


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 fy high-risk women who should be targets for early intervention.
2 identify a high-risk subset of survivors for early intervention.
3 g brain markers might assist in referral for early intervention.
4 on for informing treatment approaches during early intervention.
5 mer's disease is important for prognosis and early intervention.
6 on and could benefit from clinical trials of early intervention.
7 h AVD by promoting personalized medicine and early intervention.
8 s cause long-term morbidity but benefit from early intervention.
9 mental, and early detection is essential for early intervention.
10 t redox modulation as a potential target for early intervention.
11 oups and geographic location for focused and early intervention.
12  the overall health of the infant assists in early intervention.
13 s that can further reduce infarct size after early intervention.
14 used public health target for prevention and early intervention.
15 y progress to invasiveness in the absence of early intervention.
16 ant insight into the etiology of obesity and early intervention.
17 tify high-risk patients who may benefit from early intervention.
18 follow individuals at risk for HCC, enabling early intervention.
19 n adolescence has important implications for early intervention.
20 fessionals who may provide prevention and/or early intervention.
21  those at risk is essential to any vision of early intervention.
22 sk of mesothelioma who could be targeted for early intervention.
23 tive systems, underscoring the importance of early intervention.
24 ing to cognitive impairment and a target for early intervention.
25 indow of opportunity for chemoprevention and early intervention.
26 eatment, the condition is fatal and requires early intervention.
27 albeit to a lesser extent than observed with early intervention.
28 cations for designing rational approaches to early intervention.
29  stage disease, offering the opportunity for early intervention.
30 tanding PsAF, underscoring the importance of early intervention.
31  control based on therapeutic monitoring and early intervention.
32 achexia in cancer patients are necessary for early intervention.
33  but also providing potential strategies for early intervention.
34 ritical step toward advancing prevention and early intervention.
35 d to detect behavioural changes relevant for early intervention.
36 viduals at highest risk who may benefit from early intervention.
37 t may precede systemic infection and require early intervention.
38 dict risk and aid in stratification to guide early interventions.
39 litate early diagnosis and access to crucial early interventions.
40  disease have nurtured the emergent need for early interventions.
41 may inform the construction of more targeted early interventions.
42 risk for later major depression and applying early interventions.
43 sible and neurodegeneration preventable with early interventions.
44  in recent trauma survivors is important for early interventions.
45 h should look at this interplay for possible early interventions.
46  in an independent testing set, facilitating early interventions.
47 nhibitor (GS-444217 delivered in chow) as an early intervention (2-8 weeks after STZ) or late interve
48 avioral impairment, were examined under both early intervention (7-month-old young-adult male mice wi
49 ification-tree algorithm to guide studies of early intervention after CAR T-cell infusion for patient
50                         This study tested an early intervention aimed at modifying the memory to prev
51                                              Early interventions aimed at altering rejection-like inf
52 risk for ASD who might benefit from targeted early interventions aimed at preventing or ameliorating
53                                          The early intervention also normalized brain function, enhan
54                                              Early intervention among those involved in bullying can
55 size would provide a greater opportunity for early intervention and family counseling as well as furn
56 rguments in favor of NBS include benefits of early intervention and follow-up for the identified baby
57         Research must inform the benefits of early intervention and implementation of policies to add
58 apidly detectable AKI biomarkers could allow early intervention and improve outcomes.
59 eath, and they may provide opportunities for early intervention and improved survival after hematopoi
60 ead to new insight for developing biomarker, early intervention and novel therapeutics.
61 sceptibility is warranted to inform targeted early intervention and prevention efforts.
62                                              Early intervention and prevention of psychosis remain a
63 sed interest in exploring the possibility of early intervention and prevention trials, targeting MCI
64 d that prevention of recurrences may require early intervention and restricted use of antidepressants
65 s may allow an improvement in monitoring and early intervention and so prevent early graft loss.
66 rricular approaches can serve as a model for early intervention and special education programs.
67 lculator represents a meaningful step toward early intervention and the personalized treatment of psy
68                                              Early intervention and tight control of inflammation opt
69 s desirable, the evidence of the benefits of early intervention and treatment for older hospitalised
70 en increasing attention to the importance of early intervention and whether treatment effects may be
71 ight be incorporated into newborn screening, early intervention and, perhaps, carrier testing and pre
72 gh risk of AD would be important in planning early intervention and/or prevention studies.
