


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1  groups playing ecologically distinct roles (ecotypes).
2 ivergent, ecologically distinct populations (ecotypes).
3  the increased Cd accumulation in the Ganges ecotype.
4 e low expression levels of ESP in the former ecotype.
5  contribute to pollinator attraction in this ecotype.
6  and likely define a previously unrecognized ecotype.
7 e of the gene At1g08510 in the Wassilewskija ecotype.
8 ed pollen germination, especially in the Ler ecotype.
9 ectable trans-2-hexenal generated in the Col ecotype.
10 DNAs from one ecotype with probes of another ecotype.
11 m existed among lineages evolved in the same ecotype.
12 enomics approach corresponding to the second ecotype.
13 d unique to the A. macleodii 'surface clade' ecotype.
14 the result of evolution in different genomic ecotypes.
15 t are involved in the divergence between the ecotypes.
16 stral strain diversified into two coexisting ecotypes.
17 o the phenotypic differences between the two ecotypes.
18 abidopsis species than the three A. thaliana ecotypes.
19 in Landsberg erecta and Columbia Arabidopsis ecotypes.
20 regulated differently in the two A. thaliana ecotypes.
21 tween summer run and winter run reproductive ecotypes.
22 in the Arabidopsis MIPS1 gene from different ecotypes.
23 ) and a number of other Arabidopsis thaliana ecotypes.
24 - and low-light (LL) adapted Prochlorococcus ecotypes.
25 erpinned by diversification into temperature ecotypes.
26 d resistance genes HRT and RCY1 in different ecotypes.
27 ith both Columbia and Landsberg erecta (Ler) ecotypes.
28 erences observed in Al tolerance among these ecotypes.
29 daptations to phosphate (P) limitation among ecotypes.
30 ng behavior and habitat use by the different ecotypes.
31   Striga virulence varies across species and ecotypes.
32 ces in shoot regeneration efficiency between ecotypes.
33 est be described as a series of host-adapted ecotypes.
34 ulence differences across Striga species and ecotypes.
35 ssing the importance of behaviour in shaping ecotypes.
36  structure observed in bacteria and archaeal ecotypes.
37 sed the germination response observed in the ecotypes.
38 zation increased seed germination in diverse ecotypes.
39 and populations within perennial elevational ecotypes.
40 on between pairs of allopatric and sympatric ecotypes.
41 OS1 target loci in Arabidopsis Col-0 and C24 ecotypes.
42  North Pacific and secondary contact between ecotypes.
43 d into a number of sublineages that could be ecotypes.
44 ng that these units represent distinct viral ecotypes.
45  ectopic gamete precursors found in selected ecotypes.
46 other level of adaptation among A. macleodii ecotypes.
47 ulation groups within the upland and lowland ecotypes, a result that was further supported through ge
48      Switchgrass is present primarily in two ecotypes: a northern upland ecotype, composed of tetrapl
49  was significantly correlated with shifts in ecotype abundance, and laboratory experiments confirmed
50 position activities of MITEs among different ecotype accessions within a species, we conducted a geno
51 HPL) protein, CYP74B2 transcripts in the Col ecotype accumulate at substantially reduced levels.
52 l vs perennial life history races, perennial ecotypes across an elevational range, and populations wi
53         Our results indicate that Andropogon ecotypes adapt to their local soil and indigenous AM fun
54 red populations of marine Synechococcus, or 'ecotypes' adapted to distinct ecological niches.
55 amework of hosts: three Arabidopsis thaliana ecotypes along with its sister species Arabidopsis halle
56 ified, showing heterogeneous responses among ecotypes, although significant parallelism existed among
57                 Also, regardless of the host ecotype, AM fungi produced more extraradical hyphae in t
58 te effect of SPT on seed dormancy of the two ecotypes analyzed here.
59 es show undetectable HPL activity in the Col ecotype and C6 volatile analyses using leaf homogenates
60 ed to organism properties such as phenotype, ecotype and disease.
61 tif was identified in the promoter of a Ws-2 ecotype and was absent in Col-0.
62 omplex phenotypes, including locally adapted ecotypes and cryptic morphs, divergent social behaviours
63 Prochlorococcus strains belonging to diverse ecotypes and found high variability in gene content that
64 tion genetics studies that identify putative ecotypes and functional genes that determine the ecotype
65 icola ES4326 among more than 100 Arabidopsis ecotypes and identification of two quantitative trait lo
66 e we assessed the divergence among different ecotypes and its possible causes.
