


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 sights, while enriching our understanding of ecology.
2  its goals, tools and applications to animal ecology.
3 s are ubiquitous throughout cell biology and ecology.
4  framework for personality-dependent spatial ecology.
5 ations for many aspects of basic and applied ecology.
6 umber and adult body form better than larval ecology.
7 ow important viruses are in considering host ecology.
8  and likely reflect shifts in their foraging ecology.
9 ture that this might be a general pattern in ecology.
10  social interactions, brain development, and ecology.
11 f long-standing interest in fields including ecology.
12 sed to evaluate the origin of Laccaria's ECM ecology.
13 rstanding virus-host relationships and virus ecology.
14 hile biochar could impact sediment microbial ecology.
15 tion, playing an important role in influenza ecology.
16  to climate change is a central challenge in ecology.
17  Asia - represents a long-standing enigma in ecology.
18 pact physiological interaction and community ecology.
19 hology behind insect orientation and sensory ecology.
20 rrelated with shifts in intestinal microbial ecology.
21 lly humans, and their potential role in tick ecology.
22 learly understood through a focus on disease ecology.
23 nd models to include more detailed microbial ecology.
24 nchrony and, through it, underlying organism ecology.
25  highly relevant to human society and global ecology.
26 ving our understanding of below-ground plant ecology.
27 ation of regional differences in Neanderthal ecology.
28 he integration of chytrid fungi into aquatic ecology.
29 ies-abundance distributions long observed in ecology.
30  spatially distributed species in population ecology.
31 viduals of any species is a basic concern of ecology.
32 pulation dynamics is a long-standing goal in ecology.
33 r the world's most common infection on human ecology.
34 pharyngeal bacterial community structure and ecology.
35 ds can provide insight into historical human ecology.
36 tual integration of theories in genetics and ecology.
37 cable for investigations in wildlife disease ecology.
38 amics to population structure and to spatial ecology.
39 ive rise to plants that differ in growth and ecology.
40 ations for microbiome research and synthetic ecology.
41 ost a century, little was recorded about its ecology.
42 lays an important role in the study of urban ecology.
43 es have not been implemented in evolutionary ecology.
44  development and application in evolutionary ecology.
45 reexisting data sets to address questions in ecology.
46  emerging as a fundamental aspect of aquatic ecology.
47 isk, with potential implications for species ecology.
48 nces in metabolism to support their distinct ecologies.
49 ration and social influence in unpredictable ecologies.
50 nces in the colouration of species and their ecologies.
51 ropterans with distinct roosting and feeding ecologies.
52 ins one of the greatest challenges in global ecology [1, 2].
53  common challenge(7) well-known in classical ecology(21,22)-stability of an ecosystem cannot arise wi
54 te applications, in particular, in medicine, ecology, agriculture, biotechnology, and forensics.
55                                    Community ecology aims to understand what factors determine the as
56 g the Late Pleistocene influenced settlement ecologies, altered human relations with animal communiti
57                                    Numerical ecology analyses and a machine learning procedure were u
58 obust across both biodiversity and community ecology analyses at different taxonomic scales.
59 cognize "flower objects" in vastly different ecologies and environments.
60 recognized for their importance in microbial ecology and bacterial control.
61                    Little is known about its ecology and behaviour, but unusual specialisations of vi
62 n analytical framework informed by landscape ecology and catchment hydrology to quantify spatiotempor
63 ernal forcing, like e.g. seasonal forcing in ecology and climate sciences.
64 f has been studied extensively in behavioral ecology and computational neuroscience, but is relativel
65 ting this risk have become key challenges in ecology and conservation biology.
66 tion of active subsidies would be useful for ecology and conservation.
67 nce is a vital component of wildlife disease ecology and control.
68  approach highlights the crucial role of the ecology and development of the solitary ancestor in the
69 ceptors, as well as more broadly into insect ecology and evolution and, consequently, for the develop
70                                           As ecology and evolution become ever more entwined, many ar
71  cooperation, in a clear illustration of how ecology and evolution can influence each other.
72  The role of bacteria in animal development, ecology and evolution is increasingly well understood, y
73 imate change has the potential to affect the ecology and evolution of every species on Earth.
74 e and non-disease environments influence the ecology and evolution of facultative pathogens.
75 n natural populations, which will affect the ecology and evolution of infectious disease epidemics.
76 tritional symbionts play a major role in the ecology and evolution of insects.
77 esent an important component of the biology, ecology and evolution of many plants, animals and fungi,
78 evelopment of a broader understanding of the ecology and evolution of mutualisms.