73 of natural disasters should be targeted with early interventions and active long-term follow-up to pr
74                               The effects of early interventions and longer term implications of thes
75 n of those parents at high risk and for more early interventions and prevention research, especially
76 nisms, improve strategies for prevention and early intervention, and better target our treatments thr
77 vel strategies for the diagnosis, treatment, early intervention, and prevention of schizophrenia.
78  require improved public health, prevention, early intervention, and treatment activities.
79                                Proponents of early intervention argue that the complications of CLM,
80                                          The early intervention arm subjects detected exacerbations m
81                                          The early intervention arm subjects measured home spirometry
82 osclerosis, and second cancer in MPNs favors early intervention at the time of diagnosis (statins and
83  early biomarkers and new targets to promote early intervention beginning in school age.
84 mly assigned to receive three sessions of an early intervention beginning in the emergency department
85 hat required penetrating keratoplasty was an early intervention believed to be a direct sequelae of t
86  cognitive deficits late in life, suggesting early intervention by enhancing GABA signaling as a pote
87 and outcome, we examined the effects of very early intervention by injecting NDM mice with high-dose
88                                     However, early intervention can achieve better rescue.
89 en who are at high risk for deficits so that early intervention can be initiated to mitigate the impa
90                      It is not known whether early intervention can improve long-term autism symptom
91                                      Whether early intervention can prevent development of ARDS remai
92             Participants were recruited from early intervention centers.
93 res are needed for diagnostic monitoring and early intervention clinical trials.
94 ical monitoring, risk factor evaluation, and early intervention could benefit women with hypertension
95 sk family members for clinical screening and early intervention could reduce morbidity and mortality.
96 ill discover biomarkers that may help in the early intervention, diagnosis or treatment of SZ.
97 is, supporting their potential utility as an early intervention during pulmonary infections.
98     Here, we tested the hypothesis that this early intervention effect is modulated by the context of
99 may be a potential target for prevention and early intervention efforts aimed at reducing the occurre
100 ng patients who receive TBI may benefit from early intervention efforts to minimize cognitive losses
101 omising public health strategy for providing early intervention for a variety of child mental health
102 active B-type natriuretic peptide (iBNP) and early intervention for acutely decompensated heart failu
103 , medical management and decisions regarding early intervention for aortic disease.
104                                      Focused early intervention for communication during mechanical v
105 nt paradigms, with the possible inclusion of early intervention for contracture avoidance and assista
106 nts experiencing CAR T-cell toxicities, with early intervention for hypotension and treatment of conc
107 Web-based psychoeducation and targeted brief early intervention for injured children and their parent
108                                              Early intervention for neglect or emotional abuse in pre
109 ive biomarker to enable close monitoring and early intervention for patients receiving ipilimumab.
110                                              Early intervention for substance use is critical to impr
111 guage, the results point to the necessity of early intervention for the individuals with autism who s
112 ity model reveals the critical importance of early intervention for the prevention of subsequent allo
113 ctable physical obstruction, suggesting that early intervention for this disease may prevent more irr
114  individuals with SCA is warranted, enabling early intervention for those at risk.
115 ed controlled trial (RCT) of a comprehensive early intervention for toddlers with ASD demonstrated ga
116  group support can offer a clinically useful early intervention for weight management in overweight a
117                                              Early interventions for at-risk ICU survivors may improv
118 orn or infant screening as a way of ensuring early interventions for FXS.
119                            Prevention of and early interventions for psychiatric illness and treatmen
120         Results of small trials suggest that early interventions for social communication are effecti
121 ional studies have the potential to optimize early interventions for the therapy of chronic addictive
122  antisocial personality were improved in the early intervention group at long-term follow-up compared
123                                          The early intervention group received early cuff deflation a
124 evidence on the effectiveness of prevention, early intervention, harm reduction, and treatment of pro
125                                     Although early intervention has been shown to support more normat
126                              Family-centered early intervention has the potential to prevent problems
127                                     Although early interventions have been used for the treatment of
128    We find that the best control strategy is early intervention heavily based on prophylaxis at a lev
129 ism has heavily emphasized the importance of early intervention (i.e. treatment before the age of 4 y
130                This is disconcerting because early intervention improves outcomes and deterioration i
131                                              Early intervention improves prognosis in autism spectrum
132 sing celiac disease will lead to appropriate early intervention in affected children RECENT FINDINGS:
133                                              Early intervention in Alzheimer's Disease (AD) requires
134  practices for a genetics-driven approach to early intervention in at-risk relatives.
