


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 ct test for intermolecular isotope transfer, doubly labeled [1(R)-D, 13C3]DHAP and 13C-depleted [1(R)
2                           In the reaction of doubly labeled 13C(2,4) mesityl oxide, a 100% scrambling
3                                              Doubly labeled (2'S,3'R)-[3'-2H1,13C1]-tryptophan was fe
4 he kinetic isotope effect (KIE) observed for doubly labeled AB (k(NH3BH3)/k(ND3BD3) = 3.7) is the pro
5 es were (13)C-labeled to yield singly or/and doubly labeled acetyl-CoA.
6 probe decreased, and the fluorescence of the doubly labeled actin (S265C) was approximately 50% less
7 gle-molecule and ensemble spectroscopies and doubly labeled Acyl-CoA binding protein and double-stran
8 ulation of small to medium-sized neurons was doubly labeled after injections of the tracers into the
9 nly at alpha, only at beta, or both) and for doubly labeled alphaalpha or betabeta Tm.
10 perimental data were obtained for singly and doubly labeled alphabeta Tm (donor only at alpha, only a
11 taTm were combined in a global analysis with doubly labeled alphabetaTm.
12 d with Co(2+), GTP, and H(2)O(2) to create a doubly labeled and inactive Co(3+)(n(1))-PEPCK-Co(3+)(n(
13 ated by direct distance measurements using a doubly labeled arrestin with one nitroxide in the C-tail
14 ltiple different species of either singly or doubly labeled azurin were formed.
15 sets, each containing microscopy images of a doubly labeled Bacillus subtilis strain.
16                Here, we show that singly and doubly labeled BBL do not aggregate, unfold reversibly,
17 In beta1-null myotubes, FRET efficiencies of doubly labeled beta1a in puncta were similar to those of
18 enditure was determined from the turnover of doubly labeled body water.
19                      The EPR analysis of six doubly labeled bR mutants indicates that the cytoplasmic
20                                         Many doubly labeled (BrdU-FG) cells were also surrounded in t
21                                   All of the doubly labeled (BrdU-FG) neurons also immunolabeled with
22 d VTA neurons, as well as their fibers, were doubly labeled by striatal injections into the dorsolate
23 on-electron resonance (DEER) measurements on doubly labeled constructs of CBD12 have shown that the b
24                                          The doubly labeled cTnC mutant was reconstituted into the th
25  and it is even difficult to distinguish the doubly-labeled DNA component from the singly-labeled com
26 py (FCS) system to measure the percentage of doubly labeled dsDNA (PDL) in the total fluorescent dsDN
27 curate measurement of the percentage of such doubly labeled dsDNA component is a critical prerequisit
28 in that is bound to DNA origami; 2), a minor doubly labeled dsDNA subpopulation concealed in a larger
29 nsufficient to measure the percentage of the doubly-labeled dsDNA component in the fluorescent DNA sa
30 itu product analysis by NMR using synthetic, doubly labeled duplex DNA containing (13)C-2 and (15)N(1
31 a 20% increase in pyrene fluorescence of the doubly labeled F-actin but no change in WT actin C374 pr
32 ere ringed by 5-HT1A immunoreactivity became doubly labeled following injections of the retrograde tr
33 he majority of c-fos-expressing neurons were doubly labeled for GABA (85 +/- 5%), whereas relatively
34 fused with [1,2-13C2]acetate, malonyl-CoA is doubly labeled from [1,2-13C2]acetate and singly labeled
35                       Interspin distances of doubly labeled hCB(1)(T377-E416) peptide reconstituted i
36                                       In all doubly labeled isoforms, upon S1 binding, one donor-acce
37 rate here a more sensitive method in which a doubly labeled lactate species can be used to measure LD
38 ation-dependent LDL-CE-selective uptake when doubly labeled LDL particles were incubated with SR-BI-e
39 sotope effect for transfer of deuterium from doubly labeled material (kCHOH/kCDOD = 4.88) was within
40    The methodology was evaluated using seven doubly-labeled mutants of myoglobin designed to monitor
41                In the ventrolateral medulla, doubly labeled neurons were concentrated in the area of
42                       In the dorsal medulla, doubly labeled neurons were limited to C2 and C3 cell gr
43  in beta-gal transgenic mice, and identified doubly labeled neurons.
