


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 onsiderable advances, there is no bottom-up, dynamical account of how, starting from the solitary anc
2 e sarcoplasmic reticulum, and by probing its dynamical activation upon phosphorylation.
3  the principle of maximum caliber (MaxCal)-a dynamical analog of the principle of maximum entropy-and
4                                         Such dynamical analysis is also applicable in living cells, w
5  profile of DA neuron, we provide a thorough dynamical analysis.
6  helical structure in SP1 and further global dynamical and conformational changes in CA.
7  methods, to make accurate predictions about dynamical and energetic properties of dissociating clust
8 r require understanding the response of this dynamical and photochemical system to increased forcing
9             Here, we present explorations of dynamical and tunneling disorder in an atomic system by
10              We demonstrate from structural, dynamical, and thermodynamical information that the chem
11 nsitions identifying the overall structural, dynamical, and topological states of oligomeric membrane
12 for quantitatively understanding the complex dynamical aspects associated with the Ouzo effect.
13                    Additional structural and dynamical aspects of the helical conformations are explo
14 ystem at ambient temperature, structural and dynamical attributes that are typically associated with
15  magnon-polariton states can be reached by a dynamical balance between pumping and losses, so the int
16  drug response, we constructed a single-cell dynamical Bcl-2 network model describing cell death cont
17 e delays on quantum coherence and excitation dynamical behavior in the time domain generally consider
18 ation (RACIPE), for interrogating the robust dynamical behavior of a gene regulatory circuit even wit
19 ve techniques to characterize the structural/dynamical behavior of a pH-triggered switching mechanism
20 ermined the detailed molecular alignment and dynamical behavior of MAG2 in oriented lipid bilayers by
21 t long-lasting sparks emerge as a collective dynamical behavior of the network of diffusively coupled
22 of our society generates qualitatively novel dynamical behavior, producing a new stable regime of cul
23 m to an alternative state with a contrasting dynamical behavior.
24                    We identify three typical dynamical behaviors that occur dependent on the geometri
25 ested by an abrupt first-order transition in dynamical behaviors.
26 e opens the way to tunable field-induced and dynamical behaviors.Exploring unconventional magnetism f
27  are a versatile language for describing the dynamical behaviour of chemical kinetics, capable of mod
28                                          The dynamical behaviour of liquids is frequently characteriz
29 This analysis confirms the predicted chaotic dynamical behaviour of the Solar System, and provides a
30            Furthermore, this phonon-assisted dynamical behaviour shows great sensitivity to the vibra
31 fort has been dedicated to understanding the dynamical behaviours of the magnetic skyrmions.
32 neural network model is demonstrated through dynamical bifurcation analysis.
33 ur neutron spectroscopy data with model spin-dynamical calculations based on these theoretical propos
34                                      Quantum dynamical calculations yield excellent agreement with th
35 surfaces (PESs) that can be used in detailed dynamical calculations, mainly using the quasiclassical
36 on timing makes fractional killing a complex dynamical challenge, which is hard to understand with in
37 ulated in an activity-dependent manner, with dynamical changes apparent in approximately 20% of obser
38 ing at one site leading to structural and/or dynamical changes at a distant site.
39  that attention during these times underwent dynamical changes compared to states when participants w
40 ed whether ligand-binding resulted in common dynamical changes in A6 and DMF5 that could contribute t
41 rmance in the task at hand and is related to dynamical changes in attention.
42 position', a novel method to investigate the dynamical changes in brain states.
43 tely 80% of boutons did not exhibit apparent dynamical changes in response to stimulation.
44 ng on our previous work, here we explore the dynamical changes induced by the R61T mutation in the Ap
45              To determine the structural and dynamical changes resulting from the truncation that cou
46 amounts to the propagation of structural and dynamical changes that are genuinely nonlinear and can o
47 percritical Hopf bifurcation and studied the dynamical changes when adapting the bifurcation paramete
48            Here, we report the generation of dynamical chaos in silicon-based monolithic optomechanic
49                      Real-time estimation of dynamical characteristics of thalamocortical cells, such
50         However, the detailed structural and dynamical characterization of these highly dynamic and c
51  al. introduced a mathematical notion called dynamical compensation (DC) of biological circuits.
