


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 initial eGFR, highlighting the importance of early detection.
2  the quintessential basics of prevention and early detection.
3 ing pathology will likely be most useful for early detection.
4  in ex vivo studies of anticancer agents and early detection.
5 tatic cells and thus serve as a sentinel for early detection.
6 .3, which provided excellent sensitivity for early detection.
7 s, the benefits in lives saved will grow via early detection.
8 ic adenocarcinoma, with probes available for early detection.
9 lar surveillance to improve survival through early detection.
10  disease that lacks effective biomarkers for early detection.
11 atments and the importance of prevention and early detection.
12 dvances in cancer prevention, screening, and early detection across various tumour types, and the cha
13 exercise-induced SCD reinforces the need for early detection and abstinence from intense exercise.
14                                              Early detection and accurate identification of pathogens
15                                              Early detection and appropriate management could reduce
16 ing evidence and potential benefit gained by early detection and appropriate management.
17                                              Early detection and appropriate treatment of hypothyroid
18                     RATIONALE: Improving the early detection and chemoprevention of lung cancer are k
19 ic resonance imaging are techniques used for early detection and confirmation.
20 aboratory infrastructure will greatly aid in early detection and containment efforts during future ou
21 to global malaria control and elimination is early detection and containment of emerging drug resista
22 a cattle herd, to evaluate the impact of the early detection and culling of an infected herd on the i
23                                      Indeed, early detection and diagnosis are fundamental to achieve
24 -targeting bispecific antibody fragments for early detection and diagnosis of small malignant lesions
25                                              Early detection and effective treatment of diabetes shou
26                                              Early detection and efficient treatment modality of earl
27 th the potential to act as novel targets for early detection and future therapeutic interventions.
28 r evaluation of the coronary anatomy and for early detection and grading of coronary lesions in non-d
29 onitoring technology is already facilitating early detection and improved visual outcomes for patient
30                                              Early detection and initiation of therapy may improve ou
31                           Risk awareness for early detection and intervention are important in these
32  screening for cytomegalovirus to facilitate early detection and intervention for sensorineural heari
33 nisms involved in loneliness and may enhance early detection and intervention research in AD.
34  Moreover, they accentuate the importance of early detection and intervention to reduce deaths from t
35 idence and the potential benefit gained from early detection and intervention.
36 ng and routine monitoring for the purpose of early detection and intervention.
37 , and field-effect transistor biosensors for early detection and management of diabetes with focus on
38 ractice and research and could assist in the early detection and management of pathologic tooth wear.
39  requires the development of new methods for early detection and monitoring of infectious agents in w
40                     This assay might lead to early detection and more rapid therapy in the event of a
41 rs PIK3CA an attractive molecular target for early detection and personalised therapy.
42                                              Early detection and precise diagnosis of these infection
43 n assist epidemiological surveillance in the early detection and prevalence estimation of infectious
44                                      Optimal early detection and prevention for breast cancer depend
45 findings have potential implications for the early detection and prevention of EAC and ESCC.
46           Regular ocular care is critical to early detection and prevention of eye disease and associ
47  treatment of late-stage disease symptoms to early detection and prevention.
48  pharyngeal samples may be warranted for its early detection and prevention.
49                                              Early detection and prompt therapy of cardiotoxicity app
50                                              Early detection and prompt treatment is very important t
51                                              Early detection and prompt treatment may increase patien
52  may also imply the clinical significance of early detection and prophylactic intervention against co
53                       Our results can inform early detection and rapid response efforts targeting N.
54 at high risk for cutaneous melanoma improves early detection and reduces unnecessary excisions; howev
55 hose at risk to develop melanoma may enhance early detection and relieve some of the burden on health
56 apies, and the improvement in survival time, early detection and response assessment of skeletal meta
57 engthens the role of fetal heart rate in the early detection and risk stratification of LQTS, particu
58      Recognising the key role that effective early detection and screening programmes could have in r
59 nd increasing cognitive reserve), secondary (early detection and screening), and tertiary (once demen
60 ss mortality of lung cancer include improved early detection and stratification of the cancers accord
61 ed before starting the antiviral therapy for early detection and the improvement of the impairment be
62 lity rate results from a lack of methods for early detection and the inability to successfully treat
63                          Programs focused on early detection and the treatment of clinical rheumatic
64 cancer and have implications for prevention, early detection and therapeutic intervention of this dis
65  high-risk atherosclerotic plaques, of which early detection and therapeutic stabilization are urgent
66 erious and lifelong arthritic complications, early detection and treatment is not possible due to the
67 nce on screening pelvic examinations for the early detection and treatment of a range of gynecologic
68 , Red and Charline McCombs Institute for the Early Detection and Treatment of Cancer, NIH through MD
69  instruments and guidelines to help with the early detection and treatment of comorbid conditions.
