


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1  eukaryotic translation initiation factor 3 (eIF3).
2  initiation factors (eIF4A, eIF4G, PABP, and eIF3).
3 grity and translation initiation function of eIF3.
4 of protein phosphorylation quantification on eIF3.
5 p48 subunit of translation initiation factor eIF3.
6 ely eukaryotic initiation factor (eIF) 2 and eIF3.
7 aberrant, alternative pathway requiring only eIF3.
8 or modeling the architecture of intact human eIF3.
9 ulti-component translation initiation factor eIF3.
10 protein translation, via an interaction with eIF3.
11 Consequently, P54 inhibited two functions of eIF3.
12 ound to both the "e" and the "c" subunits of eIF3.
13 nd for which this has not been determined is eIF3.
14 ch as five-fold the amount of eIF4G bound to eIF3.
15  a subunit of eIF4F, and eIF3a, a subunit of eIF3.
16 and restoring its defective interaction with eIF3.
17  to the "c" subunit, not the "e" subunit, of eIF3.
18 ein has been reported to be present in wheat eIF3.
19  the eIF4G subunit associates with 40S-bound eIF3.
20 tabilizing the interaction between eIF4G and eIF3.
21 tal eukaryotic translation initiation factor eIF3.
22 43S preinitiation complex and the complex of eIF3, 40S, and the hepatitis C internal ribosomal entry
23 ukaryotic initiation factor 4E (eIF4E)-eIF4G-eIF3-40S chain of interactions, but the mechanism by whi
24 nsistent with the model in which eIF4E-eIF4G-eIF3-40S interactions place eIF4E at the leading edge of
25 eless contain eIF3, consistent with inherent eIF3-40S subunit affinity.
26  initial event is the formation of a ternary eIF3/40S/IRES complex.
27 of eIF3a is responsible for the formation of eIF3(a:b:i:g) subcomplex and, because of mutually exclus
28 slational regulation and in formation of the eIF3(a:b:i:g) subcomplex remain to be solved.
29 F3a as the docking site for the formation of eIF3(a:b:i:g) subcomplex.
30 onsisting of eIF3a, eIF3b, eIF3g, and eIF3i (eIF3(a:b:i:g)) has also been identified.
31 n mammalian cells requires initiation factor eIF3, a approximately 750-kilodalton complex that contro
32 lectron microscopy reconstructions show that eIF3, a five-lobed particle, interacts with the hepatiti
33 binding to translasome components, including eIF3, a known partner for Sty1, a pattern of protein int
34                            Here, we focus on eIF3, a large multiprotein complex that plays a central
35 ed mRNAs can be recruited in the presence of eIF3 alone.
36                                              eIF3 also associates with ribosome biogenesis factors an
37                We report that eIF5B or eIF5B/eIF3 also promote Met-tRNA(iMet) binding to IRES-40S com
38 l subunits in vivo, but it can interact with eIF3 and -5 independently of ribosomes.
39 heless, both forms of FLAG-eIF1 fail to bind eIF3 and are incorporated into the 43 S complex ineffici
40 ion of 3e5 diminishes eIF4G interaction with eIF3 and causes abnormal gene expression at the translat
41                                    Therefore eIF3 and eIF1 dissociate from 40S subunits during, rathe
42                        Thus, it appears that eIF3 and eIF2 are more critically required than eIF4G fo
43 hat the IRES RNA coordinates interactions of eIF3 and eIF2 on the ribosome required to position the i
44  mutants prevents stable association of both eIF3 and eIF2, preventing initiator tRNA deposition and
45 nable 43S preinitiation complexes containing eIF3 and eIF2-GTP-Met-tRNA(iMet) to bind directly to the
46 ically the recruitment of initiation factors eIF3 and eIF2.
47                                Together with eIF3 and eIF4A/4B, eIF4G recruits ribosomal subunits to
48                         Detailed modeling of eIF3 and eIF4F onto the 40S ribosomal subunit reveals th
49  multisubunit translation initiation factors eIF3 and eIF4F.
50 F3 and that mTOR controls the association of eIF3 and eIF4G.
51 ifactor complex (MFC) comprising eIF1, eIF2, eIF3 and eIF5, similar to the MFC reported in yeast and
52 4 bound to the translation initiation factor eIF3 and inhibited translation.