52 hat the control energy required to control a dynamical complex network is prohibitively large when th
53                                         This dynamical component slows down after transition into the
54                                              Dynamical computational models, informed with patient da
55                            This technique of dynamical control aided by 4D imaging of phase reaction
56  in a number of experiments, a more general, dynamical control over site-energy and off-diagonal tunn
57 Millennium Ensemble (LME) to investigate the dynamical controls on discharge extremes of the lower Mi
58                                          The dynamical cooling from the changed NAO is 'missing', bec
59 ingle crystals of alpha-RuCl3 to reconstruct dynamical correlations in energy-momentum space.
60 tics of each local brain region revealed the dynamical cortical core of the human brain, which is dri
61 ically active cations combined with a strong dynamical coupling between the A- and B-site cations of
62 myloid fibrils, but no direct structural and dynamical data have been reported on the water dynamics
63  IR spectroscopy has provided structural and dynamical data that would be difficult to obtain with mo
64 raging areas in a coral reef with a class of dynamical decision-making models to reveal that reef fis
65                                        Under dynamical decoupling pulses, this spectrum provides a ge
66 nuclear noise can be filtered by appropriate dynamical decoupling sequences, resulting in a substanti
67 le methods for a quantitative structural and dynamical description of unfolded proteins both at the g
68 hanism of the SSSA dipole is investigated by dynamical diagnosis.
69                   We investigate whether the dynamical differences between a bulk and thin film polym
70  understanding the effects of structural and dynamical disorder in perovskite-based optoelectronic sy
71 re sequence-based analysis to identify these dynamical domains?
72 a floppy mode occurring at zero frequency, a dynamical edge mode can absorb and store mechanical ener
73                    Control of nonstatistical dynamical effects may serve as another way by which enzy
74                        Examples of important dynamical effects such as mode specificity, tunneling, r
75 stallites or form because of non-equilibrium dynamical effects.
76 s that occurs in the post-merger fast-moving dynamical ejecta and in two slower (0.05 times light spe
77 uring the merger transfers its energy to the dynamical ejecta.
78 perimentally and comparing the same with the dynamical electron diffraction simulations.
79 ts three distinct regimes in responding to a dynamical environment, with a transition region where an
80 weezers, which enables us to reconstruct its dynamical equation of motion.
81 p a new improved forecast approach combining dynamical error correction and statistical filtering tec
82 evelop a new forecast approach that combines dynamical error correction and statistical filtering tec
83                                              Dynamical error suppression techniques are commonly used
84 lo simulations and continuous spatiotemporal dynamical evolution from partial differential equations.
85  show how this local observable reflects the dynamical evolution of quantum discord between the elect
86                                    Our novel dynamical explanation is derived from analysis of an ens
87 a with a coarse-grained approach and map key dynamical features within individual macrostates by defi
88 emporal irregularities of the structural and dynamical formation of complex networks.
89              The analysis suggested a simple dynamical framework for fractional killing, which predic
90 tests of these predictions have revealed the dynamical function of GRNs in response to environmental
91 l of the mean square displacement and by the dynamical functional estimator.
92 aging of data assimilation output; and (iii) dynamical Gaussian process model regression.
93                                          The dynamical glass transition is typically taken to be the
94 e and dynamics in glassy liquids above their dynamical glass transition temperatures by introducing a
95 ies of these systems just above or below the dynamical glass transition, such as viscosity, can chang
96 f Nile summer flooding via the radiative and dynamical impacts of explosive volcanism on the African
97 density variations, our result has important dynamical implications for the stability of the LLSVPs a
98 ntral black holes, and interpret this as the dynamical imprint of the black holes.
