


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 s are now known to be required for efficient double strand break repair.
2 ular processes of homologous replication and double strand break repair.
3 d replication and with BLM/Sgs1 and MRN/X in double strand break repair.
4 X are accompanied by WIP1 suppression of DNA double strand break repair.
5  (NHEJ) is a critical error-prone pathway of double strand break repair.
6        ATM mutant cells exhibit impaired DNA double strand break repair.
7 NCJ in a homologous recombination pathway of double strand break repair.
8 randed DNA and performs the initial steps of double strand break repair.
9 homologous end-joining (NHEJ) pathway of DNA double strand break repair.
10  needed for homologous recombination and DNA double strand break repair.
11 oducts, as predicted by the Szostak model of double strand break repair.
12 vity to deoxycholate and was impaired in DNA double strand break repair.
13 essential for replication fork stability and double strand break repair.
14  3' non-homologous tail removal (3' NHTR) in double-strand break repair.
15 ith PARP1 activation, BRCA1 recruitment, and double-strand break repair.
16 re11-Rad50 complex, suggesting a link to DNA double-strand break repair.
17       In addition, mRtel1 is involved in DNA double-strand break repair.
18 Here we report that DEK is important for DNA double-strand break repair.
19 nce.DNA polymerase (pol) mu functions in DNA double-strand break repair.
20 sary intermediate for recombination-mediated double-strand break repair.
21 d51 nucleofilaments that form during meiotic double-strand break repair.
22 bsequent to RNF8 accrual, and for proficient double-strand break repair.
23 the nonhomologous end-joining pathway of DNA double-strand break repair.
24 end capture step envisioned in models of DNA double-strand break repair.
25 om its Ctp1- and resection-dependent role in double-strand break repair.
26  evidence supporting a role in staggered DNA double-strand break repair.
27         ATM is a PI 3-kinase involved in DNA double-strand break repair.
28 the nonhomologous end-joining pathway of DNA double-strand break repair.
29  appears to be associated with defective DNA double-strand break repair.
30 orks and limits crossing over during mitotic double-strand break repair.
31 intaining low levels of SOS induction during double-strand break repair.
32  that methylates histone H3 and promotes DNA double-strand break repair.
33  loci suggest a role for this process in DNA double-strand break repair.
34 cription, replication, and more recently DNA double-strand break repair.
35 or the involvement of any HOX protein in DNA double-strand break repair.
36 evisiae, although it is not required for DNA double-strand break repair.
37 or DNA repair pathways, such as NER, BER and double-strand break repair.
38 ent nonhomologous end joining pathway of DNA double-strand break repair.
39 tial for nonhomologous end joining of DNA in double-strand break repair.
40  of DNA-PK and DNA ligase I in mammalian DNA double-strand break repair.
41 ed processes of homologous recombination and double-strand break repair.
42 e and nonhomologous-end-joining-mediated DNA double-strand break repair.
43 ogous end-joining (NHEJ) pathway of cellular double-strand break repair.
44 ry structure-associated SCE events occur via double-strand break repair.
45 in the non-homologous end-joining pathway of double-strand break repair.
46 ns or insertions-molecular signatures of DNA double-strand break repair.
47 M and KU70, which are both essential for DNA double-strand break repair.
48 tions of the Mre11/Rad50 (MR) complex in DNA double-strand break repair.
49 r after replication fork stalling and during double-strand break repair.
50 ks but does not influence the outcome of DNA double-strand break repair.
51 to inhibit DNA damage response signaling and double-strand break repair.
52 er chromatid interactions are sufficient for double-strand break repair.
53  pathway, which is the major pathway for DNA double-strand break repair.
54 tethering DNA ends, and thus participates in double-strand break repair.
55 an important enzyme in the initiation of DNA double-strand break repair.
56 53BP1 plays a central regulatory role in DNA double-strand break repair.
57 re provides a flexible cradle to promote DNA double-strand-break repair.
58 homologous end-joining (NHEJ) pathway of DNA double-strand-break repair.
59  we report that antizyme plays a role in DNA double-strand break repairs.
60 sion repair, nucleotide excision repair, and double-strand breaks repair.
