


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 r table gradient in peatlands-a major C sink ecosystem.
2 c control for the heavily impacted North Sea ecosystem.
3 lso affect components of the adjacent marine ecosystem.
4 ermine the mean state of the circulation and ecosystem.
5 rass meadows are an important and threatened ecosystem.
6 hic processes that link to the Gulf of Maine ecosystem.
7 vides a unique window into a post-extinction ecosystem.
8 in sea levels are expected to affect coastal ecosystems.
9 lights occurred throughout the night in both ecosystems.
10  with implications for coastal organisms and ecosystems.
11 snails, causing bottom-up effects on wetland ecosystems.
12 heds light on their metabolism in engineered ecosystems.
13 hanges in the chemistry of coastal upwelling ecosystems.
14 w be questioned for their accuracy in desert ecosystems.
15 mpact the structure and functioning of whole ecosystems.
16 nium-laden waste streams threaten freshwater ecosystems.
17 rage for bees, which is often scarce in agro-ecosystems.
18 crown fires, such as most Mediterranean-type ecosystems.
19  freshwater resources, especially lacustrine ecosystems.
20 diverse Arctic, temperate, and (sub)tropical ecosystems.
21  challenges to organisms in alpine and polar ecosystems.
22 pecies across multiple trophic levels within ecosystems.
23 erscoring the interconnected nature of these ecosystems.
24 y been examined, particularly in terrestrial ecosystems.
25 ropolitan boundaries and impact distal river ecosystems.
26 tain faster recovery of eutrophicated marine ecosystems.
27 erties and impact climate, human health, and ecosystems.
28 ry producers and nutrient cyclers in aquatic ecosystems.
29  production in both natural and agricultural ecosystems.
30 w consumers affect the functioning of marine ecosystems.
31 e production of food and the conservation of ecosystems.
32 e of water and carbon dioxide in terrestrial ecosystems.
33 f observed changes vary considerably between ecosystems.
34 y-covariance techniques in arid and semiarid ecosystems.
35  in the science of sustainable management of ecosystems.
36 ctions; this was especially evident in drier ecosystems.
37 lating carbon fluxes in boreal and temperate ecosystems.
38 ng of the functioning of tropical rainforest ecosystems.
39 per trophic level predators in North Pacific ecosystems.
40 ly influential in biological communities and ecosystems.
41 tion changes remain uncertain in terrestrial ecosystems.
42 fects and their cascading effects throughout ecosystems.
43 by which they are depolymerized in microbial ecosystems.
44 oaches to conserving historical versus novel ecosystems.
45  the most exploited fisheries and endangered ecosystems.
46 tested in the complex settings of real-world ecosystems.
47 ly alter C cycling and accumulation in these ecosystems.
48 wn about other habitats such as dry tropical ecosystems.
49 long natural stress gradients in tidal marsh ecosystems.
50 omics and virus-host interactions in natural ecosystems.
51 changes and alters the functionality of soil ecosystems.
52 ent transfer rates in soil food webs of cold ecosystems.
53  biomonitoring tool to protect local aquatic ecosystems.
54 ioning, and is widely used to study tropical ecosystems.
55 rom the drastic alterations humans impose on ecosystems.
56 te the complexity of carbon cycling in these ecosystems.
57 a anemones) are the foundation of coral-reef ecosystems.
58 roach is relatively unexplored in freshwater ecosystems.
59 in communities influences the functioning of ecosystems.
60 llows for improved management of species and ecosystems [1-4].
61                                      As lake ecosystems across the eastern United States recover from
62                                       Forest ecosystems across western North America will likely see
63 g the most serious global threats for marine ecosystems, affecting a wide range of top predators.
64 erving regional species pools to help buffer ecosystems against predicted increases in environmental
65 ikely to further exacerbate loss of taxa and ecosystem alteration, especially in drying climates.
66  development, and early findings of the Care Ecosystem, an adaptive, personalized, and scalable demen
67 n essential Earth system process that alters ecosystem and atmospheric composition.
68 iment runoff and a downstream coastal marine ecosystem and contrast the cost-effectiveness of marine-
69   Our results provide insight into the HNSCC ecosystem and define stromal interactions and a p-EMT pr
70 ization of legacy contamination would impact ecosystem and human health.
71 auses a severe global health concern to both ecosystem and humanity.
72 etation as well as their comparability among ecosystems and across spatial scales.