53           Human 5MP1 interacts with eIF2 and eIF3 and inhibits general and gene-specific translation
54         Phospho-Upf1 interacts directly with eIF3 and inhibits the eIF3-dependent conversion of 40S/M
55 unctions of HCR1 and TIF32 in 40S binding of eIF3 and is needed for optimal preinitiation complex ass
56    We conclude that the complex formation of eIF3 and its association with the ribosomes might contri
57 at involve the translation initiation factor eIF3 and mRNA decay factors.
58 of the central translation initiation factor eIF3 and recognition of the HCV genomic RNA start codon,
59 the AUG initiation codon upon association of eIF3 and ternary complex.
60 t evidence that mTOR interacts directly with eIF3 and that mTOR controls the association of eIF3 and
61 as revealed how the HCV IRES RNA binds human eIF3 and the 40S ribosomal subunit and positions the sta
62  eIF2 function through its interactions with eIF3 and the 40S ribosomal subunit.
63 uction of a 40S ribosomal complex containing eIF3 and the CSFV IRES.
64 o individually look at specific functions of eIF3 and the effect of p56 on these eIF3-mediated functi
65                Although capped mRNAs require eIF3 and the eIF4 factors for efficient recruitment to t
66                                 We show that eIF3 and the eIF4 factors not only stabilize binding of
67 and comparison of the ribosomal positions of eIF3 and the HCV IRES revealed that they overlap, so tha
68                               We report that eIF3 and the small ribosomal subunit bind HIV RNA within
69 nctional analysis of the interaction between eIF3 and two mRNAs encoding the cell proliferation regul
70 " subunit of eukaryotic initiation factor 3 (eIF3) and subsequently interfering with the eIF3/eIF2.GT
71 ifactor complex with Met-tRNA(i)(Met), eIF2, eIF3, and eIF5 and binds near the P-site.
72  in the multifactor complex (MFC) with eIF2, eIF3, and eIF5 via multiple interactions with the MFC co
73 ukaryotic initiation factor 1 (eIF1), eIF1A, eIF3, and eIF5, and the resulting preinitiation complex
74 sical association with the initiation factor eIF3, and gle1 mutants display genetic interactions with
75 also reduce 40S ribosomal subunit binding to eIF3, and inhibit eIF5B-dependent steps downstream of st
76 y(A) tail, as well as eIF4E, eIF4G, Pab1 and eIF3, and is dependent on the length of both the mRNA an
77 ein subunit of translation initiation factor eIF3, and overexpression of eIF3h malignantly transforms
78  vitro and in vivo, affects 40S occupancy of eIF3, and produces a leaky scanning defect indicative of
79   However, the contributions of eIF1, eIF1A, eIF3, and the eIF2-GTP-Met-tRNAi ternary complex (TC) in
80 nsitivity of 48S complexes assembled by eIF2/eIF3- and eIF5B/eIF3-mediated mechanisms to eIF1-induced
81 lthough 48S complexes assembled both by eIF2/eIF3- and eIF5B/eIF3-mediated Met-tRNA(iMet) recruitment
82  robust protein synthesis promoted by intact eIF3 appears to be a part of the requisites for sound St
83 t interaction sites with the 40S subunit and eIF3 are conserved between HCV and HCV-like IRESs.
84 etry, we show that distinct regions of human eIF3 are sufficient for binding to the HCV IRES RNA and
85                                      40S and eIF3 are sufficient for initial binding.
86                                              eIF3 assembles into a large supercomplex, the translasom
87 he entry channel, augmenting the function of eIF3 at both entry and exit channels.
88 omplexes formed by IRES mutants with reduced eIF3 binding affinity nonetheless contain eIF3, consiste
89 ause eIF3j has been shown to be required for eIF3 binding to 40 S ribosomes in vitro, the results sug
90 D) of the eIF3c/Nip1 subunit, which mediates eIF3 binding to eIF1 and eIF5, to semirandom mutagenesis
91             Limited proteolysis reveals that eIF3 binding to the 40S ribosomal subunit occurs through
92  required neither eIF4E binding to eIF4G nor eIF3 binding to the 40S ribosomal subunit.
