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1 to which (single-strand) oligos rather than (double-stranded) adaptors are ligated.
2 end-joining (NHEJ) is the most prominent DNA double strand break (DSB) repair pathway in mammalian ce
3 mers to higher order oligomers to generate a double strand break in DNA.
4 end-joining pathway plays a critical role in double strand break repair and is uniquely responsible f
5 deoxycholate, as well as function of the DNA double strand break repair system.
6 at two complexes are required to introduce a double strand break.
7 (HR) posit that extensive resection of a DNA double-strand break (DSB) by a multisubunit helicase-nuc
8  profile associated with repair of a defined double-strand break (DSB) by the synthesis-dependent str
9 sover formation, regulating cessation of DNA double-strand break (DSB) formation following crossover
10                                    After DNA double-strand break (DSB) generation, Cdc14 is transient
11                                        A DNA double-strand break (DSB) is the most critical type of g
12 ce the ability of the HR pathway to complete double-strand break (DSB) repair by about 50%.
13 ual 53BP1 and RIF1 foci, suggesting that DNA double-strand break (DSB) repair by homologous recombina
14                    Pathway choice within DNA double-strand break (DSB) repair is a tightly regulated
15       Homologous recombination (HR) is a DNA double-strand break (DSB) repair pathway that protects t
16 us DNA end-joining (NHEJ) is the predominant double-strand break (DSB) repair pathway throughout the
17 ncy is constrained by competition from other double-strand break (DSB) repair pathways, including non
18 but attenuated the expression of several DNA double-strand break (DSB) repair proteins and formation
19                                 Improper DNA double-strand break (DSB) repair results in complex geno
20 ining (MMEJ), an error-prone pathway for DNA double-strand break (DSB) repair, is implicated in genom
21 or of homologous recombination (HR)-mediated double-strand break (DSB) repair, which is mediated thro
22 XPA mislocalized to the progerin-induced DNA double-strand break (DSB) sites, blocking DSB repair, wh
23 research, the spatio-mechanical processes of double-strand break (DSB)-repair, especially the auxilia
24 ndogenous chromosomal locus containing a DNA double-strand break (DSB).
25 initiates a cascade of events leading to DNA double-strand break formation in switch (S) regions.
26 red by the CometChip and the staining of DNA double-strand break marker, gammaH2AX.
27     BRCA1 is best known for its functions in double-strand break repair and resolution of DNA replica
28                                          DNA double-strand break repair by homologous recombination e
29  repair genes to irradiation and inefficient double-strand break repair correlated with severe late r
30                             An early step in double-strand break repair is the recruitment of ataxia-
31 rhang structure is a critical determinant of double-strand break repair pathway choice.
32     Break-induced replication (BIR) is a DNA double-strand break repair pathway that leads to genomic
33 ht on structural attributes of this X-family double-strand break repair polymerase that impact its bi
34 lates the DNA damage response as well as DNA double-strand break repair through homologous recombinat
35 malian proteins, SFPQ and NONO, promotes DNA double-strand break repair via the canonical nonhomologo
36 in X-chromosome inactivation, imprinting and double-strand break repair, and mutations in SMCHD1 cont
37 cting oxidative stress and affecting meiotic double-strand break repair, chromosome synapsis and cros
38 red PDAC into 4 major subtypes: age related, double-strand break repair, mismatch repair, and 1 with
39 53BP1 plays a central regulatory role in DNA double-strand break repair.
40 nce.DNA polymerase (pol) mu functions in DNA double-strand break repair.
41 enomic DNA to investigate the quality of the double-strand break repairs in the class-switch recombin
42 de of chromatin mobility induced by a single double-strand break requires active microtubule function
43 al increase in the stability of RAD51 at DNA double-strand break sites and in the overall efficiency
44  the nuclear-soluble fraction and alters the double-strand break-induced protein complex centring 53B
45 s enhanced, and the complex was recruited to double-stranded break (DSB) sites in response to etoposi
46                    It has been reported that double-stranded break (DSB)-induced small RNAs (diRNAs)
47 te ICL removal and repair of the ensuing DNA double-stranded break by homology-dependent repair (HDR)
48 structure, thereby hiding telomere ends from double-stranded break repair and ATM signaling, whereas
49 7 T) and the effect of contrast agent on DNA double-strand-break (DSB) formation in patients undergoi
50  may be sites of selective susceptibility to double-strand-break damage due to high transcriptional a
51 he Muta1 ends and catalyzes excision through double strand breaks (DSB) and the joining of newly exci
52 motes genomic instability in the form of DNA double strand breaks (DSB) in cancer cells that lack the
53                                          DNA double strand breaks (DSBs) are generally repaired throu
54 athway is the primary repair pathway for DNA double strand breaks (DSBs) in humans.