135 ction after a randomised controlled trial of early intervention in autism spectrum disorder.
136 utic target in the Wnt signaling pathway for early intervention in CCT.
137  First is a re-examination of strategies for early intervention in critical aortic stenosis.
138         An optimal therapeutic candidate for early intervention in ischemic stroke should be effectiv
139                                              Early intervention in offspring of 2 generations affecte
140 atments may provide the basis for aggressive early intervention in patients with MS and intensificati
141  study provides evidence for the efficacy of early intervention in preventing adult psychopathology a
142 erging data pointing to the effectiveness of early intervention in remediating neurodevelopmental con
143                                              Early intervention in select patients may lead to potent
144  and functional remodelling, suggesting that early intervention in the insulin-adrenergic signalling
145               The limitations and caveats of early interventions in psychiatric disorders are also di
146 e adopted in practice to guide postdischarge early interventions, including the integrated provision
147 eriod for the onset of eating disorders, and early intervention is critical.
148                                              Early intervention is crucial for the prevention of diab
149  BP is associated with BP in later life, and early intervention is important.
150                                              Early intervention is necessary to minimize morbidities
151                                              Early intervention is needed to reduce the risk of endom
152                                              Early intervention likely prevented morbidity and possib
153                                              Early intervention may be key to safe and effective ther
154                                 Furthermore, early intervention may prevent long-term deficits in mem
155 ogical screening of vulnerable survivors and early intervention may prevent the onset and/or reduce t
156 l of disease reversibility and suggests that early intervention might be beneficial for FXTAS patient
157                                              Early intervention might improve long-term outcomes for
158  in this population and to establish whether early intervention might slow this disease progression.
159  ratios could be used for identification and early intervention of at-risk obese individuals.
160 onstitute the first assessment of mNPC as an early intervention on cognitive ability in a DS model.
161                            No effects of the early intervention on dietary behaviors, quality of life
162 e studies are warranted to determine whether early intervention or closer monitoring improves clinica
163 , low-birthweight infants were randomized to early (intervention) or delayed (usual policy) BCG.
164 d unresponsiveness at 4 weeks after stopping early intervention oral immunotherapy (4-SU), was assess
165  and health service provision to incentivise early intervention over provision of care only for advan
166            Building on long-term benefits of early intervention (Paper 2 of this Series) and increasi
167 icularly in infants, possibly as a result of early intervention policies.
168 elop complications, our results suggest that early intervention, preferably in a high-level intensive
169 m might offer a sought-after opportunity for early intervention, preservation of cognitive reserve, a
170                                              Early intervention prior to subepithelial fibrosis can l
171  potential novel HD therapeutic strategy for early intervention, prior to neuronal loss and clinical
172 mes, which may be partially reversed through early intervention programmes.
173                                              Early intervention programs for drug and alcohol misuse
174              These new findings suggest that early intervention programs should target children with
175 luded an autism clinic and 6 community-based early intervention programs that primarily serve low-inc
176 e individualized sessions by existing staff (early intervention programs) or research staff without f
177 form development of effective preventive and early intervention programs.
178    We used follow-up data from the Bucharest Early Intervention Project (BEIP), a randomised controll
179 8-y-old Romanian children from the Bucharest Early Intervention Project and the influence of attachme
180        We present results from the Bucharest Early Intervention Project examining whether randomized
181                                The Bucharest Early Intervention Project is a randomized clinical tria
182                                The Bucharest Early Intervention Project is a unique randomized contro
183           Children enrolled in the Bucharest Early Intervention Project underwent a T1-weighted MRI p
184           Data were drawn from the Bucharest Early Intervention Project, a cohort of children raised
185 ICIPANTS: Data were drawn from the Bucharest Early Intervention Project, a cohort of children raised
186             Follow-up analyses revealed that early intervention promoted more normative white matter
187 chosis cases, 16-35 years old, presenting to early intervention psychosis services in the East of Eng
188 chosis cases, 16-35 years old, presenting to early intervention psychosis services in the East of Eng
189  or urban settings since the introduction of early intervention psychosis services.
