


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 est and most abundant photosynthetic cell on earth!
2 ht, starting within a few hours of return to Earth.
3 w into the environmental conditions of early Earth.
4  conclusively on planetary bodies other than Earth.
5 yed a role in the evolution of early life on Earth.
6 ic NPs including those existing on prebiotic Earth.
7 m long-wavelength topography, as observed on Earth.
8 ', the most species-rich groups of insect on Earth.
9 ar to those in the present-day bulk silicate Earth.
10 bundances of moderately volatile elements in Earth.
11 ied dramatically over the history of life on Earth.
12 r 30% of total gaseous nitrogen emissions on Earth.
13 ndromes of elevated intracranial pressure on Earth.
14 that took place in the Archean atmosphere of Earth.
15 ymbiogenesis in the evolution of all life on Earth.
16 rge of nearly all biological CO2 fixation on Earth.
17 loration of the veiled inner workings of the Earth.
18  hypotheses for the conditions on primordial Earth.
19 rctic, one of the fastest-warming regions on Earth.
20 ccelerating the rate of biodiversity loss on Earth.
21 he ecology and evolution of every species on Earth.
22  was much slower than analogous volcanoes on Earth.
23 as the most stringent constraint for life on Earth.
24 tribution of geo-neutrino sources within the Earth.
25  shallow submarine hydrothermal ecosystem on Earth.
26 a proxy to infer oxygenation events on early Earth.
27  the origin and fate of volatile elements on Earth.
28  where prebiotic life originated on Archaean earth.
29 he most species-rich subfamily of animals on Earth.
30 tion is catalyzed by a pincer complex of the earth abundant manganese and forms hydrogen gas as the s
31 s report an Al@Cu2O heterostructure based on earth abundant materials to transform CO2 into CO at sig
32 ctical utility by preparing a nanostructured earth abundant metal catalyst which rivals platinum on a
33 ctor compounds with potential application as earth-abundant alternatives to InxGa1-xN.
34                      Exploring efficient and earth-abundant electrocatalysts is of great importance f
35                  These AORFBs are built from earth-abundant elements and are environmentally benign,
36 he exploration of disordered structures from earth-abundant elements for electrochemical energy stora
37 of CO2-reducing molecular catalysts based on Earth-abundant elements that are very selective for the
38                              Here, we report earth-abundant embedded aluminum in cuprous oxide antenn
39            This process uses low loadings of Earth-abundant initiators (1 to 5 mole percent) and occu
40 talyzed, for the first time, by a complex of earth-abundant iron.
41 ce platinum group metal (PGM) catalysts with earth-abundant materials for the oxygen reduction reacti
42 ction is catalyzed by a pincer complex of an earth-abundant metal (manganese), in the absence of any
43 mpounds have long been central in catalysis, Earth-abundant metal-based catalysts have in the same ti
44 rest in replacing these scarce elements with Earth-abundant metals, with iron and copper being partic
45 f ligands and the opportunity to employ more Earth-abundant metals.
46                                   The use of Earth-abundant potassium cation as a catalyst for C-H bo
47   This review highlights catalysis by NPs of Earth-abundant transition metals that include Mn, Fe, Co
48  a formidable scientific challenge to access Earth-abundant transition-metal complexes with long-live
49 g scientific interest in determining whether Earth-analogues can remain habitable in such environment
50 d concomitant with the terrestrialization of Earth and diversification of land fungi and plants.
51             Water has been vital for life on Earth and has driven and been influenced by transitions
52 olcanology, water exchange between the solid earth and hydrosphere, and water on Mars and other plane
53 e in the redox cycling of iron and sulfur on Earth and is the primary cause of acid mine drainage (AM
54 rigin of prebiotic life in one hemisphere of earth and its evolution to EE +/- 1 before reversal of
55 g relationships between the fO2 of the solid Earth and of emitted gases and their impact on surface f
56             It has long been recognized that Earth and other differentiated planetary bodies are chem
57 s are fundamental for inferring processes on Earth and other planets from water isotopic measurements
58 damental problems across many disciplines in earth and planetary sciences, including paleoclimatology
59  Japan hosts the youngest exposed plutons on Earth and provides a unique opportunity to assess the te
60 onditions of the deep molten mantle of early Earth and super-Earths, raising the possibility of silic
61 es are one of the oldest known ecosystems on Earth and the coordinated metabolisms and activities of
62 nderstand the interior workings of the early Earth and the deep carbon cycle.
