labeled some cells.
245                        A large proportion of double-labeled SON somata were observed in all cases in
246 gher density of synaptic PKMzeta labeling in double-labeled spines correlated with both faster task a
247                                        These double-labeled spines had larger synapses, as measured b
248                    Within this population of double-labeled spines, aged monkeys compared with young
249                            The percentage of double-labeled striatopallidal or striatonigral projecti
250                                  Single- and double-labeled studies using antibodies against CD14, CD
251  coefficients (slopes) between serum PTH and double-labeled surface (P=0.02) or osteoblast surface (P
252                                    Increased double-labeled surface and mineral apposition rates were
253 rmone (PTH), which is indicated by decreased double-labeled surface and osteoblast surface (P<0.001).
254 most indices of bone formation-including the double-labeled surface, mineralizing surface, mineral ap
255 l nerve and DRG, respectively, the number of double-labeled sympathetic postganglionic neurons was gr
256 ger apoptosis in cycling cells, we performed double-labeled terminal deoxynucleotidyltransferase-medi
257 of calbindin-immunoreactive terminal fibers; double-labeled terminals were documented at high magnifi
258                         Further, analysis of double-labeled tissue reveals that the PHA-E and G-10 si
259 ctivated during the hemorrhage stimulus, and double-labeled to identify serotonin (5-hydroxytryptamin
260                        In 180 crypt sections double labeled using histone H3 ISH and BrdUrd, 92% of 1
261 ges fetal day (Fd) 89 through adulthood were double labeled using immunofluorescence for short (S) or
262 DOR, sections through the dentate gyrus were double labeled using immunofluorescence with antisera to
263                      Buttons were single and double labeled using phalloidin and antibodies to ZO-1,
264  brain for the presence of single labeled or double labeled vagal preganglionic neurons.
265      As expected from these results, using a double-labeled virus, we observed that foci of ICP0 and
266                                              Double-labeled WGA-HRP/ChAT neurons were found in the pe
267                                              Double-labeled WGA-HRP/NADPH-d-positive neurons could be
268 entages of efferent neurons were found to be double labeled when using two fluorescent substances inc
269 test this hypothesis, sartorius muscles were double labeled with a fluorescent dye, 4-(4-diethylamino
270               Agarose-embedded sections were double labeled with a panel of antibodies.
271 ot in the MICG, and some of these cells were double labeled with an antiserum to the glial protein S-
272 readily identified in the aorta and could be double labeled with antibodies to CD11c and antigen-pres
273 cal glia/fibroblasts in primary culture were double labeled with antibodies to glial fibrillary acidi
274                       When mouse retina were double labeled with B16 and anti-alpha-actinin, B16 was
275 ocessed, and frozen; 80-nm cryosections were double labeled with combinations of CCR5, CXCR4, and CD4
276                               P2X5 receptors double labeled with differentiated fetal keratinocytes t
277                             The retinas were double labeled with either anti-vimentin and anti-long/m
278 clei, hypothalamic, and forebrain areas were double labeled with FG and Fos, the results suggest that
279                                  Brains were double labeled with fluorescence in situ hybridization o
280 tures that in the human VZ/SVZ, cells can be double labeled with RG markers and calretinin (CalR) and
281                Untagged, recombinant C2A was double-labeled with 13C and 15N, and triple-resonance NM
282           Furthermore, pyknotic O4+ OLs were double-labeled with 4-HNE.
283 eled cells at the hilar/CA3 border also were double-labeled with a neuronal marker (NeuN).
284 emistry of the skin showed CD1a-positive DCs double-labeled with an antibody against DV envelope glyc
285 , ii) single-stained with anti-APP, and iii) double-labeled with anti-APP and AT8.
286 veola-sized vesicular profiles that could be double-labeled with anti-dystrophin and anti-cav-3 antib
287 rgic nature of the TH-i cells, sections were double-labeled with antibodies to dopamine transporter (
288 rols (n=5), c-Fos-positive cells and neurons double-labeled with c-Fos and beta-endorphin, enkephalin
289                            Moreover, neurons double-labeled with c-Fos and choline acetyltransferase
290 on (n=5), c-Fos immunoreactivity and neurons double-labeled with c-Fos and either enkephalin or 5-HT
291                            Moreover, neurons double-labeled with c-Fos and enkephalin in the rVLM wer
292                                 More neurons double-labeled with c-Fos and nitric oxide synthase (NOS
293 ulation), c-Fos immunoreactivity and neurons double-labeled with c-Fos, an immediate early gene and t
294 demonstrated that nearly all TH-i cells were double-labeled with DAT, suggesting that they contain th
295 -HT-immunoreactive (5-HT-ir) cells were also double-labeled with FG.
296 % of the remaining Rbpms-positive cells were double-labeled with FG.
297                         The IL1beta-IR cells double-labeled with glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFA
298 ically characterized auditory neurons can be double-labeled with HRP and Fos after iontophoretic inje
299          The percentage of GnRH neurons that double-labeled with NMDA-R1 was 2% in prepubertal rats a
300 pale and thick stripes; 10-27% of cells were double labeled, with most located in interpatches.

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