


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1                                              Ecologic (aggregate) data are widely available and widel
2                                              Ecologic analyses may avoid confounding that would be pr
3                                              Ecologic analyses of the effectiveness of PSA testing sh
4 ontrolled trials, and from epidemiologic and ecologic analyses provides strong evidence that dietary
5                                              Ecologic analyses, case-case comparisons, and animal exp
6      The authors examined these issues in an ecologic analysis of prostate-specific antigen (PSA) scr
7                          We discuss possible ecologic and epidemiologic limitations that could impede
8 obial evolution, because they suggest likely ecologic and genetic barriers that limit extensive gene
9 ics, disease-specific death rates, and their ecologic and individual associations both among and with
10                                              Ecologic and individual-level analyses were conducted.
11                                              Ecologic and sedimentologic changes over the last millen
12 neralization and the 'Cambrian explosion' of ecologic and taxonomic diversity following the Neoproter
13  this trend are health concerns and ethical, ecologic, and social issues.
14  the Journal is a fascinating analysis of an ecologic association.
15  of death from all causes, along with strong ecologic associations among diet, risk factors, and dise
16 mple shows that the two-phase design removes ecologic bias and produces gains in efficiency over the
17 vidual-level data then provide a control for ecologic bias by characterizing the within-area variabil
18 rchical spatial modeling, the possibility of ecologic bias remains.
19                                     However, ecologic bias, which arises because aggregate data canno
20                                              Ecologic, case-control, and cohort studies all support a
21 ropod-borne transmission route was a radical ecologic change from the food-borne and water-borne tran
22  of radical socioeconomic, ethnographic, and ecologic changes brought about by the rapid westernizati
23 s without exposure to antimicrobials and the ecologic changes created in the oral microbiome by even
24                                        These ecologic changes may affect the risk for wound infection
25 humans in Latin America may be the result of ecologic changes that increased human contact with enzoo
26                                    In global ecologic comparisons, milk and dairy intakes are strongl
27 ld observations are limited by their reduced ecologic complexity and sample period, respectively.
28 se, competing environmental constraints, and ecologic controls, zonation is still poorly understood i
29 ecipitated by Ancel Keys' presentation of an ecologic correlation between diet and cardiac death, whi
30                                      In this ecologic correlation study, the per capita nutrient cons
31                                              Ecologic correlations suggest that higher intake of satu
32 us participation, but the majority have used ecologic, cross-sectional, or case-control data.
33                                              Ecologic data regarding the quantities and types of food
34 stent with trends in overweight, most of the ecologic data reviewed suggest that energy intake has in
35 iables, can only be removed by supplementing ecologic data with individual-level data.
36 ngs are consistent with a more stringent and ecologic definition for bacterial species than the curre
37  recent years, these studies have moved from ecologic designs, which ascertain infection based on epi
38  coyotes that correspond with geographic and ecologic differences among populations.
39 opod ordinal origination is not predicted by ecologic, diversity-dependent models of decline in the p
40  over calendar time were consistent with the ecologic effect in size and direction.
41 o the increased risk of type 2 diabetes, the ecologic effect of changes in the quality of carbohydrat
42 en questioned, we present the earliest-known ecologic evidence showing that by Late Pennsylvanian tim
43          This finding is consistent with the ecologic expectation that organisms inhabiting unpredict
44 factors, 4) hospital characteristics, and 5) ecologic factors (region of state, percent black and Med
45 sts phenotypic rates are primarily shaped by ecologic factors rather than the origination of morpholo
46 merous and conspicuous flowers, illustrating ecologic factors that may influence hybridization freque
47                                   Social and ecologic factors, such as residential segregation, are d
48 on in HSV-2, suggesting the need to identify ecologic factors.
49 erwater, thereby causing severe economic and ecologic impacts.
50 ociation is consistent at the individual and ecologic levels.
51 f vaccination were identified using Bayesian ecologic logistic regression, with random effects to acc
52 tment approach, a method of incorporating an ecologic measure of treatment assignment into an individ
53 f ultraviolet radiation from sunbeds and the ecologic nature of the data.
54                                 However, the ecologic nature of these findings and the lack of eviden
55 hrough paracrine signaling fostering a tumor ecologic niche are discussed.
56                    With caveats inherent for ecologic, nutrient disappearance analyses, a healthy die
57  "the asthma epidemic." Consistent with this ecologic observation, evidence from human studies does n
58 tand health and disease from a community and ecologic perspective as a consequence of how society is
59    The review summarizes data supporting the ecologic plaque hypothesis and suggests that a genetic v
60     Cases located within the Eastern Coastal ecologic region, where tick densities are known to be hi
61 ibly quantify threats to human health and/or ecologic resources.
62 of variation, could have produced a negative ecologic result.
63 ic responses of the indigenous microbiota to ecologic stress suggests that a better understanding of
64                                           If ecologic studies are to accurately reflect local practic
65             All cohort, cross-sectional, and ecologic studies had some adjustment for confounding or
66 e experimental models but not in others, and ecologic studies have suggested a positive association b
67                                              Ecologic studies in Argentina have found increased bladd
68                                              Ecologic studies of cancer screening examine cancer mort
69 liter) have been based on extrapolation from ecologic studies of populations exposed to much higher l
70 D in ovarian cancer etiology is supported by ecologic studies of sunlight exposure, experimental mech
71  which are in turn superior to evidence from ecologic studies or opinions of respected authorities.
72 ses; systematic reviews; cohort studies; and ecologic studies were selected for the potential benefit
73  between fatty acids and cancer risk include ecologic studies, case-control studies, cohort studies,
74                                              Ecologic studies, observational studies in populations w
75                                     A German ecologic study (n = 360,288) found a decrease of 0.8 per
76                                              Ecologic study conducted in designated market areas (DMA
77                     The authors undertook an ecologic study during the high-ozone seasons among perso
78                                         This ecologic study notes that fetal death rates (FDR) during
79                              We performed an ecologic study of 12 187 lung transplant candidates list
80                                           An ecologic study of trends in the diagnosis of ADHD using
81                                  This was an ecologic study with a time-trend analysis of FDC sales v
82 ortality is limited to a single fair-quality ecologic study with important methodological limitations
83 control, 25 cross-sectional studies, and one ecologic study.
84      The discovery provides new evidence for ecologic sympatry of large allosauroids and small-bodied
85 gnificant cause of aquatic contamination and ecologic toxicity in urban waterways.
86                         The data support the ecologic validity of the GI and GL constructs in free-li
87                                    Thus, the ecologic validity of these constructs is incompletely kn
88                Final adjustment for hospital ecologic variables reduced the odds to 1.0.
89 e them against variations in nutritional and ecologic variables that may provide insight into likely

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