67 unctionality, we find among both Arabidopsis ecotypes and Oryza subspecies that SNPs encode less radi
68                            On specifying two ecotypes and the genomic region of interest, the script
69 f admixture between two of the North Pacific ecotypes and the two outgroups (populations from the Sou
70 xpressed in Arabidopsis thaliana (Columbia-0 ecotype) and Nicotiana tabacum ('Samsun') under the cont
71 ype is more tolerant of freezing than the IT ecotype, and that genetic differences between the two ec
72 ing 20% of all epimutations between parental ecotypes, and 2-5% in F1 plants.
73 lation and localization of AGO9 varies among ecotypes, and abnormal gamete precursors in ovules defec
74 al approaches to hypothesize demarcations of ecotypes, and to confirm and characterize their ecologic
75 nce, we performed GWAS on 18 FAAs from a 313-ecotype Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) association p
76                              Prochlorococcus ecotypes are a useful system for exploring the origin an
77 ontrasts with neutral markers, where the two ecotypes are equally variable.
78 onstrate that nif genes of the Synechococcus ecotypes are expressed in situ in a region of the mat th
79 lected stress-responsive genes among diverse ecotypes are predictive of heterosis in their hybrids.
80  we reconstructed the relationship among the ecotypes as an admixture graph and estimated f4-statisti
81 hydrogenase from Alteromonas macleodii "deep ecotype" as a model, we substituted one of four amino ac
82                                We argue that ecotypes, as described by the Stable Ecotype Model, are
83 ltivars representing both upland and lowland ecotypes, as well as tetraploid and octoploid genomes.
84 ulations of stable matrifocal social groups (ecotypes), associated with genetic and phenotypic differ
85  Plants are often genetically specialized as ecotypes attuned to local environmental conditions.
86                               Although these ecotypes avoid social interactions and are not known to
87 he Columbia (Col) and Landsberg erecta (Ler) ecotype backgrounds mask noncomplementation in sku6-1 (C
88                We recommend that three named ecotypes be elevated to full species, and that the remai
89 ese gene organizations infect cyanobacterial ecotypes biogeographically restricted to the 30 degrees
90 in some currently defined picocyanobacterial ecotypes, bringing novel insights into the ecology, dive
91 ene is recognizable in sequenced Arabidopsis ecotypes, but is not identifiable in any other sequenced
92 iological traits were less divergent between ecotypes, but we still mapped five physiological QTLs.
93 d a T-DNA insertion mutation of Arabidopsis (ecotype C24), named sto1 (salt tolerant), that results i
94 f mitochondrial genomes from the Arabidopsis ecotypes C24, Col-0, and Ler suggests that MSH1 activity
95 ured for a subset of 1386 publicly available ecotypes can be uploaded and mapped with a mixed model a
96 assimilate nitrate, and (ii) only LL adapted ecotypes can use nitrite.
97  particular, we focus on the Bamako form, an ecotype characterized by low inversion polymorphism and
98 c sequences of two cultivated cyanobacterial ecotypes, closely related to predominant native populati
99                               In contrast to ecotype Col-0, no phenylacetaldehyde accumulation was ob
100 growth cycle of the two Arabidopsis thaliana ecotypes Col-0 and Mt-0.
101                 We used Arabidopsis thaliana ecotypes Col-0, Cvi-0, and WS to analyze changes in gene
102 nt inbred lines (RILs), derived from the two ecotypes, Col and Ler, which can serve as a permanent re
103 2 gene in Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) ecotype Columbia (Col) contains a 10-nucleotide deletion
104 oach supported by complementation studies of ecotype Columbia (Col), which generates the Ler-type ext
105 ne expression levels in Arabidopsis thaliana ecotype Columbia (Col-0) plants during and for 6 h after
106                               In A. thaliana ecotype Columbia (Col-0), AtAAS expression was highest i
107 t reduced stomatal conductance compared with ecotype Columbia at ambient and below-ambient internal C
108                Stably transgenic A. thaliana ecotype Columbia plants expressing a p35S::GLN2::green f
109 en in the Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) ecotype Columbia that is associated specifically with th
110  Furthermore, a new compound not detected in ecotype Columbia wild-type plants was detected in all th
111  expression of WXP1 and WXP2 in Arabidopsis (ecotype Columbia) led to significantly increased cuticul
112 his work, Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana; ecotype Columbia) seedlings were exposed to 0.6 mm aceto
113 ified in chromosome 4 (miox4) of Arabidopsis ecotype Columbia, and its enzymatic activity was confirm
114 dized the Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) ecotype Columbia, whose diploid has been used for TILLIN
115                                       In the ecotype Columbia-0 accession of Arabidopsis, salt stress
116           Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) ecotype Columbia-0 is nonhost to the oomycete plant path
117 0-fold more indolic GSLs than bHLH05D94N and ecotype Columbia-0 of Arabidopsis.