79 he role of visual and olfactory cues for the ecology and evolution of plant-animal interactions.
80  mechanisms at the species level and for the ecology and evolution of plant-pathogen interactions.
81 ellular and can play important roles in host ecology and evolution, including protection against natu
82  seasons has important implications for both ecology and evolution, including the potential for carry
83 d genetic structure is a central question in ecology and evolution.
84 ill likely expand our understanding of virus ecology and evolution.
85 t we still have a limited knowledge on their ecology and evolution.
86 astic population dynamics, widely studied in ecology and evolution.
87 , regardless of wide differences in species' ecology and evolutionary history.
88 d to tackle a range of existing questions in ecology and explore novel lines of questioning.
89 is study demonstrates how the integration of ecology and fisheries science can provide information fo
90 ulation demography is central to fundamental ecology and for predicting range shifts, decline of thre
91 erate studies of the diversity, systematics, ecology and functional biology of diverse groups.
92 ons of fungi with plants changed terrestrial ecology and geology and modified the Earth's atmosphere.
93  fish THg, as well as the importance of fish ecology and habitat in modulating the relationships betw
94 g in open savannahs, relates to its foraging ecology and habitat.
95  and recognize the inextricable link between ecology and human health.
96  A greater understanding of BMSB biology and ecology and its natural enemies, the identification of t
97 are fabulously diverse in form, habitat, and ecology and manage this without the use of hard, interna
98          Inspired by concepts from landscape ecology and Markowitz's portfolio theory, we develop a l
99                              Considering the ecology and mobility of inner Asian mountain pastoralist
100              Here we provide a review of the ecology and molecular and cellular biology of New World
101                       Many aspects of animal ecology and physiology are influenced by the microbial c
102 ain several outstanding questions in spatial ecology and population biology that can be tested within
103 his protocol will be of use in areas such as ecology and population genetics.
104 omprehensive understanding of the diversity, ecology and potential functional attributes of microbial
105 dings provide new insight into the migration ecology and recruitment dynamics of eels and suggest tha
106 area to examine long-term trends in foraging ecology and sea ice productivity.
107                 Swine play a key role in the ecology and transmission of influenza A viruses (IAVs) b
108 k to improve the representation of ecosystem ecology and vegetation demographic processes within Eart
109 the wild remains a major aim of evolutionary ecology and work by Ford and colleagues on the meadow br
110 tionary applications in population genetics, ecology, and demography.
111    This effort must involve natural history, ecology, and evolutionary biology in addition to genomic
112                 Given its unusual phenotype, ecology, and evolutionary history, we sought to measure
113 intain natural biodiversity, advance spatial ecology, and facilitate effective conservation of native
114 can be applied in many branches of community ecology, and it offers accessible metrics to quantitativ
115 al component of studies in demography, human ecology, and many other disciplines.
116 tionally, a review on the history, taxonomy, ecology, and medicinal application of different Nicotian
117 rovide insight into early tick evolution and ecology, and shed light on poorly known arthropod-verteb
118 deed contain detectable signal of organismal ecology, and the methods described in the paper can be u
119 e sequencing we demonstrated that microbiota ecology appears to be cancer stage-specific and strongly
120 ver, most social network-based approaches in ecology are constrained to considering networks as stati
121 n coupled with bioavailability and microbial ecology are rarely documented.
122                    Two fundamental issues in ecology are understanding what influences the distributi
123 ocomotion inextricably links biomechanics to ecology as animals maneuver through mechanically challen
124 prisingly large effects on host and parasite ecology at the individual, population, guild, and commun
125 th very few exceptions, has their functional ecology been explored.
126 piration rates using the metabolic theory of ecology, before vs. after nutrient enrichment, and acros
127               In this article, we review the ecology behind the functioning and ecosystem services pr
128 m models and data has created a large gap in ecology between model and data-driven approaches.
129 color of extinct animals can inform on their ecologies beyond what may be obvious from skeletal remai
130 d range of fields, including drug discovery, ecology, biosynthesis, and chemical biology, among other
131 equilibrium has always been controversial in ecology, but a new, more general concept, an asymptotic
132 ed as potential miniature models for aquatic ecology, but detailed investigations of their microbial
133  urban area is not a single, perfectly mixed ecology, but is in fact comprised of a set of more basic
134 r unit leaf area (LMA) is a central trait in ecology, but its anatomical and compositional basis has
135 lishes a paradigm for constructing synthetic ecologies by developing stable communities of competitiv
136 cern that interventions that alter microbial ecology can adversely affect health.