44 idine (5BrdU), resulted in the appearance of doubly labeled nuclei in a large percentage of the LREC.
45 teron at the C-12 position on the pathway to doubly labeled patchoulol.
46 d fluorescence measurements suggest that the doubly labeled peptides exist in an equilibrium consisti
47                                          The doubly labeled peptides have low fluorescence because of
48                  In addition, three pairs of doubly labeled proteins were prepared to monitor the int
49                                            A doubly labeled Proxyl/TOAC(348)-Gtalpha(340-350) was exa
50 nergy transfer efficiency with time when the doubly-labeled pump is mixed with Na+ or K+ demonstrate
51               (15)N-labeled and (15)N, (13)C-doubly-labeled recombinant MUP-I were produced in a bact
52              NMR triple resonance studies of doubly labeled residues within a set of collagen model p
53 (13)C,(15)N-labeled amino acids to prepare a doubly labeled sample.
54                              Cleavage of the doubly labeled substrate by HIV protease precludes compl
55 dicates that free 15NH3 is not lost from the doubly labeled substrate during catalysis nor can exogen
56            The kinetics of the appearance of doubly labeled suprabasal cells demonstrate that E7 expr
57  In a glassy trehalose matrix the Tm for the doubly labeled T4 lysozyme was long enough to measure an
58                                              Doubly labeled [U-(13)C,(15)N]DHFR was obtained from Esc
59      The proof of concept is demonstrated on doubly labeled ubiquitin in HeLa cells.
60 men with RA by using the reference method of doubly labeled water ((2)H(2)(18)O).
61  repeated measures of energy expenditure via doubly labeled water (DLW) along with multiple dual-ener
62 ltiple-Pass Method Validation Study (n=471), doubly labeled water (DLW) and urinary nitrogen (UN) wer
63 nergy expenditure (EE) was measured with the doubly labeled water (DLW) method (EE(DLW)).
64 ture (TEE) in patients with SBS by using the doubly labeled water (DLW) method to inform energy needs
65  metabolic ward, investigators have used the doubly labeled water (DLW) method to measure total daily
66 intenance and can be determined by using the doubly labeled water (DLW) method.
67 ergy expenditure (TEE) measured by using the doubly labeled water (DLW) method; however, the database
68 ta, Canada (2009-2011), who completed 14-day doubly labeled water (DLW) protocols, 7-day activity dia
69                                    Few large doubly labeled water (DLW) studies have provided an obje
70 have not validated these methods against the doubly labeled water (DLW) technique for measuring EE.
71  >250 studies on energy metabolism using the doubly labeled water (DLW) technique, approximately 12 f
72  total energy expenditure (TEE) by using the doubly labeled water (DLW) technique.
73 e use of energy expenditure (EE) measured by doubly labeled water (DLW), in conjunction with precise
74 tal daily energy expenditure on the basis of doubly labeled water (DLW), resting metabolic rate, the
75  criterion total energy expenditure (TEE) by doubly labeled water (DLW).
76  with energy expenditure determined by using doubly labeled water (DLW).
77 (DXA)] and energy expenditure [measured with doubly labeled water (DLW)] from weeks 4-12 and 12-24.
78  epidemiologic studies with EE obtained from doubly labeled water (EE(DLW)) in free-living men.
79  wk of the BD and KD periods was measured by doubly labeled water (EEDLW).
80 otal daily energy expenditure (TEE) by using doubly labeled water (n = 120).
