


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 quilibrium body temperature of an individual ectotherm.
2 ver broader temperature ranges than tropical ectotherms.
3 e to environmental conditions, especially in ectotherms.
4 that of oxygen consumption in endotherms and ectotherms.
5  mammals, lineages of LMP7 are restricted to ectotherms.
6 d-across geographic ranges of several marine ectotherms.
7 uring cold exposure in this diverse group of ectotherms.
8 being considerably faster in endotherms than ectotherms.
9 ic demands and energy requirements of marine ectotherms.
10 eed the physiological thermal limits of most ectotherms.
11 -visual roles, including thermoregulation in ectotherms.
12  limits among related species of terrestrial ectotherms.
13 lly rather than linearly with temperature in ectotherms.
14 at these results are general for terrestrial ectotherms.
15                                          For ectotherms, a major constraint on activity is environmen
16 Here, we compile thermal-tolerance limits of ectotherms across a wide range of latitudes and elevatio
17    We compare how major groups of vertebrate ectotherms (amphibians) and endotherms (birds) respond t
18 were intermediate to those of endotherms and ectotherms and closest to those of extant mesotherms.
19 ponsible for tuberculosis-like infections in ectotherms and is an occasional opportunistic human path
20 ions that widespread extinctions of tropical ectotherms, and tropical forest lizards in particular, w
21                                         Tiny ectotherms are confined to surfaces and are variously su
22                                              Ectotherms are considered to be particularly vulnerable
23                 Phytoplankton and many other ectotherms are smaller at higher temperatures.
24                                     Tropical ectotherms are thought to be especially vulnerable to cl
25                                           In ectotherms, behaviors that elevate body temperature may
26 n apparent general decrease in body sizes of ectotherms, both across and within taxa, especially in a
27 mergence is widely reported in high-latitude ectotherms, but a significant number of species exhibit
28 tion can set heat tolerance for some aquatic ectotherms, but only at unrealistic lethal temperatures
29 ht to lead to increased immune reactivity in ectotherms, but we found that the effect of temperature
30 ate warming is expected to benefit temperate ectotherms by lengthening the summer growing season, dec
31             Rather, we propose that tropical ectotherms can perform over a narrower range of temperat
32 y the partitioning of the climatic niche, as ectotherms can rely on water availability and thermoregu
33                           In freeze-tolerant ectotherms, cold hardiness is influenced by complex, sea
34                                 How cells in ectotherms cope with the myriad disruptive effects of te
35        In warming climates, however, aquatic ectotherms could experience frequent fluctuations in foo
36 inting, swimming, and jumping performance of ectotherms decreases by at least 33% over a 10 degrees C
37 that cannot regulate their body temperature (ectotherms) depends on their ability to increase the flu
38 n exert strong natural selection on tropical ectotherms, despite their ability to thermoregulate beha
39 evious findings using air temperatures, most ectotherms do not have a physiological thermal-safety ma
40                                              Ectotherms do so by moving to warmer places, hence the t
41                          Both endotherms and ectotherms (e.g., fish) increase their body temperature
42 ure dynamics could provide new insights into ectotherm ecology both now and in response to future cli
43  The model fits metabolic rates of microbes, ectotherms, endotherms (including those in hibernation),
44  trends in temperature variability: tropical ectotherms evolve to be 'thermal specialists' because th
45                                         Many ectotherms exhibit striking latitudinal gradients in lif
46                         Conversely, tropical ectotherms facing dry summers would have fewer opportuni
47 ncubation temperatures for birds and aquatic ectotherms (fish, amphibians, aquatic insects and zoopla
48 ersity of endotherms (birds and mammals) and ectotherms (fishes, amphibians, and reptiles).
49  data on geographic variation in lifespan in ectotherms from around the globe to determine how much o
50                                              Ectotherms from higher latitudes can generally perform o
51 ass in ectotherms resulted in endotherms and ectotherms having the same food consumption.
52                                              Ectotherms, however, do not simply experience mean condi
53 the minimal maintenance metabolic rate of an ectotherm in a post-absorptive and inactive state and ca
54 emperature within species in a wide range of ectotherms in both controlled laboratory experiments and
55                                          For ectotherms, in particular, temperature has a strong infl
56                                         Many ectotherms, including C. elegans, have shorter life span
57         More generally, amphibians and other ectotherms inhabiting alpine or boreal habitats at or ne
58  behind the response is well established for ectotherms inhabiting aquatic environments: as higher te
59 ty in developmental delays that characterize ectotherm life cycles.
