コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)
1 cochlear nucleus following occlusion of the ear canal.
2 at the stapes, and as sound pressure in the ear canal.
3 measures of speech recorded in the external ear canal.
4 survey organisms present in the human outer ear canal.
5 ransfer function (HRTF) from sound source to ear canal.
6 h functions comparable to stimulation in the ear canal.
7 of the middle ear cavity and opening of the ear canal.
8 dge practically eliminates the effect of the ear-canal air volume interposed between the tympanic mem
11 e, lies at a steep angle with respect to the ear canal, and has organized radial and circumferential
12 to developing tumors in the skin, the inner ear canal, and the oral epithelium after 1 year of age.
16 d sound delivery devices and receiver-in-the-ear-canal hearing aid configuration) to reduce the occlu
17 r results suggest, therefore, that the outer ear canal may serve as a reservoir for normally commensa
19 h then slows until PND11, around the time of ear canal opening; subsequently, MGv accelerates growth
20 imple as an otoscope to better visualize the ear canal or as complex as a wireless capsule endoscope
21 and amplitude growth were calculated for an ear canal speaker versus the intracochlear actuator for
23 ed from microphones placed in each subject's ear canals, which preserved the interaural time and leve
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