


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 competent to respond to the systemic hormone ecdysone.
2 generation controlled by the steroid hormone ecdysone.
3 ocalized growth-perturbation are mediated by ecdysone.
4 nce or absence, respectively, of the hormone ecdysone.
5 duration of secretion of the steroid hormone ecdysone.
6  promotes the release of the steroid hormone ecdysone.
7 al that are regulated by the steroid hormone ecdysone.
8 architectural proteins upon stimulation with ecdysone.
9 pathways that are regulated in MB neurons by ecdysone.
10  premature amplification when incubated with ecdysone.
11 ormal muscle and gut function and respond to ecdysone.
12 gitudinal vein are born prior to the rise in ecdysone.
13 -autonomous reception of the nuclear hormone ecdysone.
14 nitiate metamorphosis through the release of ecdysone.
15 d developmental defects due to deficiency of ecdysone.
16 roduction and release of the molting steroid ecdysone.
17 iation when treated with the steroid hormone ecdysone.
18 ying the distinct response of early genes to ecdysone.
19 ction between the steroid hormone 20-hydroxy-ecdysone (20E) transferred by males during copulation an
20 regulated by sexually transferred 20-hydroxy-ecdysone (20E), a steroid hormone that is produced by th
21 d ETH receptor genes is in turn dependent on ecdysone (20E).
22                  The physiological substrate ecdysone 22-phosphate was modeled in a hydrophobic cavit
23 s) often associated with decreased levels of ecdysone - a steroid hormone that regulates developmenta
24  regulating the production and/or release of ecdysone, a steroid hormone that stimulates molting and
25 neration is initiated by the steroid hormone ecdysone, acting through a nuclear receptor complex comp
26  Recent new advances in our understanding of ecdysone action have relied heavily on the application o
27      The steroid hormone 20-hydroxyecdysone (ecdysone) activates a relatively small number of immedia
28 romoters and multiple distant EcREs prior to ecdysone activation.
29                                              Ecdysone also induces transcription of the II/9A genes.
30                           Treatment with the ecdysone analog ponasterone-A induced tightly regulated
31 or DHR78 is regulated by the steroid hormone ecdysone and is required for growth and viability during
32                          The steroid hormone ecdysone and its receptor (EcR) play critical roles in o
33 he interaction with insect hormones, such as ecdysone and juvenile hormone.
34 lear receptors and their effector molecules, ecdysone and NO.
35 duct whose mutations impair the synthesis of Ecdysone and produce cell-autonomous survival defects, b
36 rent dendrite degradation, despite activated ecdysone and UPS pathways.
37                           The surge of 20-OH ecdysone and/or ponasterone A initiates the molting proc
38 gulated by two hormones, 20-hydroxyecdysone (ecdysone) and juvenile hormone.
39 s of stage- and tissue-specific responses to ecdysone, and (c) feedback regulation and coordination o
40 nd results in the accumulation of unreleased ecdysone, and the knockdown of calcium-mediated vesicle
41 e with juvenoids resulted in deregulation of ecdysone- and farnesoid-regulated genes, accordingly wit
42 role of JH in regulating growth rate via the ecdysone- and insulin-signaling pathways.
43                                     Instead, ecdysone appears to regulate the growth of imaginal disc
44 ic cascades triggered by the steroid hormone ecdysone at the onset of metamorphosis, acting as both a
45 on These results indicate the requirement of ecdysone binding to the EcR:RXR:MfR complex to regulate
46 e focus on three major aspects of Drosophila ecdysone biology: (a) factors that regulate the timing o
47  While overexpressing FoxO in the PGs delays ecdysone biosynthesis and critical weight, disrupting Fo
48 ng in the prothoracic glands (PGs) regulates ecdysone biosynthesis and critical weight.
49                     Thus, nutrition controls ecdysone biosynthesis partially via FoxO-Usp prior to cr
50 one 20-hydroxyecdysone, or the precursors of ecdysone biosynthesis, cholesterol and 7-dehydrocholeste
51 scriptional levels, respectively, to control ecdysone biosynthetic enzyme expression.
52 ay involve the transcriptional regulation of ecdysone biosynthetic genes.
53 ticipate as stage-specific components of the ecdysone biosynthetic machinery.