63 ine, and water, provide key evidence for how Earth and the Moon formed and evolved.
64 agnitude slower than comparable volcanoes on Earth, and necessitating that Mars was far more volcanic
65 eria have so successfully adapted to life on earth, and perhaps beyond.
66  abundant and diverse biological entities on earth, and while most of this diversity remains complete
67        Observations from probes far from the Earth are not affected by these bright foregrounds.
68  and ice features formed by erosion that, on Earth, are characterized by bowl-shaped depressions seve
69 , a hybrid microporous highly connected rare-earth-based metal-organic framework (MOF), with dual fun
70 on is an essential nutrient for most life on Earth because it functions as a crucial redox catalyst i
71 though it is not known when or where life on Earth began, some of the earliest habitable environments
72  the largest animals that have ever lived on Earth (Blue and Fin whales) feed in the Arctic and South
73 g is one of the most abundant vertebrates on earth but its nucleotide diversity is moderate (pi = 0.3
74  alkali metals (Li, K, Rb and Cs) and alkali-earth Ca.
75 p to unravel the role of ambient aerosols in earth climate and to assess local and specific health ri
76 s, semiconductors, oxides, magnetic, or rare earth compositions.
77  the oxidation rates within a series of rare earth compounds containing the redox-active ligand [{2-(
78     The behavior of C, H, and S in the solid Earth depends on their oxidation states, which are relat
79  leachates from metal-mine tailings and rare earth deposits, we show that functionalization of the ce
80                                This suggests Earth-directed CMEs are less like billiard balls and mor
81 ilbert damping, caused by the inclusion rare-earth dopants such as holmium, acts to suppress Walker b
82            Here, the authors synthesize rare earth down-converting nanocrystals as promising fluoresc
83 d validate these metrics using the 2010 rare earth element (REE) crisis as a case study.
84 rein, we demonstrate a new approach for rare-earth-element separations by exploiting differences in t
85 rates (UOC) prior to the analysis of 14 rare earth elements (REE) via laser ablation inductively coup
86  this class of bulk materials with less rare-earth elements and outperforms, for the first time, the
87                         Purification of rare earth elements is challenging due to their chemical simi
88          In particular, AEFe2As2 (AE: Alkali earth elements, AE-122) is one of the best candidates fo
89    Using a novel analytical platform, Google Earth Engine, and open access to high-quality Landsat da
90 CP 8.5 for the 21 climate models in the NASA Earth Exchange Global Daily Downscaled Projections (NEX-
91  only when the arm is being controlled in an earth-fixed rather than a body-fixed reference frame.
92                                   During the earth-fixed task, galvanic vestibular stimulation produc
93 energy schemes to be able to preserve Planet Earth for future generations to come and still preserve
94 Syria has become the most dangerous place on earth for health-care providers.
95                                          The Earth formed by accretion of Moon- to Mars-size embryos
96 ty with the inferred heterogeneous nature of Earth-forming material, but these models either require
97 rozoic oxygen increase and Sturtian Snowball Earth glaciation, which accompanied emplacement of LIPs
98 s the most species-rich terrestrial biome on Earth, harbouring just under half of the world's plant s
99 droxides, believed to be common on the early Earth, have received only limited attention.
100  sedimentary sulfate and sulfide phases over Earth history can be used to infer substantive changes t
101 c oxygenation during this critical period of Earth history.
102 gest episodes of transient climate change in Earth history.
103 st over a 1.5-billion-year interval of early Earth history.
104 hroughout one of the harshest glaciations in Earth history.