118 n be used for silencing genes in Arabidopsis ecotype Columbia-0.
119 ere gives efficient silencing in Arabidopsis ecotype Columbia-0.
120                                  Arabidopsis ecotypes, Columbia (Col) and Landsberg erecta (Ler), dif
121 octoploid accessions, and a southern lowland ecotype, composed of primarily tetraploid accessions.
122 primarily in two ecotypes: a northern upland ecotype, composed of tetraploid and octoploid accessions
123   Finally, we discuss the application of the ecotype concept to this series of clades and suggest tha
124 pping in the Central Mediterranean, with one ecotype confined near the river estuaries.
125 r shiner represent a threatened reproductive ecotype considered especially well adapted to the harsh
126     In contrast, strains of the 'deep clade' ecotype contain only a single alginate lyase in a separa
127 genetic inference of the relationships among ecotypes could also result from ancestral admixture even
128 ing populations derived from three different ecotype crosses were then used to map the chromosomal lo
129       Seeds of the winter annual Arabidopsis ecotype Cvi were buried in field soils in spring and rec
130 een the winter and summer annual Arabidopsis ecotypes Cvi and Bur was exploited to investigate the ex
131 on and evidence that some products represent ecotype-defining traits while others appear selectively
132                         Arabidopsis thaliana ecotypes differ in their susceptibility to Fusarium wilt
133                            QTLs for five key ecotype-differentiating traits all colocalized to the sa
134                      Our study suggests that ecotype-differentiating traits may evolve in tandem as a
135 to Turnip Crinkle Virus (TCV) in Arabidopsis ecotype Dijon (Di)-17 is conferred by the resistance gen
136 ly, telomeres in plants of the Wassilewskija ecotype displayed a bimodal size distribution, with some
137 s varied across rosette development in three ecotypes displaying differing durations of juvenile phas
138 ts is frequently associated with xeric/mesic ecotype divergence, it is unknown whether those traits e
139                         In killer whales the ecotype divisions, together with founding bottlenecks, s
140                                    The Bla-6 ecotype does not flower significantly earlier in respons
141 lebacks, and in the maintenance of divergent ecotypes during early stages of reproductive isolation.
142 ypes and functional genes that determine the ecotypes' ecological distinctness.
143 RPP1-EstA and RPP1-ZdrA from two Arabidopsis ecotypes, Estland (Est-1) and Zdarec (Zdr-1), responsibl
144               The stream- and beach-spawning ecotypes exhibited striking morphological differences de
145 nce in editing extent varies between the two ecotypes; for example, in floral buds, editing extent do
146 r space and time and how divergence leads to ecotype formation is important for understanding structu
147 ss species Panicum hallii includes two major ecotypes found in xeric (var. hallii) or mesic (var. fil
148                        Our results show that ecotypes from lower elevations within a species' range c
149 going climate change will likely shift these ecotypes further apart in geographic space, resulting in
150 ce fragments of the Arabidopsis thaliana Ler ecotype genome with the whole genomic sequence of the Co
151 apture techniques using cells from different ecotypes grown in cultures and leaves.
152 o divergence, here we show that the offshore ecotype has higher environmental tolerance and an opport
153 as been described while the existence of two ecotypes has been proposed based on metagenomic data.
154 ay populations of North Pacific killer whale ecotypes have a complex ancestry, confounding the tree-b
155 haracteristic of Rhodopseudomonas, different ecotypes have evolved to take advantage of physical and
156 with the whole genomic sequence of the Col-0 ecotype identified 60 genes with putatively high levels
157 ests of niche similarity revealed that three ecotypes, identified on the basis of neutral genetic mar
158 rriding factor affecting the success of this ecotype in future oceans.
159 hat were more highly expressed in the Ganges ecotype in response to Cd stress.
