


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 ebrates) and Ambulacraria (hemichordates and echinoderms).
2 the entire evolutionary history of crinoids (echinoderms).
3 f these subfamilies are conserved throughout echinoderms.
4 ould be traced back before the divergence of echinoderms.
5  using a global sample of Palaeozoic crinoid echinoderms.
6  a deuterostome related to hemichordates and echinoderms.
7 uding plants, fungi, nematodes, insects, and echinoderms.
8 lopmental features of very distantly related echinoderms.
9 ellular second messenger in both mammals and echinoderms.
10 es also occur in a deuterostomian phylum-the echinoderms.
11 europeptides that act as muscle relaxants in echinoderms.
12 to it was not known if this applies to other echinoderms.
13 n mechanisms of mutable connective tissue in echinoderms.
14 ide and endocrine-type signalling systems in echinoderms.
15 s, as it is distinguishable in chordates and echinoderms.
16 on embryonic development described in larval echinoderms.
17  in a mineralized structure is shared by all echinoderms.
18 mic information from sea urchins and related echinoderms.
19 tion in anthozoan cnidarians, ascidians, and echinoderms.
20 ast to hemichordates and indirect-developing echinoderms.
21 ecific at least to sea urchins if not to all echinoderms.
22 gth, showing a high level of homology to the Echinoderm 77-kDa microtubule-associated protein (EMAP).
23  operating in embryos of a distantly related echinoderm, a starfish.
24               The discovery of ependymins in echinoderms, a group well known for their regenerative c
25 ut 670 million years ago, and chordates from echinoderms about 600 million years ago.
26                                          The echinoderm adhesome (complement of adhesion-related gene
27  tail flagellar tubulins and tektins from an echinoderm and a mollusc were studied systematically usi
28    The release of Ca(2+) at fertilization in echinoderm and ascidian eggs requires SH2 domain-mediate
29 of the KRAB motif prior to the divergence of echinoderm and chordate lineages.
30  has been examined experimentally in several echinoderm and hemichordate classes.
31 ution is similar to other invertebrate taxa (echinoderms and bivalve molluscs) but not to vertebrates
32 , and mollusks) diverged from deuterostomes (echinoderms and chordates) about 670 million years ago,
33 , and arthropods) and "deuterostomes" (e.g., echinoderms and chordates) display fertilization-induced
34 arine invertebrates that share features with echinoderms and chordates.
35 leading from this ancestor to hemichordates, echinoderms and chordates.
36 scriptomes for 14 hemichordates as well as 8 echinoderms and complemented these with existing data fo
37 urula-type larva typical of other classes of echinoderms and considered to represent the ancestral ec
38                                       First, echinoderms and hemichordates have similar feeding larva
39 l and molecular data place the Ambulacraria (echinoderms and hemichordates) within the Deuterostomia
40 ngle crystal of calcite is characteristic of echinoderms and is always associated with radial symmetr
41  organisms as diverse as insects, nematodes, echinoderms and mammals.
42        Primary food resources for lithodids--echinoderms and mollusks--were abundant on the upper slo
43 antly different developmental roles in these echinoderms and that the targets and the binding motifs
44                    Among deuterostomes, only echinoderms and vertebrates produce extensive biomineral
45 r events in skeletogenesis appear similar in echinoderms and vertebrates, leaving open the possibilit
46 roteins that mediate biomineral formation in echinoderms and vertebrates, possibly reflecting loose c
47 y relationships between biomineralization in echinoderms and vertebrates.
48 omain in the common deuterostome ancestor of echinoderms and vertebrates.
49 hree other invertebrate taxa: hemichordates, echinoderms and Xenoturbella.
50 tterns in the embryos of fishes, amphibians, echinoderms, and ascidians, as well as the genetic and p
51 e a deuterostome phylum, the sister group to echinoderms, and closely related to chordates.