105  the drive to reduce the critical Heavy Rare Earth (HRE) content of magnets for green technologies, H
106 as resources can migrate to and where in the Earth hydrocarbons are ultimately stored.
107 neous with the earliest evidence for life on Earth in potentially similar environments 3.8 billion ye
108 der ambient conditions, we examined alkaline earth ion substitution for two A, i.e., materials of com
109                     The diversity of life on Earth is a result of continual innovations in molecular
110 strially formed and observed hydrocarbons to earth is also discussed.
111          But how carbon migrates in the deep Earth is not well understood.
112                                 The silicate Earth is strongly depleted in moderately volatile elemen
113  of modern astronomy is to detect temperate, Earth-like exoplanets that are well suited for atmospher
114 stics of events that completely sterilise an Earth-like planet with planet radii in the range 0.5-1.5
115 r A*), may have affected the habitability of Earth-like planets in our Galaxy.
116  such as a giant impact, whereas a Moon with Earth-like volatile abundances suggests preservation of
117                       Thus, unlike on modern Earth, mafic crust apparently could survive for more tha
118  the first time, the corresponding pure rare-earth magnet with 58% enhancement in energy product.
119  C/900 degrees C by using yttrium-based rare earth manganites.
120  a day), which may indicate the existence of Earth-mass and super-Earth-mass free-floating planets, a
121 dicate the existence of Earth-mass and super-Earth-mass free-floating planets, as predicted by planet
122 e thermolytic production of luminescent rare earth metal doped silica nanoparticles with characterist
123 dy of the first borylimido complex of a rare earth metal, (NacNac(NMe2))Sc{NB(NAr'CH)2} (25, Ar' = 2,
124 ctive AMCO3F (A = alkali metal, M = alkaline earth metal, Zn, Cd, or Pb) materials indicates that, on
125 ned higher concentrations of salts, alkaline earth metals, and organic chemicals.
126 as thorium, in competition with various rare earth metals.
127 impact or can explain only one aspect of the Earth-Moon similarity (that is, (17)O).
128 Models have been proposed that reconcile the Earth-Moon similarity with the inferred heterogeneous na
129 ites as a guide, most models assume that the Earth must have formed from a heterogeneous assortment o
130 thesis of a down-conversion luminescent rare-earth nanocrystal with cerium doping (Er/Ce co-doped NaY
131 the crystal structure across the MIT in rare-earth nickelates.
132 us and closer collaboration of the modeling, Earth observation, and land system science communities i
133               We test out our approach using earth observation, modelling and ground based sample dat
134 sent the only samples available for study on Earth of a number of planetary bodies.
135  and iron under core formation conditions in Earth of approximately 0-0.02 per thousand, which is sma
136                       As we approach a "Full Earth" of over ten billion people within the next centur
137  of diversification across plant lineages on earth, of which the genus Espeletia (Asteraceae) is a pr
138 lose to those assumed to be present on early Earth or inferred to exist on other celestial bodies (e.
139 ity, as in the much studied families of rare-earth orthoferrites and orthochromites; yet, the mechani
140 receives an insolation of 0.46 times that of Earth, placing it within the liquid-water, habitable zon
141 tion, which are available through the Google Earth platform.
142  in the Environment And Reproductive Health (EARTH) prospective cohort study (2005-2015) who provided
143     In condensed matter, the frustrated rare-earth pyrochlore magnets Ho2Ti2O7 and Dy2Ti2O7, so-calle
144 re of ions and vacancies characterizing rare-earth pyrochlore oxides serves as a model for the study
145  of LHS 1140b, a planet with a radius of 1.4 Earth radii transiting a small, cool star (LHS 1140) 12
146  deep molten mantle of early Earth and super-Earths, raising the possibility of silicate dynamos in t
147          The Td point group symmetry of rare earth (RE(3+)) metal clusters RE4(mu3-OH)4(COO)6(2+) mak
148 r recently isolated 12-connected (12-c) rare-earth (RE) nonanuclear [RE9(mu3-OH)12(mu3-O)2(O2C-)12] c
149 fic crust and hotter geothermal gradients on Earth reduced the potential for upper-mantle hydration e
150 is complicated by local foregrounds like the Earth's atmosphere and sunlight reflected from local int
151 ates the anthropogenic CO2 emission into the Earth's atmosphere but also produces carbon compounds th
152 omets may have brought this component to the Earth's atmosphere during the last stages of terrestrial
153 carbon harbors three times as much carbon as Earth's atmosphere, and its decomposition is a potential
154 tions necessary to form cirrus clouds in the Earth's atmosphere, routinely observed in polar regions,
155 acterizing particulate organic carbon in the Earth's atmosphere.
