


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1  the characteristic self-assembly process of dynamic instability.
2 ting tubulin GTPase and increase microtubule dynamic instability.
3 depolymerization from their plus ends termed dynamic instability.
4 microtubule plus ends and thereby suppresses dynamic instability.
5  a relatively small contribution compared to dynamic instability.
6  that interact with microtubules to regulate dynamic instability.
7 ween periods of growth and shrinkage, termed dynamic instability.
8 s-end-directed motor, and the loss of MTs by dynamic instability.
9 of these virus-induced shifts in microtubule dynamic instability.
10 romatin and regulation of polar microtubules dynamic instability.
11 w these transformations may contribute to MT dynamic instability.
12 owth-cone-mediated outgrowth and microtubule dynamic instability.
13  skewed cytoplasmic trajectories and altered dynamic instability.
14 -domain), exhibiting classical properties of dynamic instability.
15 tion, but they have no effect on MT plus end dynamic instability.
16 ion for microtubule assembly, and suppresses dynamic instability.
17 ubulin, using a 2% glycerol buffer to reduce dynamic instability.
18 ading edge of the sheet in which MTs exhibit dynamic instability.
19 osome whereas plus ends are free and display dynamic instability.
20 due changes in this region alter microtubule dynamic instability.
21 end on microtubule transport and microtubule dynamic instability.
22 s by generating TuD subunits that then alter dynamic instability.
23 ween the elongation and shortening states of dynamic instability.
24 iparallel MTs while the MT plus ends exhibit dynamic instability.
25 portant for revealing the mechanism of their dynamic instability.
26 ar how A-lattice seams influence microtubule dynamic instability.
27 cer-causing genes is to regulate microtubule dynamic instability.
28 le of the maturation time for the control of dynamic instability.
29  continuously remodel, a phenomenon known as dynamic instability.
30 o uncover cancer genes affecting microtubule dynamic instability.
31 hich control multiple aspects of microtubule dynamic instability.
32 nor ClipCG12 individually modulated plus-end dynamic instability.
33 lin organization and suppressing microtubule dynamic instability.
34 g periods of growth and shortening, known as dynamic instability.
35 le into filaments that treadmill and exhibit dynamic instability.
36 ucleation, 2) symmetrical elongation, and 3) dynamic instability.
37 tudy showing that these microtubules display dynamic instability.
38  underlies the ability of Msps to promote MT dynamic instability.
39 tes tubulin GTPase, and promotes microtubule dynamic instability.
40                       Since the discovery of dynamic instability 20 years ago, no other biological po
41 l division and cell migration by suppressing dynamic instability, a "search and capture" behavior tha
42        Individual microtubules (MTs) exhibit dynamic instability, a behavior in which they cycle betw
43 e tubulin critical concentration or suppress dynamic instability; above these threshold concentration
44                                  Microtubule dynamic instability allows search and capture of kinetoc
45                                  MTs undergo dynamic instability, alternating between growth and shor
46  a helical fashion following treadmilling or dynamic instability, although the underlying mechanism i
47          Microtubules in yeast cells exhibit dynamic instability, although they grow and shrink more
48 (1) pathological brain activity representing dynamic instabilities and (2) necessary adjustments of e
49 reased the failing heart's susceptibility to dynamic instabilities and arrhythmias under rapid pacing
50 e of the most divergent of the Alps, display dynamic instability and also treadmill.
51 ifest differing frequencies because of their dynamic instability and are dictated by counteracting ge
52 ranches can occur independent of microtubule dynamic instability and can rely mostly on the transport
53 e sufficient to inhibit plus-end microtubule dynamic instability and cell migration without affecting
54 destabilizes the microtubule and thus powers dynamic instability and chromosome movement.
55  important biological phenomena, microtubule dynamic instability and end tracking.