93 he RNA-binding motif of subunit eIF3a weaken eIF3 binding to the HCV IRES and the 40S ribosomal subun
94 ng of partially proteolyzed HeLa eIF3 to the eIF3-binding domain of human eIF4G-1, followed by high t
95  subdomains within the previously identified eIF3-binding domain.
96 ons reveals that eIF4G contains two distinct eIF3-binding subdomains within the previously identified
97                                              eIF3 binds to a highly specific program of messenger RNA
98                 During canonical initiation, eIF3 binds to the 40S subunit as a component of the 43S
99                      This structural core in eIF3 binds to the small (40S) ribosomal subunit, to tran
100 omain in eIF4G is responsible for binding to eIF3, but the identity of the eIF3 subunit(s) involved i
101 V-like IRESs also specifically interact with eIF3, but the role of this interaction in IRES-mediated
102 subunit of the translation initiation factor eIF3, but unlike the other members, p49 did not inhibit
103 an p56 proteins block different functions of eIF3 by binding to its different subunits.
104 , and eIF3j, a loosely associated subunit of eIF3, can promote recycling of eukaryotic post-TCs.
105 mulation promotes mTOR/raptor binding to the eIF3 complex and phosphorylation of S6K1 at its hydropho
106                                          The eIF3 complex consists of approximately 10 subunits whose
107 y significantly impairs the integrity of the eIF3 complex due to down-regulation of multiple other su
108 small eIF3j subunit is unassociated with the eIF3 complex in quiescent T lymphocytes, but upon activa
109                                    The p190A-eIF3 complex is distinct from eIF3 complexes containing
110 s the recruitment of the large, multiprotein eIF3 complex to the 40S ribosomal subunit.
111 s the highly flexible 800 kDa molecular mass eIF3 complex, and mediates translation initiation.
112  factor 3a), one of the core subunits of the eIF3 complex, has been implicated in regulating translat
113 factor-3a (eIF3a), a putative subunit of the eIF3 complex, has recently been shown to have an importa
114      When inactive, S6K1 associates with the eIF3 complex, while the S6K1 activator mTOR/raptor does
115 F3f) is the p47 subunit of the multi-subunit eIF3 complex.
116 ndent on subunits i and g of the heteromeric eIF3 complex.
117 the structural integrity and function of the eIF3 complex.
118 th PRT1 without substantially disrupting the eIF3 complex; (ii) rnp1 impairs the 40S binding of eIF3
119      The p190A-eIF3 complex is distinct from eIF3 complexes containing S6K1 or mammalian target of ra
120 eling, allowed us to position and orient all eIF3 components on the 40SeIF1 complex, revealing an ext
121                            The structures of eIF3 components reported here also have implications for
122 ed eIF3 binding affinity nonetheless contain eIF3, consistent with inherent eIF3-40S subunit affinity
123  Eukaryotic translation initiation factor 3 (eIF3) consists of core subunits that are conserved from
124 trictly requires direct interaction of their eIF3 constituent with eIF4G.
125 does not require direct interaction of their eIF3 constituent with the IRES-bound eIF4G.
126            Other mutations that disrupt eIF2-eIF3 contacts in the multifactor complex (MFC) diminishe
127                                    Mammalian eIF3 contains 13 subunits and participates in nearly all
128                            Higher eukaryotic eIF3 contains additional (noncore or nonconserved) subun
129                 Eukaryotic initiation factor eIF3 contains at least thirteen non-identical subunits,
130  Based on these results, we hypothesize that eIF3 contributes to hyperactivation of the translation i
131  eukaryotic translation initiation factor 3 (eIF3) controls access of other initiation factors and mR
132 inimal, six-subunit Saccharomyces cerevisiae eIF3 core.
