


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 n and produces a mutant structural model for download.
2 performs these calculations is available for download.
3 we built a smartphone app available for free download.
4  cut out from the tomogram are available for download.
5 uctures are solved and is available free for download.
6 d and made available for search, viewing and download.
7         The software is freely available for download.
8 ful interface, and as a software package for download.
9  virtual machine at http://goo.gl/M4lJKH for download.
10               ATHENA is freely available for download.
11 ified, has been created and is available for download.
12 ontent microscopy and data are available for download.
13 via a web interface, as well as through bulk download.
14 ata sets used in the paper are available for download.
15 e to interested investigators via electronic download.
16 ted into sequence analysis pipelines through download.
17  and other underlying data are available for download.
18 ene set libraries available for analysis and download.
19 eatures like sorting, filtering and filtered downloads.
20 via both a searchable web interface and bulk downloads.
21 s, the predictions are directly available as downloads.
22 as no longitudinal effect for full-text HTML downloads.
23 her as single files or as complete data bank downloads.
24 gh a number of tools, reports, and bulk-data downloads.
25 s, datasets and the complete database can be downloaded.
26 ed via a website for browsing, filtering and downloading.
27 or data browsing, querying, visualizing, and downloading.
28 der the GPLv3: reaction-networks.net/control/download/.
29                                           We downloaded 13,848 Drosophila piRNAs and 261,500 Drosophi
30                      We have also added data downloads, additional clinical heatmap features, and an
31 s a graphical interface for data queries and downloads, alignment programs, command-line utilities an
32 -BAS v1.0 has three main uses: (i) Users may download alignments and voucher tables for members of th
33 ree to select reference taxa to include when downloading alignments.
34                   PyMOL session files can be downloaded, allowing high-quality publication images of
35 a new data submission API, complete RDF data download and a supporting SPARQL endpoint, accessioning
36 , Gene Group Reports also include convenient download and analysis options, together with links to eq
37 r alternative approaches to the traditional "download and analyze" paradigm on local computing resour
38 l workflows and models will be available for download and application to local data.
39                 GPE is freely accessible for download and can work with any search engine that interp
40  web browser, improved support for data file download and enhanced organization of website pages for
41                           A user can search, download and explore multiple data sets available for al
42 Visio functionality online without having to download and install the software and exemplifies how th
43 liance on expensive server hardware running "download and install" software has already gathered subs
44 re now available as open source packages for download and local use by researchers with high-volume n
45 ives 3.0 License, where it is permissible to download and share the work provided it is properly cite
46 ives 4.0 License, where it is permissible to download and share the work provided it is properly cite
47 ives 4.0 License, where it is permissible to download and share the work provided it is properly cite
48          All OMIM data are available for FTP download and through an API.
49                                    Users can download and upload clinical data, generate Kaplan-Meier
50          These data are freely available for download and visualization online.
51  portal to serve these signatures for query, download and visualization.
52 nome browser functionality, and also by bulk download and web services.
53 rhythmias among RAFT study participants were downloaded and adjudicated by 2 blinded reviewers with a
54         Pre-defined biological pathways were downloaded and genes in each pathway were used to cluste
55                        Parameter sets can be downloaded and immediately used in molecular dynamics si
56  de novo motif discovery tools that could be downloaded and installed locally using ENCODE-ChIP-Seq d
57 ic server, local copies of Babelomics can be downloaded and installed.
58                     Omics Pipe automatically downloaded and processed the desired TCGA samples on a h
59 koop and Faber, these drawings can be freely downloaded and used, and will, we hope, serve as an esse
60  pre-recorded their lectures, and classrooms downloaded and watched these locally during biweekly con
61 ase outbreak investigations, and scripts for downloading and parsing data from NCBI BioSample and Bio
62 ge to metabolism researchers, as it requires downloading and processing large data volumes through co
63 s to verify reproducibility without manually downloading and rerunning code and can provide an audit
64 ext hypertext markup language (HTML) article downloads and a 13.8% reduction in portable document for
65 e retrieved without restriction by web-based downloads and ftp protocols and includes: Reference Sequ
66 t with one single function call, our package downloads and fully processes the desired TCGA data to b
67                                     Software downloads and installation instructions are freely avail
68 ent years in terms of new data curated, data downloads and new functions and tools.
69  via a web-interface, RDF distribution, data downloads and RESTful web-services.
70 vely through internal analytics that tracked downloads and use of the iPhone app, as well as pre-inte
71 in addition to the web-based interface, data downloads and web services.