156 wed understanding of natural levels of Pb in Earth's atmosphere.
157 ng Cr isotopes to track the evolution of the Earth's atmosphere.
158                        Coral reefs are among Earth's best-studied ecosystems, yet the degree to which
159        Cyanobacteria are an integral part of Earth's biogeochemical cycles and a promising resource f
160 tions of this framework for the evolution of Earth's biogeochemical cycles and the rise of atmospheri
161  accounting for approximately 20%-40% of the Earth's biomass, have not been analyzed with the full po
162 em which represents the biophysical limit of Earth's biosphere.
163 plications for understanding the extremes of Earth's biosphere; for understanding the potency of dise
164                                              Earth's body tide-also known as the solid Earth tide, th
165 he influence of changes in solar activity on Earth's climate and distinguishing it from other forcing
166 h's surface environment has implications for Earth's climate and habitability.
167 ticles is a process of crucial importance to Earth's climate and the environmental sciences, but it i
168                                              Earth's climate has undergone dramatic shifts between gl
169                                     Although Earth's climate history is best known through marine rec
170                             The evolution of Earth's climate on geological timescales is largely driv
171              For the tipping elements in the Earth's climate system, the most important issue to addr
172 nd that topology plays an unexpected role in Earth's climate system.
173 lar North Atlantic is a key location for the Earth's climate system.
174 f water affects the processes that determine Earth's climate.
175 ck to space, with important implications for Earth's climate.
176  significance of the fossil carbon stored in Earth's coal deposits.
177 bility of existence of nonmagnetic Co in the earth's core under high pressure.
178 he current thermo-compositional state of the Earth's core, the outer core composition is close to eut
179           Ultralow-velocity zones (ULVZs) at Earth's core-mantle boundary region have important impli
180  and biological processes and their links in Earth's critical zones.
181 key role in how ruptures unzip faults in the Earth's crust and release waves that cause destructive s
182 ures influence the transfer of fluids in the Earth's crust.
183 d signals that penetrate kilometers into the Earth's crust.
184 ata for understanding heat conduction in the Earth's deep interior.
185 ithin the Moon with volatile abundances like Earth's depleted upper mantle.
186                                    We couple Earth's early evolution with complex prebiotic chemistry
187                                A lower pH in Earth's early oceans likely affected the kinetics of che
188 large axial tilt and small eccentricities of Earth's elliptical orbit, whereas the warmest configurat
189 ost of the evidence concerning the nature of Earth's first crust.
190 lates or primordial material associated with Earth's formation.
191 ge has the potential to alter many facets of Earth's freshwater resources, especially lacustrine ecos
192          The Cretaceous Period stands out in Earth's geologic history by ubiquitous and sustained mas
193  plume resembling a deeper, wider version of Earth's Hadley cell.
194 r phosphorus limitation persisted throughout Earth's history and therefore whether the phosphorus cyc
195 usand years ago) was the most recent time in Earth's history when global mean sea level was substanti
196 of rooting structures was a crucial event in Earth's history, increasing the ability of plants to ext
197 w driving the sixth mass extinction event in Earth's history.
198  4-8 km.The existence of a mushy zone in the Earth's inner core has been suggested, but has remained
199 licates making up the main proportion of the earth's interior can incorporate a significant amount of
200 e for the presence of dissolved water in the Earth's interior.