99 mics and acutely ill individuals, the subtle dynamical influence of chronic shedding relative to more
100 al scales down to tens of nanometers or with dynamical information about nanoscale particle motion in
101 he many activities that can benefit from the dynamical information carried in the geography construct
102 are recorded degrades our ability to recover dynamical information, and can scramble the sequence of
103 aptation to cell geometry, in the absence of dynamical instability.
104 rprising around a cool star, can result from dynamical interactions (via Kozai migration) with a yet-
105 ected from their parent systems as result of dynamical interactions and other processes.
106           Binary systems that formed through dynamical interactions between already-compact objects a
107 f reward-seeking behavior, by regulating the dynamical interactions between specific distant subcorti
108 b1-x Bi x O3, and provide information on the dynamical interplay between superconductivity and charge
109 rs upon entering the metallic state with the dynamical Jahn-Teller effect as the Mott transition is a
110                   The computations involve a dynamical loop between the olfactory bulb and the pirifo
111                                    Nonlinear dynamical maps demonstrate the subharmonics, bifurcation
112  in [C ii] brightness, linewidth and implied dynamical mass, but do not show evidence for accreting s
113                      Comparisons between the dynamical mass, inferred from these velocities in rotati
114 livers new insight into our understanding of dynamical matter.
115    We use both density functional theory and dynamical mean field theory calculations to design a new
116  order, is theoretically modelled within the Dynamical Mean Field Theory, including the core-hole int
117  for correlated electron materials, based on Dynamical Mean Field Theory, which can predict the chang
118  two-dimensional Hubbard model using cluster dynamical mean field theory.
119          Here, we use the density functional dynamical mean-field theory (DFDMFT) scheme to comprehen
120      Within local-density-approximation plus dynamical mean-field theory (LDA+DMFT) we characterize i
121 data exist to compare with except those from dynamical mean-field theory that suggest epsilon-plutoni
122 two-dimensional Hubbard model with plaquette dynamical mean-field theory to address these unusual fea
123 tronic structure calculations performed with Dynamical Mean-Field Theory.
124 ensity functional theory (DFT) combined with dynamical-mean-field theory (DMFT).
125                                         This dynamical mechanism relies on the balance between a prop
126                                        These dynamical mechanisms and thermodynamic moistening of the
127                             We also identify dynamical mechanisms that underlie various features of t
128                          We investigated the dynamical mechanisms underlying the excitability type of
129 rences in de-pinning fields, indicating that dynamical micromagnetic models, which incorporate preces
130                                Based on this dynamical model and additional data, such as known TF bi
131 t example, we show that the obtained reduced dynamical model can reproduce the full statistics of spa
132  of the methodology: (i) to obtain a reduced dynamical model for a polypeptide dynamics in water and
133 orthern France and also suggest that current dynamical model forecast systems have large potential fo
134                            However, seasonal dynamical model forecasts for European summers have very
135                               Furthermore, a dynamical model involving temperature is given for depic
136 an modeling approach, combined with a simple dynamical model of influenza transmission, to estimate t
137 ty on incidence was also investigated with a dynamical model of poliovirus transmission to observe pr
138  linear regression model derived solely from dynamical model output can skillfully predict observed a
139 ophage development, we defined a qualitative dynamical model recapitulating cytokine-induced differen
140 n tuberculosis from 1980 to to 2013 to fit a dynamical model to time trends in HIV prevalence, antire
141                      We propose a population dynamical model where immunity can be both acquired and
142 s as well as in silico data from a nonlinear dynamical model.
143                                              Dynamical modeling revealed interlocking positive feedba
144                                              Dynamical modelling indicates that transmission risk wil
145                                              Dynamical modelling of within-household incidence showed
146 s.Inaccuracy of influenza forecasts based on dynamical models is partly due to nonlinear error growth
147                                              Dynamical models of gene regulatory networks (GRNs) are
148 In order to analyse large complex stochastic dynamical models such as those studied in systems biolog
149 ytes and used quantitative features to build dynamical models to investigate how regulation of actin
150      For influenza forecasts generated using dynamical models, forecast inaccuracy is partly attribut
151                                         Most dynamical models, however, have limited skill in seasona
152  findings highlight the immense potential of dynamical models, mathematics, and data-guided methodolo
153  NAO that exhibits higher skill than current dynamical models.
154 orecast accuracy of other infectious disease dynamical models.Inaccuracy of influenza forecasts based
155   Second, we define quantitative measures of dynamical modularity, namely that global cell states are
156 ity utilizing a perovskite quantum system by dynamical modulation of electron localization.