61 AD51 focus formation, an essential marker of double-stranded break repair.
62 al roles in homologous recombination and DNA double-stranded break repair.
63  between parental chromosomes during meiosis double-stranded break repair.
64 bution to transcriptional activation and DNA double-stranded break repair.
65 its roles in both cell-cycle checkpoints and double-stranded break repair.
66 tivity to the repair gene BRCA2, involved in double-stranded break repair.
67 t to the action of bacterial SSB proteins in double-strand break repair, acting at the frayed ends cr
68 syndrome encodes a protein with residual DNA double-strand break repair activity.
69                    Genetic recombination and double-strand break repair advances in Escherichia coli,
70 overed that MTA1 is required for optimum DNA double-strand break repair after ionizing radiation.
71 T-cell lymphomas as a consequence of altered double strand break repair and increased survival of thy
72 end-joining pathway plays a critical role in double strand break repair and is uniquely responsible f
73  PTIP-dependent pathway is important for DNA double strand breaks repair and DNA damage-induced intra
74 ns, where there must be both a defect in DNA double-strand break repair and a subsequent failure of c
75 hanges have occurred in giraffe and okapi in double-strand break repair and centrosome functions.
76 he DNA damage response (DDR), governing both double-strand break repair and DDR signaling.
77       We subsequently examined mechanisms of double-strand break repair and found that loss of MSI1 r
78 sin is also required for postreplicative DNA double-strand break repair and gene expression.
79                     It functions both in DNA double-strand break repair and in controlling the ataxia
80 The MRN complex is required for cellular DNA double-strand break repair and induction of the DNA dama
81 rgeted lysines on hMOF and TIP60 repress DNA double-strand break repair and inhibit the ability of hM
82  we found that Cut8 is also required for DNA double-strand break repair and is essential for proper c
83                                              Double-strand break repair and mismatch repair subtypes
84 e11), along with ctp1Delta, are defective in double-strand break repair and most other functions of t
85 The Rpa1 mutation resulted in defects in DNA double-strand break repair and precipitated chromosomal
86    We suggest a role for this process in DNA double-strand break repair and present evidence to sugge
87          Our results reveal requirements for double-strand break repair and recombination during both
88 a highly processive DNA helicase involved in double-strand break repair and recombination that posses
89               The Mre11 complex promotes DNA double-strand break repair and regulates DNA damage sign
90 les in homologous recombination-mediated DNA double-strand break repair and replication fork processi
91     BRCA1 is best known for its functions in double-strand break repair and resolution of DNA replica
92 or RecO in two pathways of mycobacterial DNA double-strand break repair and suggest an in vivo functi
93 case with proposed roles in DNA replication, double-strand break repair and telomere maintenance.
94 vely, our results suggest a role for MSI1 in double-strand break repair and that its inhibition may e
95 germ cells, possibly ensuring homology-based double-strand break repair and transmission of a stable
96 his novel protein has been implicated in DNA double-strand break repair and V(D)J recombination.
97 ent protein kinase [DNA-PK]) crucial for DNA double-strand break repair and V(D)J recombination.
98     These patients exhibited a defect in DNA double-strand break repair and V(D)J recombination.
99 the nuclease activities in homology-directed double-strand-break repair and a contributing role in ac
100 e-stranded linear DNA and works with RecA in double-strand-break repair and SOS induction, and RuvABC
101 matid cohesion, it is also important for DNA double-strand-break repair and transcriptional control.
102 structure, thereby hiding telomere ends from double-stranded break repair and ATM signaling, whereas
103           RecA/Rad51 plays a key role in DNA double-stranded break repair and homologous recombinatio
104 creased induction of gamma H2AX foci and DNA double strand break repair, and decreased DNA damage sen
105   Notably, Mdm2 overexpression inhibited DNA double strand break repair, and this was independent of
106                        BRCA1 facilitates DNA double-strand break repair, and dysfunction of BRCA1 lea
107  functions in interstrand cross-link repair, double-strand break repair, and homologous recombination
108 hey arise during single-strand break repair, double-strand break repair, and in base excision repair.