55 ium histones are modified in response to DNA double strand breaks (DSBs) in vivo by the ARTs Adprt1a
56                                Repair of DNA double strand breaks (DSBs) is key for maintenance of ge
57 tor (CTCF) and cohesin are vulnerable to DNA double strand breaks (DSBs) mediated by topoisomerase 2B
58                                              Double strand breaks (DSBs) represent highly deleterious
59 nome instability and sensitizes cells to DNA double strand breaks (DSBs), suggesting defects in DNA r
60 n the mouse central nervous system increases double strand breaks and ATM defects and triggers neurod
61 this system, the endonuclease Cas9 generates double strand breaks in DNA upon RNA-guided recognition
62 on-homologous end joining (NHEJ) repairs DNA double strand breaks in non-cycling eukaryotic cells.
63 ated levels of DNA-RNA hybrids (R-loops) and double strand breaks in rat neurons, human cells and C9o
64 r removes an antioxidant barrier against DNA double strand breaks induced by TGFbeta expressed in the
65  by inhibiting cep-1/p53, endogenous meiotic double strand breaks, or the expression of MIRAGE1 DNA t
66 ed in repairing a subset of pathological DNA double strand breaks.
67 ficant role on the final number of simulated double strand breaks.
68 critical for the repair and signaling of DNA double strand breaks.
69 s ATM and DNA-PKcs through the generation of double stranded breaks (DSBs) in murine macrophage genom
70  or formulation demonstrated significant DNA double-strand breaks (>/=5% gamma-H2A.X-positive cells).
71 its repair proteins, including 53BP1, to DNA double-strand breaks (DSB) and undergoes dynamic acetyla
72                                          DNA double-strand breaks (DSB) elicit a ubiquitylation casca
73 e, but due to their clustering the yields of double-strand breaks (DSB) increase, up to saturation ar
74 ly induced clustered DNA lesions (OCDL), DNA double-strand breaks (DSB), apoptosis, and the local and
75  spontaneous occurrence of single-strand and double-strand breaks (DSB).
76 umulated reactive oxygen species-induced DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs) and were modestly sensitive
77 ncy and type of pathway chosen to repair DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs) are critically influenced by
78                                          DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs) are mainly repaired either b
79         Of the many types of DNA damage, DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs) are probably the most delete
80 ic recombination, a subset of programmed DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs) are repaired as crossovers,
81                                              Double-strand breaks (DSBs) are repaired through two maj
82             CRISPR/Cas9, which generates DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs) at target loci, is a powerfu
83 NCJ has been implicated in the repair of DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs) by homologous recombination
84 nd is dependent upon repair of SPO11-induced double-strand breaks (DSBs) by homologous recombination.
85 ion initiates following the formation of DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs) by the Spo11 endonuclease ea
86 de genetic and biochemical evidence that DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs) can be directly generated by
87  of IR survival and repair efficiency of DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs) caused by exposure to gamma
88                                              Double-strand breaks (DSBs) in DNA are recognized by the
89 nery responsible for detection and repair of double-strand breaks (DSBs) in DNA, although detail conc
90 -homologous end joining (c-NHEJ) repairs DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs) in G1 cells with biphasic ki
91                          In pre-B cells, DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs) induced at Igkappa loci by t
92  gene transcription and genome stability.DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs) induced by topoisomerase II
93                 Nucleolytic resection of DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs) is essential for both checkp
94                                    Repairing double-strand breaks (DSBs) is particularly challenging
95                                          DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs) occurring within fragile zon
96                                 Resection of double-strand breaks (DSBs) plays a critical role in the
97                                          DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs) prevent cells from entering
98 ed protein 80 (RAP80) helps recruit BRCA1 to double-strand breaks (DSBs) through the scaffold protein
99                         End resection of DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs) to generate 3'-single-strand
100 lating formation of recombination-initiating double-strand breaks (DSBs) via a feedback loop triggere
101                                          DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs) were assessed by immunofluor
102 se (AID), the activity of which leads to DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs) within IgH switch (S) region
103 ns also promote the formation of meiotic DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs), the precursors of cross-ove
104 ning the ends from two different chromosomal double-strand breaks (DSBs).