157  of the successful model also elucidates two dynamical motifs: neutralization of a negative regulator
158  is proposed to train FCMs, which combines a dynamical multi-agent genetic algorithm (dMAGA) with the
159 go remains highly uncertain, and the chaotic dynamical nature of the Solar System predicted by theore
160                                     Yet, the dynamical nature of this activity is poorly understood,
161   In this study, we develop patient-specific dynamical network models of epileptogenic cortex.
162 ate spontaneous failure and damage spread in dynamical networks.
163                   Key to this explanation is dynamical nonlocality, which naturally appears in the He
164 d correct for a wide range of stationary and dynamical observables even when only equilibrium measure
165 y have structural impact, but additionally a dynamical one: They cause the Lindemann criterion to fai
166                                 However, the dynamical origin of these lower harmonics, particularly
167 t the atomic level by allowing extraction of dynamical parameters.
168 egatively shifted NAO has been proposed as a dynamical pathway for Arctic sea ice loss to cause North
169  Bifurcation analysis revealed that distinct dynamical pathways for seizure termination depend on the
170 aints can give rise to novel non-equilibrium dynamical patterns that lack any passive counterpart.
171 , allowing it to have an unlimited number of dynamical patterns, a state that could explain the enorm
172     We investigate two regimes, statical and dynamical percolation, that correspond to different time
173 e present an experimental description of the dynamical perturbation of hydration water around green f
174 t types of observed crawling behavior in the dynamical phase diagram, such as self-trapped localized
175 he two-dimensional Bloch states, creates the dynamical phase shift between the waves propagating in t
176                                 We observe a dynamical phase transition after a sudden change of the
177 n be measured in a single shot, enabling the dynamical phase transition to be probed directly and rev
178 including self-organized synchronization and dynamical phase transitions.
179         Our work opens the door to exploring dynamical phases of matter and controlling interacting,
180 librium conditions can give rise to striking dynamical phenomena.
181 ater associated with cellulose exists in two dynamical populations.
182 ere we present results from a new multi-year dynamical prediction system that exhibits a high degree
183                                Combining the dynamical prefactor determined from the RP equation with
184  requires that we understand its fundamental dynamical principles.
185             Inter-layer synchronization is a dynamical process occurring in multi-layer networks comp
186                          Mathematically, the dynamical process of resource allocation can be modeled
187  of evolution are determined by a stochastic dynamical process that governs how mutations arise and s
188 lthough little is known about the underlying dynamical process, recent time-resolved infrared spectro
189 nificant applications for understanding many dynamical processes associated with human mobility.
190 ts a picture of glassy dynamics in which two dynamical processes coexist, with relative strengths tha
191 erent elevations to examine the chemical and dynamical processes driving these episodes.
192            However, it is still unclear what dynamical processes give rise to year-to-year shifts in
193                                              Dynamical processes in biology are studied using an ever
194                                              Dynamical processes occurring on the edges in complex ne
195 sing amount of research is being done on the dynamical processes on interdependent spatial networks,
196      This was achieved by combining multiple dynamical processes that initially store memories in fas
197 nk temporality has been shown to hinder many dynamical processes, from information spreading to acces
198  soft matter microsystems and illustrate how dynamical properties can be activated and sustained in m
199 S) geometry to probe both the structural and dynamical properties during the high-to-low-density tran
200 rtant factor in determining the native-state dynamical properties of human lysozyme in the context of
201 omplexity of biological networks affects the dynamical properties of individual network motifs, some
202 n extracellular iron levels, consistent with dynamical properties of interlocking feedback architectu
203                       However, measuring the dynamical properties of ion channels is extremely challe
204 and lengths, this approach can help quantify dynamical properties of localizing and nonlocalizing RNA
205  theory show that complexity affects several dynamical properties of networks that favor synchronizat
206 ic spaces explain many common structural and dynamical properties of real networks, yet they fail to
207  to OM, where the effects of the drug on the dynamical properties of the protein are investigated for
208                    We study some of the rich dynamical properties of these cyclic Hopfield systems, i
209 ic-level investigation of the structural and dynamical properties of two W972 Arkadia RING mutants, a
210  high-resolution structures of pLGICs, their dynamical properties remain elusive.