72 cromolecules is also available for immediate download, and the user has the option to further analyse
73                 Data can be accessed online, downloaded, and pooled over several survey cycles, allow
74 cluded a feature on our browsable website to download any query result, including a downloadable file
75 eted selection of data for visualization and download are likely to become increasingly important in
76                                      Two new downloads are available from PSP.
77        miTRATA notifies user(s) via email to download as well as visualize the results online.
78 ailable in multiple formats, including html, download as XML, VCF or tab-delimited subsets.
79                               Results can be downloaded as stand-alone HTML for the formatted alignme
80             All data are accessible for bulk downloading, as a web-service, and through a completely
81 age and source code are freely available for download at DECIPHER.cee.wisc.edu and from the Bioconduc
82 d in C++ on a linux system, is available for download at ftp://ftp.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pub/qmbp/qmbp_ms/
83  in C ++ on a linux system, is available for download at ftp://ftp.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pub/qmbp/qmbp_ms/
84             Software is freely available for download at genetics.cs.ucla.edu/caviar.
85         The software is freely available for download at github.com/sanger-pathogens/Gubbins, impleme
86 de and binary files are freely available for download at http://a-kramer.github.io/mcmc_clib/.
87 nd compiled package are freely available for download at http://apps.cytoscape.org/apps/kddn.
88           The tools are freely available for download at http://bioinformatics.rutgers.edu/Software/T
89                     EXPANDS is available for download at http://code.google.com/p/expands (matlab ver
90             Source code freely available for download at http://code.google.com/p/helidb, implemented
91 R package RVsharing are freely available for download at http://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/RVsha
92         The software is freely available for download at http://genetics.cs.ucla.edu/crypto/.
93             PhyloSNP is freely available for download at http://hive.biochemistry.gwu.edu/dna.cgi?cmd
94          Source code is freely available for download at http://indra.mullins.microbiol.washington.ed
95          Source code is freely available for download at http://lobstah.bu.edu/BitPAl/BitPAl.html.
96 cs analysis pipeline, which is available for download at http://mzmatch.sourceforge.net/.
97 nder is available as a command-line tool for download at http://omics.pnl.gov/software/LC-IMS-MS_Feat
98 R package implementing TroX is available for download at http://przeworski.uchicago.edu/.
99           Python files will be available for download at http://tyolab.northwestern.edu/tools/.
100                  R-code freely available for download at http://users.ics.aalto.fi/pemartti/gene_meta
101    The package TREAT is freely available for download at http://www.hanzhang.name/softwares/treat, im
102          HApredictor is freely available for download at http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/CBBresearch/Przy
103 uence analysis and is publicly available for download at http://www.seqan.de/projects/fiona.
104                Java executable available for download at http://www.sourceforge.net/p/mitsu-motif/, s
105 rce Sleipnir library, which is available for download at https://bitbucket.org/libsleipnir/libsleipni
106  the MIT license and is freely available for download at https://github.com/clcg/cordova.
107 ample and simulation study are available for download at https://github.com/feizhe/PGS.
108 e and documentation are freely available for download at https://github.com/itojal/hot_scan.
109 f Java and C/C++ and is freely available for download at https://github.com/mozack/abra.
110                 Source code is available for download at https://sourceforge.net/projects/dtailor/.
111  and a detailed user guide are available for download at our project Web site.
112 as well as test LC-MS data are available for download at SourceForge.
113 ackage is implemented in R and available for download at the Bioconductor Web site.
114 e available for searching, visualization and download at the new ENCODE Portal (www.encodeproject.org
115 ava, the source code is freely available for download at the VISTA Web site: http://genome.lbl.gov/vi
116 riants in the human proteome is available to download at www.sbg.bio.ic.ac.uk/suspect/download.html.
117 ource code and binaries freely available for download at www.smoldyn.org, implemented in C/C++ and su
118         The software package is availablefor download at: http://www.public.asu.edu/*jye02/Software/F
119          The package and the vignette can be downloaded at bioconductor.org
120 eline reference, the data can be browsed and downloaded at Expression Atlas and Ensembl.