73 use they are keystone species in terrestrial ecosystems and are acknowledged as an unrivalled source
74 lling the interplay between the stability of ecosystems and their biodiversity is still not well unde
75  and ocean acidification are altering marine ecosystems and, from a human perspective, creating both
76  on the flux of energy and materials through ecosystems, and our methodology paves the way for rigoro
77 of the microbial ecology of mountain glacier ecosystems, and particularly those at low- to mid-latitu
78 ng of carbon and nitrogen than 'undisturbed' ecosystems, and that even if complete recovery is reache
79 timate of the water needed to maintain local ecosystems, and the resulting water volumes are compared
80 nal and functional changes of this microbial ecosystem are correlated with a variety of human patholo
81 he effects of climatic fluctuations on local ecosystems are complex in these sensitive alpine areas,
82                                      Oceanic ecosystems are dominated by minute microorganisms that p
83                                   As coastal ecosystems are especially impacted by elevated nitrogen,
84                 The structural properties of ecosystems are experiencing substantial erosion, with po
85                      Nutrients in freshwater ecosystems are highly variable in space and time.
86    Recent evidence shows that warm semi-arid ecosystems are playing a disproportionate role in the in
87                  However, Amazonian peatland ecosystems are poorly understood and are threatened by h
88                                              Ecosystems are self-regulating systems that provide soci
89 ts of the sources and sinks of H2 in various ecosystems are sparse, resulting in large uncertainties
90 g in both protected and unprotected tropical ecosystems are urgently needed to avoid further defaunat
91           Spatial patterning often occurs in ecosystems as a result of a self-organizing process caus
92        We merge inclusive wealth theory with ecosystem-based management (EBM) to address two challeng
93 esponses to warming, both within and between ecosystems, better understanding the link between host p
94 ients not only spread across the terrestrial ecosystem, but also affect components of the adjacent ma
95 on of silver in Ag-NPs affects their fate in ecosystems, but its influence on interactions with aquat
96 e resilience and diversity of fire-dependent ecosystems by inhibiting seed germination or increasing
97 ocks as well as a major component of the net ecosystem C balance (NECB).
98 on community assembly and the functioning of ecosystems (CAFE), by integrating both species richness
99 s damaging effects on the human body and the ecosystem, can be released into soils, ground-, and surf
100 l have significant influences on terrestrial ecosystem carbon (C) cycling in the future.
101                                              Ecosystem carbon losses from soil microbial respiration
102 on of how rapidly multiple drivers of marine ecosystem change develop in the future ocean.
103 osynthetic organisms will be a key driver of ecosystem change under ocean acidification.
104 gion which has experienced rapid warming and ecosystem changes.
105 remain a critical uncertainty for predicting ecosystem-climate feedbacks.
106 K N is a good predictor of instantaneous net ecosystem CO2 exchange and 3) functional diversity of le
107 ses of immune cells produce diverse cellular ecosystems composed of multiple cell types, accompanied
108 should be prioritised if the rates of marine ecosystem decline and expansion are similar and low; (2)
109 should take precedence if the rate of marine ecosystem decline is high or if the adjacent catchment i
110 m models to examine projected changes in two ecosystem-defining variables: temperature and food avail
111    Global-scale studies suggest that dryland ecosystems dominate an increasing trend in the magnitude
112 the climate change-driven trends in multiple ecosystem drivers emerge from the background of natural
113   Building upon results from two large-scale ecosystem drought experiments in the eastern Brazilian A
114 affect the carbon flux of terrestrial forest ecosystems due to the link between the growing season le
115 ers - have changed biogeochemical cycles and ecosystem dynamics.
116 s study, we assessed the indirect effects of ecosystem engineering by a wood-boring beetle in a neotr
117 microbiome research, niche construction, and ecosystem engineering.
118 actions are optimal when the ratio of marine ecosystem expansion to decline is greater than 1:1.4, wi
119 f the primary productivity in coastal marine ecosystems, fix up to 27.4 Tg of carbon per year, and pr
120 of the preservation of the natural Sardinian ecosystems for endangered species and human health.
121               While amassing data from ocean ecosystems for the Baselines Initiative (6,177 near full
122                          The distinct marine ecosystems found in these environments include estuarine
123 swaths of terrestrial, freshwater and marine ecosystems from a range of threats.
124 erbivore function have shaped shallow marine ecosystems from kelp forests to coral reefs.
125      Evidence of other hazards to humans and ecosystems from triclosan and triclocarban is presented
126 edling abundance) and a single threshold for ecosystem function (i.e. soil respiration rate).
127 of anthropogenic warming on biodiversity and ecosystem function across all ecological communities.