70  evaluated preclincially for applications in early detection and treatment of diseases at molecular a
71                                     Although early detection and treatment of prostate cancer (PCa) i
72 as the central subfield may be useful in the early detection and treatment of recurrent macular edema
73 lar, intensive cancer surveillance allow for early detection and treatment of these cancers for mutat
74                                     Although early detection and treatment prevents life-threatening
75  prematurity (ROP) is one of the targets for early detection and treatment to prevent childhood blind
76                      These include improving early detection and treatment, mitigating disease risk f
77 its detrimental effects are preventable with early detection and treatment.
78 utline some promising new directions for its early detection and treatment.
79 on into clinical practice, new approaches to early detection, and clinical trials using a host of nov
80 1 CpGs serve as biomarkers for prognosis and early detection, and the TGFbeta-VAV1 axis represents a
81 ancer is important for improving prevention, early detection, and therapeutic approaches.
82 t opportunities to transform the prevention, early detection, and treatment of lung cancer in the yea
83 integrative approach for disease prevention, early detection, and treatment which takes into account
84  health systems, and emphasis on prevention, early detection, and treatment with the use of both conv
85 fforts have been made to improve prevention, early detection, and treatment.
86  Alzheimer disease (AD) dementia, markers of early detection are essential.
87                       Primary prevention and early detection are integral strategies to reduce the bu
88                                              Early detection assays play a key role in the successful
89 hich may potentially serve as biomarkers for early detection before the onset of the disease.
90                                              Early detection by computed tomography scan with oral an
91                                              Early detection by ophthalmological examination is manda
92 signed this trial to establish the effect of early detection by screening on ovarian cancer mortality
93                                              Early detection can reduce irreversible blindness from r
94                                           An early detection could diminish their clinical impact and
95 atment options have started to emerge making early detection critical for therapeutic success.
96 quid biopsies and noninvasive biomarkers for early detection, diagnosis, and treatment of cancer pati
97  across diverse areas of oncology for use in early detection, diagnosis, prognosis and therapy.
98 cation after noncardiac surgery and, despite early detection during routine clinical screening, is as
99 s and well tolerated, but current assays for early detection fail to detect >50% of infected neonates
100  clinically a potential biomarker for use in early detection for ccRCC, and provides a better underst
101     Performance of the statistical model for early detection from online search behavior, for differe
102 ative to 968 breast cancer deaths averted by early detection from screening.
103                                              Early detection greatly improves the chances of survival
104                                              Early detection has been shown to be associated with red
105 ications of CKD, and propose methods for its early detection in at-risk patients.
106  These findings underscore the importance of early detection in high-risk individuals.
107  can be used to design better prevention and early detection in the case of RVF resurgence in the reg
108 s underwent Internet Curriculum for Melanoma Early Detection (INFORMED) training in May 2015, and 5 s
109  risk for psychosis collected as part of the Early Detection, Intervention, and Prevention of Psychos
110 systems with special focus on prevention and early detection is an essential step in the countries' e
111 tages of chronic liver diseases, so enabling early detection is an important research topic.
112                                              Early detection is the key in improving the survival of
113 safe, non-invasive, and practical method for early detection, long-term screening, and follow-up in c
114 tant arthropod-borne flavivirus disease, and early detection lowers fatality rates to below 1%.
115 o specific treatment for dengue disease, and early detection lowers fatality rates to below 1%.
116 surveillance in these populations to enhance early detection, management, and control in future HPAI
117  critical to ensure survivors' engagement in early detection/management of complications.