54 t between Diptera and Lepidoptera in how the ecdysone biosynthetic pathway is regulated during develo
55                            In the absense of ecdysone, both ecdysone receptor subunits localize to th
56 omplex (BRC), a primary response gene in the ecdysone cascade, encodes a family of transcription fact
57 ession by E75A is triggered by a decrease in ecdysone concentration and by direct repression of the E
58           In Drosophila, the steroid hormone ecdysone controls developmental transitions, thereby reg
59       Here, we show that the steroid hormone ecdysone controls the expression of the pattern recognit
60 e show that hypomorphic gt mutations lead to ecdysone deficiency and developmental delay by affecting
61 Mef2 transcription in larval myoblasts is an ecdysone-dependent event which acts upon an identified M
62                                  To identify ecdysone-dependent gene expression changes in MB gamma n
63 e production in the beetle and up-regulating ecdysone-dependent gene expression.
64      Moreover, purified NURF binds EcR in an ecdysone-dependent manner, suggesting it is a direct eff
65 eurons degenerate during metamorphosis in an ecdysone-dependent manner.
66               While the general mechanism of ecdysone-dependent transcription is well characterized,
67 hanism at work in salivary glands during the ecdysone-dependent transition from larvae to pupae.
68 regulate lipid storage and that an excess of ecdysone disrupts the whole process, probably by trigger
69 ects, in which pulses of the steroid hormone ecdysone drive the wholesale transformation of the larva
70 icides to Drosophila melanogaster during the ecdysone-driven onset of metamorphosis results in lethal
71 o the rapid and powerful response of E75A to ecdysone during Drosophila development.
72 r protein that is required for production of ecdysone during Drosophila larval development.
73 d), encoding the monooxygenase that converts ecdysone (E) to the more active 20-hydroxyecdysone (20E)
74                            The 20E precursor ecdysone (E) was also able to induce differentiation at
75                           In the presence of ecdysone, early genes exhibit a highly characteristic ra
76 ow that components of the steroid-responsive ecdysone (Ec) pathway modulate Hippo transcriptional eff
77 ggered by release of steroid molting hormone ecdysone from the prothoracic gland (PG).
78                                        Thus, ecdysone functions at two levels to support reproduction
79             We show that the steroid hormone ecdysone functions in Drosophila to control lipid metabo
80                                              Ecdysone has two distinct functions: At low concentratio
81  identify the bithorax-complex genes and the ecdysone hormone as critical factors in these difference
82 ng regulation and chromatin accessibility of ecdysone hormone regulated genes, revealing that SNR1 fu
83  coordinating gene expression in response to ecdysone hormone signaling at critical points during dev
84        Cmi is required for the activation of ecdysone hormone targets and plays a critical role in de
85 demonstrate that the molting steroid hormone ecdysone in adult Drosophila is critical to the evolutio
86                    However, the functions of ecdysone in adult physiology remain largely elusive.
87         boule expression is downregulated by ecdysone in MB neurons at the onset of pruning, and forc
88 cdysone pathway, we investigated the role of ecdysone in the development of the adult-specific neuron
89 nt to adulthood, suggesting that the lack of ecdysone in the mutants is the cause of death.
90                      These results implicate ecdysone in the regulation of DNA amplification in Sciar
91  or dn-Raf in the PG greatly attenuates the [ecdysone] increase that causes growth cessation and pupa
92            We also present evidence that the ecdysone-induced Broad Complex of zinc finger transcript
93 s present at both enhancers and promoters of ecdysone-induced Drosophila genes, where it phosphorylat
94              We found the hormone-responsive Ecdysone-induced genes (Eig) were strongly misregulated
95 these proteins at enhancers and promoters of ecdysone-induced genes results in the establishment of t
96 r supported that hypoxia leads to growth and ecdysone-induced molting.
97                                 In addition, ecdysone-induced overexpression of HO-1 in cells led to
98 a circadian function for a nuclear receptor, ecdysone-induced protein 75 (Eip75/E75), which we identi
99 blocking cell death, allowing for subsequent ecdysone-induced reaper and head involution defective de
100 sis, acting as both a repressor of the early ecdysone-induced regulatory genes and an inducer of the
101                    Finally, we show that the ecdysone-induced transcription factor E93 controls tempo
102 that this shift is controlled in part by the ecdysone-induced transcription factor E93.
103 s that stress response genes are induced and ecdysone-induced transcription factors are severely repr
104 n and contain sequences sufficient to confer ecdysone inducibility to a reporter gene.
