


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 rons without transduction of parasympathetic efferent neurons.
2 lear hair cells are inhibited by cholinergic efferent neurons.
3 rum and gives rise to a distinctive class of efferent neurons.
4  yields many interneurons and relatively few efferent neurons.
5 es LES motor tone via GBR expressed by vagal efferent neurons.
6 ial lobes, which receive axon collaterals of efferent neurons.
7 ites and respond to transmitters released by efferent neurons.
8 exes that relate to postsynaptic profiles of efferent neurons.
9  is supplied by collaterals from medial lobe efferent neurons and by terminals from the central compl
10      The preponderance of similarities among efferent neurons and elicited motor activity suggests a
11 present in a subpopulation of both brainstem efferent neurons and peripheral vestibular efferent bout
12 s caused by the arrival of the olivocochlear efferent neurons and the resulting competition for synap
13 of neurotrophins in adult vagal afferent and efferent neurons and thus serve as a template to discern
14 abeling experiments revealed that vestibular efferent neurons are located adjacent to, but are not in
15                                              Efferent neurons are uniquely identifiable.
16         CGRP is also expressed in vestibular efferent neurons as well as a number of central vestibul
17 In contrast to CF5 neurons, other classes of efferent neurons (CCI, CCC, CF6) were much less active d
18 In contrast to CF5 neurons, other classes of efferent neurons (CCI, CCC, CF6) were much less active d
19 r, intracellular recordings of mushroom body efferent neurons demonstrate that they respond to multim
20                    Stimulation of vestibular efferent neurons excites calyx and dimorphic (CD) affere
21 rly every vertebrate, cholinergic vestibular efferent neurons give rise to numerous presynaptic varic
22                A new category of "recurrent" efferent neuron has been identified that provides feedba
23 (2) and P2X(4)R-IR in the cell soma of vagal efferent neurones in the DVN following the nerve section
24 en in females, the structure and function of efferent neurons in abdominal ganglia of both sexes were
25 eved to be critical for the function of CCAP efferent neurons in ecdysis.
26 data suggest a potential role for vestibular efferent neurons in modulating the dynamics of the vesti
27 nd Pd5, the only identified cilia-activating efferent neurons in Tritonia.
28 rior crista during electrical stimulation of efferent neurons, in combination with pharmacological pr
29                                        These efferent neurons inhibit inner hair cells, raising the p
30 ATPase is uniquely expressed in afferent and efferent neurons innervating muscle spindles in the peri
31                              DUM neurons are efferent neurons, local interneurons, or intersegmental
32   A bilateral projection from the vestibular efferent neurons, located dorsal to the genu of the faci
33 Cs, and whether ACh, the neurotransmitter of efferent neurons, modulates the stiffness of the cortica
34 f the cochlear amplifier can be modulated by efferent neurons of the medial olivocochlear complex.
35 ities to eurydendroid neurons, the principal efferent neurons of the teleost cerebellum.
36 [125I]-labeled neurotrophins by afferent and efferent neurons of the vagus nerve was determined to pr
37 mit crab, intrinsic neurons and one class of efferent neurons originate from neuronal somata of globu
38                            The clustering of efferent neurons precedes the formation of cholinergic f
39  topography, but they also link afferent and efferent neurons precisely enough that alterations in PC
40 ne the relationship of these varicosities to efferent neurons projecting to the cochlea, olivocochlea
41         Electrical stimulation of vestibular efferent neurons rapidly excites the resting discharge o
42                                              Efferent neurons receive bilateral input and project uni
43 edial lobe where the dendritic trees of some efferent neurons receive inputs from one calyx only.
44                                  In general, efferent neurons respond to a variety of modalities in a
45                              The majority of efferent neurons showed an increase in activity that occ
46  dopamine release from lateral olivocochlear efferent neurons suppresses spontaneous and sound-evoked
47 lla are accompanied by terminals of a second efferent neuron T1, the dendrites of which match NMDAR1-
48                                  Medial lobe efferent neurons terminate in the lateral protocerebrum
49                                              Efferent neurons that are active only during stimulation
50 rons that terminate locally in the cortex on efferent neurons that are equivalent to cerebellar nucle
51 ctive strata are visited by the dendrites of efferent neurons that carry information from the mushroo
52  large ganglion and large fusiform cells are efferent neurons that convey electrosensory information
53           Olivocochlear neurons are auditory efferent neurons that convey information from the brains
54 l glomeruli are each supplied by retinotopic efferent neurons that have restricted dendritic fields i
55                      We recorded from single efferent neurons that innervate the inner ear and latera
56 us of the solitary tract is relayed to vagal efferent neurons that originate from two brain stem nucl
57                                              Efferent neurons that show endogenous activity have dend
58           Cortical afferents excite striatal efferent neurons through activation of N-methyl-D-aspart
59 ared the ability of electroreceptors and ELL efferent neurons to encode the position of moving object
60 hroom bodies demonstrated the sensitivity of efferent neurons to multimodal stimuli.
61 f olfactory (or other) stimuli is relayed by efferent neurons to the lateral protocerebrum where it i
62 arget cell innervation of olivocochlear (OC) efferent neurons was investigated in the postnatal hamst
63                 Regions containing autonomic efferent neurones were predominantly devoid of labelling
64  Cranial nerve motoneurons and octavolateral efferent neurons were aligned to the reticulospinal scaf
65                                              Efferent neurons were double-labeled by the unilateral i
66 extran amine (BDA), but large percentages of efferent neurons were found to be double labeled when us
67                                              Efferent neurons were found with double retrograde trace
68                                              Efferent neurons were labeled via injections of biocytin
69 s to verify the presence of NOS in brainstem efferent neurons were performed in young chinchillas.
70                    In contrast, responses of efferent neurons were relatively unaffected by tail move
71                              Four classes of efferent neurons were studied: corticocortical (CC) neur
72                              Four classes of efferent neurons were studied: descending corticofugal n
73 orphology and physiology of several types of efferent neurons with dendrites in the medial lobes.

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