118                                              Early detection may allow consideration of intervention
119      This task can be adapted to serve as an early detection method for Alzheimer's disease pathology
120                                    Effective early detection methods for PDAC are needed.
121 , uptake of preventive measures, adoption of early detection methods, and better treatments have resu
122   These findings will support development of early detection methods, as well as mechanism(s) of inju
123 tional response to AFB1, and, as such, is an early detection metric for AFB1-induced liver cancer in
124 ose of the present study is to validate this early detection model in different cohorts of recently t
125 r as a cost-effective in vitro assay for the early detection, monitoring or treatment of rare disease
126 applications in the clinic, in areas such as early detection, noninvasive monitoring, and guiding tar
127         The mainstay of tuberculosis care is early detection of active tuberculosis (case finding), c
128                                              Early detection of acute kidney injury (AKI), a common c
129 also suggest that IIS may be a biomarker for early detection of AD.
130                                              Early detection of adverse effects of novel therapies an
131 pted in order to maximise the probability of early detection of an emerging pathogen within imposed s
132 ital anorectal examination may be useful for early detection of anal cancer in these populations.
133 y powerful tool for biomonitoring, including early detection of aquatic invasive species (AIS).
134 ening and intervention efforts, particularly early detection of at-risk individuals.
135  and highly sensitive manner can help in the early detection of bacterial infections.
136 ur data suggest a biomarker strategy for the early detection of beta-amyloid-related abnormalities.
137                                          The early detection of BLs responsible of resistant infectio
138                                              Early detection of breast cancer is a crucial factor to
139  Despite the importance of calcifications in early detection of breast cancer, and their suggested ro
140           These techniques compromise in the early detection of breast cancer.
141 ed herein offers a considerable potential in early detection of cancer and clinical diagnosis and pro
142 performance, they are however unsuitable for early detection of cancer biomarkers or their quantifica
143 re emerging as novel reliable biomarkers for early detection of cancer diseases.
144 osensor paves a fascinating platform towards early detection of cancer tumour and is anticipated to b
145 new approaches to improve the prevention and early detection of cancer.
146             Adhere to ACS guidelines for the early detection of cancer.
147 behavior of tumor cells is important for the early detection of cancer.
148 r proteins are promising bio-markers for the early detection of cancer.
149 g methods are particularly desirable for the early detection of cancers.
150                                              Early detection of cardiac dysfunction may identify a hi
151 obal strain, and biomarkers have allowed for early detection of cardiotoxic effects.
152                                     Although early detection of cartilage injury may prevent serious
153 7) medical equipment disinfection (7/8); (8) early detection of CDAD in symptomatic patients (7/8); (
154                          CTP not only allows early detection of cerebral ischemia but also gives valu
155 Home telemonitoring of patients with AMD for early detection of CNV vs usual care.
156                                              Early detection of cognitive impairment is an important
157 ions and relevant evidence for screening and early detection of common cancers in India.
158 ends on patient compliance and adherence for early detection of complications and identification of i
159 protection, pain management, prevention, and early detection of complications.
160                   The USPSTF determined that early detection of COPD, before the development of sympt
161                                              Early detection of covert consciousness and cortical res
162                                The automated early detection of crisis precursors can provide clinici
163                                              Early detection of dairy animal health issues allows the
164 ive delirium should be followed up to enable early detection of dementia symptoms, and management sho
165 ociated declines in SVZ neurogenesis for the early detection of differences in gene expression and th
166 en come to serve as structural biomarker for early detection of disease.
167 ring programs in children aim to achieve the early detection of disorders that affect growth.
168 vated only in the presence of biothiols, for early detection of drug-induced hepatotoxicity in living
169  attention with patient's cough or fever for early detection of drug-induced pneumonia.
170 vides improved strategies for prevention and early detection of EA by addressing the environmental an
171                                              Early detection of Ebola virus (EBOV) infection is essen
172 ws for unbiased pathogen identification, the early detection of emerging viruses as they spread to ne
173                                  A model for early detection of episodes of increased intracranial pr
174                                   MRI allows early detection of familial breast cancer regardless of
175 tern recognition revealed new biomarkers for early detection of galactosemia, such as N-galactated am
176 vel epigenetic signature may have utility in early detection of GC and possibly other epithelial canc
177  for designing multiple functional tests for early detection of glaucoma and for circuit-specific the
178  growth prediction model can be used for the early detection of growth deficiency and the evaluation
179 t for monitoring hepatitis B progression and early detection of HCC.