81                    TEE was measured by using doubly labeled water (TEE(DLW)), and MEI was measured by
82 ming a classical measurement error model for doubly labeled water and a Berkson error model for the e
83 l activity energy expenditure estimated from doubly labeled water and each physical activity assessme
84 expenditure measured over 10 days at home by doubly labeled water and for 36 hours in the laboratory
85                           The application of doubly labeled water and indirect calorimetry to underst
86 mill), physical activity energy expenditure (doubly labeled water and indirect calorimetry), glucose
87 Daily energy expenditure was determined from doubly labeled water and indirect calorimetry, lipolysis
88 ing metabolic rate (RMR) were measured using doubly labeled water and indirect calorimetry, respectiv
89 ing weeks 8 and 16, subjects were dosed with doubly labeled water and maintained physical activity lo
90                                    Review of doubly labeled water and respiratory chamber studies ide
91 nd fat mass (FM) (4-compartment model), AEE (doubly labeled water and SEE), and regional lean tissue
92                                              Doubly labeled water and urinary nitrogen biomarkers wer
93        In 477 participants aged 18-74 years, doubly labeled water and urinary nitrogen were used as o
94 ed biomarkers of energy and protein intakes: doubly labeled water and urinary nitrogen.
95  a technique that has been validated against doubly labeled water and whole-body calorimetry.
96                   Hence, on the basis of the doubly labeled water data and the results of epidemiolog
97 for accuracy by using bootstrap analysis and doubly labeled water data published by other research gr
98 metry, and total energy expenditure (TEE) by doubly labeled water in 15 short-stature (height-for-age
99                                              Doubly labeled water is an unbiased reference biomarker
100 onths later to estimate the stability of the doubly labeled water measurement.
101 iving in Worcester, Massachusetts, completed doubly labeled water measurements and wore an activity m
102                                  We compared doubly labeled water measurements of TEE among 17 primat
103                Regression equations based on doubly labeled water measurements of TEE appear to be mo
104  (AEE) and PA level were calculated from 7-d doubly labeled water measurements, time spent in light-i
105                       With the advent of the doubly labeled water method for determining free-living
106 balance in prepubertal children by using the doubly labeled water method for estimating total energy
107                       The development of the doubly labeled water method has obviated this problem an
108                                          The doubly labeled water method now makes it possible to qua
109 and energy expenditure was measured with the doubly labeled water method over each period.
110 ometric and laboratory measures by using the doubly labeled water method to determine each subject's
111                                    Using the doubly labeled water method to measure total energy expe
112                                          The doubly labeled water method was used to determine ERs.
113                         TEE (measured by the doubly labeled water method), resting metabolic rate (RM
114 s from Los Angeles, California, by using the doubly labeled water method, and the results were compar
115 g studies of total energy expenditure by the doubly labeled water method, measurement of total body w
116 asured with the use of accelerometry and the doubly labeled water method, respectively.
117                                    Using the doubly labeled water method, we measured daily energy ex
118 nergy expenditure (TDEE) was measured by the doubly labeled water method.
119 orimetry and daily energy expenditure by the doubly labeled water method.
120 studied by several research groups using the doubly labeled water method.
121 energy expenditure (TEE) was measured by the doubly labeled water method.
122  32 SQCP; n = 32 control group) by using the doubly labeled water method.
123 home setting over a 10-d period by using the doubly labeled water method.
124 penditure and TBF were assessed by using the doubly labeled water method.
125 energy expenditure (TEE) was measured by the doubly labeled water method.
126 culated as the total energy expenditure from doubly labeled water minus the resting energy expenditur
127  single, group mean energy adjustment (using doubly labeled water or physical activity) reduced the v
128 ilated hood, and total energy expenditure by doubly labeled water prior to the overeating and weight
129 ative Dietary Modification Trial completed a doubly labeled water protocol (energy biomarker), 24-hou
130                                 In addition, doubly labeled water studies have found a significant ne
131        A review of cross-sectional data from doubly labeled water studies in adults provided support
132 otal energy requirements were estimated from doubly labeled water studies of total energy expenditure
133                                Evidence from doubly labeled water studies suggests that these diets a
134              TEE was based on the results of doubly labeled water studies, and the TEE results were p
135 ine energy requirements were determined by a doubly labeled water study and caloric titration to weig
136 ited validation of these methods against the doubly labeled water technique for determining energy ex
137                                          The doubly labeled water technique is an isotope-based metho
138  7 days in free-living conditions, using the doubly labeled water technique.
139 terrestrial vertebrates as determined by the doubly labeled water technique.