52 aracteristics of fibrils from two classes of echinoderms, and to determine whether a single growth mo
53                                      Because echinoderms are closely related to chordates and postdat
54                                              Echinoderms are considered particularly sensitive to oce
55 ow that Alx1 proteins from distantly related echinoderms are not interchangeable, although the sequen
56                                              Echinoderms are positioned at the base of Deuterostomia
57 ation in marine organisms such as corals and echinoderms, as shown in many laboratory-based experimen
58                                           In echinoderm, ascidian, and vertebrate eggs, the Ca(2+) ri
59 evolutionary process by which the pentameral echinoderm body plan emerged from a bilateral ancestor.
60      The presence of four markedly different echinoderm body plans in these earliest faunas indicates
61 comparisons of chordates, hemichordates, and echinoderms can inform hypotheses for the evolution of t
62    While sea urchin muscle actins support an echinoderm-chordate sister relationship, sea star sequen
63 source descriptions for other members of the echinoderm clade which in total span 540 million years o
64 s specific to Ambulacraria (the hemichordate-echinoderm clade), two forming an inverted terminal pair
65 nown about these mechanisms in several other echinoderm classes, including the Ophiuroidea.
66                                  Of the five echinoderm classes, only the modern sea urchins (euechin
67 both cases, the appearance of well-preserved echinoderms coincides with a change in palaeogeographic
68 etric similarity, characteristic features of echinoderm collagen fibrils.
69 gastropod mollusc Marseniopsis mollis and an echinoderm Cucumaria georgiana.
70 w material for the study of the evolution of echinoderm development.
71      The mutable collagenous tissue (MCT) of echinoderms (e.g., sea cucumbers and starfish) is a rema
72 tery, while fibronectin labeling and 4G7 (an echinoderm ECM component) are continuously present.
73                                         Upon echinoderm egg fertilization, cortical secretory vesicle
74 l transduction leading to calcium release in echinoderm eggs at fertilization requires phospholipase
75     Because Ca2+ release at fertilization in echinoderm eggs is initiated by SH2 domain-mediated acti
76 aka with that in other eggs, particularly in echinoderm eggs, suggests that such a propagated calcium
77  These results indicate that, in contrast to echinoderm eggs, the ER of mouse eggs does not become di
78 tion in initiating this signaling pathway in echinoderm eggs.
79                         The hyaline layer of echinoderm embryos is an extraembryonic matrix that func
80 nsible for the stimulation of cytokinesis in Echinoderm embryos, it has been suggested that a signal
81 de (NiCl(2)), a potent ventralizing agent on echinoderm embryos, on the indirect developing enteropne
82      While supported by compelling data from Echinoderm embryos, recent observations suggest that the
83 escribe the behavior and function of Ect2 in echinoderm embryos, showing that Ect2 migrates from spin
84 le signals contribute to furrow induction in echinoderm embryos, they likely converge on the same sig
85                               Embryos of the echinoderms, especially those of sea urchins and sea sta
86 GRN has been modified (and conserved) during echinoderm evolution, and point to mechanisms associated
87 ence took place during the initial stages of echinoderm evolution.
88                         Furthermore, because echinoderms exhibit diverse programs of skeletal develop
89                      Among higher metazoans, echinoderms exhibit the most impressive capacity for reg
90             The former represents the oldest echinoderm fauna from Gondwana, approximately equivalent
91      Here we report the discovery of two new echinoderm faunas from the early part of the Cambrian of
92  interpreted in light of the well-understood echinoderm fossil record.
93                                              Echinoderm fossils that have retained their bulk origina
94                                              Echinoderms from the Cambrian and from the Carboniferous
95 seawater Mg/Ca of approximately 3.3, whereas echinoderms from the Jurassic to the Cretaceous indicate
96 n Strongylocentrotus purpuratus is the first echinoderm genome to be sequenced.