56 rization revealed that AlfA does not display dynamic instability and is relatively stable in the pres
57 l thermodynamic and kinetic requirements for dynamic instability and its elimination by MTAs have yet
58 his model, we have studied the importance of dynamic instability and microtubule rotational diffusion
59                                              Dynamic instability and minus-end depolymerization gener
60 rowth rate certainly occurs independently of dynamic instability and probably does not involve hydrol
61 ion yeast, but the relative contributions of dynamic instability and rotational diffusion are not wel
62 rge, low-copy number plasmids, displays both dynamic instability and symmetrical, bidirectional polym
63  discriminate between different states of MT dynamic instability and thereby function differentially
64 of vinflunine and vinorelbine on microtubule dynamic instability and treadmilling and found that thes
65  of effects of vinflunine and vinorelbine on dynamic instability and treadmilling may contribute to t
66 nding the ends of ParM filaments, inhibiting dynamic instability, and acting as a ratchet permitting
67 tubulin structure and biochemistry, displays dynamic instability, and covers experimentally relevant
68 lts show that an isolated GeCH3 layer has no dynamic instability, and is a QSH insulator under reason
69 2 does not play a direct role in microtubule dynamic instability, and little is known about the cellu
70 rial mini microtubules treadmill and display dynamic instability, another hallmark of eukaryotic micr
71 ore directional instability and kMT plus-end dynamic instability are coupled to oscillations in centr
72 describe mathematically how treadmilling and dynamic instability are mechanistically distinct MT beha
73 larity in the face of constant remodeling by dynamic instability are not known.
74 lts indicate that the effects of stathmin on dynamic instability are strongly but differently attenua
75                        Proteins that promote dynamic instability are therefore central to microtubule
76    Current models invoke mechanisms based on dynamic instabilities arising from nonlinear interaction
77  a loss of the two-state behavior typical of dynamic instability as evidenced by the addition of a th
78                 In accord with their minimal dynamic instability, assembled HeLa cell microtubules di
79 inus ends can be free and that modulation of dynamic instability at both ends can result in treadmill
80  CLIP-170 cooperatively regulate microtubule dynamic instability at concentrations below which neithe
81                   Eribulin does not suppress dynamic instability at microtubule minus ends.
82   Eribulin targets microtubules, suppressing dynamic instability at microtubule plus ends through an
83 ng plus ends, tasidotin enhanced microtubule dynamic instability at minus ends, increasing the shorte
84                        Polymerization-biased dynamic instability at one end and slow depolymerization
85 odimer to explain many of the differences in dynamic instability at plus and minus ends.
86 repared from epithelial cells, MTs displayed dynamic instability at plus ends and relative stability
87 (38), on its ability to modulate microtubule dynamic instability at steady-state in vitro.
88     We provide insight into the mechanism of dynamic instability, based on high-resolution cryo-EM st
89  developed buffer conditions that suppressed dynamic instability behavior by approximately 10-fold to
90  excursions of the microtubule plus end, and dynamic instability behavior of both ends during free, i
91 d MCF7 cells and measured the effects on the dynamic instability behavior of individual microtubules
92                            It suppressed the dynamic instability behavior of individual microtubules
93 norganic phosphate analogues, suppressed the dynamic instability behavior of individual MTs and, thus
94 ere, we analyzed the effects of SCG10 on the dynamic instability behavior of microtubules in vitro, b
95          However, it strongly suppressed the dynamic instability behavior of the microtubules at thei
96  at microtubule ends that is responsible for dynamic instability behavior.
97 lso alter the ability of Tau to regulate the dynamic instability behaviors of microtubules.
98 ing indicates that stochastic differences in dynamic instability between plus and minus ends are resp
99 , there were no differences in any aspect of dynamic instability between the two beta-tubulin-overexp
100 lar manner to catastrophic depolymerization (dynamic instability) both in vitro and in vivo.
101 recombinant homogeneous microtubules undergo dynamic instability, but they polymerize slower and have
102 fore ensures that suppression of microtubule dynamic instability by KIF4A is restricted to a specific
103 ents and speculate on how our explanation of dynamic instability can be changed to accommodate them.
104  shows that i), multiple MTs displaying high dynamic instability can drive steady and rapid chromosom
105 their binding to B-tubulin, MTPAs inhibit MT dynamic instability, cell cycle G2/M phase transition an
106 MTs treadmilled rapidly under the suppressed dynamic instability conditions, at a minimum rate of 0.2
107 were present together, the mixture modulated dynamic instability considerably.