190 0 years old, exists in populations served by early intervention psychosis services.
191 ification of infants at risk and could guide early intervention regimens.
192                              Hence, although early interventions remain critical, interventions to im
193 e the outcome variability that characterizes early intervention research at present, and provide for
194 reatment of inherited retinal diseases, with early intervention resulting in the best potential gain.
195  allograft dysfunction (IGD) might allow for early intervention(s) to preserve functional islet mass.
196  innate antiviral activity that vaccines and early interventions seek to exploit/enhance.
197  at high risk of developing psychosis to the early intervention service per practice site.
198 ants to receive social recovery therapy plus early intervention services (n=76) or early intervention
199 y plus early intervention services (n=76) or early intervention services alone (n=79); the intention-
200  therapy plus early intervention services or early intervention services alone.
201  h (95% CI 2.5-13.6; p=0.0050) compared with early intervention services alone.
202           We aimed to assess the efficacy of early intervention services augmented with social recove
203 Violent behavior at 6 or 12 months following early intervention services entry.
204 non-affective psychosis, had been clients of early intervention services for 12-30 months, and had pe
205                                 Provision of early intervention services has increased the rate of so
206                        This study included 6 early intervention services in 5 geographical locations
207 intervention for people with psychosis using early intervention services in the UK.
208 rolled trial (SUPEREDEN3) at four specialist early intervention services in the UK.
209 EN (Evaluating the Development and Impact of Early Intervention Services in the West Midlands) Study
210 t meet existing eligibility requirements for early intervention services in their state.
211 ix), to receive social recovery therapy plus early intervention services or early intervention servic
212                 Social recovery therapy plus early intervention services was associated with an incre
213 thesis was that social recovery therapy plus early intervention services would lead to improvements i
214 23 (26.7%) received first-time referrals for early intervention services, 16 (13.8%) received referra
215 is who received social recovery therapy plus early intervention services.
216                                   Studies of early intervention show mixed findings.
217                                              Early intervention significantly hastened return to phon
218                                     However, early intervention significantly reduces the incidence o
219 w is timely given the increasing interest in early intervention strategies and new opportunities to i
220                                  In summary, early intervention strategies can be based robustly just
221         Collectively, our findings argue for early intervention strategies designed to mitigate skin
222           These findings might help to guide early intervention strategies for at-risk youths.
223   These findings are important for designing early intervention strategies for secondary prevention o
224 ified serum biomarkers that allow testing of early intervention strategies in patients at the highest
225 oplastic progression may help in formulating early intervention strategies.
226  the utility of addressing these symptoms in early intervention strategies.
227 sis, expanding the repertoire of targets for early intervention strategies.
228 010 to 2012 including dissemination studies, early intervention studies and studies involving prescho
229                    Dissemination studies and early intervention studies show mixed findings and furth
230           These data provide a framework for early intervention studies to facilitate safer applicati
231 omycin-injury IPF model, we demonstrate that early-intervention suicide-gene-mediated senescent cell
232 trate that, contrary to current thinking, an early intervention targeting NOD-like receptor family, p
233                This provides a rationale for early intervention, targeting the possible delay, reduct
234  absence--offers a promising opportunity for early intervention that could build on the apparent pres
235 lable evidence about cerebral palsy-specific early intervention that should follow early diagnosis to
236        These findings highlight the need for early interventions that can improve treatment outcomes
237 ntification may in turn facilitate access to early interventions that could prevent a life spent stru
238                               Offering hope, early interventions that place institutionalised childre
239 se and whether they may contribute to design early interventions that prevent subsequent disease, inc
240 Army has developed Battlemind postdeployment early interventions that reduce risk for the disorder.
241            Therefore, these findings support early intervention therapy for individuals with T1D.
242  allocation of resources during the critical early intervention time-period.
243                  These findings suggest that early intervention to change these modifiable risk facto
244 lity changes could afford an opportunity for early intervention to forestall tissue damage in newly f
245 al targets across multiple organ systems for early intervention to improve cardiometabolic health.