133 cting with the translation initiation factor eIF3, Cpeb4 represses the translation of a large set of
134 nteracts directly with eIF3 and inhibits the eIF3-dependent conversion of 40S/Met-tRNA(i)(Met)/mRNA t
135 R and P56 to, respectively, target eIF2- and eIF3-dependent steps in the viral RNA translation initia
136 gram includes PERK-dependent switching to an eIF3-dependent translation initiation mechanism, resulti
137 oes not explain genetic evidence correlating eIF3 deregulation with tissue-specific cancers and devel
138                         Mutations throughout eIF3 disrupt its interaction with the PIC and diminish i
139                            To overcome this, eIF3 dramatically increases the affinity of eIF1 and eIF
140 the O. furnacalis feeding group: LOX1, ASN1, eIF3, DXS, AOS, TIM, LOX5, BBTI2, BBTI11, BBTI12, BBTI13
141                                        eIF2, eIF3, eIF1 and eIF1A promote efficient 48S initiation co
142                                      The TC, eIF3, eIF1, and eIF1A cooperatively bind to the 40S subu
143                          In cooperation with eIF3, eIF1, and eIF1A, Met-tRNA(Met)(i)/eIF2/GTP binds t
144 t-TCs) can be mediated by initiation factors eIF3, eIF1, and eIF1A, this energy-free mechanism can fu
145 top codon and report that initiation factors eIF3, eIF1, eIF1A, and eIF3j, a loosely associated subun
146                        The presence of eIF2, eIF3, eIF1, eIF1A, and Met-tRNAi(Met) was sufficient for
147 tiple initiation factors in vitro, including eIF3, eIF1, eIF5, and eIF1A.
148 (i)(Met) ternary complex (TC) interacts with eIF3-eIF1-eIF5 complex to form the multifactor complex (
149 -tRNA(i)(Met) ternary complex (TC) binds the eIF3/eIF1/eIF5 complex to form the multifactor complex (
150 (eIF3) and subsequently interfering with the eIF3/eIF2.GTP.Met-tRNAi (ternary complex) interaction.
151                    All of them require eIF2, eIF3, eIF4A, eIF4G, eIF4B, eIF1A, and a single ITAF, pol
152     eIF4GI, poly(A)-binding protein (PABP)1, eIF3, eIF4AI, and eIF2alpha coimmunopurify with both CBP
153  leading to a temporary stabilization of the eIF3-eIF4G interaction on the 48S complex.
154 r study reveals unexpected complexity to the eIF3-eIF4G interaction that provides new insight into th
155  eukaryotic translation initiation factor 3 (eIF3), eIF5, and eIF2, but not with other translation in
156 ize the multifactor complex containing eIF1, eIF3, eIF5, and TC, showing that eIF1 promotes PIC assem
157 , we examined the effects of depleting eIF2, eIF3, eIF5, or eIF4G in Saccharomyces cerevisiae cells o
158 cated in the yeast multifactor complex (eIF1-eIF3-eIF5-eIF2-GTP-Met-tRNA(i)(Met)).
159                                        Yeast eIF3 engages 40S in a clamp-like manner, fully encirclin
160 ubiquitin levels in its role as a subunit of eIF3 (eukaryote translation initiation factor 3), we fou
161 lso functions as an essential subunit of the eIF3 eukaryotic translation initiation factor in animals
162 lieving the competition between the IRES and eIF3 for a common binding site on the 40S subunit, and r
163 t FLAG-eIF3e specifically competed with HeLa eIF3 for binding to eIF4G in vitro.
164 s that initiate translation independently of eIF3 from the CrPV IRES.
165            However, current understanding of eIF3 function does not explain genetic evidence correlat
166       Consistent with phospho-Upf1 impairing eIF3 function, NMD fails to detectably target nonsense-c
167 NA recruitment of a library of S. cerevisiae eIF3 functional variants spanning its 5 essential subuni
168 e report that mouse p56 also interferes with eIF3 functions and inhibits translation.
169 ve-stain EM reconstructions of reconstituted eIF3 further reveal how the approximately 400 kDa molecu
170                                 In contrast, eIF3, G3BP, eIF4G, and PABP-1 are restricted to SGs, whe
171 vo, but a mutant P56 that was unable to bind eIF3 had no suppressive action.
172        P170, the largest putative subunit of eIF3, has been found elevated in human breast, cervical,
173 ), Y-box binding protein (YBX1), DDX3, DDX5, eIF3, IGF2BP1, multiple myeloma tumor protein 2, interle
174                            Depleting eIF2 or eIF3 impaired mRNA binding to free 40S subunits, but dep
175                        The role of mammalian eIF3 in assembly of the 48 S complex occurs through high
176 n of a near-cognate start codon, implicating eIF3 in AUG selection.