137 onsider how knowledge of microbial community ecology can be built into evolutionary theories tailored
138  planning pregnancy, this aspect of pathogen ecology can be leveraged to align sensitive periods of g
139 esources, and subsequent changes in wildlife ecology can have profound impacts on host-parasite inter
140 ies have provided key insights into how host ecology can influence infection at different spatial and
141 ncer cells, analogous to the Allee effect in ecology, can play a critical role in determining the tim
142 ented unparalleled contributions to peatland ecology, carbon sequestration, biogeochemistry, microbio
143                         A major challenge in ecology, conservation and global-change biology is to un
144 tness of our lures across insect species and ecologies could reflect a general strategy of resource i
145 , we demonstrate that community phylogenetic ecology coupled with phylodynamic techniques can reveal
146 ility of data on pathogen genetics and human ecology, coupled with computational and methodological i
147 trait database, and introduces the Fine-Root Ecology Database which so far includes > 70 000 observat
148      Finally, we apply BAnOCC to a microbial ecology dataset from the Human Microbiome Project, which
149                                Behaviour and ecology do not explain FF volume variability in four out
150 L10R did not directly regulate the microbial ecology during infant development.
151 ctive value is central to choice theories in ecology, economics, and psychology, serving as an integr
152 rent statistical framework where patterns in ecology embed constrained fluctuations.
153 ne gene involved in the evolution of feeding ecology, energy balance, and body size in cetaceans.
154 e; and three integrations with other fields: ecology, engineering and evolution.
155 dering how variation in microbial population ecology, especially biotic interactions, is related to v
156               However, many aspects of their ecology, evolution, and extinction remain uncertain.
157 the areas of systems biology and immunology; ecology, evolution, and mathematical biology; functional
158 mated from marker genotype data in molecular ecology, evolutionary biology and conservation studies.
159                                    Landscape ecology examines the relationships between the spatial a
160 ens has actively manipulated tropical forest ecologies for at least 45,000 years.
161 an play a key role in many aspects of animal ecology from foraging to habitat selection to predator a
162 ies were conducted to evaluate distribution, ecology, genetics and secondary chemistry to shed light
163                                 Evolutionary ecology has long focussed on immune resistance when inve
164                                "Resurrection Ecology" (hatching dormant resting eggs deposited in the
165             Simplified mechanistic models in ecology have been criticised for the fact that a good fi
166 uito RNA viruses.IMPORTANCE Studies of virus ecology have generally focused on individual viral speci
167             Trait-based studies in community ecology have generally focused on the community as a uni
168 discuss the roles that host life history and ecology have on predicted eco-evolutionary dynamics, whi
169 eeth were used to examine changes in feeding ecology, heavy metal levels associated with life history
170                                Metacommunity ecology highlights the effects of species dispersal rate
171 ellectual legacies underpinning macrosystems ecology: How the subdiscipline fits within, builds upon,
172 degrees C) on the photophysiology, size, and ecology (i.e., plant-herbivore interactions) of seedling
173 benefit from the application of evolutionary ecology ideas, but we must be prepared to dismiss these
174  the key roles of sulfur biogeochemistry and ecology in influencing estuarine fish THg, as well as th
175 tute a substantial alteration to schistosome ecology in that the parasites are more likely to be expo
176 e and mechanistic understanding of microbial ecology in the gut is possible.
177         Relatively little is known of winter ecology in these systems, due to a historical research f
178 bal quantitative synthesis on under-ice lake ecology, including 36 abiotic and biotic variables from
179 is new strain provides new insights into the ecology, including viral interactions, of this important
180                              Scaling laws in ecology, intended both as functional relationships among
181 nderscore the need to incorporate behavioral ecology into the study of how animals adaptively respond
182                                              Ecology is a fundamental driving force for the evolution
183                                 Macrosystems ecology is an effort to understand ecological processes
184 e driven by fungal metabolism whereas beetle ecology is evolutionarily more flexible.
185 chanistically linking movement behaviors and ecology is key to understanding the adaptive evolution o
186 spite this, our current knowledge of anthrax ecology is largely limited to arid ecosystems, where out
187 on on how vision relates to their behavioral ecology is scarce.
