


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 tion of distance from the center of plaques (double labeled for A beta peptide and microglia) reveale
2 rase (ChAT) in the geniculate A-laminae were double labeled for BNOS.
3 number of cells in the SFO, OV and MePO were double-labeled for both FOS-ir and fluoro-gold.
4 riatopallidal and striatonigral neurons were double-labeled for both mGluR1a or mGluR5.
5 after a 3-wk survival time, there were cells double-labeled for BrdUrd and either TuJ1 or neuronal nu
6 and neocortex; some of the latter cells were double-labeled for BrdUrd and TuJ1.
7                 AII amacrine cells also were double-labeled for calretinin and parvalbumin; however,
8          The proportions of TH cell profiles double-labeled for ChAT or VIP significantly increased b
9                                  In sections double-labeled for CR and mGluR1alpha, the patterns of d
10 s, but not other CRF-containing nuclei, were double labeled for CRF and PRV.
11 he BSTL as a retrograde tracer, neurons were double labeled for CTB and PACAP or VIP immunohistochemi
12 -estradiol, the number of perirhinal neurons double-labeled for ER-beta/GABA was reduced by 28% (P<0.
13                                        Cells double labeled for GABA and MOR1 were common in the peri
14                               In rats, cells double labeled for GABA and MOR1 were observed in layers
15 ctory organs were cryosectioned (10 microm), double-labeled for Galpha(olf), Galpha(q), or PLC140, an
16                               They were also double labeled for GFP and RPE65 or MITF.
17      The majority of these syncytia could be double labeled for HIV-1 RNA and a dendritic cell marker
18                    Tissue sections were also double labeled for Melan-A and CD34.
19 cetyltransferase-immunoreactive neurons were double-labeled for mGluR1a-like immunoreactivity.
20 ion was confirmed by the presence of neurons double-labeled for NADPH-d and Fluoro-Gold.
21    These findings were confirmed in sections double labeled for NGF and CGRP immunoreactivity.
22 than a third of the cholinergic neurons were double-labeled for NOS.
23 bunits, 56% of parvalbumin interneurons were double-labeled for NR2A/2B, and all identified cholinerg
24 ndin-containing striatal matrix neurons were double-labeled for NR2A/2B.
25 trols and 1 year post-injection retinas were double labeled for protein kinase C and tyrosine hydroxy
26 elected cases, series of brain sections were double labeled for PRV-Ba and tyrosine hydroxylase to de
27 mall percentage of F4-80+ microglia are also double labeled for SHP-1 at early times post-MCAO.
28 ) of mGluR1alpha-immunopositive neurons were double-labeled for somatostatin.
29 ssue triple labeled for SS, NPY and nNOS, or double-labeled for SS and nNOS or for SS and NPY.
30                                    In tissue double-labeled for SS and nNOs, confocal laser scanning
31 sections from developing rat cerebellum were double-labeled for TAG-1 and the Purkinje cell-specific
32  cells in the inner nuclear layer (INL) were double-labeled for TH immunoreactivity.
33              The majority of FG-filled cells double-labeled for TH were found in the dorsocaudal A10
34  maniculatus, and Peromyscus polionotus, and double labeled for the expression of ERalpha and AVP imm
35                    Hippocampal sections were double-labeled for the alpha1, alpha4, gamma2, and delta
36 imulus-induced neuronal activation, and were double-labeled for tyrosine hydroxylase to identify cate

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