177    Here we reconstitute the 13-subunit human eIF3 in Escherichia coli, revealing its structural core
178       Our findings illuminate a new role for eIF3 in governing a specialized repertoire of gene expre
179                                              eIF3 in mammals is the largest translation initiation fa
180               Together, these data implicate eIF3 in mRNA-associated translation initiation events, s
181 32; and (v) hcr1Delta impairs 40S binding of eIF3 in otherwise wild-type cells.
182  specific interaction of HCV-like IRESs with eIF3 in preventing ribosomal association of eIF3, which
183  the Ts(-) phenotype and increases 40S-bound eIF3 in rnp1 cells; (iv) the rnp1 Ts(-) phenotype is exa
184 esence of initiation factors eIF1, eIF1A and eIF3 in the 40S preinitiation complex (40S.eIF1.eIF1A.eI
185 sent a cryo-electron microscopy structure of eIF3 in the context of the DHX29-bound 43S complex, show
186                  Based on the known roles of eIF3 in the initiation pathway, we employed assays desig
187 HEAT domain to interact with eIF1, eIF2, and eIF3 in the multifactor complex and with eIF4G in the 48
188  mutations diminished 40S-bound TC, eIF5 and eIF3 in vivo, and deltaC impaired TC recruitment in vitr
189 hat TC recruitment is a critical function of eIF3 in vivo.
190 opy assay to demonstrate that eIF4G binds to eIF3 independently of eIF4A binding to the middle region
191              To test the effects of the VPg- eIF3 interaction on translation, VPg was added to cell-f
192 and alleviate the necessity for direct eIF4G/eIF3 interaction.
193 ission of eIF4A or disruption of eIF4E-eIF4G-eIF3 interactions converted eIF4E into a specific inhibi
194           Our data reveal the breadth of the eIF3 interactome and suggest that factors involved in tr
195 itive LC-MS/MS to decipher the fission yeast eIF3 interactome, which was found to contain 230 protein
196  contacts position (-)3, and now report that eIF3 interacts with positions (-)8-(-)17, forming an ext
197  eukaryotic translation initiation factor 3 (eIF3) interacts with eIF3 subunits j/Hcr1 and b/Prt1 and
198 is to investigate the molecular mechanism of eIF3 involvement in these reactions.
199  On the other hand, the CDV IRES forms a 40S/eIF3/IRES ternary complex, with multiple points of conta
200 the HCV IRES in the 40S-IRES binary complex, eIF3 is completely displaced from its ribosomal position
201                                    Mammalian eIF3 is composed of 13 subunits and is the largest eukar
202 tedly show that the eIF4G-binding surface in eIF3 is comprised of the -c, -d and -e subunits.
203                                      Whether eIF3 is essential for embryonic development and homeosta
204 es as abundant as eIF1, eIF2 and eIF5, while eIF3 is half as abundant as the latter three and hence,
205 nalyze ribosome complexes, we find that most eIF3 is not bound to 40 S ribosomal subunits in unactiva
206 A, arguing against previous suggestions that eIF3 is required for recruitment of eIF1 to the small ri
207                                              eIF3 is the principal factor that promotes splitting of
208  eukaryotic initiation factor 4G (eIF4G) and eIF3 is thought to act as the molecular bridge between t
209              Eukaryotic initiation factor 3 (eIF3) is a 12-subunit protein complex that plays a centr
210  Eukaryotic translation initiation factor 3 (eIF3) is a central player in recruitment of the pre-init
211   Mammalian translation initiation factor 3 (eIF3) is a multisubunit complex containing at least 12 s
212 eukaryotes, translation initiation factor 3 (eIF3) is thought to play an essential role in this proce
213 nd eIF3j to eIF3b, different subcomplexes of eIF3 likely exist and may perform noncanonical functions
214 tions of eIF3 and the effect of p56 on these eIF3-mediated functions.