180  Frequency Heterodyne Imaging (SFHI) for the early detection of HCC.
181                     Cardiac immunosensor for early detection of heart attack (myocardial infarction)
182                                          The early detection of heart failure has been facilitated by
183 illance of patients with cirrhosis increases early detection of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) and pr
184 illance of patients with cirrhosis increases early detection of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) and pr
185 is diagnosis relies primarily on imaging and early detection of high-risk atherosclerotic plaques is
186 MRI with CREKA-Tris(Gd-DOTA)3 may facilitate early detection of high-risk breast cancer and micrometa
187                                              Early detection of high-risk breast cancer, including mi
188 response is predictive of outcome and allows early detection of high-risk PTCL patients.
189                                              Early detection of hydroxychloroquine-induced retinopath
190 approved coverage of home telemonitoring for early detection of incident choroidal neovascularization
191                               It is aimed at early detection of individuals having higher imminent ca
192 ust ultrasound-based elastography method for early detection of intimal changes in small animals.
193 g BMT survivors for risk-based screening and early detection of key late-occurring or long-term compl
194                                              Early detection of leprosy is key to reduce the ongoing
195                                          The early detection of liver fibrosis among patients with no
196 BED-CC PET imaging is a promising method for early detection of LNM in patients with biochemical recu
197                                   In case of early detection of local recurrence, preservation of the
198 to include individuals with expertise in the early detection of lung cancer and molecular biomarker d
199 n of molecular biomarkers to assist with the early detection of lung cancer has the potential to subs
200  with three annual chest radiographs for the early detection of lung cancer in high-risk, eligible in
201 mining whether a molecular biomarker for the early detection of lung cancer is ready for clinical use
202                    We discuss prevention and early detection of lung cancer with an emphasis on lung
203  risk factors and frames new directions with early detection of lung carcinoma.
204  ultrasensitive diagnostic/triaging kits for early detection of malarial parasites are critical for p
205 yed for QA detection in serum sample for the early detection of many diseases.
206      Prenatal screening and diagnosis permit early detection of many genetic diseases.
207               It is a beneficial tool in the early detection of marrow-based metastases because it ex
208                                              Early detection of melanoma improves survival.
209                                              Early detection of melanoma may improve survival.
210 rvivors of NHL to maximize opportunities for early detection of melanoma.
211  mitigate mental health consequences through early detection of mental health needs in the population
212                                              Early detection of metastasis can be aided by circulatin
213              Here we report a method for the early detection of metastasis using an implanted scaffol
214 (18)F-FDG PET/CT is a valuable technique for early detection of metastatic infectious foci, often lea
215                                          The early detection of MRI findings suggestive of immune rec
216                                              Early detection of multiple biomarkers for a disease cou
217 failure in ALL and have implications for the early detection of mutations driving relapse.
218                      In order to explore the early detection of mycotoxins in wheat three standardize
219 the cross-talk plant pathogen related to the early detection of mycotoxins was discovered.
220 ant proportion of cancer-related deaths, and early detection of NSCLC can significantly increase canc
221              Herein, in order to realize the early detection of NSCLC, we utilized the developed quan
222  transformation potentials, complicating the early detection of OSCC during routine visual oral cance
223 iomarkers; CA-125, beta2-M and ApoA1 for the early detection of ovarian cancer was first time propose
224                                    Thus, the early detection of P-NETs by circulating biomarkers and
225 les makes them good biomarker candidates for early detection of pancreatic cancer.
226 -ATQ/AT and their clinical applicability for early detection of pancreatic cancer.
227 nd new microRNA (miRNA)-based biomarkers for early detection of pancreatic neoplasia.
228                                          The early detection of pathogens with epidemic potential is
229 s of trp and kyn may offer a novel route for early detection of patients at risk for developing CTD.
230 cators of negative outcomes could facilitate early detection of patients with greatest clinical needs
231 e blood biomarkers and imaging tests for the early detection of PDAC will be reviewed.
232 st for developing new biosensing systems for early detection of plant diseases with high sensitivity
233  perhaps more importantly, as a tool for the early detection of possible new biomarkers and proxies t
234                                              Early detection of posterior uveal melanoma, at a point
235                                              Early detection of potential contaminants in heparin, an
236  in human tissues, with implications for the early detection of preneoplasia.
237  automated, non-invasive 'smart bandage' for early detection of pressure ulcers.
238   ProCA32 will be invaluable for noninvasive early detection of primary and metastatic liver cancers
239 hanism may underlie the recent report of the early detection of prions in blood following inhalation
240 lood may represent a novel biomarker for the early detection of psychopathology.