105 sruption strategies rely on Cas9-induced DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs).
106 tion (HR) is a major mechanism to repair DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs).
107 rly step in homology-dependent repair of DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs).
108 finger 11 (PHF11) in 5' end resection at DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs).
109      We present evidence that persistent DNA double-strand breaks act as silencing initiation sites.
110 addition, Mlh1-Mlh3 can generate religatable double-strand breaks and form an active nucleoprotein co
111         Homologous recombination repairs DNA double-strand breaks and must function even on actively
112 duced homologous recombination repair of DNA double-strand breaks and protein kinase B activation, le
113  in PARP3(-/-) cells leads to widespread DNA double-strand breaks and synthetic lethality.
114 sorders (eg, ataxia-telangiectasia), and DNA double-strand breaks are crucial to the modulation of ea
115                                      Because double-strand breaks are generally highly toxic, mechani
116       These methods involve the induction of double-strand breaks at endogenous loci followed by the
117 ar intermediate during the repair of mitotic double-strand breaks by homologous recombination, but it
118 nvolved in DNA replication and repair of DNA double-strand breaks by the homologous recombination (HR
119 accumulate in RNase H-deficient cells, while double-strand breaks do.
120 latory increase of p53 levels in response to double-strand breaks drives a counter-oscillatory decrea
121 ion, PTEN-deficient cells fail to resect DNA double-strand breaks efficiently after irradiation and s
122 sive accumulation of DNA damage, genome-wide double-strand breaks enriched at Ssb-binding regions and
123 has been associated with the introduction of double-strand breaks in epithelial cells, triggering dam
124 cells that overexpress Mdm2 have reduced DNA double-strand breaks in response to doxorubicin or etopo
125 ECQL5 associates longer at laser-induced DNA double-strand breaks in the absence of Werner syndrome (
126 ntain genomic stability despite ever-present double-strand breaks in the DNA.
127 ttle overlap, however, with the locations of double-strand breaks in wild-derived house mouse strains
128 cynin, a NOX inhibitor, protected cells from double-strand breaks induced by HDM.
129 uced cytidine deaminase (AID)-instigated DNA double-strand breaks into the IgH loci.
130 ternative end-joining (alt-EJ) repair of DNA double-strand breaks is associated with deletions, chrom
131 FR c. 1298A > C AC genotype with reduced DNA double-strand breaks levels.
132 ds to the declined repair efficiency for DNA double-strand breaks on the GFP-Pem1 reporter gene by ho
133 here the mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) undergoes double-strand breaks only in dopaminergic neurons.
134                  Persistent induction of DNA double-strand breaks or mTORC1 inhibition by rapamycin r
135  that differences between DNA sequences near double-strand breaks should alter repair outcomes in pre
136  leukemia cells accumulate highly lethal DNA double-strand breaks that are repaired by 2 major mechan
137 in at chromosomal loop anchors generates DNA double-strand breaks that drive multiple oncogenic trans
138                                          DNA double-strand breaks that initiate meiotic recombination
139                    ZMYM3 is recruited to DNA double-strand breaks through bivalent interactions with
140 o all 53BP1 activities is its recruitment to double-strand breaks via the interaction of the tandem T
141                                          DNA double-strand breaks were determined in peripheral blood
142                                          DNA double-strand breaks were measured using anti-gamma-H2A.
143 s in fragile X syndrome, are also subject to double-strand breaks within the repetitive tract followe
144 ing foci of phosphorylated H2AX (a marker of double-strand breaks) and the DNA-repair enzyme RAD51.
145                               In response to double-strand breaks, chromatin is more mobile at large
146  or in particular situations can lead to DNA double-strand breaks, chromosome rearrangements, and hyp
147 face is a potent environmental source of DNA double-strand breaks, potential drivers of genome struct
148 ed histone H2AX (gammaH2AX), a marker of DNA double-strand breaks, was increased in vitamin B12 deple
149                                MRN binds DNA double-strand breaks, where it functions in repair and t
150 acts, which progress into R-gaps and then to double-strand breaks-explaining why R-tracts do not accu
151 vity slows replication elongation and causes double-strand breaks.
152 econds after the induction of DNA single- or double-strand breaks.
153 nosine (8-OHdG), while ZMYND8 recruits it to double-strand breaks.
154 an important mechanism for the repair of DNA double-strand breaks.
155  (gamma-H2A.X), a marker associated with DNA double-strand breaks.
156 toplasmic transport, and accumulation of DNA double-strand breaks.