140  energy expenditure measured with the use of doubly labeled water to energy intake from dietary recor
141           Energy expenditure with the use of doubly labeled water was done contemporaneously with the
142 ced the variance in fat intake (p<0.05) when doubly labeled water was used to first correct energy in
143 which valid reference biomarkers for energy (doubly labeled water) and protein (urinary nitrogen), to
144 ere we report that total energy expenditure (doubly labeled water) measured in 89 nondiabetic Pima In
145  expenditure (assessed over 2 weeks by using doubly labeled water) minus resting metabolic rate (meas
146 tion level, and estimated energy intake from doubly labeled water) were used for evaluation against e
147                             TEE (measured by doubly labeled water), food intake, activity patterns (m
148 ergy X-ray absorptiometry), free-living TEE (doubly labeled water), Tecumseh Occupational Activity Qu
149 ical-activity-related energy expenditure (by doubly labeled water).
150 red total energy expenditure, measured using doubly labeled water, against physical activity, measure
151 lorimetry, total energy expenditure (TEE) by doubly labeled water, and activity energy expenditure (A
152  energy expenditure were also available from doubly labeled water, and basal energy expenditure was e
153 nge, total energy expenditure (TEE) by using doubly labeled water, and body composition by using dual
154                     EE was measured by using doubly labeled water, and food and drink intake was reco
155                    DEE was measured by using doubly labeled water, BEE by using respirometry, and bod
156 ily energy expenditure (TEE) was measured by doubly labeled water, body composition by dual-energy X-
157 iture (EE), measured by 24-h calorimetry and doubly labeled water, differed in normal-weight-for-heig
158 sical activity were assessed with the use of doubly labeled water, exercise energy economy and muscle
159 e measurements of EE by 24-h calorimetry and doubly labeled water, of muscle metabolism by (31)P nucl
160                        TEE was measured with doubly labeled water, sleeping metabolic rate with respi
161 energy expenditures measured with the use of doubly labeled water, the former consistently underestim
162 tivity energy expenditure, assessed by using doubly labeled water, was associated with a reduced decl
163 ily energy expenditure was assessed by using doubly labeled water.
164 and physical activity level were measured by doubly labeled water.
165 gy expenditure (TEE) was determined by using doubly labeled water.
166                          TEE was measured by doubly labeled water.
167 ich energy expenditure was measured by using doubly labeled water.
168 0% of total energy expenditure determined by doubly labeled water.
169 rmined by using respiratory gas exchange and doubly labeled water.
170  expenditure was assessed over 2 weeks using doubly labeled water.
171  Total daily EE (TDEE) was measured by using doubly labeled water.
172 ctivity-related energy expenditure (AREE) by doubly labeled water; and dietary protein intake by self
173 ion of energy expenditure in humans, we used doubly-labeled water methodology to determine whether fa
174 llows one to measure energy expenditure via "doubly labeled" water (2H(2)O + H(2)18O), using small sa
175 ectra of the triple-helix glucan, laminarin, doubly labeled with 1-aminopyrene as donor probe and flu
176 ed here was produced in Escherichia coli and doubly labeled with 13C and 15N.
177 r aqueous solutions of hemoglobin singly and doubly labeled with a nitroxide and mercury(II) ion at c
178  single-stranded oligonucleotide probes were doubly labeled with adjacent thiazole orange derivatives
179                                Sections were doubly labeled with antibodies directed against AR and o
180                  None of the progenitors was doubly labeled with any combination of markers character
181 d that swellings labeled with BDA, sometimes doubly labeled with BDA and (3)H-leucine, were in close
182                         The disaccharide was doubly labeled with biotin and Cy5.
183  stem cells and human mesenchymal stem cells doubly labeled with ferumoxides and beta-galactosidase a
184     A calmodulin (CaM) mutant (T34,110C-CaM) doubly labeled with fluorescence probes AlexaFluor 488 a
185            A CaM mutant (CaM-T34C-T110C) was doubly labeled with fluorescent probes AlexaFlour 488 an
186             Eight T4 lysozyme (T4L) mutants, doubly labeled with methanethiosulfonate spin-label (MTS

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