109 ment known as V(D)J recombination, defective double-strand break repair, and increased chromosomal in
110 in X-chromosome inactivation, imprinting and double-strand break repair, and mutations in SMCHD1 cont
111 elated to mismatch repair in eukaryotes, DNA double-strand break repair, and nucleotide excision repa
112 orks, increased crossover frequencies during double-strand break repair, and severe impairment in DNA
113 s diverse roles in DNA damage responses, DNA double-strand break repair, and transcriptional regulati
114 Pol IV-dependent mutagenesis associated with double-strand-break repair, and impaired maintenance of
115 end joining and/or replication-dependent DNA double-strand break repair are the dominant mechanisms i
116 n foreskin fibroblasts, a fluorescence-based double-stranded break repair assay was used to determine
117 cient cells displayed a significant delay in double-strand break repair associated with a profound an
118 ay in processing DNA ends, thereby diverting double-strand break repair away from abortive NHEJ and t
119 framework, and a molecular model for meiotic double-strand break repair based on the concept of slidi
120               In addition to its role in DNA double-strand break repair, BRCA2 also plays a role in s
121                 MRT-1 is dispensable for DNA double-strand break repair, but functions with the 9-1-1
122                     H2AX participates in DNA double-strand break repair, but its role in other DNA re
123 and ATR] has well characterized roles in DNA double-strand break repair, but poorly understood roles
124 cilitates histone H2A ubiquitination and DNA double strand break repair by homologous recombination.
125 n for repressing transcription and promoting double strand break repair by homologous recombination.
126 demonstrate that USP20 depletion impairs DNA double strand break repair by homologous recombination.
127 ntageous in gap-filling synthesis during DNA double strand break repair by nonhomologous end joining,
128 ate that MOF depletion greatly decreased DNA double-strand break repair by both NHEJ and homologous r
129       The Mre11/Rad50/Nbs1 complex initiates double-strand break repair by homologous recombination (
130                                          DNA double-strand break repair by homologous recombination e
131 t recurrent indels are enriched for the 'DNA double-strand break repair by homologous recombination'
132 ted plasmids showed that G5 was required for double-strand break repair by homologous recombination,
133        BRCA1 and BRCA2 are important for DNA double-strand break repair by homologous recombination,
134 erevisiae, regulates early and late steps of double-strand break repair by homologous recombination.
135 (Ku70, Ku80, DNA-PK(cs)) responsible for DNA double-strand break repair by nonhomologous end joining
136             RPA directly participates in DNA double-strand break repair by stimulating 5'-3' end rese
137                                              Double-strand breaks repaired by homologous recombinatio
138         We establish that UVRAG promotes DNA double-strand-break repair by directly binding and activ
139                           Twelve of 27 (45%) double-strand break repair cases lacked germline or soma
140  assay chromatin reassembly accompanying DNA double strand break repair, ChIP analysis can be used to
141 cting oxidative stress and affecting meiotic double-strand break repair, chromosome synapsis and cros
142 is interpreted to mean that the pathways for double-strand break repair compete with each other to ha
143                              However, unlike double-strand break repair, completion occurs independen
144 n of Mdm2 with Mre11, Nbs1, and Rad50, a DNA double strand break repair complex.
145 h Nbs1, a member of the Mre11/Rad50/Nbs1 DNA double-strand break repair complex.
146  repair genes to irradiation and inefficient double-strand break repair correlated with severe late r
147                                        A DNA double-strand break repair-defective DNA-PKcs(-/-) tumor
148 adiosensitivity, genome instability, and DNA double-strand-break repair defects, yet the mechanisms u
149 te but not complete RAD51- and DMC1-mediated double-strand break repair, demonstrating that STAG3 is
150 nd that the contribution of SOS induction to double-strand break repair differs substantially between
151 l assembly of synaptonemal complexes and DNA double strand break repair, dissociation of MLH1, a comp
152 t RecD is one of three enzymes in the RecBCD double-stranded break repair DNA recombination complex.
153 ER), interstrand cross-links repair (ICL/R), double-strand breaks repair (DSB/R), and chromatin struc
154 ous recombination (HR)-based, error-free DNA double-strand break repair (DSBR) and intra-S phase DNA
155 hromosome synapsis and disruption of meiotic double-strand break repair (DSBR) progression.