160 ) fitness components of Eriophorum vaginatum ecotypes in Alaska, where climate change may have alread
161  adaptive divergence between closely related ecotypes in any given clade.
162 n algorithm, which is capable of demarcating ecotypes in data sets with tens of thousands of sequence
163 to characterize responses of the Arabidopsis ecotypes in FACE.
164 on often involves the evolution of divergent ecotypes in response to differences in soil water availa
165 functional HPL open reading frame in the Col ecotype, in vitro HPL activity analyses using either lin
166 pposite thermal response in seeds of the two ecotypes, indicating a role in determining their differe
167 eir expression patterns among 10 Arabidopsis ecotypes indigenous to a range of latitudes.
168         The HR was observed only in the Pi-0 ecotype infected with Xcc strain 8004 expressing AvrBsT.
169 terized the transcriptomic responses of five ecotypes infected with the ancestral and evolved viruses
170        Genome sequences of two Synechococcus ecotypes inhabiting the Octopus Spring microbial mat in
171  accessions are locally adapted, that the SW ecotype is more tolerant of freezing than the IT ecotype
172 ll affect the demographic rates of different ecotypes is critical to predicting shifts in species dis
173     The physiological basis underlying these ecotypes is poorly known.
174 quito Anopheles gambiae is diversifying into ecotypes known as M and S forms.
175 netic GA overdose, including mutants in both ecotypes lacking the DELLA paralogues REPRESSOR OF ga1-3
176 ple mutant was weakly reduced in Arabidopsis ecotype Landberg erecta (Ler) and strongly reduced in th
177 cot model Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) ecotype Landsberg erecta (Ler), in which DELLA function
178 a in abaxial epidermal strips of Arabidopsis ecotype Landsberg erecta closed in response to increasin
179 nits using Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana ecotype Landsberg erecta) suspension culture cells.
180 t systems of the closely related Arabidopsis ecotypes Landsberg erecta (Ler) and Columbia (Col) grown
181  recombinant inbreds (RI) of the A. thaliana ecotypes Ler and Cvi, lines that display strong nucleola
182 ameters is reduced by osmotic stress in both ecotypes, Ler shows a decreased sensitivity to osmotica.
183     Gene expression data for Prochlorococcus ecotypes MED4 and MIT9313 allow users to identify genes
184 sponse in two strains belonging to different ecotypes, MED4 (high-light-adapted) and MIT9313 (low-lig
185 ue that ecotypes, as described by the Stable Ecotype Model, are phylogenetically and ecologically mor
186 s amount ranged from 9.6mg/g of GAE (hottest ecotype, Murca) to 19.4mg/g of GAE (coldest ecotype, Val
187  China turns out to be an "ancient" isolated ecotype not directly contributing to apple domestication
188  variations in delta(13)Corg and palynomorph ecotypes occurred within a context of elevated and incre
189  Alternatively, these species may be extreme ecotypes of a single widespread species (Dodecatheon mea
190                                              Ecotypes of A. thaliana were tested for their ability to
191                                              Ecotypes of Andropogon gerardii from phosphorus-limited
192 ficiency of a mitochondrial site between two ecotypes of Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana), Columbia
193                           Here, we show that ecotypes of Arabidopsis exhibit differences in megasporo
194  the SNP calling using sequence data from 16 ecotypes of Arabidopsis thaliana and found that accuracy
195 o etch potyvirus (TEV) lineages on different ecotypes of Arabidopsis thaliana, and found that some ec
196 discovery of new polymorphic markers between ecotypes of Arabidopsis thaliana.
197      The antioxidant properties of different ecotypes of chestnut nut (cv. Judia) were studied.
198 ive compounds identified in blubber from two ecotypes of common bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncat
199                                        Three ecotypes of killer whale occur in partial sympatry in th
200 t has also been well documented that certain ecotypes of N. caerulescens are much better Cd hyperaccu
201 omparison of the transcriptomes from the two ecotypes of Noccaea caerulescens identified a number of
202                                Fruits of two ecotypes of S. pruinosus, red-fleshed (SpR) and orange-f
203 tic and phenotypic data from beach and creek ecotypes of sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka) in Littl
204 ing ploidy is present across the two primary ecotypes of switchgrass, referred to as upland and lowla
205 irectly assess nutrient stress in high-light ecotypes of the abundant cyanobacterium Prochlorococcus
206 clinal variation between two locally adapted ecotypes of the flat periwinkle, Littorina fabalis.