105                                     Using an ecdysone-inducible expression system in mammalian dopami
106 98 in mediating enhancer-promoter looping at ecdysone-inducible genes.
107                       Induction of SYK in an ecdysone-inducible mammalian expression system results i
108                                 Injection of ecdysone into pre-amplification stage larvae induces amp
109 hosis, suggesting that specific responses to ecdysone involve distinct EcR isoforms.
110                              We propose that ecdysone is able to consolidate memories possibly by rec
111            The regulation of organ growth by ecdysone is evolutionarily conserved in hemimetabolous i
112 played little sleep rebound, suggesting that ecdysone is involved in homeostatic sleep regulation.
113 of other organs in the body, indicating that ecdysone is limiting for their growth, and disrupts the
114 la, endocrine release of the steroid hormone ecdysone is mediated through a regulated vesicular traff
115                                     Although ecdysone is present throughout life in both males and fe
116      EcR is involved in gene activation when ecdysone is present, and gene repression in its absence.
117                Here we show that the hormone ecdysone is required to down-regulate Chinmo/Imp and act
118                          The steroid hormone ecdysone is the central regulator of insect developmenta
119                                              Ecdysone is the major steroid hormone in insects and pla
120                                  In insects, ecdysone is the major steroid hormone, and it is well ch
121                          Finally, endogenous ecdysone levels increased after sleep deprivation, and m
122 ble for these phenotypes, we measured larval ecdysone levels indirectly, via the transcriptional acti
123  cell death triggered by the steroid hormone ecdysone, making room for their developing adult counter
124  research suggested that the steroid hormone ecdysone may play a role in this polyphenism.
125 ry in cells that have previously experienced ecdysone, mediated by Nup98-dependent enhancer-promoter
126            In this study we demonstrate that ecdysone-mediated signaling in the adult is intimately i
127 lianin upregulated neuronal expression of an ecdysone nuclear receptor that triggered neurite remodel
128 h genes known to be regulated in response to ecdysone or EcR.
129                   Experimental injections of ecdysone or its analog resulted in a decreased productio
130 racellular and extracellular mechanisms: The ecdysone pathway and ubiquitin-proteasome system (UPS) a
131 ere consistent with a down-regulation of the ecdysone pathway being involved in the production of win
132 eurons in the CNS is highly dependent on the ecdysone pathway, we investigated the role of ecdysone i
133   Broad Complex (BRC) is a highly conserved, ecdysone-pathway gene essential for metamorphosis in Dro
134 mponents of the insulin/insulin-like/Tor and ecdysone pathways in the control of organ growth.
135 neurite remodeling following the late-larval ecdysone peak.
136                               In response to ecdysone, ph mutant neurons are transformed into cells w
137 ere, we present the crystal structure of the ecdysone phosphate phosphatase (EPPase) phosphoglycerate
138  are therefore consistent with the idea that ecdysone plays a causative role in the regulation of the
139   dnpc1a is normally highly expressed in the ecdysone-producing ring gland.
140 However, the mechanism by which gt regulates ecdysone production has remained elusive.
141 I larvae promote beetle pupation by inducing ecdysone production in the beetle and up-regulating ecdy
142 g gland, we conclude that gt likely controls ecdysone production indirectly by contributing the pepti
143  Null mutants rescued to adults by restoring ecdysone production mimic human NPC patients with progre
144                            Here we show that ecdysone promotes the growth of imaginal discs in mid-th
145 transcriptional responses to the late larval ecdysone pulse delays the onset of the subsequent prepup
146  delays the onset of the subsequent prepupal ecdysone pulse, resulting in a significantly longer prep
147 s in apparent response to a mid-third instar ecdysone pulse, when CBP is necessary and sufficient for
148  is determined by the length of time between ecdysone pulses.
149 tain an ABC transporter that functions as an ecdysone pump to fill vesicles.