108                                  Microtubule dynamic instability depends on the GTPase activity of th
109  believed to turn over by a mechanism termed dynamic instability: depolymerization and repolymerizati
110              Suppression of microtubule (MT) dynamic instability did not interfere with the delivery
111                            Suppression of MT dynamic instability, displacement of EB1 from MT ends, o
112                                     Modeling dynamic instability-driven positioning mechanisms from m
113  or betaIII-tubulin, we analyzed microtubule dynamic instability during interphase by microinjection
114 rminal subunit(s), the MT minus end exhibits dynamic instability even though the terminal beta-tubuli
115 n hypothesized that spatial gradients in kMT dynamic instability facilitate mitotic spindle formation
116 es in guanosine triphosphate-(GTP-) mediated dynamic instability has previously been observed to occu
117 le microtubule turnover, likely derived from dynamic instability, has been documented in yeasts, plan
118 netochore, and factors affecting microtubule dynamic instability have been identified.
119 l serine residues of stathmin on microtubule dynamic instability have not been investigated systemati
120     However, previous models for microtubule dynamic instability have not considered such structures
121 cts: whether MAPs cause the rescue events of dynamic instability (i.e., the transitions from shorteni
122 pramolecular peptide nanofibers that display dynamic instability; i.e., they are formed by competing
123 x keratinocytes and dermal papilla) leads to dynamic instabilities in the population dynamics resulti
124 by leveraging the innate chemical and thermo-dynamic instabilities in the SrTiO3-TiO2 system and non-
125 alue corresponds to the onset of high energy dynamic instabilities in this driven vortex state just a
126 readmilling may occur, but we do not predict dynamic instability in cells.
127  concentrations of nocodazole on microtubule dynamic instability in interphase cells and in vitro wit
128                       We also demonstrated a dynamic instability in motion at densities typical of lo
129 ther by constitutively enhancing microtubule dynamic instability in resistant cells or by rendering t
130 fies this mutualism as a principal source of dynamic instability in the interaction.
131                       Since the discovery of dynamic instability in the mid-1980s, models for spindle
132 ent studies have revealed a pivotal role for dynamic instability in the response to salt stress condi
133 otubule assembly and to regulate microtubule dynamic instability in vitro.
134 g two key parameters of microtubule plus-end dynamic instability in Xenopus egg extract spindles.
135              They undergo a process known as dynamic instability, in which the ends of a microtubule
136 plasts containing the centrosome, MTs showed dynamic instability indistinguishable from that in intac
137  essential for productive catalysis with the dynamic instability involved in regulation; these three
138                                              Dynamic instability is a critical property of microtubul
139                        It is unclear whether dynamic instability is an essential feature of all actin
140                                              Dynamic instability is coupled to the GTPase activity of
141                    Regulation of microtubule dynamic instability is crucial for cellular processes, r
142                             Microtubule (MT) dynamic instability is driven by GTP hydrolysis and regu
143  existing theoretical estimates suggest that dynamic instability is efficient enough to allow capture
144                             Microtubule (MT) dynamic instability is fundamental to many cell function
145       MT rearward transport persists when MT dynamic instability is inhibited by 100-nM nocodazole bu
146 The growth and shortening of microtubules in dynamic instability is known to be modulated by microtub
147 tabilize microtubules under conditions where dynamic instability is observed and this has been inferr
148                                              Dynamic instability is promoted by the conserved XMAP215
149                    Although microtubule (MT) dynamic instability is thought to depend on the guanine
150 nism based on spatially unbiased microtubule dynamic instability is too slow to account for the exper
151 nderlying mechanism of this property, called dynamic instability, is not fully understood.
152 ion, we found that when microtubules undergo dynamic instability, lateral captures predominate even i
153 ization of MinE over MinD oligomers triggers dynamic instability leading to detachment from the membr
154  in microtubules and suppressing microtubule dynamic instability, leading to mitotic arrest and cell
155 adial arrays centered at the centrosomes and dynamic instability, leading to persistent cycles of pol
156 lly observed images demonstrated that a pure dynamic instability model for kMT dynamics in the yeast
157                                  Microtubule dynamic instability modifies the landscape over time and
158       ParM is not related to tubulin, so its dynamic instability must have arisen by convergent evolu
159      As an approach toward understanding how dynamic instability occurs at the minus end, we investig
160 f packing efficiency while also depending on dynamic instabilities of the underlying framework topolo
161                                          The dynamic instability of cortical microtubules (MTs) (i.e.
162 cent tubulin and measured the effects on the dynamic instability of individual microtubules.