128                  Pollination is an important ecosystem function and the global decline in pollinators
129 lenge the trait-based approach to predicting ecosystem function by demonstrating that different combi
130 jor gap in our understanding of biodiversity-ecosystem function relationships concerns the role of in
131  and when losses in biodiversity will impact ecosystem function.
132 l better reveal how community changes affect ecosystem function.
133 ability to anticipate and predict changes in ecosystem function.
134 cesses (LSPs) control landscape development, ecosystem functioning and climate through biogeochemical
135 eached that global biodiversity loss impairs ecosystem functioning and the sustainability of services
136 which driver exerts the largest influence on ecosystem functioning and whether their relative importa
137           Plant genetic diversity can affect ecosystem functioning by enhancing productivity, litter
138 al value, they are an essential component of ecosystem functioning by offering habitat for numerous w
139                        Temporal stability of ecosystem functioning increases the predictability and r
140 The importance of biodiversity in supporting ecosystem functioning is generally well accepted.
141             Tree cover is a key variable for ecosystem functioning, and is widely used to study tropi
142 , and wood traits, the role of fine roots in ecosystem functioning, and the representation of fine ro
143 rsity of all other species groups that drive ecosystem functioning, as brown and green diversity comp
144 how diverse seabirds play important roles in ecosystem functioning, global nutrient cycling and clima
145 drive major biodiversity loss and changes in ecosystem functioning.
146 , with profound implications for terrestrial ecosystem functioning.
147 ve strong impacts on biodiversity as well as ecosystem functioning.
148 osion, with potentially pervasive effects on ecosystem functions and future evolutionary trajectories
149 tterns are widespread and thought to mediate ecosystem functions such as productivity and robustness,
150 te to worldwide declines in biodiversity and ecosystem functions.
151 instability in financial systems and complex ecosystems has been pointed out: in both cases, topologi
152 results suggest that recovering and restored ecosystems have less abundance, diversity and cycling of
153                             Studies of urban ecosystems have relied on two-dimensional (2D) measures
154                                High-latitude ecosystems have the capacity to release large amounts of
155 al biodiversity is necessary to assess water ecosystem health and the quality of water resources.
156 ved as thermodynamic indicators to represent ecosystem health in the lake.
157 rbon played an important role in undermining ecosystem health, particularly when pH was higher than 8
158 ers have dramatic consequences for human and ecosystem health.
159  Whale (SRKW) is a high trophic indicator of ecosystem health.
160                                      In arid ecosystems, herbivore presence tended to reduce microbia
161 and impact of anammox bacteria in freshwater ecosystems, however, is largely unknown, confounding ass
162 importance of considering the legacy of past ecosystem impacts and how recovery or persistence of tho
163 t source reefs', which may supply 47% of the ecosystem in a single dispersal event, emerges from the
164 educe pressure on water resources, land, and ecosystem in Iran.
165 diversity of STs in ILTCFs suggests that the ecosystem in such settings might be more conducive for i
166 bal hot spot for variability, with semi-arid ecosystems in that country exhibiting increased carbon u
167     Calanus finmarchicus is vital to pelagic ecosystems in the North Atlantic Ocean.
168 he East China Sea-one of the most productive ecosystems in the world that has also had its catch repo
169  of genetic material from species in aquatic ecosystems, including environmental DNA (eDNA), have imp
170  and the interplay of host-parasite and host-ecosystem interactions.
171 t to the natural environment could damage an ecosystem irreversibly.
172                    Eutrophication of coastal ecosystems is a global problem that often results in bot
173                  Conservation of species and ecosystems is increasingly difficult because anthropogen
174                                              Ecosystem-level adaptations to low soil nutrient availab
175  trait values can thus help to identify when ecosystem-level effects are likely to exceed species-lev
176  evolutionary mechanisms when predicting how ecosystem-level processes respond to warming.
177                              We conducted an ecosystem-level temperature manipulation to quantify how
178 e theory for population cycles, ranging from ecosystem-level to demographic modelling, grounded in ob
179 nses to temperature scale from organismal to ecosystem levels.
180 carce mountainous areas, water resources and ecosystem managements in the region.
181  species shifts persist, the future of these ecosystems may rely on a greater concern for the composi
182 ipulation to quantify how coupling of stream ecosystem metabolism and nutrient uptake responded to a
183 tions as inputs to the deterministic dynamic ecosystem model PnET-BGC.
184  sedimentary records and supported by marine ecosystem modeling.
185 ocess-based incorporation of multiple BDs in ecosystem models is offered.
