


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 microbiome research, niche construction, and ecosystem engineering.
2                                              Ecosystem engineers alter environments by creating, modi
3 eads to no observable mortality, facilitates ecosystem engineering and reduces aggression-related ene
4  calcifiers play an important role as marine ecosystem engineers and in the global carbon cycle.
5 importance of the non-engineering effects of ecosystem engineers and shed new light on the multiple p
6  the world's largest known example of marine ecosystem "engineering" and suggests that trade-offs bet
7 rowing body of evidence establishing ants as ecosystem engineers, and provide new insights into the r
8              Beaver have been referred to as ecosystem engineers because of the large impacts their d
9        Native oyster species were once vital ecosystem engineers, but their populations have collapse
10 s study, we assessed the indirect effects of ecosystem engineering by a wood-boring beetle in a neotr
11 ect the complex and indirect consequences of ecosystem engineering by sticklebacks.
12                       Corals are fundamental ecosystem engineers, creating large, intricate reefs tha
13 on, culminating in the advanced capacity for ecosystem engineering exhibited by Homo sapiens A crucia
14 pillars which should be considered important ecosystem engineers from the point of view of tiger moth
15            The functional response of tumour ecosystems, engineered from 109 patients, to anticancer
16 tualism, altruism, and niche construction or ecosystem engineering have been explored by many theoret
17                                              Ecosystem engineers impact communities by altering habit
18    Analysis of the behaviors of the infaunal ecosystem engineers in each system revealed three very d
19                         Oysters (Ostreidae), ecosystem engineers in many estuaries, influence water q
20 ompetition between colonies of social-insect ecosystem engineers, leading to hexagonally overdisperse
21 ) lost megafauna need to have been effective ecosystem engineers, like proboscideans; and (ii) histor
22                      The indirect impacts of ecosystem engineering on trophic interactions should dep
23  system depends on combining both the use of ecosystem engineering structures with individual behavio
24 rldwide have been attributed to subterranean ecosystem engineers such as termites, ants, and rodents.
25                    Growth and contraction of ecosystem engineers, such as trees, influence ecosystem
26 ntial consequences of introducing non-native ecosystem engineers to lakes worldwide.

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