211  results suggest that the assignment of some dynamical properties to the tetrahedral character of wat
212                                          The dynamical proxy for conformational entropy or "entropy m
213 opy can be quantitatively obtained through a dynamical proxy, but the generality of this relationship
214 ts for capturing the observed variability in dynamical quantities, and quantify the role of ageostrop
215 that can be actively triggered in vitro by a dynamical quorum sensing signal involving Yap and Notch
216 ticle positions that correlate strongly with dynamical rearrangements of particle positions.
217 so provides a holistic representation of the dynamical redox differences.
218             This solvation shell-independent dynamical regime arises from an equivalent sampling of t
219 fy the protein melting temperature, a unique dynamical regime is attained in proximity of thermal unf
220 cs close to a tipping point leading to a new dynamical regime.
221 rototypical characterization of the types of dynamical regimes accessible to a given model.
222                                          All dynamical regimes found are robust and should not be dif
223                                      Using a dynamical regimes framework, satellite and reanalysis pr
224 rtex in vivo have revealed a rich variety of dynamical regimes ranging from irregular asynchronous st
225 on of parameter space (which cuts across all dynamical regimes) estimates are within 10% of the exact
226 ring provided quantitative details about the dynamical relaxation processes that occur and was suppor
227 al networks shifted the focus from static to dynamical representations, calling for new methods for t
228                                              Dynamical resonances are extremely sensitive to the topo
229  the VH and VL domains exhibits the dominant dynamical response by being coupled to nearly the entire
230 ing the network degrades its low-dimensional dynamical responses.
231 -polariton condensates there is a variety of dynamical scenarios and instabilities, owing to the prop
232 ed examination of both static structures and dynamical simulations demonstrates subtle but significan
233 ations to access larger system sizes and, in dynamical simulations, longer time scales.
234 fell to zero at nonzero momentum, indicating dynamical slowing of plasma fluctuations and crystalliza
235 on of species interactions would benefit the dynamical stability of communities, even though evidence
236 eatures, velocities diverge, suggesting that dynamical stability of movement elements is a weak behav
237 of oscillations, population variability, and dynamical stability.
238  in a 'glassy' state that is an intermediate dynamical state between a solid and liquid, we probe the
239 Tucanae with a mass of solar masses when the dynamical state of the globular cluster is probed with p
240             These results define the vesicle dynamical states during recycling and reveal their activ
241 osed vesicles undergo sequences of transient dynamical states including epochs of directed, diffusion
242 c boutons has hampered efforts to define the dynamical states of vesicles during recycling.
243 at synaptic vesicles undergo complex sets of dynamical states that include epochs of directed, diffus
244 ntum Monte Carlo calculations to demonstrate dynamical stripe correlations in the three-band Hubbard
245 ating that the LAT:Grb2:SOS assembly has the dynamical structure of a loosely entangled polymer.
246 iments, we related stochastic phasing to the dynamical structure of the cyanobacterial clock as an os
247  stochastic integration, which preserves the dynamical structure of the deterministic counterpart dyn
248 he interplay between each neuron's intrinsic dynamical structure, channel noise, and network inputs,
249  we provide weighty evidence for string-like dynamical structures that govern the fast ion conduction
250      The results presented suggest employing dynamical symmetry breaking to engineer quantum spin liq
251               The Partially-Observed Boolean Dynamical System (POBDS) signal model is distinct from o
252 iques to fit a phenomenological model of the dynamical system generating the observed trajectories.