163 re potent anti-tumor agents that repress the dynamic instability of microtubules and arrest cells in
164 tification of a prokaryotic tubulin with the dynamic instability of microtubules and the ability to f
165  we found that cemadotin strongly suppressed dynamic instability of microtubules assembled to steady
166                                          The dynamic instability of microtubules has long been unders
167                                              Dynamic instability of microtubules is critical for mito
168 ether, these data suggest that a decrease in dynamic instability of microtubules is sufficient to dis
169 esis, we examined the effects of EMAP on the dynamic instability of microtubules nucleated from axone
170 ell metabolism as its energy source, and the dynamic instability of microtubules plays an important r
171  periphery of adenovirus-infected cells, the dynamic instability of microtubules plus ends shifted to
172          This might cause alterations in the dynamic instability of microtubules suggested to contrib
173  provides a comprehensive description of the dynamic instability of microtubules that includes not on
174 tubule-associated protein 2c (rMAP2c) on the dynamic instability of microtubules were examined by dir
175 rotein in primary melanoma could disrupt the dynamic instability of microtubules, inhibit cell divisi
176 light on the coupling between forces and the dynamic instability of microtubules, we focus on the inv
177 Building on previous theoretical work on the dynamic instability of microtubules, we propose here a s
178 -range couplings with a role in blocking the dynamic instability of microtubules.
179  may be related to the GTP cap that produces dynamic instability of microtubules.
180 d and uncapped states, a mild version of the dynamic instability of microtubules.
181          The mechanism may be related to the dynamic instability of microtubules.
182 vents that is mechanistically similar to the dynamic instability of microtubules.
183  in beta-tubulin and thereby account for the dynamic instability of microtubules.
184 lymerizing activity, these kinesins increase dynamic instability of microtubules.
185 factor molecules in stem cell spheroids, the dynamic instability of mitotic microtubules, the immunol
186 eliminate errors in MT organization and that dynamic instability of MT plus ends is a result of cappi
187 and 4R tau might differentially modulate the dynamic instability of MTs in vitro using video microsco
188                                              Dynamic instability of MTs is thought to be regulated by
189 in with an important role in maintaining the dynamic instability of neuronal microtubules.
190                                          The dynamic instability of ParM is regulated by adenosine tr
191 ot XKIF2, plays a central role in regulating dynamic instability of plus ends and controls spindle le
192 mechanism in bacteria which is driven by the dynamic instability of polymerizing filaments, which gro
193 tracellular metabolite of tasidotin, altered dynamic instability of purified microtubules in a qualit
194  improve efficacy by taking advantage of the dynamic instability of radioresistance.
195 ation by small actin bundles is limited by a dynamic instability of single actin filaments, and there
196 ns are thought to function by modulating the dynamic instability of spindle microtubules, and in vitr
197                                              Dynamic instability of such structures beckons control o
198 onsistent with antimitotics that inhibit the dynamic instability of tubulin and initiate apoptosis, t
199           Under steady-state conditions, the dynamic instability of unattached ParM filaments provide
200 effects on microtubule polymerization confer dynamic instability on microtubules assembled in cell-fr
201                            Suppression of MT dynamic instability or EB1 depletion increased cortactin
202 ike microtubules, may not be able to undergo dynamic instability or to store energy in the polymer fo
203              In addition to these changes in dynamic instability, overexpression of beta5-tubulin cau
204 for the observed isotype-specific changes in dynamic instability parameters and tune tubulin's polyme
205 0Glued, both separately and together, on the dynamic instability parameters at plus ends of purified
206                       We also found that the dynamic instability parameters from twisted growth mutan
207 f plus and minus end dynamics using measured dynamic instability parameters reproduces our experiment
208 llows us to correlate macroscopic behaviors (dynamic instability parameters) with microscopic structu
209 esults show that within a narrow range of MT dynamic instability parameters, both models can reproduc
210 e differences in their actions on individual dynamic instability parameters, morphologically detectab
211 f the two proteins individually did modulate dynamic instability, perhaps by a combination of effects
212                                              Dynamic instability, polarity, and spatiotemporal organi
213 rrent two-state GTP cap model of microtubule dynamic instability proposes that a terminal crown of GT
214 ha may play a role in modulating microtubule dynamic instability, providing a mechanism for the modif
215 e centrosome and free plus ends that exhibit dynamic instability, recent observations show that the m
216 bited markedly reduced abilities to regulate dynamic instability relative to wild-type Tau.