157 omosome termini from being recognized as DNA double-strand breaks.
158 BP1 function by blocking its localization to double-strand breaks.
159  I exit to repair any persisting meiotic DNA double-strand breaks.
160 mplexes in cells, which are converted to DNA double-strand breaks.
161 A2 to promote efficient RAD51 loading at DNA double-strand breaks.
162 frequently during healing of induced nuclear double-stranded breaks (DSB) but the resulting nuclear i
163 rly remarkable in the examination of how DNA double-stranded breaks (DSBs) are repaired, with many co
164        A DNA-damaging agent that induces DNA double-stranded breaks (DSBs) does not affect the intera
165 deaminases to introduce changes (rather than double-stranded breaks and donor templates) and offers p
166 ed for only certain types of damage, such as double-stranded breaks and interstrand crosslinks.
167 x BRCA1-BARD1 functions in the repair of DNA double-stranded breaks by homologous recombination.
168  evidence of ATR inhibition and enhanced DNA double-stranded breaks in response to the combination.
169 gative plasmids by introducing site-specific double-stranded breaks in target DNA.
170 ortion of S/G2-phase cells transduced by the double-stranded but not the single-stranded recombinant
171 tion is required for repairing lesions using double-stranded, but not single-stranded DNA as a templa
172 separate the Watson and Crick strands of the double-stranded chromosomal DNA in a single cell and to
173 t during homologous recombination, repair of double stranded DNA breaks, and integron recombination.
174 spired by homology dependent pairing between double stranded DNA in bacteria.
175 rus (ASFV), is a highly structurally complex double stranded DNA virus.
176 robe (single stranded DNA-ssDNA) and hybrid (double stranded DNA-dsDNA) both via 3-NT reduction and g
177 ypermutation on both DNA strands to generate double-strand DNA breaks for efficient class switch reco
178                     It is suggested that for double-strand DNA breaks that have initially formed a co
179 ation, leading to replication fork collapse, double-strand DNA breaks, and cell death.
180 ous recombination and avoids the creation of double-strand DNA breaks, enabling precise chromosome mo
181 there was evidence for oxidized DNA lesions, double-strand DNA strand breaks, and pronounced suscepti
182 ently repressed to prevent the generation of double-stranded DNA (dsDNA) breaks in cycling large pre-
183                  We demonstrate that, unlike double-stranded DNA (dsDNA) donors with central heterolo
184 cant correlation between the release of host double-stranded DNA (dsDNA) following rhinovirus infecti
185  Each strain encodes a 9.8- to 9.9-kb linear double-stranded DNA (dsDNA) genome with large inverted t
186 d to bind RNA in addition to their canonical double-stranded DNA (dsDNA) ligand.
187 e can form a nucleoprotein filament (NPF) on double-stranded DNA (dsDNA) that is capable of unwrappin
188 ies to prevent active infection with certain double-stranded DNA (dsDNA) viruses after allogeneic hem
189                  Human adenoviruses (Ad) are double-stranded DNA (dsDNA) viruses associated with infe
190               The ability to directly detect double-stranded DNA (dsDNA) without sequence-preference
191 nsible for pairing the ssDNA with homologous double-stranded DNA (dsDNA), which serves as the templat
192 red by host defenses that detect cytoplasmic double-stranded DNA (dsDNA).
193 are studied as models for viruses containing double-stranded DNA (polymer) and condensing proteins (p
194 e CTM domain) that binds efficiently to both double-stranded DNA and G-quadruplex (G4) DNA.
195 psid shell, must be reverse transcribed into double-stranded DNA and released from the capsid (in a p
196                                              Double-stranded DNA and RNA adopt different helical conf
197  assembly of head-to-head CMGs that encircle double-stranded DNA at the origin, the two CMGs must pas
198 al chromatin organization before and after a double-stranded DNA break (DSB), to estimate the level o
199 ast DNAs insert into nuclear genomes through double-stranded DNA break repair.
200 nce with either event protects bacteria from double-stranded DNA breakage and TLD.
201  Unrepaired DNA lesions, such as single- and double-stranded DNA breaks (SSBs and DSBs), and single-s
202 pyogenes (SpCas9) is more active in creating double-stranded DNA breaks at 37 degrees C than at 22 de
203 gous recombination compete for the repair of double-stranded DNA breaks during the cell cycle.