150 We have developed a Choristoneura fumiferana ecdysone receptor (CfEcR)-based two-hybrid gene switch t
151 ts conserved heterodimeric nuclear receptor: Ecdysone Receptor (EcR) and Ultraspiracle (USP)/Retinoid
152 ulation of Notch signaling and activation of ecdysone receptor (EcR) are required for the E/A switch
153                   On hormone activation, the ecdysone receptor (EcR) binds to the SET domain-containi
154                        Finally, we show that Ecdysone receptor (EcR) functions autonomously both for
155 ogous to the acetylcholinesterase (AChE) and ecdysone receptor (EcR) genes of B. tabaci, resulted in
156                                          The ecdysone receptor (EcR) has been used to develop gene sw
157               In addition, disruption of the Ecdysone receptor (EcR) in mature follicle cells mimicke
158 erexpressing a dominant negative form of the Ecdysone receptor (EcR) or its heterodimeric partner ult
159 receptor coactivator (SRC) and GATAa but not ecdysone receptor (EcR) or its partner, ultraspiracle (U
160               Loss of function of either the ecdysone receptor (EcR) or Ultraspiracle (USP), the two
161               In addition, knocking down the Ecdysone receptor (EcR) selectively in the discs also pr
162 n Orthodenticle (Otd) acts together with the ecdysone receptor (EcR) to directly repress the expressi
163 ng this tool, we show that signaling via the Ecdysone Receptor (EcR), a known regulator of developmen
164                               One insect NR, ecdysone receptor (EcR), functions as a receptor for the
165 B) defects and Df(4)dCORL larvae are lacking Ecdysone Receptor (EcR-B1) expression in MB neurons.
166 we identify a role for the B1 isoform of the ecdysone receptor (EcR-B1) in this process.
167 s using a dominant-negative construct of the ecdysone receptor (EcR-DN).
168                               The Drosophila ecdysone receptor (EcR/Usp) is thought to activate or re
169 ents represent in vivo binding sites for the ecdysone receptor and are necessary for hormone-mediated
170 ushroom body (MB), are decommissioned by the ecdysone receptor and mediator complex, causing them to
171 ne-tolerant protein) and ecdysteroid action (ecdysone receptor and ultraspiracle) suggest that these
172 interfering with ecdysone signaling using an ecdysone receptor antagonist or knocking down the ecdyso
173                        They showed premature ecdysone receptor B1 (EcR-B1) in the photoreceptors and
174 x composed of USP (ultraspiracle) and EcRB1 (ecdysone receptor B1) to regulate gene expression in MB
175  that Ash2 functions together with Trr as an ecdysone receptor coactivator.
176              These results indicate that the ecdysone receptor complex influences the fine-tuning of
177 cohesin cleavage, long before any decline in ecdysone receptor could be detected at this locus.
178 C1(-/-) clones exhibit reduced levels of the ecdysone receptor EcR-B1, a key regulator of axon prunin
179 one receptor antagonist or knocking down the ecdysone receptor gene with RNAi resulted in an increase
180 reases recruitment of FISC to the functional ecdysone receptor in a 20E-dependent manner.
181 hemical evidence for the central role of the ecdysone receptor in his model.
182 E93 transition by inducing expression of the Ecdysone receptor in mid-larval neuroblasts, rendering t
183                                          The ecdysone receptor is also expressed in central clock cel
184 ronal remodeling and suggest that functional ecdysone receptor is necessary for some, but not all, re
185      We find that ecdysone signaling through Ecdysone receptor isoform B1 is required cell autonomous
186  DNA amplification in Sciara and suggest the ecdysone receptor may be the elusive amplification facto
187 taFtz-F1 facilitates loading of FISC and the ecdysone receptor on the target promoters, leading to en
188 med human hepatocyte line cell HH4 using the ecdysone receptor regulatory system.
189             In the absense of ecdysone, both ecdysone receptor subunits localize to the cytoplasm, an
190 ild-type and mutant MB neurons in which EcR (ecdysone receptor) activity is genetically blocked, and
191 ne 20-hydroxyecdysone (ecdysone) through the ecdysone receptor, a heterodimer of the nuclear receptor
192 traspiracle (USP), the two components of the ecdysone receptor, causes precocious differentiation of
193 ssion after mating is induced by 20E via the Ecdysone Receptor, demonstrating a close cooperation bet
194 ke 20-hydroxyecdysone (natural ligand of the ecdysone receptor, EcR), methyl farnesoate, pyrirproxyfe
195             Second, global signaling via the ecdysone receptor, EcR, establishes a female metabolic s
196 betaFtz-F1 and a p160/SRC coactivator of the ecdysone receptor, FISC, is crucial for the stage-specif
197 ins interact with each other as well as with ecdysone receptor, ultraspiracle, and methoprene-toleran
198 ns of ecdysone signal transduction involving ecdysone receptor-B (EcR-B) isoforms suppressed vCrz dea
199                      Myoglianin, Baboon, and Ecdysone Receptor-B1 are also required for neuromuscular
200 axon pruning by regulating the expression of Ecdysone Receptor-B1, a key initiator of axon pruning.