246                                              Early intervention to interrupt transmission may be most
247 hese known social risk factors and providing early intervention to negate long-term sequelae.
248 ce of prompt referral to diagnostic-specific early intervention to optimize infant motor and cognitiv
249 ized controlled trial tested the efficacy of early intervention to prevent adult psychopathology and
250 idual disease (MRD) following HCT may permit early intervention to prevent clinical relapse; however,
251 rapy, suggesting that careful monitoring and early intervention to prevent glaucoma is warranted with
252 s an integrated approach, which includes the early intervention to prevent or delay the disease progr
253 ctor for MCI and may provide a substrate for early intervention to prevent or delay the onset and pro
254 ecurrent pneumothorax who would benefit from early intervention to prevent recurrence.
255 ression in children could be used to promote early intervention to reduce the likelihood of developin
256 ents with cirrhosis should be prevention and early intervention to stabilise disease progression and
257 provided little support for the idea that an early intervention to support household income has a lar
258 ch will allow the implementation of the most early intervention to take place, before the irreversibl
259 on of these gene variations is important for early intervention to treat deadly diseases and provide
260  to support the use of routine screening and early interventions to prevent and treat suicidal ideati
261 e to aIMT and cIMT may help in the design of early interventions to prevent cardiovascular disease.
262 ased screening approaches that might lead to early interventions to prevent LOS in high risk infants.
263 th or without MCI is a promising approach in early interventions to prevent or slow progression to de
264 hout known CVD highlights an opportunity for early interventions to prevent progression of cardiovasc
265                                              Early interventions to prevent progression of kidney dis
266 o-backplate membranes as well as to identify early interventions to prevent progression of thin membr
267 aging, and they suggest the possibility that early interventions to promote certain health behaviors
268 est prevention of AD can be achieved through early interventions to protect the skin barrier.
269 involvement of fathers as well as mothers in early interventions to reduce the prevalence of adolesce
270                                              Early interventions to tackle parental mental disorders
271               This may have implications for early-intervention treatment, using protein rescue strat
272 ts enrolled in the Acute Catheterization and Early Intervention Triage Strategy (ACUITY) trial, 1772
273  monitoring and as quantitative endpoints in early intervention trials in children with CF.
274                       In high-risk children, early intervention using different hydrolyzed formulas h
275                                              Early intervention was less than 20 hours after hospital
276 contrast, in the selective high-risk sample, early intervention was not associated with improved long
277 suitable for clinical trials testing whether early intervention will slow the development and/or prog
278 EGFR mutation could potentially benefit from early intervention with a combination of EGFR and Met in
279 ings support the rationale for investigating early intervention with a KMO inhibitor, with the aim of
280 er recovered, highlighting the importance of early intervention with A1PI treatment.
281        In patients with acute heart failure, early intervention with an intravenous vasodilator has b
282  of adequate treatment, timely diagnosis and early intervention with antifungal drugs are key factors
283                            In mice with CIA, early intervention with APO866 inhibited synovial inflam
284 chronization Therapy (MADIT-CRT) showed that early intervention with cardiac-resynchronization therap
285                                 In addition, early intervention with cholinergic receptor muscarinic
286                             We conclude that early intervention with CoQ in at-risk individuals may b
287 r dysfunction, and left bundle-branch block, early intervention with CRT-D was associated with a sign
288                                              Early intervention with disease-modifying anti-IBD drugs
289                                              Early intervention with GS-444217 significantly inhibite
290                                              Early intervention with intravitreal anti-VEGF medicatio
291                  We studied the effect of an early intervention with mite-impermeable mattress covers
292                                              Early intervention with mite-impermeable mattress covers
293 s at risk for Parkinson's disease and permit early intervention with neuroprotective or disease-modif
294  disease who are most likely to benefit from early intervention with novel treatments.
295                                           An early intervention with PNS and/or pharmaceutical inhibi
296 ng of psychoeducation (i.e., recognition and early intervention with prodromal symptoms), communicati
297                                 In contrast, early intervention with selective high-risk samples may
298                                              Early intervention with severely antisocial children for
299                                              Early intervention with the combination of leucovorin an
300 antagonism is ineffective, and thus (3) that early intervention with TRP channel antagonists may atte

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