204                           Here we introduced double-stranded DNA breaks into the nuclear genome of to
205 antage that it does not require formation of double-stranded DNA breaks or provision of a donor DNA t
206  converting single-stranded DNA lesions into double-stranded DNA breaks.
207  Mre11 and Rad50 to coordinate the repair of double-stranded DNA breaks.
208 g specific sequences along the backbone of a double-stranded DNA carrier.
209 sembly and utilization of a surface-attached double-stranded DNA catenane composed of two intact inte
210 ersion of one base pair into another without double-stranded DNA cleavage, excess stochastic insertio
211 ion of all four transition mutations without double-stranded DNA cleavage.
212                                     At these double-stranded DNA ends, RarA couples the energy of ATP
213 s stimulated by single-stranded DNA gaps and double-stranded DNA ends.
214 ctions, the viral genome is established as a double-stranded DNA episome.
215 ination events are associated with repair of double-stranded DNA gaps and/or involve Mlh1-independent
216 ruses, which we denote magroviruses, possess double-stranded DNA genomes of 65 to 100 kilobases in si
217 bulins (especially IgM, P < .0001), and anti-double-stranded DNA IgG (P < .05).
218            We demonstrate that RarA binds to double-stranded DNA in its ATP-bound state and single-st
219                                          The double-stranded DNA is tightly packed in the capsid as a
220 s (Cas) that utilize RNA to find and cut the double-stranded DNA molecules at specific locations.
221 ombination, in which the repair of breaks in double-stranded DNA molecules is taking place with a hel
222 l plastid (chloroplast) genomes are circular double-stranded DNA molecules, typically between 100 and
223  bridging, condensation, and pairing between double-stranded DNA molecules.
224 linear HCR is a hairpin-free system in which double-stranded DNA monomers could dendritically assembl
225                            Due to the linear double-stranded DNA nature of the adenovirus genome, the
226  and chromosomal gene conversion with either double-stranded DNA or single-stranded oligonucleotide d
227 y transferred in trans from ssNucs to either double-stranded DNA or ssDNA.
228 action of cauliflower mosaic virus (CaMV), a double-stranded DNA pararetrovirus, with the model plant
229 ages from all three major families of tailed double-stranded DNA phages.
230                   As scaffold, we employed a double-stranded DNA rotaxane for its ability to undergo
231 PR)-associated 9 (Cas9) endonuclease cleaves double-stranded DNA sequences specified by guide RNA mol
232 es with a CRISPR RNA (crRNA) and cleaves the double-stranded DNA target complementary to the crRNA gu
233 iosensor platform starting from an initially double-stranded DNA target.
234         The RNA-guided Cpf1 nuclease cleaves double-stranded DNA targets complementary to the CRISPR
235 t single-stranded RNA of the viral genome to double-stranded DNA that is then integrated into the DNA
236  genome of HIV-1 is reverse transcribed into double-stranded DNA that ultimately integrates into the
237 V E2.IMPORTANCE The papillomavirus (PV) is a double-stranded DNA tumor virus infecting cervix, mouth,
238 acmanvirus is a newly discovered icosahedral double-stranded DNA virus that was isolated from an envi
239 e fever virus (ASFV) is a highly pathogenic, double-stranded DNA virus with a marked tropism for cell
240  and complex genomes make evolution in these double-stranded DNA viruses more efficient than that in
241 f small viruses than in the context of large double-stranded DNA viruses such as herpesviruses.
242            Papillomaviruses (PVs) are small, double-stranded DNA viruses that are responsible for cer
243 simplex virus 1 (HSV-1) and HSV-2 are large, double-stranded DNA viruses that cause lifelong persiste
244                  Papillomaviruses are small, double-stranded DNA viruses that encode the E2 protein,
245 s) are an ancient and heterogeneous group of double-stranded DNA viruses that preferentially infect t
246 ighlight the emergence of previously unknown double-stranded DNA viruses which delineate and extend t
247 ckaging is strongly conserved in the complex double-stranded DNA viruses, including the herpesviruses
248 ity to telomeric DNA substrates comprised of double-stranded DNA with a 3' single-stranded extension.
249 hich preferentially bind the minor groove of double-stranded DNA, inhibit vaccinia virus infection by
250 e analyze smFRET data of structurally rigid, double-stranded DNA-oligonucleotides in aqueous buffer a
251 4) complex formation immediately adjacent to double-stranded DNA.
252 ate hydrolysis-dependent translocation along double-stranded DNA.
253  enables the translocation and processing of double-stranded DNA.
254 ble an Mcm2-7 double-hexamer around adjacent double-stranded DNA.