207 ng of wild-caught surface- and cave-dwelling ecotypes of the neotropical fish Poecilia mexicana to se
208 upland (drought-adapted) and lowland (mesic) ecotypes of the perennial C4 grass,Panicum hallii, in na
209 We reciprocally transplanted lake and stream ecotypes of threespine stickleback into lake and stream
210 cally associated with tropical and temperate ecotypes of weedy rice.
211                                Males of both ecotypes, on the other hand, showed only weak evidence f
212 SNPs have revealed two functionally distinct ecotypes overlapping in the Central Mediterranean, with
213                         Arabidopsis thaliana ecotype Pi-0 is resistant to Pseudomonas syringae pathov
214 ubsist on HMO could demark infant-associated ecotypes potentially adapted to colonize the nursing inf
215 s expressed at different levels in these two ecotypes potentially as a result of these variations in
216  identify ecologically distinct populations (ecotypes) predicted by theory to be species-like fundame
217 oni beans (Phaseolus vulgaris), including 21 ecotypes protected by the European Union with the mark P
218     Taken together, studies on the SW and IT ecotypes provide evidence that natural variation in the
219 ion mutant population of Medicago truncatula ecotype R108 was screened for defects in nodulation and
220 e: survival was highest for the locally rare ecotype, rather than natives.
221  responsible for the maintenance of distinct ecotypes remain unknown.
222                           At least two major ecotypes, represented by MLST clades A and E, were propo
223 ic analysis indicated that each of the known ecotypes represents a strongly supported clade with dive
224                     We identified conserved, ecotype-restricted, non-synonymous SNPs that are predict
225 c variation among North Pacific killer whale ecotypes resulting from multiple colonisation events, an
226 dividuals assortatively mate within the same ecotype, resulting in correlated ecological and genetic
227          A survey of 37 Arabidopsis thaliana ecotypes revealed quantitative, but almost no qualitativ
228  and 4-7 flanking genes in 14-20 A. thaliana ecotypes revealed that two of these loci show other char
229       Here we show that Salicornia europaea (ecotype RN) exhibits a significant increase in biomass a
230                                       In the ecotypes Sei-0 and Di-G, which emit phenylacetaldehyde a
231 of Arabidopsis thaliana, and found that some ecotypes selected for specialist viruses whereas others
232 ce was assembled and aligned to the Columbia ecotype sequence produced by the Arabidopsis Genome Init
233 evel and ESP activity from seven A. thaliana ecotypes showed a positive correlation between the prese
234 oduce QuickES, a new wrapper program for the Ecotype Simulation algorithm, which is capable of demarc
235                                              Ecotype simulation provides a long-needed natural founda
236     We introduce a sequence-based approach ("ecotype simulation") to model the evolutionary dynamics
237               New rice genotypes with either ecotype-specific or broad-spectrum resistance were ident
238                                    There are ecotype-specific signals of selection in functional gene
239 isms distinguishing these genomes, producing ecotype-specific stoichiometric changes in each line.
240 terminal and central PPR motifs that explain ecotype-specific variations in ccmB processing.
241  stress response, appeared to be temperature ecotype-specific, with some of them originating from lat
242                                          The ecotype SsW, that had flesh without color, showed the hi
243                   Using Arabidopsis thaliana ecotype (strain) Col-0, a systematic search identified s
244  truncatula-S. meliloti interactions involve ecotype-strain specificity, as S. meliloti Rm41 and NRG2
245 ulation structure, highly reminiscent of the ecotype structure observed in bacteria and archaeal ecot
246                                      In both ecotypes studied, when all three genes have low expressi
247 of naturally occurring HOCs differed between ecotypes, suggesting more abundant offshore sources of t
248  soil structure than predicted intracellular ecotypes, suggesting that microbial communities subject
249                                              Ecotype Taynuilt-0 (Ty-0) is susceptible to Fusarium oxy
250 B2 transcripts in the Landsberg erecta (Ler) ecotype that code for full-length hydroperoxide lyase (H
251 otype was identified in the Columbia (Col-0) ecotype that necessitates re-evaluation of the general c
252              This group consists of multiple ecotypes that are physiologically and phylogenetically d
253 and that genetic differences between the two ecotypes that condition local adaptation and freezing to
254  resulting in greater niche divergence; (iv) ecotypes that currently exhibit the largest geographic d
255 ntergenera gene exchange while selecting for ecotypes that maintain sympatric speciation.