156 e product of the E4 gene, interacts with the double-strand break repair (DSBR) protein DNA-dependent
157                                          DNA double-strand break repair (DSBR) proteins and the SOS a
158                     Here, we inactivated DNA double-strand break repair (DSBR) proteins, DNA Ligase I
159  Understanding the mechanisms of chromosomal double-strand break repair (DSBR) provides insight into
160 defects in DNA damage response including DNA double-strand break repair (DSBR) through DNA end resect
161 e MRE11-RAD50-NBS1 (MRN) complex acts in DNA double-strand break repair (DSBR), detection, and signal
162 ans histone demethylase SPR-5 in meiotic DNA double-strand break repair (DSBR).
163 thesis-dependent strand annealing (SDSA) and double-strand break repair (DSBR).
164 nesis in an E. coli model is error-prone DNA double-strand break repair (DSBR).
165 ssortment of genetic information and for DNA double-strand break repair (DSBR).
166 nizing radiation, indicating a defect in DNA double-strand break repair (DSBR).
167 ngi and mammals is generated through mitotic double-strand break-repair (DSBR), typically involving h
168  thought to prevent crossing-over during DNA double-strand-break repair (DSBR) by disassembling doubl
169   Using small palindromes to monitor meiotic double-strand-break-repair (DSBr) events, we demonstrate
170          DDR proteins are also implicated in double strand break repair during meiotic recombination.
171 nsformation by radiation, have different DNA double-strand break repair dynamics and are less apoptot
172 e class and an interference class of meiotic double-strand-break-repair events, each with its own rul
173 ts of cytokines on the activation of the DNA double strand break repair factors histone H2AX (H2AX) a
174 r Rad51-catalyzed DNA strand invasion during double-strand break repair features a 3' single-stranded
175 p processing for DinG and YoaA and a role in double-strand break repair for YejH.
176 ms26 target site consistent with products of double-strand break repair generated by non-homologous e
177 , we performed mutational analysis of 32 DNA double-strand break repair genes in genomic DNA from 38
178  levels and temporal expression patterns for double-strand break repair genes were also distinct for
179 gamma-H2AX foci and reduced induction of DNA double-strand break repair genes.
180 plied multiple methods to select SNPs in DNA double-strand break repair genes.
181  We show that female mice with defective DNA double-strand break repair had significantly increased f
182                                          For double-strand break repair, HOXC10 recruits HR proteins
183  by supporting homologous recombination-type double strand break repair (HR-DSBR) through physical in
184 he support of homologous recombination- type double-strand break repair (HR-DSBR), checkpoint functio
185 specialized polymerase machinery involved in double-strand break repair, illuminate a powerful approa
186 cN is a cohesin-like protein involved in DNA double-strand break repair in bacteria.
187 stress-induced mutations associated with DNA double-strand break repair in carbon-starved Escherichia
188  chromosome/chromatid breaks and delayed DNA double-strand break repair in cells lacking p53 but not
189 s recombination repair factors, impaired DNA double-strand break repair in chromosomal (but not in ep
190 ype contrasts with the increased fidelity of double-strand break repair in deltaligD cells or in a st
191 ecBCD helicase-nuclease enzyme important for double-strand break repair in Escherichia coli.
192 tion in vitro has revealed similarities with double-strand break repair in eukaryotes.
193 -homologous end-joining (NHEJ), a pathway of double-strand break repair in influencing both the kinet
194 ining (NHEJ) is a predominant pathway of DNA double-strand break repair in mammalian cells, and defec
195 combination are two distinct pathways of DNA double-strand break repair in mammalian cells.
196 he non-homologous end-joining pathway of DNA double-strand break repair in mammalian cells.
197 ugh accumulating evidence has implicated DNA double-strand break repair in suppression of oncogenic g
198                               Diminished DNA double-strand break repair in the Lig4(Y288C) strain cau
199 lly induced by a higher level of error-prone double-strand break repair in these regions, which gener
200 y results in increased fidelity of blunt-end double-strand break repair in vivo by virtue of eliminat
201 in subunits SMC1 and Rad21 contribute to DNA double-strand break repair in X-irradiated human cells i
202          RNA can serve as a template for DNA double-strand break repair in yeast cells, and Rad52, a
203 enomic DNA to investigate the quality of the double-strand break repairs in the class-switch recombin
204 actors that control DNA end resection during double-strand break repair, including the Bloom syndrome
205 ctional interplay between hMSH5 and FANCJ in double-strand break repair induced by replication stress
206 in-structured terminal repeats, resembling a double-stranded break repair intermediate.