215   However, 48S complexes formed by the eIF5B/eIF3-mediated mechanism on the truncated IRES could not
216  complexes assembled by eIF2/eIF3- and eIF5B/eIF3-mediated mechanisms to eIF1-induced destabilization
217 lexes assembled both by eIF2/eIF3- and eIF5B/eIF3-mediated Met-tRNA(iMet) recruitment were destabiliz
218 he 40S preinitiation complex (40S.eIF1.eIF1A.eIF3.Met-tRNA(i).eIF2.GTP) and the subsequent binding of
219 omplex; (ii) rnp1 impairs the 40S binding of eIF3 more so than the 40S binding of HCR1; (iii) overexp
220                           In order to do so, eIF3 must associate with pre-termination complexes where
221 utants display genetic interactions with the eIF3 mutant nip1-1.
222             We addressed the hypothesis that eIF3 noncore subunits have accessory functions that help
223        The increase in eIF4G associated with eIF3 occurred rapidly and at physiological concentration
224 bunit of the translational initiation factor eIF3, occurs in human breast cancers, but how INT6 relat
225 ependence on eukaryotic initiation factor 3 (eIF3) of reinitiation by recycled 40S subunits, which ca
226                       eIF3k colocalizes with eIF3 on 40S ribosomal subunits.
227  specific enhancement of eIF5-CTD binding to eIF3 on its binding to eIF2beta.
228 complexes led to release of eIF2-GDP but not eIF3 or eIF1.
229 ers, such as eukaryotic initiation factor 3 (eIF3) or eIF4A, or the processing body (PB) markers, suc
230 ts having PCI (proteasome, COP9 signalosome, eIF3) or MPN (Mpr1, Pad1, amino-terminal) domains consti
231                              Depleting eIF2, eIF3, or eIF5 reduced 40S binding of all constituents of
232 0-kilodalton eukaryotic initiation factor 3 (eIF3) organizes initiation factor and ribosome interacti
233 e e-subunit of translation initiation factor eIF3, other evidence indicates that it interacts with pr
234 ear-complete polyalanine-level models of the eIF3 PCI/MPN core and of two peripheral subunits.
235 -like fold and a proteasome COP9/signalosome eIF3 (PCI) module in a right-handed suprahelical configu
236                                              eIF3 plays a key role in protein biosynthesis.
237                                              eIF3 plays an important role in translation initiation.
238  Eukaryotic translation initiation factor 3 (eIF3) plays a central role in translation initiation and
239     Interactions of eIF4G with eIF4E, eIF4A, eIF3, poly(A)-binding protein, and Mnk1/2 have been mapp
240                                    Thus, the eIF3 preinitiation complex acts as a scaffold to coordin
241                                              eIF3 promotes translation initiation, but relatively lit
242      Thus, increasing eIF4G association with eIF3 represents a potentially important mechanism by whi
243 t channels, we uncovered a critical role for eIF3 requiring the eIF3a NTD, in stabilizing mRNA intera
244                       The structural core of eIF3 resides on the back of the 40S subunit, establishin
245                             Importantly, the eIF3 role in programmed readthrough is conserved between
246 on coupled with mass spectroscopy identified eIF3 subunit b (eIF3b) as a novel P311 binding partner.
247 ing eIF3 to bind to the larger ribosome-free eIF3 subunit complex, and then to the 40 S ribosomes.
248                                 Notably, the eIF3 subunit eIF3b is protected by HCV IRES RNA binding,
249 cted hydroxyl radical probing that the human eIF3 subunit eIF3j binds to the aminoacyl (A) site and m
250 ore, our study reveals the role of a noncore eIF3 subunit in modulating a specific developmental prog
251                         Here, we identify an eIF3 subunit that regulates eIF4F modification and show
252 for binding to eIF3, but the identity of the eIF3 subunit(s) involved is less clear.
253 dy, we have sought to identify the mammalian eIF3 subunit(s) that directly interact(s) with eIF4G.
254 ranslation and is synchronized by a specific eIF3 subunit.
255 ain in yeast eukaryotic initiation factor 3 (eIF3) subunit b/PRT1 (prt1-rnp1) impairs its direct inte
256  eukaryotic translation initiation factor 3 (eIF3) subunit eIF3e/INT6 has been described in various t
257 hocytes, but upon activation joins the other eIF3 subunits and binds 40 S ribosomal subunits.