60 mpacts of future warming trends on temperate ectotherms' life cycle and population persistence are la
61  a critical adaptation for insects and other ectotherms living in thermally variable environments.
62                                           In ectotherms, longevity is often negatively correlated wit
63                                         Some ectotherms maintain homeostasis via a daily temperature
64 increases in global temperature, lifespan of ectotherms may be substantially shortened in the future.
65 stantially lower oxygen consumption rates of ectotherms of a given body mass relative to those of end
66 stand resource competition, generally, among ectotherms of different sizes.
67                                              Ectotherms often attain smaller body sizes when they dev
68 ical thermal-tolerance limits of terrestrial ectotherms often exceed local air temperatures, implying
69 ion, the winter dormancy that is observed in ectotherms, on memory remains unknown.
70                               Were dinosaurs ectotherms or fast-metabolizing endotherms whose activit
71                                     For many ectotherms, overwintering survival depends on the avoida
72    These results suggest that predictions of ectotherm population viability based on rm may be valid
73 to predict the effects of climate warming on ectotherm population viability.
74 ng population persistence depends on whether ectotherm populations can achieve a stable age/stage dis
75 cting the future of Earth's tiny terrestrial ectotherm populations.
76  predictions, both terrestrial endotherm and ectotherm predators have significantly positive predator
77 ture during development of distantly related ectotherms ranging from the insect Drosophila melanogast
78  assemblages, but especially the tropics and ectotherms remain understudied.
79 ral and internal warmth sensors in this tiny ectotherm reminiscent of thermoregulatory systems in lar
80 wer metabolic rates per gram of body mass in ectotherms resulted in endotherms and ectotherms having
81 ormance curves (TPCs), which quantify how an ectotherm's body temperature (Tb ) affects its performan
82                  However, in many long-lived ectotherms, selection is expected to remain strong at ol
83 threaten tropical ectotherms while temperate ectotherms should resist or even benefit from higher tem
84 ture and rainfall may thus mold gradients of ectotherm size, with consequences for the structure and
85 etermines the upstream extent of the aquatic ectotherm smallmouth bass (Micropterus dolomieu) in two
86 s both confirm and confound expectations for ectotherm species affected by climate warming: an increa
87 cts of future climates on a model vertebrate ectotherm species using a large-scale warming experiment
88                The body temperature of small ectotherms, such as Drosophila, relies on the temperatur
89 ; however, comparable adaptations in aquatic ectotherms, such as fishes, have not been as extensively
90                                   Like other ectotherms, the roundworm Caenorhabditis elegans and the
91                                       Marine ectotherms' thermal tolerance is limited by their abilit
92                      Our models predict that ectotherms thermoregulate more accurately when thermal r
93     To evaluate the capacity of a widespread ectotherm to anticipated environmental changes, we condu
94 restimate the vulnerability of many tropical ectotherms to climate change.
95 ld thus control the vulnerability of aquatic ectotherms to global warming.
96 otherms, we show that the temperature ranges ectotherms tolerate (the difference between lower and up
97 nternal energy to regulate body temperature, ectotherms typically regulate body temperature behaviora
98                                However, many ectotherms use behavioral adjustments to maintain prefer
99 investigating the gut microbial diversity of ectotherms, we lack an understanding of how environmenta
100             Using a dataset spanning diverse ectotherms, we show that the temperature ranges ectother
101                                 Although top ectotherms were heavier than top endotherms at a given t
102  the majority of animals and vertebrates are ectotherms, which often experience fluctuations in body
103 emperatures are particularly challenging for ectotherms, which use both basal thermotolerance and acc
104 obal warming will severely threaten tropical ectotherms while temperate ectotherms should resist or e
105 l model that predicts that infection risk in ectotherms will decrease as the difference between host
106                          Therefore, tropical ectotherms (with warm baseline temperatures) should expe
107 ngs of the American alligator, an amphibious ectotherm without air sacs, which suggests that this pat

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