207 own to promote chromatin reassembly when DNA double strand break repair is complete.
208                                          DNA double-strand break repair is critical for cell viabilit
209                                          DNA double-strand break repair is essential for maintenance
210   Homologous recombination (HR)-mediated DNA double-strand break repair is important for tumor suppre
211                                              Double-strand break repair is required for neural develo
212                             An early step in double-strand break repair is the recruitment of ataxia-
213 hat functional defect of TERA/VCP/p97 in DNA double-stranded break repair is critical for the patholo
214       We find that LIG4, a DNA ligase in DNA double-strand break repair, is a direct target of beta-c
215 nd is required for timely pairing and proper double-strand break repair kinetics.
216  the extent to which available mechanisms of double-strand break repair limit the scope and utility o
217 e recognized and repaired by the plant's DNA double-strand break-repair machinery.
218 we have identified several components of the double-stranded break repair machinery that strongly int
219 representation of mutations caused by faulty double-strand break repair might explain the high struct
220 red PDAC into 4 major subtypes: age related, double-strand break repair, mismatch repair, and 1 with
221 his analysis also provides evidence that the double-strand break repair model applies to meiotic reco
222 e not explicable by the simplest form of the double-strand break repair model of recombination.
223 damage response mediators (RAD17 and RAD50), double-stranded break repair molecule 53BP1, G2 checkpoi
224 imary cause of genomic instabilities in many double-strand-break-repair mutants arises from an impair
225 and required the exonuclease activity of the double strand break repair nuclease (Mre11).
226         RA T cells had low expression of the double-strand-break repair nuclease MRE11A, leading to t
227 w mutations appear to be caused by imprecise double-strand break repair, nucleotide misincorporation
228 tin remodeling and compaction as well as DNA double stranded break repair of sister chromatids.
229 ce of unsynapsed sex chromosomes, incomplete double-strand break repair on synapsed pachytene chromos
230 ppear on chromosomes during telomere damage, double strand break repair or after the UV damage of sta
231 s broken chromosomes or assist in either DNA double-strand break repair or repair of single double-st
232 Pch2 has also been shown to modulate meiotic double-strand break repair outcomes to favor recombinati
233  strand annealing rather than by a canonical double-strand break repair pathway and that resolution o
234 al. in this issue, provide insights into DNA double-strand break repair pathway choice in mammalian c
235 rhang structure is a critical determinant of double-strand break repair pathway choice.
236 and separable from 53BP1's regulation of DNA double-strand break repair pathway choice.
237 -homologous end joining (the predominant DNA double-strand break repair pathway in higher eukaryotes)
238  end joining (C-NHEJ) is the predominant DNA double-strand break repair pathway in humans.
239 g is the primary deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) double-strand break repair pathway in multicellular euka
240 promote spontaneous SCE by influencing which double-strand break repair pathway predominates during n
241                Homologous recombination is a double-strand break repair pathway required for resistan
242 translocations were likely mediated by a DNA double-strand break repair pathway termed nonhomologous
243 homologous end-joining (NHEJ) is a major DNA double-strand break repair pathway that is conserved in
244     Break-induced replication (BIR) is a DNA double-strand break repair pathway that leads to genomic
245 , and RTEL1 genes, which are involved in the double-strand break repair pathway, are associated with
246  a cell's ability to utilize the other major double-strand break repair pathway, HR.
247 ch identified USP11 as a component of the HR double-strand break repair pathway.
248 mponent of the nonhomologous end-joining DNA double-strand break repair pathway.
249 ns via the non-homologous end joining (NHEJ) double-strand break repair pathway.
250 referential use of the potentially mutagenic double-strand break repair pathway.
251 ologous end joining (NHEJ) are important DNA double-strand break repair pathways in many organisms.
