コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)
1 recovery, T2-weighted, and T1-weighted spin-echo images.
2 m in- and opposed-phase black-blood gradient-echo images.
3 osed-phase and in-phase T1-weighted gradient-echo images.
4 d fast field-echo and T2-weighted turbo spin-echo images.
5 picuous appearance than on gradient-recalled-echo images.
6 respiratory-triggered T2-weighted fast spin-echo images.
7 were clearly depicted on balanced fast field-echo images.
8 ient-recalled echo and T2-weighted fast spin-echo images.
9 sing only contrast-enhanced T1-weighted spin-echo images.
10 se relaxation were generated using fast spin echo imaging.
11 med at 1.5 T with three-dimensional gradient-echo imaging.
12 or participants with phase-contrast gradient-echo imaging.
13 t spin-echo imaging and transverse fast spin-echo imaging.
14 eft thoracotomy was performed for epicardial echo imaging.
15 as followed by acquisition through fast spin-echo imaging.
16 linium-enhanced breath-hold spoiled gradient-echo imaging.
18 weighted high-spatial-resolution 3D gradient-echo images (2.0 x 1.0 x 0.4-mm voxels) were obtained.
20 Fifty patients underwent 3D spoiled gradient-echo imaging (4.2/1.8 [repetition time msec/echo time ms
21 onally oriented 124-section spoiled gradient echo images acquired on 3 magnetic resonance imaging (MR
22 d low flip angle multiecho gradient-recalled echo images after T2* correction and multifrequency fat
23 s, gadolinium-enhanced T2-weighted fast spin-echo imaging also is expected to show negative enhanceme
26 d with that on in-phase T1-weighted gradient-echo images and with relative loss of signal intensity o
29 tography, in-phase and out-of-phase gradient-echo imaging, and liver biopsy histopathologic review, r
30 GE imaging; 70%, 92%, and 0.63 for fast spin-echo imaging; and 56%, 96%, and 0.57 for TOF imaging.
32 all changes in MRI, CT, and ultrasound pulse-echo images are used to estimate the practical requireme
33 y-weighted 2D two-dimensional TSE turbo spin echo images, as well as T1-weighted 3D three-dimensional
34 immediately followed by T1-weighted gradient-echo imaging at 10, 40, and 120 seconds after bolus inje
36 easured on T2-weighted single-shot fast spin-echo images by one of six radiologists (1-3 years of exp
37 surements were made on single-shot fast spin-echo images by tracing free-form regions of interest on
39 aluated by using ultrashort-TE imaging, spin-echo imaging, histopathologic analysis, and PLM, with in
40 ontrast on T2-weighted breath-hold fast spin-echo images improves after administration of a gadoliniu
41 weighted spin-echo and T2-weighted fast spin-echo imaging in multiple planes with a phased-array mult
43 dimensional (3D) T1-weighted spiral gradient-echo images interleaved with T1-weighted high-spatial-re
45 ach examination included a gradient recalled echo image (M0), an MTC-enhanced gradient recalled echo
46 mage (M0), an MTC-enhanced gradient recalled echo image (Ms), a T1 image determined from a one-shot T
47 ) images and three-dimensional (3D) gradient-echo images obtained before and during the arterial, ven
48 n of three-dimensional fast spoiled gradient-echo images obtained before contrast material injection
53 e scans, including oblique coronal fast spin echo images of the temporal lobes; [18F]fluorodeoxygluco
55 on, the hearts were excised and imaged (spin-echo imaging parameters: repetition time 300 ms, echo ti
56 arized 3He gas, single breath-hold, gradient-echo images (resonant frequency of 3He) were obtained to
57 d MRI using radio frequency spoiled gradient echo imaging sequence after injection of Gd-labeled MS32
61 test a new real-time three-dimensional (3D) echo imaging system for evaluating RV stroke volumes.
62 inal aortas on both T1- and T2-weighted spin-echo images (T1 spin echo, 20 axial slices per animal; T
63 cited three-dimensional T1-weighted gradient-echo imaging, T1-rho imaging, and T2 mapping of cartilag
64 lines with enhanced reconstruction fast spin-echo imaging (T2 method), and gradient-echo imaging with
68 sequences: unenhanced T2-weighted fast spin-echo imaging; unenhanced diffusion-weighted imaging; and
69 -weighted spin-echo and T1-weighted gradient-echo imaging was performed before and after superparamag
72 T1- and T2-weighted (W) black blood spin echo imaging was performed in 1 axial slice, and the T1-
75 n-weighted, and multiecho gradient-echo/spin-echo images were acquired; cerebral blood flow and oxyge
76 nium-enhanced axial, opposed-phase, gradient-echo images were analyzed visually and with region-of-in
77 spin-echo and T1-weighted gradient-recalled-echo images were obtained before and after administratio
78 identical T2-weighted breath-hold fast spin-echo images were obtained before and after gadolinium en
79 mol/kg gadolinium, T1-weighted fast gradient echo images were obtained during a follow-up of 10 h usi
83 Abdominal MRI scans (axial T1-weighted spin echo images) were taken, from which adipose tissue volum
84 ing with fat and water in phase and gradient-echo imaging with fat and water out of phase (repetition
85 spin-echo imaging (T2 method), and gradient-echo imaging with fat-water separation using iterative d
86 d low-flip-angle multiecho gradient-recalled-echo imaging with T2* correction and multipeak modeling.
87 T1-independent volumetric multiecho gradient-echo imaging with T2* correction and spectral fat modeli
88 three-dimensional spoiled gradient-recalled-echo imaging with the keyhole technique during the admin
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