256 ion polymorphism nonrandomly associated with ecotypes that mate assortatively.
257  sensitive Landsberg erecta (Ler), and other ecotypes that varied in Al tolerance suggested that vari
258  evaluate the antioxidant efficiency of each ecotype, the EC50 values were calculated.
259 rom a cross of Columbia and Landsberg erecta ecotypes, the Arabidopsis genome was scanned for marker-
260 tions in the transcriptomes of the different ecotypes, the perturbations induced by the specialist we
261 amylase assays were assessed; among all bean ecotypes, the tight green seed colour of Verdolino extra
262 tic architecture of divergence between these ecotypes through quantitative trait locus (QTL) mapping.
263 oughout the distribution range, causing this ecotype to evolve in a concerted fashion.
264 yed three Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) ecotypes to examine the oxylipin signature in response t
265 s of the hydrogenase from A. macleodii "deep ecotype", to understand non-canonical ligations of amino
266 megranate jams were prepared from a Tunisian ecotype (Tounsi) with different amounts of sugar (10, 20
267 gy-generating processes of the Synechococcus ecotypes track natural light and O2 conditions, we evalu
268                      The analysis of variant ecotype transcripts that were present in heterografted p
269 to discriminate three "Tropea Red Onion" PGI ecotypes (TrT, TrMC and TrA) from each other and the com
270                               An Arabidopsis ecotype, Ty-0, has reduced xyloglucan O-acetylation due
271 ypes were compared between the Col-0 and Ler ecotypes under conditions of chemical and genetic GA ove
272 ence was identified in 5% of the Arabidopsis ecotypes used in the 1001 genome sequencing project.
273 ges in 10 Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) ecotypes using cold, heat, high-light, salt, and flagell
274  ecotype, Murca) to 19.4mg/g of GAE (coldest ecotype, Valpacos).
275  patterns were associated with greater among-ecotype variation in expression levels, and such variati
276 ntal sulfate, whereas Sarcocornia fruticosa (ecotype VM) does not, instead exhibiting increased sulfa
277                        The 'small-sheltered' ecotype was almost fixed for one haplotype, H1, in popul
278 tmrp1 T-DNA insertion mutants of Arabidopsis ecotypes Wassilewskia and Columbia disclose an MTX-hyper
279 plants of Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) ecotype Wassilewskija growing in long days.
280 osome 4 was replaced by sequences of another ecotype, we show that a major rRNA gene subtype silenced
281  data from the Columbia and Landsberg erecta ecotypes, we have delineated coexpression network module
282  an ecologically distinct lineage; many such ecotypes were confirmed to be ecologically distinct, wit
283                      Predicted extracellular ecotypes were distributed across a greater range of soil
284 associated with sequence disparities between ecotypes were purged from the data.
285  and recognition in Arabidopsis thaliana, 71 ecotypes were screened to identify lines that elicit an
286 among 70 Northern European and Mediterranean ecotypes when grown under ecologically realistic conditi
287 ent gene flow between oceanic and freshwater ecotypes where they co-occur.
288 th Sea, unlike the 'large-moderately exposed ecotype', which segregated for ten different haplotypes.
289 , we describe how the abundance of six known ecotypes, which have small subunit ribosomal RNA sequenc
290 s to have driven killer whales into distinct ecotypes, which may be incipient species or subspecies.
291 ng population genomic data from killer whale ecotypes, which we estimate have globally radiated withi
292 ridization efficiency between cDNAs from one ecotype with probes of another ecotype.
293 he detected cline, however, is found only in ecotypes with alleles of the flowering time gene FRIGIDA
294  expression patterns in seeds of Arabidopsis ecotypes with contrasting life cycles over an annual dor
295 there is natural variation among Arabidopsis ecotypes with respect to the antagonistic cross-talk bet
296 ta group II.A in summer, contained different ecotypes with varying activities.
297 0 yr have revealed populations of sympatric "ecotypes" with discrete prey preferences, morphology, an
298 ics of bacterial populations and to identify ecotypes within a natural community, focusing here on tw
299 L is coincident with one that differentiates ecotypes within M. guttatus, but the larger effect QTL a
300        This approach has identified multiple ecotypes within traditional species, with each predicted

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