201 f these neurons, however, are independent of ecdysone receptor-B2 regulation.
202 ific isoform of the steroid hormone receptor ecdysone receptor-B2, for which functions have thus far
203  abscisic acid (ABA) biosynthesis, using the ecdysone receptor-based plant gene switch system and the
204 the EcR subunit of the heterodimeric EcR-USP ecdysone receptor.
205 e that it is efficiently bound by the Sciara ecdysone receptor.
206  also enhance dominant-negative mutations in ecdysone receptor.
207 eracts with Ultraspiracle (Usp), part of the ecdysone receptor.
208  the physical locations of the heterodimeric Ecdysone receptor/Ultraspiracle (ECR/USP) nuclear hormon
209 inds to the nuclear hormone receptor complex Ecdysone Receptor/Ultraspiracle, and is recruited to the
210 r analysis implicated ecdysone signaling via ecdysone receptors A/B1 and the nuclear receptor ftz-f1
211  and conditional overexpression of wild-type ecdysone receptors in the adult mushroom bodies resulted
212                   Third, mutants for nuclear ecdysone receptors showed reduced sleep, and conditional
213     Sequential pulses of the steroid hormone ecdysone regulate the major developmental transitions in
214 me of which resemble those in mutants of the ecdysone-regulated Broad-Complex (BR-C).
215                            Four of these are ecdysone-regulated enhancers, which possess hormone-resp
216 orphosis possibly caused by misregulation of ecdysone-regulated expression.
217 80 facilitates transcriptional repression of ecdysone-regulated genes during prepupal development.
218  Notch-regulated Hey1 gene and at Drosophila ecdysone-regulated genes.
219 tion of apoptosis and autophagy genes during ecdysone-regulated programmed cell death of Drosophila s
220                                              Ecdysone regulates biological responses by directly init
221                                              Ecdysone regulation allows females to assess the demands
222 nes from the carbohydrate metabolism and the ecdysone regulatory pathway.
223                            Here, we analyzed ecdysone-related gene expression patterns and found that
224 he prothoracic gland of Drosophila modulates ecdysone release and thereby influences both the duratio
225                         We also suggest that ecdysone release is regulated in two ways: a PI3K-depend
226         To test the possibility that altered ecdysone release is responsible for these phenotypes, we
227 ogy: (a) factors that regulate the timing of ecdysone release, (b) molecular basis of stage- and tiss
228 tion of Ras within the PG induces precocious ecdysone release, whereas expression of either dn-PI3K o
229  duration of each larval stage by regulating ecdysone release.
230  in turn might be regulated by the timing of ecdysone release.
231         We report the presence of a putative ecdysone response element directly adjacent to the origi
232 tabase, we then identified a set of putative ecdysone response elements (EcREs).
233 arly genes, E75, harbors multiple functional ecdysone response elements (EcREs).
234 ction required the E74-binding sites and the ecdysone response elements in the Vg 5' regulatory regio
235 the immature stage by suppressing E93 (early ecdysone response gene) in N4.
236 protein recruitment are regulated during the ecdysone response.
237  set of genes, including those mediating the ecdysone response.
238 kr-h1, and SRC is required for expression of ecdysone-response genes.
239 insulator proteins during the heat-shock and ecdysone responses.
240 s and is required for activation of the E75A ecdysone-responsive and hsp70 heat-shock genes.
241 ng discs caused precocious expression of the ecdysone-responsive gene broad.
242 l visualization of transcription at selected ecdysone-responsive genes reveals that puffing at Eip74E
243 metamorphosis due to a lack of activation of ecdysone-responsive genes.
244                   Strikingly, a large set of ecdysone-responsive targets is included among several hu
245 e species, which stimulate the high level of ecdysone secretion that induces a molt.
246 der low-nutrition conditions, TOR suppresses ecdysone secretion--which otherwise terminates larval de
247  variation in both the duration and level of ecdysone secretion.