252                                 Cellular DNA double-strand break-repair pathways have evolved to prot
253 ht on structural attributes of this X-family double-strand break repair polymerase that impact its bi
254 s, such as ionizing radiation (IR), produces double-strand breaks, repaired predominantly in mammalia
255 endent nonhomologous end joining (NHEJ) is a double-strand break repair process conserved in all bran
256 ding protein 1 (53BP1) is a multi-functional double-strand break repair protein that is essential for
257 , these data indicate the existence of a DNA double-strand break-repair protein that functions upstre
258 c gene, which encodes a critical nuclear DNA double-stranded break repair protein.
259      Finally, the recruitment of a subset of double-strand break repair proteins including RAD51 and
260 tagenic DNA repair pathway that included DNA double-strand break repair proteins RexAB, recombinase A
261       In this study, we examined the role of double-strand-break repair proteins in gene silencing an
262 n of TERA/VCP/p97 and interaction of related double-stranded break repair proteins, finally causing t
263               Defects in recombinational DNA double strand break repair, Rad6-mediated postreplicativ
264 roles for PARP-3 and APLF in chromosomal DNA double-strand break repair reactions.
265 d are required for homologous recombination, double-strand break repair, recombination-dependent rest
266 he nonhomologous end joining pathway for DNA double strand break repair requires Ku to bind DNA ends
267 homologous end-joining (NHEJ) pathway of DNA double-strand break repair requires three protein comple
268  Homologous recombination plays key roles in double-strand break repair, rescue, and repair of stalle
269                   If unabated, MRN elicits a double-strand break repair response that blocks viral DN
270 t role for Mdm2 in the regulation of the DNA double-strand break repair response, genomic stability,
271 nd a gain of checkpoint signaling due to the double-strand break repair response.
272            By initiating or participating in double-strand break repair, SbcCD may provide DNA substr
273 ibition that imposes the requirement for DNA double strand break repair should selectively sensitize
274 dent manner, activate the ATR/ATRIP-CHK1 and double-strand break repair signaling pathways, and are d
275  the very small deletions often found at DNA double-strand break repair sites.
276 e11/Nibrin protein complex has a role in DNA double-strand break-repair, suggesting that these protei
277                       In G2 phase cells, DNA double-strand break repair switches from DNA non-homolog
278 deoxycholate, as well as function of the DNA double strand break repair system.
279                   Efficient and accurate DNA double-strand break repair systems have been demonstrate
280 icase (WRN) participates in DNA replication, double strand break repair, telomere maintenance, and p5
281 ence divergence on the efficiency of mitotic double-strand break repair templated by chromosomal sequ
282 LigIII acts in an alternative pathway of DNA double strand break repair that buttresses canonical non
283 involved in nonhomologous end joining of DNA double-strand break repair, the largest subgroup consist
284 lates the DNA damage response as well as DNA double-strand break repair through homologous recombinat
285 duced signaling required for chromosomal DNA double-strand break repair, thus resulting in increased
286               To examine the contribution of double-strand break repair to CAG x CTG repeat instabili
287 error-prone nature of genome editing-induced double-strand break repair to map functional elements wi
288 ytotoxicity using BRCA1 mutants deficient in double-strand break repair unexpectedly revealed a disso
289 dentify TIRR as a new factor that influences double-strand break repair using a unique mechanism of m
290 the Rad52 protein mediates RNA-dependent DNA double-strand break repair via inverse strand exchange.
291                                We found that double-strand break repair via RecA, RecBCD, RuvABC and
292 malian proteins, SFPQ and NONO, promotes DNA double-strand break repair via the canonical nonhomologo
293 orks have identified the role of PTEN in DNA double-strand break repair, vulnerabilities of PTEN-defi
294                                          DNA double-strand break repair was delayed or failed in unsy
295                        Using Gal-HO-mediated double strand break repair, we have tested each of the c
296  on these experiments and existing models of double-strand break repair, we propose a model for plant
297                    Several genes involved in double-strand break repair were found to be significantl
298 ble to initiate RAD51- but not DMC1-mediated double-strand break repair, were not able to assemble th
299   The HOP2 protein is required for efficient double-strand break repair which ensures the proper syna
300 ed Top3 does not affect crossing over during double strand break repair, which is known to involve do

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