97 owever, do not support a cephalochordate and echinoderm grouping and we conclude that chordates are m
98                     Photosensitivity in most echinoderms has been attributed to 'diffuse' dermal rece
99 r the last decades in echinoid (sea urchins) echinoderms has led to the characterization of gene regu
100                                 As a result, echinoderms have contributed significantly to our unders
101                                              Echinoderms have either radial or bilateral symmetry, he
102 ch linked to a death domain, suggesting that echinoderms have evolved unique apoptotic signaling path
103                          The earliest fossil echinoderms have, until now, come almost exclusively fro
104                    Sea cucumbers, like other echinoderms, have the ability to rapidly and reversibly
105 cation have been highly conserved within the echinoderm + hemichordate clade, nothing is known about
106 an deviations from it (ascidian, vertebrate, echinoderm/hemichordate).
107 rso-ventral patterning may be shared between echinoderms, hemichordates and a putative ambulacrarian
108  as an array of disparate forms that include echinoderms, hemichordates and more problematic groups s
109 acking in more early-diverged deuterostomes (echinoderms, hemichordates), it is uncertain whether the
110                                          The echinoderm Hox gene cluster is essentially similar to th
111                                              Echinoderm Hox genes of Paralog Groups (PG) 1 and 2 are
112 lthough larval cloning is well documented in echinoderms, identified stimuli for cloning are limited
113 /or biomass of scavenging species (epifaunal echinoderms, infaunal crustaceans) by two to four-fold i
114  The major microtubule-associated protein in echinoderms is a 77-kDa, WD repeat protein, called EMAP.
115                              Tbrain in these echinoderms is thus a perfect example of an orthologous
116                                 Evolution of echinoderm larvae has taken place over widely varying ti
117 cean acidification acts on pH homeostasis in echinoderm larvae.
118 ar and intracellular pH (pH(e) and pH(i)) in echinoderm larvae.
119 ms and considered to represent the ancestral echinoderm larval form.
120 living echinoderms to outline the origins of echinoderm larval forms, their diversity among living ec
121 n retained since the Cambrian Period in both echinoderm lineages.
122 two groups, ancestors of the vertebrates and echinoderms may have utilized similar components of a sh
123             In this report, we show that the echinoderm microtubule (MT)-associated protein (EMAP) an
124                              Proteins of the echinoderm microtubule-associated protein (EMAP)-like (E
125                       The human homologue of Echinoderm microtubule-associated protein defines a nove
126 overed example is a fusion between the genes echinoderm microtubule-associated protein like 4 (EML4)
127 ogenic fusion proteins nucleophosmin-ALK and echinoderm microtubule-associated protein like 4-ALK, wh
128 ized double stranded breaks (DSB) within the echinoderm microtubule-associated protein-like 4 (EML4)
129                          In the treatment of echinoderm microtubule-associated protein-like 4 (EML4)-
130                        We show here that the echinoderm microtubule-associated protein-like 4 (EML4)-
131                                          The echinoderm microtubule-associated protein-like 4 (EML4)-
132            Of the 67 primary NSCLCs, 17 were echinoderm microtubule-associated protein-like 4-ALK tra
133                                          The echinoderm microtubule-associated protein-like 4-anaplas
134 m larval forms, their diversity among living echinoderms, molecular clocks and rates of larval evolut
135 chaeridians have been allied with barnacles, echinoderms, molluscs or annelids.
136 elationship, sea star sequences suggest that echinoderm muscle actins are convergent with chordate mu
137 wever, is substantially older, detectable in echinoderms, nematodes, and cnidarians.
138     Here we report the expression domains in echinoderms of three important developmental regulatory
139    Furthermore, the phylogenetic position of echinoderms offers the opportunity to compare the comple
140 n other organisms, more than half have clear echinoderm orthologs.
141 lt skeletogenesis in the sea star, a distant echinoderm outgroup, that the regulatory apparatus respo
142 it variously as related to hemichordates and echinoderms owing to similarities of nerve net and epide
143  and sterols profiles of the widely consumed echinoderms Paracentrotus lividus Lamarck (sea urchin),
144 current dataset is the largest assembled for echinoderm phylogeny and transcriptomics.