201  ground-level ozone ([O3 ]) over much of the Earth's land surface have more than doubled since pre-in
202 ropogenic changes in Lake Superior, which is Earth's largest freshwater lake by area, are not well do
203           This is pertinent to understanding Earth's living systems, its materials, its geochemistry
204 ilicate minerals and is thought to stabilize Earth's long-term climate.
205 pansion of land plants that together ensured Earth's long-term habitability.
206                  The chemical composition of Earth's lower mantle can be constrained by combining sei
207 bvious evidence that carbonates exist in the Earth's lower mantle.
208                                          The Earth's lowermost mantle large low velocity provinces ar
209                    A unique structure in the Earth's lowermost mantle, the Perm Anomaly, was recently
210                        Extreme variations of Earth's magnetic field occurred in the Levant region aro
211 magnetopause with surrounding plasma, as the earth's magnetic field produces a magnetopause with the
212  deflects the solar wind plasma and confines Earth's magnetic field.
213  to obtain navigational information from the Earth's magnetic field.
214 olecules and accepted magnitude for Archaean earth's magnetic field.
215 tudy demonstrates that juvenile eels use the Earth's magnetism for their dispersal, with possible imp
216 main driver to transport solar wind into the Earth's magnetosphere when the magnetopause features a l
217                Despite active transport into Earth's mantle, water has been present on our planet's s
218 ties detected seismologically at the base of Earth's mantle.
219     However, the lack of laboratory data for Earth's most abundant mineral, (Mg,Fe,Al)(Al,Fe,Si)O3 br
220  dimethylsulfoniopropionate (DMSP) is one of Earth's most abundant organosulfur molecules.
221 d microbes and viruses) sampled from some of Earth's most remote and pristine coral reefs.
222 e generations requires taking better care of Earth's natural systems.
223 obal carbon(C)-cycle, and depleted oxygen in Earth's oceans resulting in marine mass extinction.
224     Although pH is a fundamental property of Earth's oceans, critical to our understanding of seawate
225 e seasonal distribution of insolation due to Earth's orbital configuration, as well as climate change
226 Carboniferous/Permian boundary to changes in Earth's orbital parameters and in atmospheric CO2 using
227 treal Protocol, further delaying recovery of Earth's ozone layer.
228 ferences 1348 The Carboniferous, the time of Earth's penultimate icehouse and widespread coal formati
229                                Despite this, Earth's polar regions have been our planet's most enviro
230 national agreements mandate the expansion of Earth's protected-area network as a bulwark against the
231 nderstanding of the electron dynamics in the Earth's radiation belt and also can help us understand t
232                                          The Earth's rotation forced life to evolve under cyclic day
233 to the breaking of time-reversal symmetry by Earth's rotation.
234 ing slabs and deflection of rising plumes in Earth's shallow lower mantle have been suggested to resu
235 ined to a maximum of 0.5 +/- 0.2 per cent of Earth's silicate mass, cannot solely account for present
236 id Earth tide, the displacement of the solid Earth's surface caused by gravitational forces from the
237 ed deep in the mantle and transported to the Earth's surface contain tens to hundreds of ppm wt H2O,
238           The flux of carbon into and out of Earth's surface environment has implications for Earth's
239  be used to infer substantive changes to the Earth's surface environment, including the rise of atmos
240 d plays in reconstructing the oxygenation of earth's surface environment.
241                       Geologic processing of Earth's surface has removed most of the evidence concern
242         Many earthquakes propagate up to the Earth's surface producing surface ruptures.
243 roy the stratospheric ozone layer, such that Earth's surface receives high doses of UV radiation for
244 r cent of heavy halogens are concentrated in Earth's surface reservoirs and have not undergone the ex
245 ing mass exchange between the mantle and the Earth's surface, and is central to current origin of lif
246 erals (MnOx) are widely distributed over the Earth's surface, and their geochemical cycling is global
247 warming by artificially reducing sunlight at Earth's surface.
248 inant force in the geochemical cycle of V at Earth's surface.