255      The latter allows MjAgo to process long double-stranded DNAs, including circular plasmid DNAs an
256 e-stranded (ss) RNAs with cognate homologous double-stranded (ds) DNA in vitro Using magnetic tweezer
257 gle-stranded (ss) DNA region within a longer double-stranded (ds) DNA molecule.
258     The positions have been demonstrated for double-stranded (ds) DNA using NMR spectroscopy.
259 s were labeled with three distinct monolayer double-stranded (ds) DNA-gold nanoparticles (DNA-AuNPs).
260              We oxidized a 32 base pair (bp) double-stranded (ds) oligonucleotide representing exon 7
261 ate that turnover of damage-induced nuclear, double-stranded (ds) RNA requires additional phosphoryla
262   Moreover, TEC were stimulated with genomic double-stranded (ds)DNA or IFN.
263 Here, we report that linear DNAs (single and double stranded) engage in a high-efficiency HDR mechani
264                           In the presence of double-stranded genomic lesions, the unidirectional conv
265 und that XPA binds different single-stranded/double-stranded junction DNA substrates with a common su
266 eishmania Viannia (L.V.) subgenus harbor the double-stranded Leishmania RNA virus 1 (LRV-1), previous
267  closed promoter complex (RPc), where DNA is double stranded, must isomerize into an open promoter co
268                  When terminally attached to double-stranded nucleic acids via the 5' phosphate group
269 ing adequate to melt non-covalently attached double-stranded oligonucleotides in solution.
270 geting unmethylated sequences generate local double stranded regions resulting to digestion of unmeth
271 m yields reaching 21% and 11% in single- and double-strands, respectively.
272 rium Bacillus thuringiensis; next-generation double-stranded ribonucleic acid (dsRNA) PIPs have been
273  propose that bivalent interactions with the double stranded RNA binding domain and the basic region
274                MDA5 is a cytosolic sensor of double-stranded RNA (ds)RNA including viral byproducts a
275 abundance 22-nucleotide siRNAs produced from double-stranded RNA (dsRNA) by DCL4 and DCL2, respective
276                                         Long double-stranded RNA (dsRNA) can silence genes of matchin
277 eviously, our group has shown that noncoding double-stranded RNA (dsRNA) released during wounding is
278 storically been used as a model to study the double-stranded RNA (dsRNA) Reoviridae family, the membe
279 t encode an ExoN, which functions to degrade double-stranded RNA (dsRNA) replication intermediates.
280 only egress, cells were transfected with the double-stranded RNA (dsRNA) targeting an individual ESCR
281                               The endogenous double-stranded RNA (dsRNA) virus Leishmaniavirus (LRV1)
282         Specifically, efficient synthesis of double-stranded RNA (dsRNA) within infected cells is req
283        In particular, NP associates with the double-stranded RNA (dsRNA)-activated protein kinase (PK
284 ory cytokine and type I IFN responses to the double-stranded RNA analogue poly(I:C) are reduced in mo
285                                              Double-stranded RNA and the synthetic analog polyinosini
286  factors activated by the detection of viral double-stranded RNA by pattern-recognition receptors (RI
287 raphic data demonstrate a mechanism in which double-stranded RNA mediates enzyme dimerization.
288 enosine deaminases that edit and destabilize double-stranded RNA reducing its immunostimulatory activ
289  catalyzed by Adenosine DeAminases acting on double-stranded RNA(dsRNA) (ADAR), occurs predominantly
290 vation with poly(I:C), a synthetic analog of double-stranded RNA, and longitudinally imaged postsynap
291 ich encodes an innate immune sensor of viral double-stranded RNA, depends on the interferon regulator
292  find that SMAD3 binds poorly to single- and double-stranded RNA, regardless of sequence.
293 nts, thus increasing intracellular levels of double-stranded RNA.
294                                              Double-stranded-RNA (dsRNA)-activated protein kinase R (
295                                              Double-stranded RNAs (dsRNA) produced during human cytom
296        It relies on plants stably expressing double-stranded RNAs (dsRNAs) that target essential gene
297 ene expression from both single-stranded and double-stranded (self-complementary) recombinant AAV2 ve
298  Minor-allele Enrichment (MS-NaME) employs a double-strand-specific DNA nuclease (DSN) to remove exce
299 ses, the associated DNA is not in a standard double-stranded state.
300                         Higher ratios of HCV double-stranded to single-stranded RNA (ssRNA) correlate

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