121          The package and the vignette can be downloaded at http://bioconductor.org/packages/devel/bio
122 in the "SuperCurve" R package, can be freely downloaded at http://bioinformatics.mdanderson.org/main/
123                              The XMLs can be downloaded at http://carbonelab.org/system/files/snap_xm
124                    MultiGlycan can be freely downloaded at http://darwin.informatics.indiana.edu/Mult
125         The software miRModule can be freely downloaded at http://hulab.ucf.edu/research/projects/miR
126                              The code can be downloaded at www.cs.purdue.edu/homes/szhe/software.html
127 t underpins such analysis is making the data-download bottleneck more evident, placing substantial bu
128       In the remote arm, the application was downloaded by 3443 participants residing in all 50 US st
129 ase.neb.com and selected compilations can be downloaded by FTP (ftp.neb.com).
130 ary plots and tables are packaged and can be downloaded by the user from the email link provided.
131                       All result data can be downloaded by the user together with an R-script to comp
132 ll genomes and associated information can be downloaded by user-selected clade or multiple habitat-sp
133 ager tools allow the Galaxy administrator to download, create and install additional datasets for any
134 lyses in an intuitive visual context, and to download data, results, and images for publication.
135          Predefined pipelines allow users to download data, visualize results on a genome browser, ca
136         The GDC is (i) a data repository for downloading data that have been submitted to it, and als
137 sequences are selected, a suite of tools for downloading data, multi-sequence alignment and tree buil
138 rom mice and drosophila.MAAMD automates data downloading, data organization, data quality control ass
139 Using the web interface, users can query and download database records via a number of annotation dim
140 source that allows users to search, view and download drugs/compounds and gene sets.
141 uest, wait for Data Access Committee review, download each data set and locally examine them for pote
142 ovides extensive data submission, search and download facilities across web and programmatic interfac
143                 It offers fast searching and download features which the result can be used for furth
144 r browsing and searching and allows for data downloading flexibility.
145                                              Download for non-commercial use is available via Web ser
146               The AlignGraph software can be downloaded for free from this site: https://github.com/b
147                     Text output files can be downloaded for further analyses, and visualizations save
148                    Splicing data can also be downloaded for inclusion in integrative analyses.
149 n be viewed using popular genome browsers or downloaded for local analysis.
150 run on a public web portal, in the cloud, or downloaded for local use, and is easily integrated with
151             The models and alignments can be downloaded for offline use and further analysis.
152    Users can conveniently browse, search and download four categories of phenotypic and functional in
153                 This software package can be downloaded free from http://sourceforge.net/projects/tim
154  binary and source codes, if desired, can be downloaded freely from http://pine.nmrfam.wisc.edu/downl
155 in the R package QuaternaryProd available to download from Bioconductor.
156  the R package kdetrees and is available for download from CRAN.
157           Our code and data is available for download from github.com/medvedevgroup/TwoPaCo.
158  license (version 3) is freely available for download from http://smithlabresearch.org/amordad
159              SNPlice is freely available for download from https://code.google.com/p/snplice/ as a se
160 en-source C+ + code and freely available for download from https://github.com/GregoryFaust/samblaster
161 and code used in this work are available for download from huttenhower.sph.harvard.edu/idability.
162  is written in Java and freely available for download from the Cytoscape app store.
163         InterProScan is freely available for download from the EMBl-EBI FTP site and the open source
164          The database is freely available to download from the ftp site: ftp://ftp.nectarmutation.org
165       MATLAB R2014a software is available to download from warwick.ac.uk/chrisoates.
166                                              Download from: http://biocomputing.tgen.org/software/EDD
167                                              Download from: http://biocyc.org/download.shtml.
168   In total, 2727 samples (Small RNA NGS data downloaded from ArrayExpress) from eight species (Arabid
169               The R package MultiMeta can be downloaded from CRAN.
170 d in the R package neat, which can be freely downloaded from CRAN.
171  sequences, together with 766 HRSV sequences downloaded from GenBank, were analyzed to understand the
172  The RNA-Sequencing and clinical data can be downloaded from Gene Expression Omnibus (accession numbe
173 d in PERL, and the associated scripts can be downloaded from github.com, and online documentation, tu
174                            MetDisease can be downloaded from http://apps.cytoscape.org/apps/metdiseas
175              Source code and datasets can be downloaded from http://bigdata.ices.utexas.edu/project/g
176  lists and 3D models) and source code can be downloaded from http://bioinf.cs.ucl.ac.uk/downloads/Met
177 ftware package and detailed tutorials may be downloaded from http://clip.med.yale.edu/presto.
178  analysis Virtual Machine (VM), which can be downloaded from http://clovr.org or run on Amazon EC2.