217     A full understanding of the mechanism of dynamic instability requires that one distinguish which
218 ortantly, K370 had independent effects on MT dynamic instability, resulting in formation of long MTs
219                The proposal that microtubule dynamic instability results from stabilization of microt
220 La cell microtubules exhibit remarkably slow dynamic instability, spending most of their time in an a
221  that contributes to its function, including dynamic instability, spontaneous nucleation, and bidirec
222      The 'plus' ends of microtubules exhibit dynamic instability, switching stochastically from growt
223  activity and were more potent at regulating dynamic instability than their compromised singly pseudo
224 r that this feature of atrial cells leads to dynamic instabilities that may underlie atrial arrhythmi
225 arine-terminating glaciers associated with a dynamic instability that is generally not considered in
226  Here, I review the canonical explanation of dynamic instability that was fleshed out in the years af
227          Although microtubules are known for dynamic instability, the dynamicity is considered to be
228                                              Dynamic instability, the stochastic switching between gr
229 (MTs) are cytoskeletal polymers that undergo dynamic instability, the stochastic transition between g
230                                              Dynamic instability-the switching of a two-state polymer
231 ion and depolymerization, i.e. they exhibit "dynamic instability." This behavior is crucial for cell
232 f Cdc14 activity, microtubules maintain high dynamic instability; this correlates with defects in bot
233 number for each pole, exhibited asynchronous dynamic instability throughout the cell cycle, growing a
234  The change in behavior of the plus end from dynamic instability to persistent growth correlated with
235 tely 10-fold to minimize the contribution of dynamic instability to total tubulin-GTP exchange.
236 be read out by dynamic MTs undergoing simple dynamic instability to ultimately break cell symmetry.
237 of replacing H(2)O with D(2)O on microtubule dynamic instability, treadmilling, and steady-state GTPa
238                                We suppressed dynamic instability using nocodazole, and we observed no
239 uivalent intracellular taxol concentrations, dynamic instability was inhibited similarly in the two c
240 the growth phase in microtubules manifesting dynamic instability was provided by our observation that
241                                     When its dynamic instability was studied by video-DIC microscopy,
242 wever, in the presence of 150 nm paclitaxel, dynamic instability was suppressed to a significantly le
243                                              Dynamic instability was very similar in the two cases, d
244               To understand the mechanism of dynamic instability, we determine structures of ParM fil
245  algorithms used by insects to control their dynamic instability, we develop a simulation tool to stu
246 ssible mechanisms responsible for changes in dynamic instability, we examined the effects of 4 nM to
247 jor effects of vinflunine and vinorelbine on dynamic instability were a slowing of the microtubule gr
248                The parameters of microtubule dynamic instability were compared for interphase LLCPK-1
249 in yeast tubulin demonstrates that all alter dynamic instability whereas a subset disrupts the intera
250 se a three-state conformational cap model of dynamic instability, which has three structural states a
251 ton in all eukaryotic cells) depend on their dynamic instability, which is altered by various factors
252         In metaphase, microtubules show high dynamic instability, which is thought to aid the 'search
253 e phragmoplast and that the majority exhibit dynamic instability with higher turnover rates nearer to
254 disassembly and cap dynamics, we generate MT dynamic instability with rates and transition frequencie
255 otubules are polarized polymers that exhibit dynamic instability, with alternating phases of elongati
256                      Microtubules undergoing dynamic instability without any stabilization points con

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