186                                      In many ecosystems, natural selection can occur quickly enough t
187 lemetry data were compared with results from ecosystem niche modelling, and showed that 80% of tagged
188 mp forests (PSFs) represent a unique wetland ecosystem of distinctive hydrology which support unique
189                    The most carbon (C)-dense ecosystems of Amazonia are areas characterized by the pr
190                                              Ecosystems of the western United States were greener and
191 enic-CO2-rich shallow submarine hydrothermal ecosystem on Earth.
192 rass meadows are the most widespread coastal ecosystem on the planet.
193 to mitigate climate change impacts on stream ecosystems or to proactively adapt to them will require
194 conditions are rapidly changing in temperate ecosystems, particularly for those that experience perio
195           Our results suggest that in marine ecosystems, pathways for bottom-up and top-down forces a
196 anding of the long-term dynamics that govern ecosystem persistence and reconciliation of conflicts am
197                 Soils of natural and managed ecosystems play an extremely important role in modulatin
198 he conservation and sustainability of marine ecosystems presents major challenges.
199 ely led to population extinction and loss of ecosystem process.
200 od web diversity patterns in relation to key ecosystem processes are rarely studied.
201           Fine-root traits play key roles in ecosystem processes, but the drivers of fine-root trait
202 xotic species have little apparent impact on ecosystem processes, whereas others have dramatic conseq
203 and competition, as well as plant impacts on ecosystem processes.
204                                        Gross ecosystem productivity (GEP) in tropical forests varies
205 ely suggested that biodiversity loss reduces ecosystem productivity and stability.
206 icate that water availability as a driver of ecosystem productivity in mesic temperate forests is not
207                                           As ecosystems progress through recovery, it is important to
208 deciduous shrubs in arctic tundra alters key ecosystem properties including carbon balance and hydrol
209 cies subgraphs, and this has been related to ecosystem properties such as stability and robustness.
210 ogenetic history in predicting community and ecosystem properties using traits.
211 ve species on native community structure and ecosystem properties were evaluated as a function of dis
212 irect and indirect effects of temperature on ecosystem properties, here we evaluate replicate treelin
213  effects of sticklebacks on a broad range of ecosystem properties, including zooplankton community st
214 iderably reduced CH4 fluxes through modified ecosystem properties.
215 f South China may have aided post-extinction ecosystem recovery by stabilizing the sediment surface,
216 microbial communities in subsurface high-CO2 ecosystems remain relatively unexplored.
217 tory herbivory may play an important role in ecosystem resilience.
218 ent effects of self-organization to increase ecosystem resistance to disturbance.
219                              As a corollary, ecosystem respiration was the greatest when graminoids a
220 /- 0.4 kg CO2 -eq m(-2) yr(-1) ) due to high ecosystem respiration.
221                      Here, we show that deep ecosystems respond quickly to field operations associate
222 r challenges in ecology is to understand how ecosystems respond to changes in environmental condition
223               However, uncertainty about how ecosystems respond to decadal changes in fire frequency
224                         Predicting how river ecosystems respond to warming has been hindered by a dea
225  brown and green diversity components in our ecosystem responded differently to successional gradient
226 ikely be an important moderator of plant and ecosystem responses to adverse effects of more variable
227 ons on mercury (Hg) emissions and associated ecosystem restoration are closely linked to what Hg leve
228                                              Ecosystem restoration resulted in a marked increase in p
229     These results demonstrate the persistent ecosystem retention of N deposition even as it redistrib
230 , expansion and recovery stages of a natural ecosystem's collapse.
231              This raises the question of the ecosystem's systemic resilience and its ability to rebou
232 metric for the degree of isohydricity at the ecosystem scale in analogy with a recent metric introduc
233 N status is crucial for predicting plant and ecosystem-scale responses to future changes in atmospher
234 ck photosynthetic rates at leaf, canopy, and ecosystem scales.
235 traits can make significant contributions to ecosystem science.
236 an enhance our understanding of differential ecosystem sensitivity to precipitation extremes, but the
237  mechanistic understanding of differences in ecosystem sensitivity, suggesting that new approaches ar
238 changes imply major shifts in vegetation and ecosystem service delivery.
239 ting these management schemes can facilitate ecosystem service providers without augmenting herbivore
240  Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES) recognize the importance of a
241         In this review, we assess changes in ecosystem services associated with mangrove encroachment
242 major focus for maintaining the stability of ecosystem services at larger spatial scales.
243           Although many plants, animals, and ecosystem services benefit from fire, it is unknown how
244                    Mangrove wetlands provide ecosystem services for millions of people, most prominen
245 al testing of the effects of encroachment on ecosystem services in order to address key knowledge gap
246 restore the sequestration capacity and other ecosystem services provided by Australia tidal marshes.