179                                   GQL can be downloaded from http://cseweb.ucsd.edu/~ckozanit/gql.
180                                  They can be downloaded from http://engr.uconn.edu/ approximately raj
181         Source code and documentation can be downloaded from http://hmmer.org.
182 are is implemented in Java and can be freely downloaded from http://utr.sourceforge.net/.
183                  An R package 'rvsel' can be downloaded from http://www.columbia.edu/ approximately s
184                       The source code can be downloaded from http://www.cs.duke.edu/donaldlab/osprey.
185 code and supplemental material can be freely downloaded from http://www.tbi.univie.ac.at/bhg.html.
186  reproduce the results described here can be downloaded from https://github.com/eduardporta/e-Driver.
187                         MixMir can be freely downloaded from https://github.com/ldiao/MixMir.
188 rials from major ophthalmology websites were downloaded from June 1, 2014, through June 30, 2014, and
189                        All subject data were downloaded from the Alzheimer Disease Neuroimaging Initi
190           The second cohort was selected and downloaded from the Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Ini
191 PIB-positron-emission tomography values were downloaded from the Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Ini
192            MRI sets of 109 GBM patients were downloaded from the Cancer Imaging archive.
193                               A database was downloaded from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Se
194 at implements our proposed method and can be downloaded from the Comprehensive R Archive Network.
195 es, with data from 139 countries and regions downloaded from the FluNet compiled by the World Health
196 ions (cortex and whole-cerebellum reference) downloaded from the Global Alzheimer Association Interac
197 Medicare and Medicaid Services annual files, downloaded from the Hospital Compare website.
198 and on a large collection of linear epitopes downloaded from the IEDB database.
199 rrestrial mammals from western North America downloaded from the Paleobiology Database.
200                                    Data were downloaded from the publically available CMS website und
201                A current stable build can be downloaded from the python package index with developmen
202                                  Information downloaded from the scientific public domain was queried
203 ional and other types of information, can be downloaded from the Structure-Function Linkage Database.
204                         All databases can be downloaded from the Uniclust server at uniclust.mmseqs.c
205                   This program can be freely downloaded from the www.MyCompoundID.org web site for no
206 ntuitive graphical manner, and can be freely downloaded from this server.
207 d documentation for indelMINER can be freely downloaded from www.bx.psu.edu/miller_lab/indelMINER.tar
208                           The package can be downloaded from www.msstats.org or from Bioconductor www
209             The TRIPOD checklist can also be downloaded from www.tripod-statement.org.
210                    The HyDRA software may be downloaded from: http://web.engr.illinois.edu/ approxima
211 on in portable document format (PDF) article downloads from the journals' websites when U.S. National
212 application, shinyGEO, that allows a user to download gene expression data sets directly from GEO in
213 o several publicly available web services to download genome, proteome, interactome, transcriptome, a
214 y templates, and allows users to analyze and download genome-wide datasets.
215  for quickly searching genes of interest and downloading genome-wide results.
216 ly available at http://rbvi.ucsf.edu/chimera/download.html, and operates on Linux, Windows, and Mac O
217  to download at www.sbg.bio.ic.ac.uk/suspect/download.html.
218 ipts available at www.bioinfo.rpi.edu/bystrc/downloads.html#ensemble
219 terface to conveniently browse, retrieve and download human autoantigens as well as their associated
220                   Dfam is also available for download in flat file format or in the form of MySQL tab
221  stand-alone command line tool available for download in GitHub and as a set of Galaxy tools and work
222           The results are also available for download in several standard formats.
223              Retrieved sequences can then be downloaded in a variety of formats or analyzed using a s
224 s are then visualized online and also can be downloaded in Cytoscape format for subsequent processing
225 y figures and tables are produced and can be downloaded in multiple formats.
226 l can be accessed via the web application or downloaded in relational database format.
227  and can be interactively explored online or downloaded in text format.
228 se annotations are available in the database download, in the analysis tools and in the protein viewe
229                                     AATP was downloaded into the ICDs of 144 patients (121 men), aged
230 ct of PubMed Central on reducing PDF article downloads is increasing over time, growing at a rate of
231 e downloaded from http://bioinf.cs.ucl.ac.uk/downloads/MetaPSICOV.
232                                 The user can download not only the results but also the corresponding
233                                         Free download of Census 2 for academic users is available at
234                     Google Trends allows the download of de-identified search engine data, which has
235          The connector enables selection and download of DICOM images and associated resources using
236 y of important P450s, as well as a flat file download of SOM predictions.
