


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 diac abnormalities, short stature and facial dysmorphia.
2 een reported to have mild to moderate facial dysmorphia.
3 tal heart disease, short stature, and facial dysmorphia.
4  use and abuse, dieting regimens, and muscle dysmorphia.
5   The authors interviewed 24 men with muscle dysmorphia and 30 normal comparison weightlifters, recru
6 he apparent rise in disorders such as muscle dysmorphia and anabolic steroid abuse.
7 rinatal lethality and prevented craniofacial dysmorphia and cardiac defects.
8 easures, including marked symptoms of muscle dysmorphia and stronger endorsement of conventional male
9 e characterized by extremity anomalies, mild dysmorphia, and intellectual impairment caused by 3:1 me
10 n disorder, with short stature, craniofacial dysmorphia, and morphologic, histologic, echocardiograph
11                                       Muscle dysmorphia appears to be a valid diagnostic entity, poss
12 s including cardiac abnormalities and facial dysmorphia but is not sufficient for tumor formation.
13 l defects such as growth delay, craniofacial dysmorphia, cardiac defects, and hematologic abnormaliti
14                              Men with muscle dysmorphia differ sharply from normal weightlifters, mos
15                          The men with muscle dysmorphia differed significantly from the normal compar
16 asures but showed greater symptoms of muscle dysmorphia (e.g., not allowing their bodies to be seen i
17                          The men with muscle dysmorphia frequently described shame, embarrassment, an
18 , including growth delay, distinctive facial dysmorphia, hematologic abnormalities, and cardiac defec
19            The mechanisms underlying nuclear dysmorphia in cancer remain poorly understood.
20 rized by proportionate short stature, facial dysmorphia, increased risk of leukemia, and congenital h
21                                       Muscle dysmorphia is a form of body dysmorphic disorder in whic
22 individuals with DGS/VCFS, including: facial dysmorphia, mental retardation, long slender digits and
23 at unrestrained contractility causes nuclear dysmorphia, nuclear envelope rupture and genome instabil
24 -related attitudes and behaviors, and muscle dysmorphia ("reverse anorexia nervosa").
25  scores on a retrospective adolescent muscle-dysmorphia scale, the hazard ratio was 1.5 (.84, 2.6); f
26 velopmental disorder characterized by facial dysmorphia, short stature, cardiac defects, and skeletal
27 n 3BP2, which is mutated in the craniofacial dysmorphia syndrome cherubism.
28 se number of phenotypes, ranging from subtle dysmorphia to viability.
29 velopmental disorder characterized by facial dysmorphia, upper limb malformations, growth and cogniti
30 velopmental disorder characterized by facial dysmorphia, upper-extremity malformations, hirsutism, ca

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