188                     A central goal of animal ecology is to observe species in the natural world.
189               One of the major challenges in ecology is to understand how ecosystems respond to chang
190                                           In ecology it is widely recognised that many landscapes com
191 disease models with approaches from movement ecology, landscape genetics/genomics and ecoimmunology m
192              Factors associated with species ecologies, life histories, and habitats explained little
193 ical outlook on spatial self-organization in ecology must expand to incorporate the dynamic interplay
194 e findings indicate that changes in foraging ecology, not declining environmental concentrations of m
195 eep" learning that is based on computational ecologies of structurally diverse artificial neural netw
196 dered independent traits shaped by the socio-ecology of a given species.
197 f climatic conditions known to influence the ecology of Ae. albopictus.
198 derstanding of the status, distribution, and ecology of alpine aquatic species, particularly in North
199 tween molecular/cellular adaptations and the ecology of an organism.
200 nopy habitats played a sustained role in the ecology of ancestral bipedal hominins is unresolved.
201 lakes are exceptional sites for studying the ecology of aquatic fungi under conditions of minimal hum
202 did not suggest large changes in the feeding ecology of Baikal seals over the past 80 years.
203 et these recent advances in applied chemical ecology of bark beetles for scientists and land managers
204    This study sheds light on the biology and ecology of basal fungi in aquatic systems.
205                        Eludicating the viral ecology of biological invasions will lead to an improved
206          Yet, we still know little about the ecology of chytrids, their life cycles, phylogeny, host
207 egree to which large predators influence the ecology of coral reefs remains an open and contentious q
208   In this study, we sought to understand the ecology of denitrifying bacteria by using next-generatio
209 ential for reconstructing the metabolism and ecology of early cells and for testing hypotheses that p
210 Fossil morphology is often used to infer the ecology of extinct species.
211            A characterization of the thermal ecology of fishes is needed to better understand changes
212 nt implications for both foraging theory and ecology of grazing systems.
213 niche-partitioning driver in the nutritional ecology of herbivorous surgeonfishes.
214 g populations are an important aspect of the ecology of highly mobile animals, allowing populations t
215  a role for C. elegans as a model system for ecology of host-associated communities.
216 d also yield new insights into the microbial ecology of in situ SCN(-) bioremediation involving autot
217          This study investigated the spatial ecology of lake sturgeon (Acipenser fulvescens) within t
218 ehaviour is a general feature of the spatial ecology of lake sturgeon in unfragmented landscapes.
219                                          The ecology of microbes frequently involves the mixing of en
220 esting dispersal can independently alter the ecology of microbiomes.
221 pproach provides important insights into the ecology of mosquito RNA viruses.IMPORTANCE Studies of vi
222 mic approach to determine key aspects of the ecology of mosquito viruses in Western Australia.
223  provide a modern synthesis of the microbial ecology of mountain glacier ecosystems, and particularly
224 derstanding of the genomics, physiology, and ecology of N2O reducers and the importance of these find
225 athway by which climate change can alter the ecology of northern lakes.
226 ng how viruses manipulate the physiology and ecology of phytoplankton, influence marine nutrient cycl
227 ed based on an improved understanding of the ecology of previously not-cultured bacteria.
228 esults underscore the importance for benthic ecology of reducing uncertainty in the magnitude and sea
229 how this urbanization disturbs the microbial ecology of soils and how the disruption influences nitro
230 regardless of the body size, morphology, and ecology of the animal.
231 ks between the evolutionary dynamics and the ecology of the community, by the role of regulatory syst
232 nique insights into the microscale microbial ecology of the complex root microenvironment and is, the
233  at understanding the origin, evolution, and ecology of the exceptional biodiversity of Amazonian for
234                                  The spatial ecology of the microbial communities that inhabit the hu
235  on a live host, including the impact on the ecology of the native microbiota, has yet to be fully ex
236 mes and proteins can significantly shift the ecology of the oral microbiome (at species level) result
237  feedback between farmers' decisions and the ecology of the paddies, which triggers a transition from
238           This Review looks at the landscape ecology of the upper respiratory tract and mouth and see
239 rical background of ZIKV and the biology and ecology of these 2 vectors.
240 ng knowledge about the molecular biology and ecology of these plants and functional studies of the pl
241                           We investigate the ecology of this novel system by conducting a time series
242 ion is likely to be a critical factor in the ecology of this nutritionally highly specialized bacteri
243 facultative nocturnal flight in the movement ecology of this species.
244 ller Foundation during investigations on the ecology of yellow fever.
245 conceptual overlap with fundamental ideas in ecology on niche partitioning and limiting similarity be
246 , amphibious, or unusual with respect to the ecology or behaviour predicted for allosauroids.