237             We provide BLASTP search and FTP download of Viral RP protein sequences, and a browser to
238 ; new, more interactive data summaries; easy downloading of data; direct searches of expression image
239 bust phylogenetic context, and to permit the downloading of highly curated, single- and multi-locus a
240  interface to enhance viewing, filtering and downloading of the combined data set.
241 low using the source code that is staged for download on a public repository.
242                QwikMD is freely available by download on group and personal computers.
243 uscripts that have been the most accessed or downloaded on our websites, as well as those selected by
244 uscripts that have been the most accessed or downloaded on our websites, as well as those selected by
245 rfamily sets, both accompanied by search and download options for all hierarchical levels.
246                                              Download options of search results, whole-proteomes, org
247     Bulk querying and rich visualization and download options provide improved functionality to domai
248 eatures have also been added to the sequence download options, and a new multiple sequence alignment
249  for functional enrichments, and streamlined download options.
250 trategies, new website features and expanded download options.
251 h tool and easy export of content via direct download or a REST API.
252                The prediction results can be downloaded or viewed interactively on the antigen struct
253 e that directly accesses online databases to download, parse and analyze genome variation data for re
254  Metabolism --> Metabolic RouteSearch and by downloading Pathway Tools.
255                  Spiral-bound flip cards and download pdf surround HOTV acuity test box with critical
256 DEX allows users to immediately visualize or download processed datasets, or compare user-generated d
257                                   Methods We downloaded publicly available machine-readable network d
258                       In some cases, we also downloaded published, homologous sequences of the ITS re
259 ely in a genome browser track format, and to download quantitative values of DNA shape features as a
260  widely used systems of its type with yearly download rates of tens of thousands and many active user
261                       In addition, users can download raw BLAST results for all or user-selected comp
262  as well as between normal and cancer cells; download raw data; and generate heatmaps; and finally, u
263 eves that this tool may decrease unnecessary download requests, while still facilitating responsible
264 y to search, analyze, compare, visualize and download RPF data sets.
265                                              Downloaded saturation and pulse rate data were available
266  the Assembly Resource allow users to easily download sequence and annotations for current versions o
267             Download from: http://biocyc.org/download.shtml.
268 lignments; the redesign of the web pages and download site.
269 action currently requires expert inspection, downloading specialized software or both.
270                                    Users can download the complex structure, retrieve the interface r
271 onding sequence alignment, and the option to download the nucleotide mapping of the structures and a
272               To view this Timeline, open or download the PDF.
273               To view this SnapShot, open or download the PDF.
274       To view this Bench to Bedside, open or download the PDF.
275               To view this SnapShot, open or download the PDF.
276               To view this SnapShot, open or download the PDF.
277 n Java and Python along with instructions to download the reads and variants is at http://bioinform.g
278 atabase allows users to search, navigate and download the scaffold protein-mediated signaling network
279  in March 2015, and prospective participants downloaded the free app between March and October 2015.
280                                           We downloaded the gene expression profile of IR from the Ge
281 ut (n = 107) or with (n = 105) assistance in downloading the MyFitnessPal app (MyFitnessPal).
282                       Pathview automatically downloads the pathway graph data, parses the data file,
283 information to a web-server application that downloads the SOFT files, parses, cleans and normalizes
284                            The user can also download this output in numerical form.
285 mented as an R package, and is available for download through Bitbucket.
286       An R package "NB" is now available for download to implement the method described in this artic
287 th sound level recorded using an application downloaded to a personal mobile device from 39 ICUs.
288 s measured for 1 minute using an application downloaded to a personal mobile device.
289 in the hippocampus, after which memories are downloaded to the cortex for maintenance, in a process t
290 and through the Internet from UCSC or can be downloaded to the local computer for faster access.
291                      ANARCI is available for download under GPLv3 license at opig.stats.ox.ac.uk/weba
292 EA) can be found within WormBase, and can be downloaded using Python's standard pip installer.
293 ging vectors, view details of their designs, download vector sequence in different formats and view a
294 ata are available for querying, analysis and download via YeastMine, the InterMine-based data warehou
295 RAPIDR is implemented in R and can be freely downloaded via CRAN from here: http://cran.r-project.org
296 t-specific views; the entire data set can be downloaded via ftp.
297 on to making the full database available for download, we developed a user-friendly web interface tha
298 ch and strawberry are available to browse or download with a range of annotations, including gene mod
299                     The app was available to download within the United States.
300               Parameters can be searched and downloaded without registration, including access throug

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