241 determine if an intervention directed toward early detection of pulmonary exacerbations using home sp
242                                              Early detection of range shifts and prompt implementatio
243 ncy afforded by home monitoring improves the early detection of rapid visual field loss in glaucoma a
244                                              Early detection of recurrence by molecular imaging agent
245 ction for the "resection first" approach and early detection of recurrence may improve outcomes of th
246                                              Early detection of recurrent or metastatic disease could
247 agnosis, monitoring of residual disease, and early detection of relapse and to guide precise therapie
248                                          The early detection of relapse following primary surgery for
249                                              Early detection of RV involvement may be useful in the m
250                                              Early detection of SCID could reduce the cost of treatme
251  of evidence or the clinical implications of early detection of serious disorders in children.
252 oring of apparently healthy children aims at early detection of serious underlying disorders.
253                                              Early detection of severe forms of CHDs and significant
254                                              Early detection of silent disease may help prevent progr
255                                Historically, early detection of small asymptomatic kidney tumors pres
256 s of enucleation for massive, fatal tumor to early detection of smallest tumors with a more favorable
257 ked brainstem responses could be used in the early detection of speech-language impairments due to ne
258 ine whether combined testing is suitable for early detection of subclinical disease and how antifunga
259               These measures will aid in the early detection of subclinical lung injury in at-risk su
260  tumors, the method described here may allow early detection of subclonal somatic alterations associa
261 ation can be used to inform surveillance for early detection of subsequent CNS tumors.
262 g is superior to active monitoring alone for early detection of symptomatic contacts.
263 mpared with other existing growth charts for early detection of target conditions.
264                                              Early detection of TB is essential to inform immediate i
265                                              Early detection of the behavioural deficits of neurodege
266 anobiosensor could clinically be used in the early detection of the breast cancer, by direct detectio
267 he disease to educate how to monitor for the early detection of the choroidal neovascular stage befor
268 pancreatic beta-cells; this may be useful in early detection of the disease and evaluation of therape
269  pathogenesis and discovering biomarkers for early detection of the disease.
270                                              Early detection of the highly aggressive malignancy chol
271 hus might serve as plasma biomarkers for the early detection of this disease.
272 h to dengue detection a promising avenue for early detection of this fatal illness.
273 nterpretation would thus be critical for the early detection of TMJOA.
274 variance of Abeta PET measurements, allowing early detection of treatment efficacy.
275 o function as a NIR fluorescent label in the early detection of tumors.
276 r reactivity might be a useful biomarker for early detection of vascular amyloid pathology in sporadi
277 r reactivity might be a useful biomarker for early detection of vascular amyloid pathology in sporadi
278 erosis and opens up new avenues for both the early detection of vulnerable atherosclerosis and the el
279 reased rate of diagnosis, and might increase early detection, of HIV.
280 o explore designing surveillance systems for early detection on temporal networks.
281 (LMICs), where opportunities for prevention, early detection, or both, are few.
282  in the tumor microenvironment may help with early detection, postsurgical follow-up, and in situ cha
283 to detect and forecast blockages, similar to early detection procedures in cancer patients.
284              Gene-specific prevention and/or early detection requires regular, systematic whole-body
285  (FAP), signal of benefit from imaging-based early detection research in high-germline risk for pancr
286 ntion efforts, including immune oncology and early detection research.
287 patients with melanoma and their partners in early-detection SSE benefited some more than others.
288 trends and identify potential preventive and early detection strategies.
289  PDAC do not have an antecedent PDAC signal, early-detection strategies limited to these groups may n
290 e patient outcomes, despite efforts aimed at early detection, suggest that pancreatic cancer progress
291 hs of partner-assisted SSE interventions for early detection targeting individuals with a history of
292                                              Early-detection tests for pancreatic ductal adenocarcino
293                                              Early detection through effective surveillance is a key
294                                              Early detection through screening programmes and the ava
295 c tissue, and cCPE imaging may be used as an early detection tool for breast, prostate, and pancreati
296  in wild vertebrates and could be used as an early detection tool of zoonotic pathogens.
297  of disease processes and should benefit the early detection, treatment, and management of multiple n
298 ngs suggest a continuous need for new drugs, early detection/treatment of HIV-1 infection.
299 ubsequent removal of the primary tumor after early detection would enhance survival.
300                                              Early detection would save many lives, but current fluor

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