249 and marine ecosystems.The reason some of the Earth's tidewater glaciers are advancing despite increas
250 gen (H) controls the transport of H2O in the Earth's upper mantle, but is not fully understood for ol
251 al matrixes commonly found on Mars and Early-Earth, silica and gypsum, for 6 months.
252      A new family of mixed anion cesium rare earth silicates exhibiting intense scintillation in seve
253                                      As more Earth-sized exoplanets are detected in the near future,
254                  The atmospheres of orbiting Earth-sized planets are observationally accessible via t
255 ss the crucial question of whether the seven Earth-sized planets transiting the recently discovered u
256                              Recently, three Earth-sized planets were detected that transit (that is,
257 determination of the neutron density in near-Earth space-2 x 10(-9) per cubic centimetre-confirming t
258 rospect of coupling to other long-lived rare-earth spin states, this technique opens the possibilitie
259 arrow escape from a fully glaciated Snowball Earth state given the low levels and large fluctuations
260 tabolism, and, hence, their contributions to Earth surface oxidation and Fe deposition remain unknown
261                                  The average Earth system climate sensitivity is K (1sigma) per CO2 d
262 al of vascular plants to have influenced the Earth system hundreds of millions of years ago through v
263 understanding of the complex dynamics of the Earth system is crucial.
264 ates from a prototype high-resolution global earth system model (ESM).
265 , the authors explain these records using an Earth system model and a sediment-mixing model and extra
266 rbon to storage compounds - into an existing earth system model brings the model output into closer a
267                              Here, we use an earth system model from the Geophysical Fluid Dynamics L
268 biomass and vegetation structure in Amazonia.Earth system model simulations of future climate in the
269 mplications for both the parameterization of earth system models (ESMs) and the implementation of cli
270  and vegetation demographic processes within Earth System Models (ESMs).
271 into and effluxes out of individual pools in earth system models (ESMs).
272                                              Earth system models that estimate future climate and veg
273       Here, we use output from a suite of 11 earth system models to examine projected changes in two
274 er respiration was not well simulated by the Earth System Models used to forecast future carbon fluxe
275 next generation of terrestrial biosphere and Earth system models.
276 to improve microbial models for inclusion in Earth System Models.
277 a critical mechanistic deficiency of current Earth system models.
278 he representation of symbiotic N fixation in Earth System Models.
279 th incorporating management in, for example, Earth system or dynamic vegetation models in order to pr
280                         Fire is an essential Earth system process that alters ecosystem and atmospher
281 ctions than currently included in climate or earth system projections.
282 ge, and fire-for (1) their importance on the Earth system, (2) the possibility of implementing them i
283  carbon and accelerating the recovery of the Earth system.
284 certainty of carbon-climate feedbacks in the Earth system.
285 a systematic assessment of their role in the Earth system.
286 th, cycling of carbon and other nutrients in Earth system.
287                                              Earth-system and ice-sheet modelling suggests these cont
288 experiments should be considered in studying Earth systems.
289 l growth techniques in hexagonal sodium rare-earth tetrafluoride (beta-NaLnF4) nanocrystals by exploi
290  the first rise in atmospheric oxygen on the Earth (the Great Oxidation Event).
291 esert is the most extreme non-polar biome on Earth, the core region of which is considered to represe
292 ses being a process essential to all life on Earth, the fundamental details of how peptidases accommo
293 ecision measurements, however, show that the Earth, the Moon and enstatite meteorites have almost ind
294    Earth's body tide-also known as the solid Earth tide, the displacement of the solid Earth's surfac
295 n of life, RNA emerged in some form on early Earth to become the first biopolymer to support Darwinis
296                                       Around Earth, trapped energetic protons, electrons and other pa
297                                          The Earth underwent a major transition from the warm climate
298 most significant mutualistic interactions on Earth, which associates plants of the leguminosae family
299 the brain is slightly above that observed on Earth, which may explain remodelling of the eye in astro
300 he most catastrophic and hazardous events on Earth, yet the temporal details of post-supereruption ac

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