247  the changed dynamics in order to secure the ecosystem services provided by urban trees.
248                 Ants, important providers of ecosystem services such as biological control, are susce
249             Forests and wetlands can provide ecosystem services that help maintain water quality.
250  for the substantial economic, cultural, and ecosystem services these fish provide.
251 rimental, real-world landscapes that provide ecosystem services to humans remains unclear.
252 reases the predictability and reliability of ecosystem services, and understanding the drivers of sta
253 nagement or policy to ensure the delivery of ecosystem services, integrated approaches that incorpora
254 imate change and protecting biodiversity and ecosystem services.
255 promise the conservation of biodiversity and ecosystem services.
256 so rely on tropical forests for a variety of ecosystem services.
257 for both provisioning and climate regulating ecosystem services.
258 rous consequences for water quality and lake ecosystems, so quantifying this amplified response at a
259 postfire weather could drive major shifts in ecosystem structure and function such as altered fire be
260     On the basis of current understanding of ecosystem structure and function, we theorize that mangr
261     Although context dependent, these native ecosystems subjected to prolonged invasion by exotic pla
262                           Parts of the whole ecosystem such as natural wild plants, soil dwelling ani
263 ffer against the impact of warming on marine ecosystems, suggesting a novel mechanism by which divers
264 s gigantic apex predators of Mesozoic marine ecosystems suggests.
265                                Dust provides ecosystem-sustaining nutrients to landscapes underlain b
266                            In ephemeral pond ecosystems, temporal dynamics are relatively more import
267                                  How complex ecosystems (termed anchialine) thrive in this globally d
268 l on Yellow Sea tidal mudflats, a threatened ecosystem that has shrunk by >65% in recent decades.
269 ne sediments, fjord geochemistry, and marine ecosystems.The reason some of the Earth's tidewater glac
270    However, experimental tests of this cross-ecosystem theory are lacking.
271 neral and aggregate fractions in some of the ecosystems they invade.
272  serve as one of the most productive natural ecosystems through their ecological, economic and cultur
273 s point to SNF as a mechanism for plants and ecosystems to cope with drought.
274 otential threats to and opportunities within ecosystems to inform conservation and policy efforts whe
275 l soil C sequestration, the capacity of land ecosystems to slow the rise in atmospheric CO2 concentra
276  to detect N2 fluxes by denitrification from ecosystems to the atmosphere.
277 results highlight the importance of seagrass ecosystems to the health of humans and other organisms.
278 when studying and conserving tropical forest ecosystems today.
279 d experiments (CDEs) arrayed across multiple ecosystem types and focused on water can enhance our und
280              Here we incubate Mollisols from ecosystems under C3/C4 plant rotations at moisture level
281                               Microbes drive ecosystems under constraints imposed by viruses.
282 lude important considerations concerning the ecosystem value of tropical PSFs which are dependent on
283 lanation for variation in observed diversity-ecosystem variability relationships and highlights the i
284 ameters with implications for adaptation and ecosystem vulnerability to climate change.
285 core from Dongsha Atoll, a remote coral reef ecosystem, we observe a decline in the (15)N/(14)N of co
286 h south-shifted storm tracks, while Canadian ecosystems were greener in years when the cool-season st
287                                           In ecosystems where fruit represents a frequent, reliable r
288 se impacts in Arctic or Subarctic freshwater ecosystems, where the climate is changing most rapidly.
289 on AMF diversity is biased towards temperate ecosystems, whereas little is known about other habitats
290 nctional linkage of organic soils to aquatic ecosystems whereby they can help buffer the effects of h
291 tlantic marine macroalgal forests, important ecosystems whose main structuring species is the annual
292 nt of an algal knowledgebase that integrates ecosystem-wide omics data and the development of molecul
293  for cod that began with overfishing in this ecosystem will likely be exacerbated by warming, but thi
294 ervices benefit from fire, it is unknown how ecosystems will respond to increased burning and warming
295 edict that higher occurrence of FTCs in cold ecosystems will select for large body size within soil m
296 The Q10 varied significantly among different ecosystems with a global average of 2.21, ranging from t
297                                              Ecosystems with long histories of habitat disturbance, h
298                             We conclude that ecosystems with self-organized spatial patterns are like
299 cies invasion is an important disturbance to ecosystems worldwide, yet knowledge about the impacts of
300 water mussels are vital components of stream ecosystems, yet remain threatened.

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