145  that controls skeletogenesis throughout the echinoderm phylum.
146  to argue that the latest common ancestor of echinoderms plus hemichordates used a maximal indirect m
147                                              Echinoderms possess one of the most highly derived body
148 d dollars, heart urchins, and other nonmodel echinoderms provides an ideal dataset with which to expl
149 ed in plankton, sediments and in nonasteroid echinoderms, providing a possible mechanism for viral sp
150 ence that the enteric nervous system of this echinoderm regenerates after evisceration and that in 3-
151 which calcite crystals become co-oriented in echinoderms remains enigmatic.
152                                              Echinoderms represent a researchable subset of a dynamic
153 of a global sample of post-Paleozoic crinoid echinoderms shows that this group underwent a rapid dive
154         As the high-magnesium calcite of the echinoderm skeleton is a biomineral form highly sensitiv
155 ays an integral role in the formation of the echinoderm skeleton.
156 olved with stereom formation in the earliest echinoderms some 520 million years ago.
157 netic RhoA activity zones are common to four echinoderm species, the vertebrate Xenopus laevis, and t
158 are entirely consistent with data from other echinoderm species.
159 DED and CARD adaptor domains) have undergone echinoderm-specific expansions.
160 s is an ancient pleisiomorphic aspect of the echinoderm-specific regulatory heritage.
161 sed RNA-Seq to profile adult tissues from 42 echinoderm specimens from 24 orders and 37 families.
162 ype signalling systems in a deuterostome-the echinoderm (starfish) Asterias rubens.
163                             In contrast, the echinoderm Strongylocentrotus purpuratus contains a 588
164 nd target genes present in the genome of the echinoderm Strongylocentrotus purpuratus.
165                                          The echinoderms, Strongylocentrotus purpuratus (sea urchin)
166 initial morphological diversification in the echinoderm subphylum Blastozoa was so pronounced that mo
167 ciated protein, EMAP, was identified only in echinoderms such as sea urchin, starfish and sand dollar
168 tes, hemichordates (such as acorn worms) and echinoderms (such as starfish) comprise the group Deuter
169 semblies with similar ones from mollusks and echinoderms suggests plausible pH-dependent quaternary t
170 hen a sea urchin is used as a representative echinoderm than when a sea star is used.
171 ggestion that cephalochordates are closer to echinoderms than to vertebrates and urochordates, meanin
172 a repository of orthologous transcripts from echinoderms that is searchable via keywords and sequence
173  In hemichordates and many direct-developing echinoderms, the adult is built onto the larva, with the
174 ry expression in the indirect development of echinoderms, their sister group, they reveal the evoluti
175 e apparent absence of V(D)J recombination in echinoderms, this finding strongly suggests that linked
176 ) show that the gene is expressed in several echinoderm tissues, including esophagus, mesenteries, go
177 lution of the diverse larval forms of living echinoderms to outline the origins of echinoderm larval
178 y Cambrian forms are still characteristic of echinoderms today.
179                     One of our goals for the echinoderm tree of life project is to identify orthologs
180 horan lobopodia, ascidian ampullae, and even echinoderm tube feet.
181             In contrast, indirect-developing echinoderms undergo radical metamorphosis where adult ax
182 ircuit is part of an ancestral GRN governing echinoderm vegetal pole mesoderm development.
183 erning system that was present in the common echinoderm/vertebrate ancestor.
184 n (OM) is initiated in lower vertebrates and echinoderms when maturation-inducing substances (MIS) bi
185 to have evolved very early in the history of echinoderms, whereas others probably evolved during the
186 and genomics of chordates, hemichordates and echinoderms, which together make up the deuterostome cla
187  a representative of the sister group to the echinoderms within the deuterostomes.
188 fication, we studied myosin II activation in echinoderm zygotes by assessing serine19-phosphorylated

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