247 ts from the concurrently developing movement ecology paradigm are rarely considered and recent eviden
248  link expectations derived from the movement ecology paradigm with behavioural reaction-norms to offe
249 e demonstrate how a population and community ecology perspective can be used to (1) understand the im
250 same time, organismal knowledge (morphology, ecology, physiology) has never been more important: geno
251 idea that dogs' and wolves' different social ecologies played a role in affecting their capacity for
252 elated cockroach suggesting that the sensory ecology plays a stronger role than the phylogenetic dist
253 the core microbiome framework with community ecology principals, and draw on the theoretical insights
254 ology with mechanistic molecular biology and ecology, promising applications in medicine or plant pat
255 eses have become prominent in disequilibrium ecology, proposing that communities track climate change
256 that network theory combined with functional ecology provides a robust conceptual framework and tools
257 isturbance Hypothesis (IDH) is well-known in ecology providing an explanation for the role of disturb
258                                     In plant ecology, recent studies have attempted to merge ecologic
259 may lessen AgNP impacts on natural microbial ecology relative to the disruption observed in pristine
260 e been isolated, their genomic diversity and ecology remain largely unknown.
261 ng the significance of epigenetics for plant ecology requires increased transfer of knowledge and met
262                                  Behavioural ecology research increasingly focuses on why genetic beh
263           In this issue of Journal of Animal Ecology, Shao et al. () explored how N addition and exot
264                      Ultimately, trait-based ecology should move beyond applying a set of processes t
265 ational simulations of these animal's visual ecology show that for viewing objects through water, the
266 gh-SES environments, suggesting that several ecology-specific adaptations, apart from life-history st
267                A systematic and evolutionary ecology study of the model ectomycorrhizal (ECM) genus L
268 oducing adaptive behaviors relevant to their ecology such as predator avoidance.
269 vant to coordinating behaviour in a foraging ecology, such as cooperation, sex equality and egalitari
270            Modern phenomena driving cetacean ecology, such as trophic dynamics and arms races, have a
271 both phylodynamic and phylogenetic community ecology techniques to examine the consequences of pathog
272 in terms of their physiology, morphology and ecology than distantly related ones.
273 -and-bust' and 'steady-state infection'-like ecologies that include known as well as novel virus-host
274  variables, despite knowledge from community ecology that all species are linked to other species thr
275 with distinct hydrology, biogeochemistry and ecology that influence their carbon (C) balance.
276 study in this issue of the Journal of Animal Ecology that investigates the impact of network dynamics
277 insights into the biochemistry, genomics and ecology that make a gut bacterium a gut bacterium.
278 ed on ecological stoichiometry and community-ecology theory.
279 by integrating animal movement and ecosystem ecology to advance active subsidy investigations, make m
280 quation with concepts drawn from disturbance ecology to create a general model for population dynamic
281 ody mass regulation models from evolutionary ecology to human obesity by assessing the role of inform
282 lded with hydrology, engineering design, and ecology to improve the water quality benefits of green i
283 tropy principle (MaxEnt) has been applied in ecology to make predictions constrained by just a handfu
284                     Our work links olfactory ecology to structural and regulatory genetic changes inf
285 inciples from community ecology with disease ecology to understand within-host interactions among par
286 ines ranging from plant pathology and forest ecology, to carbon sequestration.
287 a (LMA), a widely used trait in modern plant ecology, to infer the palaeoecological strategy of fossi
288           In this issue of Journal of Animal Ecology, Wagner et al. (2017) demonstrate that genetic d
289 esults suggest that the evolution of the ECM ecology was a key innovation in the evolution of Laccari
290                    Despite advances in urban ecology, we do not adequately understand how urbanizatio
291 tual and statistical approaches in community ecology, we propose Hierarchical Modelling of Species Co
292          By adopting models from theoretical ecology, we show that the number of species transferred
293 ains unassigned or belong to taxa of unknown ecology, which prevent their use for assessing the ecolo
294                                Global change ecology will benefit from further exploring phenological
295 ced on integrating principles from community ecology with disease ecology to understand within-host i
296            We trace the rise of macrosystems ecology with respect to preceding theories and present a
297 arguably underpin the entire field of animal ecology, with consequences for regional species persiste
298 iral reproduction switch is central to viral ecology, with diverse ecosystem impacts.
299 rocesses represents a long-standing issue in ecology, with important consequences for resource manage
300 ful co-cultures are observed in a two-strain ecology without synthetic population control, the 'ortho

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