258 ntical p190B paralog, associates with all 13 eIF3 subunits and several other translational preinitiat
259      The association of eIF3j with the other eIF3 subunits appears to be inhibited by rapamycin, sugg
260                    Addition of the remaining eIF3 subunits enables reconstituted eIF3 to assemble int
261  bind eIF4G, but the potential role of other eIF3 subunits in stabilizing this interaction has not be
262 s to be established whether up-regulation of eIF3 subunits is a consequence or a cause of the maligna
263 on initiation factor 3 (eIF3) interacts with eIF3 subunits j/Hcr1 and b/Prt1 and can bind helices 16
264 have expressed and purified individual human eIF3 subunits or complexes of eIF3 subunits using baculo
265 of sucrose gradient fractions for individual eIF3 subunits show that the small eIF3j subunit is unass
266 dividual human eIF3 subunits or complexes of eIF3 subunits using baculovirus-infected Sf9 cells.
267 solution structure of an interaction between eIF3 subunits.
268  they do not rule out participation of other eIF3 subunits.
269 k complete the characterization of mammalian eIF3 subunits.
270 evealing an extended, modular arrangement of eIF3 subunits.
271 ning the 40S ribosomal subunit, eIF1, eIF1A, eIF3, ternary complex (eIF2-GTP-Met-tRNAi), and eIF5.
272 mal subunit and the 20 S complex composed of eIF3, ternary complex, eIF4F, and mRNA.
273 nsequently, it has only a marginal effect on eIF3.ternary complex interaction.
274 nding of eIF4F to the 40 S ribosomal subunit.eIF3.ternary complex.
275  show eIF2beta as well as a configuration of eIF3 that appears to encircle the 40S, occupying part of
276 c initiation factor (eIF) 3j is a subunit of eIF3 that binds to the mRNA entry channel and A-site of
277 y two highly conserved RNA-binding motifs in eIF3 that direct translation initiation from the hepatit
278  through its interactions with eIF4A, eIF4G, eIF3, the poly(A)-binding protein (PABP), and RNA.
279 emaining eIF3 subunits enables reconstituted eIF3 to assemble intact initiation complexes with the HC
280  to an activation of eIF3j, thereby enabling eIF3 to bind to the larger ribosome-free eIF3 subunit co
281 recipitation indicated diminished binding of eIF3 to eIF4G, signifying a reduction in recruitment of
282 nitiation in vivo and reduces 40S-binding of eIF3 to native preinitiation complexes.
283  gene expression and suggest that binding of eIF3 to specific mRNAs could be targeted to control carc
284        Like P56, it inhibited the ability of eIF3 to stabilize the eIF2 x GTP x Met-tRNA(i) ternary c
285 ow the HCV IRES binds to specific regions of eIF3 to target the translational machinery to the viral
286 hat the rnp1 lesion decreases recruitment of eIF3 to the 40S subunit by HCR1: (i) rnp1 strongly impai
287 wever, binding of partially proteolyzed HeLa eIF3 to the eIF3-binding domain of human eIF4G-1, follow
288 rs, eukaryotic initiation factor (eIF) 2 and eIF3, to form preinitiation 48S ribosomal complexes that
289 l) domains constitute the structural core of eIF3, to which five peripheral subunits are flexibly lin
290  is required for the binding of eIF4B to the eIF3 translation initiation complex.
291 l, discover an unidentified function for the eIF3 translation initiation factor as a scaffold for the
292  and off the eukaryotic initiation factor 3 (eIF3) translation initiation complex in a signal-depende
293  40S ribosomal subunits (types 3 and 4), and eIF3 (type 3).
294 ation regulators c-JUN and BTG1 reveals that eIF3 uses different modes of RNA stem-loop binding to ex
295  onto the 40S ribosomal subunit reveals that eIF3 uses eIF4F or the HCV IRES in structurally similar
296 very of human transcripts that interact with eIF3 using photoactivatable ribonucleoside-enhanced cros
297                                 In addition, eIF3 was proposed to coordinate their functions in this
298 arn more about the structure and function of eIF3 we have expressed and purified individual human eIF
299 rectly binds eukaryotic initiation factor 3 (eIF3), which is sufficient to recruit the 43S complex to
300  eIF3 in preventing ribosomal association of eIF3, which could serve two purposes: relieving the comp
301  initiation (not termination) factor, namely eIF3, which critically promotes programmed readthrough o
302 hought to require the functions of eIF4F and eIF3, with the latter serving as an adaptor between the

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