253  of circuit function is to seek the simplest dynamical system that can account for the population act
254 strate a coupled relaxation oscillator based dynamical system that exploits insulator-metal transitio
255  in APs with numerical calculations based on dynamical system theory, we investigated stability chang
256 rgodicity is a fundamental requirement for a dynamical system to reach a state of statistical equilib
257 self-organization of the velocity field of a dynamical system with an appropriate account of stimuli.
258 six-dimensional, nonholonomic, nonautonomous dynamical system with cubic nonlinearity.
259  dynamical systems, compared to an arbitrary dynamical system, statistically present the characterist
260 e use simultaneous EEG/fMRI and multivariate dynamical systems (MDS) analysis to characterize network
261 ge BoolFilter for Partially-Observed Boolean Dynamical Systems (POBDS).
262      Here we use multimodal neuroimaging and dynamical systems analysis to measure whole-brain spatio
263 ection between spectral properties of linear dynamical systems and spectral algorithms for graph colo
264 tical control strategy for complex turbulent dynamical systems based on a recent statistical energy p
265             We developed this technology for dynamical systems by identifying critical design princip
266              Coupled networks of interacting dynamical systems can have unexpected behaviours when th
267                                    Turbulent dynamical systems characterized by both a high-dimension
268 Planck equation for high-dimensional complex dynamical systems is an important issue.
269                                    Nonlinear dynamical systems may be exposed to tipping points, crit
270  MDSINE, a suite of algorithms for inferring dynamical systems models from microbiome time-series dat
271  we consider the brain from the viewpoint of dynamical systems theory and hypothesize that the unique
272 ferential equations depending on parameters; dynamical systems theory provides, through the appropria
273 mplex system structures and changes, such as dynamical systems theory, network theory, instability me
274  recast the problem as a more general one in dynamical systems theory, providing simple criteria for
275 processes in highly parallel, interconnected dynamical systems to approximate optimal coloring of gra
276 ications in real-world systems especially in dynamical systems with a phenomenon of multi-stability,
277 ed with high-dimensional nonlinear turbulent dynamical systems with conditional Gaussian structures,
278 rgue for scientists using complex non-linear dynamical systems with known ground truth, such as the m
279 ularity on the local stability of ecological dynamical systems, by presenting new results in random m
280             We train these networks to mimic dynamical systems, classify inputs, and store discrete s
281 nd designability, we show that those Boolean dynamical systems, compared to an arbitrary dynamical sy
282                         In complex turbulent dynamical systems, it is impossible to track and control
283 network (RNN) is a universal approximator of dynamical systems, whose performance often depends on se
284  that draw on the mathematical principles of dynamical systems.
285 epts and theory from the field of "monotone" dynamical systems.
286 ighted networks formed by sparsely-connected dynamical systems.
287  amino acid side chains) can switch inherent dynamical tendencies for competing modes of disrotation,
288  scale-dependent feedbacks) lacks a unifying dynamical theory, fuelling scepticism about its plausibi
289 on analyses and demonstrated that there is a dynamical threshold, resulting from a saddle-node bifurc
290 redundancy, which is calculated by employing dynamical time warping approach.
291  compute redundancy between genes by using a dynamical time warping approach.
292 onal killing, it was analyzed with nonlinear dynamical tools.
293 finite frequency, and hence we can witness a dynamical topological Majorana edge mode.
294  Here we propose that coevolution leads to a dynamical trade-off.
295        We further explore the impact of such dynamical trade-offs by a novel mathematical model incor
296 ing activity, were then used to describe the dynamical transformation from CA3 to CA1.
297 nship between network topology and explosive dynamical transitions as in epileptic seizures and their
298 task-tailored arrangement of slow states and dynamical tunnels.
299   The analysis of network interactions among dynamical units and the impact of the coupling on self-o
300 nown, especially given the lack of efficient dynamical vegetation models to evaluate forest tree cove

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