248                             In this way, the ecdysone signal can function as a developmental timer co
249 ess each other's expression and that a local Ecdysone signal is required to shift the balance in favo
250 ther Ecdysone synthesis or the expression of Ecdysone signal transducers or targets in the cyst cells
251        Genetic and transgenic disruptions of ecdysone signal transduction involving ecdysone receptor
252 tion, is attributed to Notch downregulation, ecdysone signaling activation and upregulation of the zi
253  20E levels are lower in males than females, ecdysone signaling acts through distinct cell types and
254         These results suggest that activated ecdysone signaling determines precise developmental timi
255 sleep deprivation, and mutants defective for ecdysone signaling displayed little sleep rebound, sugge
256                                              Ecdysone signaling downregulates miR-965 at the onset of
257 e, the genetic interaction between Notch and ecdysone signaling in regulation of cell cycle programs
258          We also found that mutants in which ecdysone signaling is reduced were defective in LTM, and
259  EcR-B2 in the CySC lineage, indicating that ecdysone signaling supports stem cell viability primaril
260 lting hormone ecdysone, we hypothesized that ecdysone signaling switches the larva to a nutrition-ind
261                                 We find that ecdysone signaling through Ecdysone receptor isoform B1
262                 Conversely, interfering with ecdysone signaling using an ecdysone receptor antagonist
263                  Further analysis implicated ecdysone signaling via ecdysone receptors A/B1 and the n
264          We therefore predicted that reduced ecdysone signaling would result in more winged offspring
265  (c) feedback regulation and coordination of ecdysone signaling.
266 unding member of a new pathway downstream of ecdysone signaling.
267   In contrast, GSCs non-autonomously require ecdysone signaling.
268 ttributable to loss of cholesterol-dependent ecdysone steroid hormone production.
269 ors following a pulse of the steroid hormone ecdysone such that different times in wing development c
270 maginal discs from larvae with reduced or no ecdysone synthesis are smaller than wild type due to sma
271                          Second, mutants for ecdysone synthesis displayed the "short-sleep phenotype,
272               Discs from larvae with reduced ecdysone synthesis have elevated levels of Thor, while m
273 s) and for proper storage of cholesterol and ecdysone synthesis in ring glands.
274 ppears to be mediated, at least in part, via ecdysone synthesis in the prothoracic gland.
275       In spi mutant animals, reducing either Ecdysone synthesis or the expression of Ecdysone signal
276 and secreted normally in larvae with reduced ecdysone synthesis, and upstream components of insulin/i
277 g gland cells, and, consequently, inadequate ecdysone synthesis.
278  where sterols must be delivered to sites of ecdysone synthesis.
279           The early genes are a key group of ecdysone targets that function at the top of the signali
280 y, via the transcriptional activation of two ecdysone targets, E74A and E74B.
281 in response to a peak of the molting hormone ecdysone that coincides with a nutrition-dependent check
282            Growth is stopped by the pulse of ecdysone that initiates the metamorphic molt.
283 roxyecdysone (20E), the active metabolite of ecdysone that is induced by environmental stimuli in adu
284 h is controlled by two hormones, insulin and ecdysone, that act synergistically by controlling cell g
285 s locus is controlled by the steroid hormone ecdysone, the master regulator of insect development.
286 d by the steroid hormone 20-hydroxyecdysone (ecdysone) through the ecdysone receptor, a heterodimer o
287 ell-autonomous manner by the steroid hormone ecdysone, through changes in expression of critical pro-
288 ne giant (gt) have long been known to affect ecdysone titers resulting in developmental delay and the
289                             Further, feeding ecdysone to larvae eliminates the effects of critical we
290                               Application of ecdysone to larvae with growth-perturbed wing discs resc
291 poral requirement for nos correlates with an ecdysone-triggered switch in sensitivity to apoptotic st
292 he onset of metamorphosis have identified an ecdysone-triggered transcriptional cascade that consists
293                          The molting hormone ecdysone triggers chromatin changes via histone modifica
294               A pulse of the steroid hormone ecdysone triggers the destruction of larval salivary gla
295                          The steroid hormone ecdysone triggers the rapid and massive destruction of l
296                          The steroid hormone ecdysone triggers transitions between developmental stag
297 ulates the production of the molting hormone ecdysone via an incompletely defined signaling pathway.
298  Because the PGs produce the molting hormone ecdysone, we hypothesized that ecdysone signaling switch
299 f mixtures with fenarimol, testosterone, and ecdysone were antagonistic, mixtures of juvenoids showed
300                              Co-exposures of ecdysone with juvenoids resulted in deregulation of ecdy

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