


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 m walk is defined to include various quantum dynamical behavior.
2 rties by surface-induced modification of its dynamical behavior.
3 m to an alternative state with a contrasting dynamical behavior.
4  conformations, thus suggesting a pronounced dynamical behavior.
5 d; and finally (iii) genes that have similar dynamical behavior.
6 about which interactions contribute to p53's dynamical behavior.
7 movements is critical to understanding their dynamical behavior.
8 us modular structures and the range of their dynamical behavior.
9 reported here, the results reveal unexpected dynamical behavior.
10 d switching functions or exhibit predictable dynamical behavior.
11 ested by an abrupt first-order transition in dynamical behaviors.
12 ract after their initiation, exhibiting rich dynamical behaviors.
13 mental demands by switching between distinct dynamical behaviors.
14 ion between synchronized and de-synchronized dynamical behaviors.
15 presents an intriguing example of collective dynamical behavior among the simplest forms of life and
16 n a nonseasonal environment that relates the dynamical behavior and competitive abilities of plant po
17  role to play in linking these data with the dynamical behavior and function of these proteins.
18                                          The dynamical behavior and the temperature dependence of the
19  Bacteria often inhabit and exhibit distinct dynamical behaviors at interfaces, but the physical mech
20 y the first complete characterization of the dynamical behavior by the mean fitness through time unde
21  the parameter space, where such interesting dynamical behavior can be observed.
22 orescence microscopy shows that a variety of dynamical behaviors can be reached by the combination of
23                    To understand how certain dynamical behaviors can or cannot persist as the underly
24                                    Different dynamical behavior during the first 4 ns indicates that
25                    This allows prediction of dynamical behavior even when the underlying reaction gra
26 e opens the way to tunable field-induced and dynamical behaviors.Exploring unconventional magnetism f
27 othesis that mitochondria manifest nonlinear dynamical behavior for efficiently regulating energy met
28                            A variety of rich dynamical behavior has been uncovered, although usually
29  electron tomography and analysis of spindle dynamical behavior in living cells, we investigated the
30          This has important consequences for dynamical behavior in particular leading to a simultaneo
31 e delays on quantum coherence and excitation dynamical behavior in the time domain generally consider
32  peptides interact with each other and their dynamical behaviors in different homooligomeric states.
33 exhibit characteristically distinct types of dynamical behaviors, in spite of identity of the oscilla
34 -activating kinase is sufficient to generate dynamical behaviors including bistability and limit cycl
35                  We find a host of nonlinear dynamical behaviors including multistability, chaos, and
36 we show that a number of distinct classes of dynamical behaviors, including correlated fluctuations c
37 er systems offer a rich repertoire of useful dynamical behaviors, including the excitable dynamics al
38 , we predict that it is a robust motor whose dynamical behavior is not compromised by reasonable pert
39 ver, at approximately 225 K, between the two dynamical behaviors known as fragile and strong, which i
40                               The static and dynamical behavior of a fluorescently labeled mutant of
41 ation (RACIPE), for interrogating the robust dynamical behavior of a gene regulatory circuit even wit
42                               We studied the dynamical behavior of a mononucleosome under tension usi
43 ve techniques to characterize the structural/dynamical behavior of a pH-triggered switching mechanism
44                               We studied the dynamical behavior of a two-species aquatic laboratory c
45                                 We study the dynamical behavior of a unit of three positive transcrip
46                                          The dynamical behavior of biomacromolecules is a fundamental
47 des the optical pulse (electron impact), the dynamical behavior of carriers manifests itself in a dar
48 lly detailed glimpse into the structural and dynamical behavior of double helical DNA over many times
49                     A new development in the dynamical behavior of elementary quantum systems is the
50 ividual members of the network on the global dynamical behavior of LINE-1 was examined from a theoret
51 ermined the detailed molecular alignment and dynamical behavior of MAG2 in oriented lipid bilayers by
52 erface, and this has a greater impact on the dynamical behavior of nanoconfined water than the actual
53                              The qualitative dynamical behavior of our experimental system, that is,
54  interactions, and the "rules" governing the dynamical behavior of regulated components of the networ
55                          We also compare the dynamical behavior of several simplified models of CDK r
56 robe changes in the nature and subnanosecond dynamical behavior of solvation waters that accompany pa
57                          To characterize the dynamical behavior of the active process, we introduce a
58                                 The observed dynamical behavior of the arginine side-chains at this p
59  model we find that bistability is the major dynamical behavior of the CDK signaling network, and tha
60 tically), with the objective of matching the dynamical behavior of the cell (e.g., action potential s
61                                          The dynamical behavior of the cortex is extremely complex, w
62  motion in live cells, revealing a wealth of dynamical behavior of the genomic material once believed
63 t long-lasting sparks emerge as a collective dynamical behavior of the network of diffusively coupled
64         Does selection operate on the global dynamical behavior of the networks?
65 rmed state of the cell is at the core of the dynamical behavior of the positive feedback loop linking
66                                          The dynamical behavior of the probability flux correlation f
67                                          The dynamical behavior of the system showed a tendency for o
68 drogens and carboxylate oxygens modulate the dynamical behavior of the system.
69      The functions of proteins depend on the dynamical behavior of their native states on a wide rang
70                              We show how the dynamical behavior of this model depends on an entire se
71 ose a computational model to account for the dynamical behavior of this positive inflammatory feedbac
72          We studied the response profile and dynamical behavior of two populations of projection neur
73         Mechanistic models that describe the dynamical behaviors of biochemical systems are common in
74           Overall, our studies show that the dynamical behaviors of motile bacteria at anisotropic LC
75 eep CV restitution leads to more complicated dynamical behaviors of the system.
76  interplay between alpha and tau affects the dynamical behaviors of the system.
77 ions as well as mathematical analyses of the dynamical behaviors of various created networks.
78 voltage coupling combined with the nonlinear dynamical behaviors of voltage and Ca cycling play a key
79                                  The solvent dynamical behavior on the protein surface reveals signif
80 n rod photoreceptors (I(h)) confer different dynamical behavior onto the two types of neurons.
81 of our society generates qualitatively novel dynamical behavior, producing a new stable regime of cul
82                      In the temporal domain, dynamical behaviors such as oscillations and pulses of p
83     Correlation of spindle architecture with dynamical behavior suggests that microtubule pairing is
84 ore realistic cases our model introduces new dynamical behavior that influences competitive outcomes.
85  viscosity and asymptotically approached the dynamical behavior that was previously observed in room
86                    We identify three typical dynamical behaviors that occur dependent on the geometri
87 hylesterification pattern attain the correct dynamical behavior to facilitate processive catalysis.
88      All three peptides exhibited unexpected dynamical behavior, undergoing a transition from an alph
89  elements, their integration generates novel dynamical behavior, whereas inputs affecting the same el

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